Chapter 10: Strength

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P.O.V. [Name]

I sighed as I woke up early, over the past few days I couldn't stop thinking about what happened. I think I actually might be in love with Pyrrha. I covered part of my face a bit embarrassed as I slowly rose from my bed. I can't believe this is happening, what do I do? I've never been in a relationship before, I've never gone on a date before let alone kissed someone! How am I supposed to be a boyfriend, when I don't know the first thing about making others happy!

I had hoped that my feelings were nothing more than me getting a little flustered from how embarrassing yesterday was. However I still feel a bit of feelings for Pyrrha so I don't think that's the case. I continued to cover my face more than embarrassed about what had happened. When I did I turned to look at Ayuri, she's been friends with Pyrrha for a while. Maybe I could ask her what I should do. 

Ayuri let out a tired yawn as she stretched before looking at me. "Good morning," She said with a slight smile. I smiled hearing this and rose from my bed. 

"Good morning," I said as I walked over to one of the dressers in the room. I gathered the clothes that I was going to wear for the day and walked towards the small bathroom that we shared. I quickly changed and went through my morning routine before I walked back into our dorm. When I did I saw that Ayuri had already changed and she walked into the bathroom. She closed the door behind her and I heard some water running. 

I sighed as I looked at the ceiling, today was one of the few days that we had off. So at the moment I wasn't sure of what to do. After some time had passed Ayuri walked out of the room and I looked at her. "Hey, Ayuri what are you doing today?" I asked as I looked at the female in front of me. 

"I'm going to train with Pyrrha for a bit, then I'm going to my shop," Ayuri said as she looked at me. I nodded hearing this and looked at her. I wanted to ask her if I could join but from what I've seen I don't think I'll be of much help to her. I guess I could join her in running the shop but to be honest she doesn't get a lot of customers so that seems kind of pointless, plus it's a bit boring to stay in the same place doing almost nothing. 

"Okay," I said as I watched her walk towards the door trying to think of something I could do. I then remembered that we had an assignment from Professor Peach that was due soon. I had put off doing it the past few days since we had the dance, but now would probably be a good time to do it. "I'll be in the library if you need me," I said as I began to walk towards the door following the female. 

She nodded hearing this and I shut the door behind me before we began to walk in different directions. As we did I sighed and continued down the halls until reached the library. When I did I began to look through the large collection of books that Beacon had. Our assignment was based on myths and legends so I was hoping that Beacon had something relating to the subject. Luckily for me it seemed like I was right and I began gathering as many books that I thought would help me. 

I began to read over each of them writing down any answers that I saw as I did. After some time had passed I heard someone walking towards me and stop behind me. "Hello," I heard a familiar voice chime behind me. When I did I turned without thinking and when I did I felt my face heat up slightly seeing Pyrrha staring at me. "Mind if I study with you?" She asked as she looked at me. 

"N-Not at all," I said trying to regain my composure. Pyrrha smiled hearing this and took a seat across from me and smiled as she sat down. She then opened a book and began to look through it like I was doing. As we continued Pyrrha suddenly looked up at me with a smile. 

"What's your favorite fairy tale?" Pyrrha asked as she looked at me. I was a bit confused hearing this and looked at her. 

"My favorite fairy tale?" I asked as I looked at her, and I earned a nod in return. I must have looked confused because before I could answer Pyrrha explained what she meant. 

"I think my favorite is the story of the four maidens," Pyrrha said as she looked at me. I smiled slightly hearing this now understanding what she meant. However that's far more than just a fairy tale . . . but at the moment she doesn't need to know that. 

"I see," I said now understanding what she meant. "I remember hearing that story a few times from my mother," I said as I looked at Pyrrha. "But I think my personal favorite would have to be the tale of the Sion," I said as I looked at the female in front of me. When I said this she seemed a bit confused. 

"I've never heard that one before," She said as she looked at me before leaning forward. "Mind telling me?" Pyrrha asked with a smile as she looked at me. I sighed hearing this and looked at her. 

"It's really long, just like the tale of the four maidens so I don't think we have time for the whole thing. But I will give you the short version," I said as I looked at her. Pyrrha smiled hearing this and nodded before she began to lean forward showing that she was listening to what I was saying. I smiled slightly hearing this and took a breathe as I looked at her. 

"So, the story goes that the two gods created a being known as the Sion who embodied free will. They sent him to Remnant to help protect humanity while they were still in their early stages of life, however he became an evil, tyrannical, over-oppressive king. So the gods create a great beast to bind him with chains so that he would do his job. However the beast waits until the Sion grows older so that it can fight him on equal footing. The two fight and instead of killing each other they become friends, and the Sion begins to change with the help of his friend becoming a better king for his people. The two go on many adventures together however the beast dies and the Sion begins to grieve for his lost friend. So in memory of his friend the Sion decided to pass on his power to someone from the next generation, then when he died the power was once again passed to someone from the next generation," I said as I looked at her. 

Pyrrha smiled hearing this looked at me. "That sounds interesting, you'll have to tell me the long version some time," Pyrrha said with a smile, I chuckled slightly hearing this and nodded. 

"Yeah, the actual story's a lot more interesting than what I told you. It's said that the power from every generation goes to the one who needs it the most. The one person who need the ability to act on their own accord more than anyone else," I said as I looked at the female in front of me. 

"I see, well it's an interesting story nonetheless," Pyrrha said with a smile, I nodded hearing this and thought about the story. I had cut out a lot of what happened.

"Yeah," I said more to myself than her before looking up her. "I think the only reason I liked it as a kid was because my mother told it to me so often. I think she was trying to instill her values onto me. Such as being strong, and ruling firmly that way when it was my turn to take over the tribe I'd know what to do," I said as I looked at Pyrrha. However as soon as I said this I once again tensed up realizing my mistake. 

I had once again mentioned my tribe. Pyrrha smiled at me hearing this and looked down at my paper. It seemed like she didn't notice what I had said . . . no she definitely heard me . . . maybe she noticed how uncomfortable I was last time and just didn't want to push the subject. She truly is a kind person. Pyrrha then turned her attention to my paper and I sighed as I looked down at it. 

"Oh I remember that assignment, I turned it in before I went shopping for a dress with the two of you," Pyrrha said as she looked at me. 

"Really?" I asked as I looked at the red haired female in front of me and she nodded. 

"You know, if you want I could help you with it," Pyrrha said as she looked at me. 

"Yeah, that'd be great," I said with a smile hearing this. Pyrrha smiled hearing this and began to walk towards me. She stopped when she reached my side of the table and moved much closer to me to look at the paper. I felt my face heat up when she did as her hair accidentally waved in my face. I could smell her, her scent was strong and for whatever reason felt a bit hot. I tried to calm myself and pushed her hair out of my face before looking at the paper. 

"Well this question should be fairly easy to answer," Pyrrha said as she pointed to one of the questions on the piece of paper. "I doubt you'll even need to read the story to answer it," Pyrrha said as she looked at me. When she said this I looked at the question and realized that she was right. It was a fairly question that anyone could answer as long as they had heard the story at least once. I can't believe I had overlooked something as simple as that. 

"Yeah," I said as I began to write down the answer and Pyrrha smiled before she once again began to read over the questions. "Oh," She said as she seemed to come to one that she knew the answer to. She leaned forward slightly to look at the book that I had been reading. When she did her hair once again brush across my face and I once again found myself admiring her scent. "What page are you on?" Pyrrha asked once again bringing me back to reality. 

When she did I leaned forward and looked at the book I was reading. Without needing me to answer she smiled and turned to look at me. "That's good, you're close to finding the answer to this one," Pyrrha said as she looked at me. I smiled nervously hearing this and she leaned back. "I'll let you find the answer to that one on your own," Pyrrha said as she stood up and began to walk away. 

"I'll be back in a minute, I'm going to get a magazine to read," Pyrrha said as she looked at me. I nodded hearing this and began to read the book in front of me. However it was useless, all that filled my mind while did was Pyrrha. I know we danced with each other but . . . that didn't mean anything did it? I mean we held hands on the way back to her dorm but that was it we didn't kiss or anything! or at least . . . I didn't kiss her. 

I felt my face once again hear up thinking about the kiss she had given me and reached up to touch my cheek. Great! Now I'm blushing for an entirely different reason! I buried my face in the book realizing this and almost immediately sat back up before taking a deep breath. Calm down, it's just Pyrrha. I'm sure she's already forgotten about that. I then heard some footsteps approaching me and turned to see Pyrrha walking towards me. 

She was carrying a few magazines, most likely so she could read something as well while I was looking for the answers. She sat beside me with placing the magazines beside her. However one in the stack almost immediately caught my attention. A small magazine titled "five ways to make him want you". Maybe she hadn't forgotten about what she had done. I once again felt my face heat up hearing this and Pyrrha turned to look at me. 

"Oh I wouldn't worry about these. Most of them are for girls so I doubt you'd be interested in them," Pyrrha said as she looked at me, I felt my face heat up even more realizing that I had been staring at her and turned to look at the book in front of me. 

"R-right," I said once again trying to calm myself. I once again began to look over the book, however like before Pyrrha was once again occupying my thoughts so by the time I finished a page I realized that I hadn't been paying attention and I had to restart the page. I don't think I should try and suppress these feelings, from what I've heard that can only cause more problems. However with us seeing each other on a daily basis I don't think they're going to just fade away either. 

Which meant that if I wanted this to stop I'd have to explore the option of being with her. I once again felt my face heat up as I thought about what it would be like to be together with Pyrrha. Then again . . . if I do start going out with her then . . . it's only a matter of time before King notices and he tried to attack her just to spite me. 

If I want to go out with her then I'll need to get stronger first. I had been so focused on my thoughts that I hadn't realized that I had already written down the answer to several questions that were on the paper. I turned to look at Pyrrha and she was reading the magazine that I had spotted in the pile earlier. She seemed to be more than invested in what she was reading and she would occasionally steal glances at me. 

I felt my face once again heat up seeing this and reached for one of the other books that I had gathered. When I did Pyrrha seemed to noticed and reached forward to stop me. "No, it's okay that story isn't on the assignment . . . I guess you could read it if you want but it'd probably be better if you waited until you finished the assignment," Pyrrha said as she looked at me. 

I nodded hearing this and watched as she looked around before handing me another book. "Here this one will help," Pyrrha said as she looked at me. I nodded hearing this and began to read the book. Pyrrha . . . she truly is an amazing person, she's kind, strong, not to mention beautiful. But . . . I doubt even she could stand up to a monster like King. . . yeah, if I want to date her I'll definitely have to get stronger. 

I then tensed up as an idea came to mind. My mom . . . she might help me get stronger. However I may want to hide the reason as to why, after all she had told me my entire life not to fall in love with anyone. That in the end they would end up being nothing more than a hinderance. So the idea of helping me get stronger so I can protect someone that I fell in love with might not make her very happy. 

I sighed thinking about this and looked up at Pyrrha, I want to tell her how I feel. She deserves to know how I feel. But I can't . . . or at least . . . not yet. I once again turned to the paper I had and noticed that I had finished what I was doing. I smiled realizing this and turned to look at Pyrrha. "Thanks Pyrrha," I said with a smile as I looked at her. When I said this Pyrrha looked up from her magazine to look at me. "I really appreciated your help," I said with a smile as I looked at the female. 

Pyrrha smiled a bit embarrassed hearing this and I saw a slight blush form on her face. "O-of course, I'm happy to help," Pyrrha said as she looked at me. I smiled hearing this and stood up. "Thanks, I'm going to go check on Ruby and see how her training is going. Do you want to come?" I asked as I looked at the female in front of me. Pyrrha smiled slightly and nodded as she began to follow me. 

I picked up the books that I had gathered before we left and placed them on the cart that you were supposed to place books you had gotten and forgotten where they went. After I did this we left the library. However as we did I thought of something and turned to look at the female beside me. "Come to think of it, why were you in the library Pyrrha?" I asked as I looked at the female in front of me. 

When I said this I saw Pyrrha tense up and her face once again broke out into a small blush. "I uh . . . no reason I guess, it had just been a while was all, and I wanted to see if they had changed anything," Pyrrha said as she looked at me. She sounded extremely nervous and her explanation sounded less like she was stating a fact and more like she was offering it to me. As if she was a bit unsure of what she had just said. Did . . . did she come just to see me. 

I felt my face heat up on this realization and began to smile slightly. "I see," I said as I looked at her. "Well then I'm happy you happened to be passing by," I said as I looked at the female in front of me. Pyrrha seemed to relax a bit hearing this and we continued towards Ozpin's office. I had been told that's where he was training Ruby since any other location in Beacon would have been to obvious. 

When we reached the room I smiled and stopped as I turned to look at Pyrrha. "Go ahead, there's something I need to do first," I said as I looked at her with a smile, Pyrrha seemed a bit confused hearing this but walked into the room nonetheless. I watched as she shut the door behind her and listened for a few seconds to make sure that she was out of earshot. I sighed when I thought she was gone and I reached into my pocket to pull out my scroll. 

I looked through it for a few seconds before I found the person I wanted to call. I stared at the picture of my mother for close to a minute before I finally began to call her. I waited for several seconds. I waited nervously for her to pick up however part of me hoped that she didn't. I heard a click and saw a line appear across the screen showing that she had answered the call. "You're either incredibly brave or incredibly stupid. Calling me after what you did," I heard my mom's voice say from the small device. 

I sighed hearing this, that had more or less been the answer I was expecting but even so it didn't make hearing it any easier. I took a deep breathe as I thought about what I was about to say. "Hey mom, I uh . . . I have a favor to ask you," I said a bit nervous as I looked at the small device I was holding. 

"Whatever it is, it better be important," She said from the other side of the device. I once again tensed up hearing this and continued looking at the device in front of me. 

"It is," I said as I looked at my scroll and before I could say anything my mom once again began to speak. 

"Well then quit wasting my time and tell me what you want," I heard her say from the other end of the device. I was quiet for a few moments before I once again took a deep breathe and sighed. 

"I . . . I want you to help me become stronger," I said as I looked down at my scroll. She must have been shocked because she was silent for a few moments. 

"You want me . . . to help you . . . become stronger?" She questioned clearly shocked by what I had just said. 

"Yeah," I said as I looked down at my scroll. 

"You do realize just how stupid and risky that is right? You know you can never return to our tribe because of your betrayal and now you call me, the person that you betrayed and ask for my help to become stronger? I want you to think about just how idiotic that is!" Mom said clearly upset by what I had just said. I sighed and was about to end the call. "Then again that is something only a Branwen would think to do," I heard my mom say causing me to stop. 

I swallowed as I looked at the scroll awaiting her answer. Her silence gave me hope since it showed that she was genuinely considering training me more. I heard her sigh and I looked at my scroll. "Fine," I heard her say clearly not happy about the idea. My eyes lit up and I smiled as I looked at the device I was holding. 

"Really? Thanks! I was so worried that you were going to say no. I was afraid that I would have to-" I began only to get cut off by my mother. 

"Shut up," She said clearly irritated with how I was acting. "I will train you, however I will only do so at or near my tribe. I'm sure you remember where the waterfall is, if you're really serious about this then meet me there on your next day off and bring ten premium dust with you," my mom said as the called ended. Despite her rather cold and distant attitude I smiled and not being able to contain my excitement I jumped in place. 

I know why she wanted me to meet her there and why she didn't want to come here. It was because she was afraid of falling into a trap. From what I've gathered Ozpin and the other staff members at Beacon don't really care about her, but I can still see why she'd think this was a trap. She was just being cautious and wanted to make sure that just in case it was a trap that she would be able to call for help if she needed it.

I'm not sure how I'll get there in a day but my next day off isn't for a while so I'll have some time to figure out a way. I opened the door to Ozpin's office still smiling as I did, still clearly incredibly happy with what I had just heard. I saw Ruby in front of Ozpin she was in the air and turned in an attempt to cut off Ozpin's hand which he easily avoided staying in place and letting Ruby continue her assault. I couldn't really fault them for this training since King is confident enough to stay in the same place while fighting. 

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