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Nadia's arms buckled under her, her head hit Gadget's chest with an awkward thud.

"Whoa!" she exclaimed.

"Hi." Gadget said, putting a paw behind her head and trying to be funny. 

She hoarsely, and awkwardly, laughed. "Hi...." 

Doctor Kimberly came over. "Good morning, Agent Nadia, I'm glad you're awake." 

"Everything's spinning....." Nadia mumbled.

"You have a very low blood level, Nadia." Kimberly replied.

Gadget laid her down and covered her with the blankets.

Kimberly looked at Gadget, he took a few seconds to notice her. "You do realize what you did was insubordination, right?" 

Gadget nodded. "But she's alive, that's all that matters." He softly kissed Nadia's forehead, and her placing a paw on the back of his neck. Gadget bent down next to Nadia's head, and they cooed softly to each other. 

"You're gonna have to fight in the war, rookie." Knuckles reminded. 

"I know."

"I'll fight too...." Nadia slurred.

"No." Knuckles ordered before Gadget could. "You nearly died two weeks ago and now you can't even talk right, no."

"Two weeks? It's been two weeks since Operation Big Wave?" Nadia mumbled to Gadget, hardly audible.


"Are we still losing the war? Is Infinite still killing our troops?" 

Knuckles looked at Gadget. "Go on. You tell her." Knuckles smiled. 

"Infinite's in jail, Nadia. He can't kill us anymore, we might win the war!" Gadget's mental monitor blinked a bright pink color very rapidly. 

Knuckles looked at Doctor Kimberly.

"What does that mean?"

"It means, Nadia is healing his depression!" 

Nadia filled with hope at Gadget's statement. "We could win back Mobius?" Nadia's weak voice whispered with newfound hope. 

Gadget nodded and hugged her, Nadia tightly wrapped her arms around Gadget and relieved, joyful tears ran down her face, lightly laughing.

Once they were done hugging, Nadia noticed that her body was covered in nothing but bandages, she blushed upon re-noticing Gadget's glance, suddenly feeling vulnerable towards him.

He caught her gaze and read her emotions quickly, face dropping as he realised 'Oh' and stepped back; mouthing 'I'm not looking...' He hid his face in the curtains to show her that he valued her.

Kimberly left the room, then promptly returned with a hospital gown for Nadia then looked at Gadget.

"I need you to help me with her.... I can't hold her and have her put this on." 

Gadget seemed to hesitate, he didn't want Nadia to feel invaded. 

Nadia looked at him, but slightly hid more under the covers.

"I... I don't know...."

"I know this is a bit uncomfortable for you both, but I did not ask." 

Gadget nodded, slightly cringing at the awkward situation, then took the dull, light green gown from Kimberly. He helped her get the gown on, Nadia seemed to relax afterwards.

"Thanks." Nadia's soft voice crackled.


She groaned and touched the left side of her neck, Gadget gently ran his paw down the area. "It hurts, more than all the other injuries." 

"You could see the bone there after the Battle of the 80%, it looked like it hurt." Gadget softly said. 

She touched his right paw before taking it into her hand and brushing her fingers over where his fingers met his claws.

"What happened?" She strained to add tone to her hardly audible voice.

"I'm not sure. But I'm fine." Gadget tried to soothe her, hardly succeeding.

"Does it hurt?" She pressed, though it didn't seem like pressing on, she just seemed worried. She put pressure on the area, Gadget winced and let out a muffled cry of pain.

"When you do that it does." Gadget said with teeth clenched in pain. 

Nadia let go of his paw. "Sorry...." 

Gadget softly kissed her cheek, kiss blending into a nuzzle. "It's alright Nadia, it's alright." 

She nuzzled him back, just as deeply as he did. 

Knuckles motioned for Gadget to come over to him.

"I'll be right back Nadia."

"I know you will...."

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