Struggle in Mid-Air

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"Sweet decimated Mobius, let me go!" Gadget screamed at no one. He struggled, the chains kept him in place. He bit the air and lashed his claws, despite the fact that they were bandaged, and beginning to stiffen as the blood dried.

 One of the falcons that were flying the transporter, a deep blue male, felt the shifts behind him and turned around. "Uhhh, boss?" 

"Yes, Gust?" Knuckles asked, tense from the events concerning Gadget Wolf. He sat in a chamber that was behind the one that Gadget was in, just in case he needed to assist anyone with the wolf.

"The wolf, Gadget, he's lashing out." 

"Oh, sweet Mobius...." Knuckles muttered. He pulled the fabric separating him and Gadget apart, the wolf was enraged and in a losing battle to escape. Knuckles climbed through the chambers and was instantly kicked in the face, warranting Gadget's foot to be held down to the ground, enraging him even more. 

"Let me go! Let me go! You can't keep me from her!" Gadget was no longer in his right mind, sanity crumbling right in front of the commander, miles above ground.

 Knuckles eyes shrunk in shock as he processed Gadget's behavior. "He's gonna turn the whole thing over!" Knuckles turned his head back towards the additional cabin, and the few officers and soldiers looked towards the rebel commander. "Hurry! Someone grab a sedative! A potent one if you can!" 

A few of the officers looked unsure at the request, mentally questioning if sedating an obviously traumatized soldier was humane. 

Adalia, who had tagged along, grabbed a needle and gripped it tightly, events flashing though the agent's mind. "One thing you learn in the Resistance, you don't question the commander!" She looked up and quickly tossed the sedative across the transporter.

Once Knuckles received it, he held down Gadget's legs, took off the needle's cover and injected the solution into the back of the wolf's lower left leg. 

The young wolf howled in fury, then passed out without a chance for the sedative to calm his emotions. 

Knuckles placed a hand on Gadget's ankle, it wasn't pretty, none of it was pretty, but it had to happen. Now the wolf could get the medical, and psychological, care he needed.

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