Struggling to Cope With the Past and Present

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As the days went by, Gadget started acting off. He became overprotective of Nadia, which was understandable, but he snarled every time he heard footsteps, his snarling becoming vicious when someone knocked. 

This might have been because of one new recruit, who didn't fight in the bloody battle against Infinite. He thought the other soldiers, who did fight against Infinite and lost most of their comrades, should lighten up. What the new recruit overlooked however, was that the whole of the Resistance was still on edge after the devastation of Operation Big Wave's failure and suffered from deep mental scars. 

When the new soldier attempted to cheer up Gadget, strictly against Commander Knuckles' orders, he accidentally provoked the now mentally ill soldier, which led to Gadget attacking the new rookie, gut instinct believing him to be Infinite, whiiich led to Commander Knuckles yelling at both of them.

 "Gadget, I know Nadia's injured, but you can't attack a soldier for coming in the room!"

"I thought he was Infinite! He startled me!" Gadget pointed at the new rookie, highly agitated. 

"Everyone cool it!" Sonic yelled. All of the battle commanders: Sonic, Knuckles, Amy, Silver and others, were attending the scene, to have some level heads. 

"You needed to lighted up! Why would you think anyone who walked in the door was a specific person?!" 

"We're at war! Infinite just slaughtered eighty percent of our troops! My teammates died protecting the whole of Mobius!" Gadget roared at the top of his lungs, voice in a deep snarl, and tears forming at the memory of his fallen teammates.

 "Everyone settle down!" Amy Rose screamed, Silver helping project the sound. 

Knuckles sighed and shook his head. He placed a gentle hand on Gadget's shoulder, who was now of the verge of sobbing. The eighteen year old soldier was shaking violently as his breaths became heavy with indescribable pain. After a few moments trying to provide some comfort to Gadget, Knuckles walked back to the other admins and conversed.

 "Alright, Gadget, you can go." Commander Knuckles ruled. 

Gadget looked up, dried his wet eyes with his paws, saluted and walked back to the ICU. 

"Why him? Why can't I go?!" the new recruit yelled.

"Because you invaded an ICU room without the permission of the nurses or the people inside and disrupted the peace of a emotionally hurting soldier who just wanted to spend some time with the girl he loves who nearly died during the same battle where Infinite killed 80% of all our troops!" Knuckles had lost his cool. 

"You are dismissed, one more infraction and you will leave the Resistance." Amy took over for Knuckles, who had anger steam coming out of his ears. 

The new rookie nodded and ran off.

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