Words Trickle

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For a year or more writing pens rested

As body's heart jerked to follow new paths

My mind wrestled to deal with new changes

Mind and body fought new inner warpaths

I fled to my porch and new garden beds

Let nature heal wounds and assuage new fear

When my world tilted it took me awhile

To find some balance within my own sphere

While my new journey is still not over

Expect new path to be littered with bumps

But my panic has slowly receded

Hope to conquer new challenges that thump

There's not much to do in my garden beds

Leaf blankets cover for a winter's sleep

Pen and paper have been calling to me

A whisper of words rise from somewhere deep

My old need to write is rising again

Pulling me aside from my current task

Don't question the need; just pick up my pen

Ink words on paper from mind's flowing flask

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