The Infinite in Gadget

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Gadget arrived back at the Rookiez bunkhouse with mixed feelings. 

The girl he loved wasn't any better, and all the other soldiers with injuries similar to her had already succumbed to them and passed away, residing eternally in the afterlife. 

He emotionally just hurt. That's the only word he could think of to describe how he felt. 


He felt like there was a dagger in his chest that Infinite had stabbed him with, but that he couldn't get back out. His mind swirled with aching thought as it quickly became a muddled mess of blood red and tear blue. 

"Gadget! You're back!" one of the other agents cried, attempting to hug him. They wore a metal band that wrapped around their head, with lights equally distanced around the band, and the lights flickered yellow in between longer, more substantial, flashes of red and blue, the same colors that filled Gadget's mind. 

Gadget shoved them away. 

"Is Nadia ok?" 

Gadget shook his head. 

"Is she dead?" 

Gadget snarled under his breath, trying not to cry at the thought of her possible death.  "No." Gadget gathered his fighting gear and strapped his wispon to his back.

 "Dude, we're not getting ready to fight." Gadget's good friend, Tussle the Falcon tried to call out to his friend by touching his shoulder, stunned that the red wolf seemed to be on autopilot. 

"You're not." Gadget snarled, seeming all teeth as he yanked his shoulder away from Tussle, he was more broken and shattered than the rest of them. His ears seemed to become part of his head as they continued to flatten past the furthest comprehensible point. Something in him decided to pull the Burst Wispon off his back.

Tussle's expression was nothing but worry and pain for his friend, not only did Gadget watch 80% of The Resistance die, he watched Nadia bleed half to death! Tussle lowered his wing. Gadget's outburst hurt his heart. 

A female Rookiez agent gasped, knowing the fate of certain death that awaited anyone who attempted the implied action.  "You're not going to fight Infinite by yourself are you?" 

Gadget's wispon slapped against his hand as his teeth bared, completely fueled by anger, and refusing to be concealed.

 "For Nadia.... oh yes I am." he snarled with a violent obsession to destroy Infinite in the names of the soldiers already slaughtered. 

Everyone was so focused on Gadget's sudden spurt of reckless bravery that they didn't notice the fury and hatred in his words, promising death, pain, misery, and the very thing he was fighting against: 


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