Chapter 1: Departure

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P.O.V. [Name]

I sighed as I continued to pack the little that I had. I didn't want to take to much, it'd just slow me down, and I didn't take anything that could be replaced so at the moment my toothbrush and other hygienic items are staying here. I just get some new ones when I arrive at Vale. I then heard the door behind me open and I tensed up slightly. I had planned to do this in secret so I hadn't told anyone what I was doing. I then slowly turned to see who was behind me and saw my mother looking at me. Of course, out of all the people that could have seen me doing this it had to be her. "I see the rumors about you are true," She said as she walked over to me carrying her mask as she did so. I didn't say anything hearing this, mainly because I wasn't sure what to say in this situation.

It was hard to stare at her with her deep crimson eyes glaring daggers at me. She had already caught me so there was no point in trying to cover up what I was doing, and I already had a plan for after I left. I was going to go to Vale and try to find Ozpin. He seemed like the best candidate for trying to take down Salem, Lionheart was terrified of Salem so there was no question that he'd turn tail in a heartbeat if he thought he could save his own sorry hide. Then Ironwood was efficient but I don't think he understands the full extent of Salem's power. Then from what I heard the headmaster of Shade academy most likely wouldn't listen to me because I was a Branwen. I can't say I exactly blame him for that after all my mother has left less than a desirable reputation for me and the others.

"I can't state just how disappointed I am in you. My own son, turning his back on the tribe without so much as a moment of hesitation," She said as she looked at me. I gritted my teeth hearing this and continued to pack my things.

"Like you have any room to talk about betrayal," I said as I continued to gather a few more supplies that I thought I'd need. She was quiet for a few moments hearing this and looked at me.

"You are aware that as soon as you leave that you won't be able to return right? There won't be anywhere for you to go once they realize just who you are," She said trying to discourage me. I scoffed hearing this and rolled my eyes, not that she could see me do this.

"Of course I know, and despite what you think I'm sure I'll be able to live just as well there as I am here," I said as I finished packing the few things I had left. I then stood up and began to walk towards the exit. "What about him?" She asked bringing me to a stop. "If you live he's going to come after you, and you and I both know you're not strong enough to defeat him, and I doubt whatever friends that you manage to make will do you any good against him as well," She said looking at me. I gritted my teeth hearing this, as much as I hated to admit it, she's right.

He's a monster and I'm not nearly strong enough to defeat him, especially if what he did last time was any indicator of what he's capable of. Then I don't think anyone stands a chance against him. "Hearing that you defected from the Branwen tribe would not only make you our enemy but it would make you a major target for him as well," She said as she looked at me. I gritted my teeth hearing this and looked at her.

"At least if he comes to try and fight me I'll actually fight him instead of turning tail and running away like a coward," I said as I looked at her. She seemed hearing this before she sighed and put on her mask.

"If that's what you want," She said as she looked at me through her mask. "Then I suggest you leave before the others hear about what you're doing. I don't think they'll give you the same kindness as me," She said as she walked out of the room. I sighed hearing this and walked out of my room and began to walk towards the exit. It was night so there weren't that many people out, and those that were wondering the streets were far to busy to pay me any mind. When I walked out of the border of the tribe I suddenly felt much more nervous about what I was doing.

I already had a plan and as long as I wasn't arrogant with what I was doing I'm certain that I'll be fine. So why am I so nervous about leaving now? I guess it was just the actual act of leaving that made me nervous. After a few days of walking, I managed to arrive in Vale, I knew it was past time for the exam into Beacon but I was still holding out hope that Ozpin would be will to work with me to some extent. From what I had been told Beacon was a lot taller than every other building in Vale so it should be easy to find. However, at the moment, all the buildings look more or less the same to me, after a few more minutes of walking I saw a large building that towered over the rest. There was no mistaking it, that was definitely Beacon Academy.

I walked into the building and began to look around, I think it was fairly obvious that I didn't know where I was because someone approached me within a few minutes. Given they seemed to be much older than me, they were definitely a teacher. "Can I help you?" She asked as she looked at me.

"Yes, I'd like to speak to the headmaster," I said as I looked at the female in front of me. She nodded hearing this and began to walk down the halls.

"Follow me," She said as she made a gesture with her hands to suggest that she wanted me to follow her. After a few minutes of walking, we reached the room that seemed to be a bit bigger than the others. "He'll be in here," The female said as she looked at me. I nodded hearing this and she began to walk away. I then took a deep breath and sighed as I looked at the door in front of me. I then opened the door and saw a male with silver hair and brown eyes sitting at a desk. He also had a cup of coffee beside him. After hearing me enter he looked up and sighed as he looked at me.

"May I help you?" He asked as he looked at me.

"I came here to talk," I said as I looked at the male in front of me. He was quiet hearing this and gestured to the seat across from her.

"Take a seat," he said as he looked at me. I nodded hearing this and walked over to the chair sitting in it. "So, how can I be of assistance," Ozpin asked as he looked at me. A bit nervous I took a deep breath and sighed.

"To put it simply I'd like to join you," I said as he looked at the male in front of me. He seemed a bit confused hearing this sighed.

"I'm sorry but the exam for joining was last month, and it simply wouldn't be fair to the others for me to make an acceptation-" He began and I sighed, I guess he really doesn't know who I am. Can't say I blame him, we've never met in person after all.

"No, not about that," I said cutting him off. "I mean I want to join your side in the fight against Salem," I said as I looked at him when I said this he was shocked for a moment before he smiled.

"I see, how rude of me," He said as he took another drink from his cup. "After all you look so much like your mother. I honestly should have realized sooner," Ozpin said as he set his cup to the side and leaned forward to look at me as if he were interested in what I had to say. "So what brings you to my side? Why betray your own mother when it comes to something like this?" He asked as he looked at me.

"Because she's a coward," I answered honestly. "Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we should try to fight Salem head on. In fact, that would most likely be a suicide mission. However I can see it now, my mother isn't going to act until it's far too late to do so. Following her is more or less agreeing to my own demise," I said as I looked at him. I knew I'd have to explain myself to him otherwise he wouldn't believe me.

"I see, so why me? Why not general Ironwood, or Lionheart?" He asked as he looked at me.

"Lionheart is an even worse coward than my mother. I'd also suggest watching him if I were you. Something tells me he wouldn't have a problem selling you or any of the others out if it meant he could ensure his own safety. As for Ironwood, his military is strong but at the same time, he's far too arrogant to see just how much of a threat what we're dealing with is," I said as I looked at the male in front of me. Ozpin nodded hearing this and leaned back in his chair once again reaching for his coffee. I then heard the door open and heard some footsteps behind me.

"Hey Oz, I'm back and with some bad news," I heard a strangely familiar voice say. I then turned to see who was behind me and saw Qrow walking towards me. He seemed shocked seeing me at first, however, it quickly changed to a more disgusted expression. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your mother?" Qrow asked as he looked at me.

"He's come to join us in our endeavor," Ozpin said as he looked at the male.

"Oh, you finally decided to take that advice I offered you to heart," Qrow said as he looked at me. "Well good for you, trust me when I say that your mother was a bad influence and was leading you down the wrong path," Qrow said as he reached for me, I leaned back out of caution and he sighed. "Still don't trust me huh? Well can't say I blame you," he said as he reached into his jacket and pulled out a flask. After he took a long drink he put the flask away and looked at Ozpin. "So as I was saying it seems like we've lost another one," Qrow said as he looked at the male in front of him.

"I see," Ozpin said showing a mild amount of distress before he once again reached for his cup. "You wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you?" Ozpin asked as he took another sip of his drink.

"No, but if I had to take a guess it's probably the work of Salem. Recently a lot of our best warriors have also gone missing, and it wasn't over time either. It's like all of sudden out of nowhere they just began to start dropping like flies," I said as I looked at the male in front of me. Ozpin nodded hearing this and opened one of his draws before he reached into it and pulled out a small application.

"Seems like I'll be forced to make an acceptation for you. Just fill this out so we can get your information into the system," Ozpin said as he looked at me. I nodded hearing this and began to look over what he wanted to know. It seemed to be a fairly simple form in all honesty but then again this general bit of information could help them out greatly if I ever decided to betray them like I did with my mother. I then reached for a pencil and began to fill out the form.

"This will also be a good opportunity for you to bond with your sisters," I tensed up hearing this and accidentally snapped the pencil I was using. "Well maybe not bond, but it'll at least be a good chance for you to at least meet them," Qrow said seeing my reaction.

"I . . . I didn't realize that they'd be here," I said as I looked at the paper in front of me.

"Of course they are, they were raised by Tai after all and while I admittedly wasn't there as much as Tai was I still helped train them. So, of course, we both pushed for them to join Beacon, and Oz over there even let Ruby skip a few grades after seeing her fight," Qrow said as he looked at me. I nodded hearing this and sighed. Ozpin then began to reach towards a small cup that had several pencils and I shook my head. "I was finished anyway," I said as I slid the paper over to him. The male nodded hearing this and folded the piece of paper, "I'll get you into our system as soon as possible," Ozpin said as he reached to the side to press a small button. "Glynda if you'd be so kind, I have a new student in my office and I'd like you to get a few uniforms for him," Ozpin said as he looked at the small device.

"Okay," I heard a female voice say from the other side and I looked up at the male. Ozpin then reached into another one of his draws and tossed me a small set of keys.

"That's from one of the dorms that we had left over. You should be happy since we don't have a team for you at the moment, you get the dorm all to yourself," Ozpin said as he looked at me. I nodded hearing this and picked the key up and began to walk to the door stopping myself for a moment to look at Qrow.

"Oh, and before I forget, do me a favor and don't mention who I am to them," I said as I looked at Qrow much to his confusion. "I want to try and bond with them but I think that it'd be best to wait for that. After all, I can't imagine they're going to react well to me just approaching them and introducing myself as their brother. I think it'd be best if they had a good opinion of me before I told them," I said as I looked at the male in front of me.

Qrow nodded hearing this "You don't have to worry about that, chances are Ozpin wants me to try and find someone else. So I most likely won't be here very long. I hadn't even planned on telling the two that I was here," Qrow said as he looked at me. I nodded hearing this and walked out of the room. I then looked at the key that Ozpin had given me and saw a 7F engraved into the key. I can only imagine that it's the number of the room I'll be staying in. I then sighed and began to look at the ceiling as I walked down the halls. If my sisters are here then I can only imagine that it'll only take a few weeks at most before I meet them. I've never met either of them, but I know that the older of the two is my twin sister.

I'm not sure what she looks like but if she's anything like me then she probably looks like our mom. Then again what if she doesn't take after our mom, and looks like our dad? Then again there's always the chance that she looks like both of them. I've never met our father so I don't know what he looks like but I do know what my sisters' name is. So that's something at least, I sighed as several different thoughts continued to race through my mind distracting me. I was so distracted by my thoughts that I hadn't seen the female that had been walking towards me until it was too late. I ran into her and fell back slightly managing to catch myself before I hit the ground. Whomever I ran into had to be incredibly strong because I hadn't even felt them budge when I did. "Oh sorry about that," I heard a female voice say as I looked up at the figure in front of me. She offered me one of her hands with a kind smile "I was talking to my sis, and got a bit distracted," She said with a warm smile.

"It's fine," I said as I reached for her hand and let her help me off the ground. "I wasn't exactly paying attention either," I said as I looked at the female in front of me. She smiled hearing and took the hand that she was already holding and shook it.

"Well, in that case, I'm Yang," The blonde that I now knew was called Yang said as she looked at me. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, she looks just like mom. Well if mom was younger, dyed her hair blonde, and managed to change her eye color somehow. Other than that she's the spitting image of mom!

I smiled as I reached for the female's hand. "Nice to meet you, I'm [Name]," I said as I looked at the female in front of me.

"Awesome, we were just on our way to the training ground. Want to join?" Yang asked as she looked at me. I smiled hearing this and nodded as she smiled slightly. "Great," Yang said as she began to walk down the halls of Beacon. I hadn't planned on running into her so soon, but now that I had. I should at least try to make a good impression before I tell her that I'm her brother.

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