Chapter 6: Explaining

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P.O.V. [Name] 

I sighed as I slowly started to wake up, I stared at the ceiling that was above me. I was a bit confused seeing this and slowly leaned up only to feel a wave of pain pass through me. I stopped feeling this and looked down to see that most of my chest was covered in bandages. I then remembered what had happened, and reached to lightly touch my chest. When I did I felt another wave of pain pass through me. 

I gritted my teeth feeling this and took my hand away from the wound. I knew it would hurt but I didn't think it would be that bad. I then heard the door beside me open and saw Ayuri walk into the room. "Oh good, you're awake," She said as he walked over to me. 

"Yeah," I said as I struggled to sit up. "How long was I out?" I asked as I looked at Ayuri.

"Not very long, just a day," Ayuri said as she looked at me. I sighed a bit relieved hearing this., however after this I remained quiet. At the moment I wasn't sure what to say to her. "So um . . . who was that? I mean, I wasn't there, but team RWBY told me that when they found you someone else was there with you," Ayuri asked as she looked at me. I sighed hearing this, I knew it was only a matter of time before she asked that. 

"I guess there's no point in lying to you. That was King, he . . . well simply put he wants to kill me." I said as I looked at the female in front of me. 

"Oh," Ayuri said as she looked at me it was fairly obvious that wasn't the answer she was expecting. "Any idea why?" Ayuri asked as she looked at me. I sighed hearing this and nodded. 

"Yeah, I can't say for certain, but I have a pretty good idea why he wants to kill me," I said as I looked at the female. When I said this she smiled and leaned closer to me making it very clear that she wanted to hear what I was about to say. I smiled slightly hearing this, she's handling this a lot better than most people would in her situation. I sighed and looked at her and began to explain the little I knew about King.

"I don't know that much about him to be honest, and what I do know doesn't really help us. But I know that he's the son of someone named Salem. Since I'm here I'm sure you can tell just how powerful he is," I said as I looked at her. Ayuri seemed a bit uncomfortable hearing this and nodded. 

"Yeah," She said as we once again entered a slightly awkward silence. "I don't know what you're capable of but I've seen you train with Pyrrha before. Granted that was just sparring so I doubt either of you were going all out but even so, I'd like to think you're really strong," Ayuri said as she looked at me. 

I smiled slightly hearing this and heard some more footsteps by the entrance to our room. When I turned to see who it was I saw Pyrrha at the entrance holding a few flowers with a card. "Oh you're awake," She said as she looked down at what she was holding. "Well now I just feel silly for getting these," Pyrrha said as she looked at us. 

"Nonsense, they're lovely," Ayuri said as she looked at the redhaired female in front of us. Pyrrha then walked over and placed them in the vase that was by my bed and I smiled. 

"Thanks," I said with a smile as I looked at the female in front of me. She smiled hearing this and nodded as she sat down. 

"So, how are you feeling?" She asked as she looked at me. I smiled hearing this and looked at her. 

"I'm a little sore, but other than that I feel fine . . . or at least I feel fine whenever no one touches me," I said as I looked at her. Pyrrha smiled slightly and nodded hearing this.

"I can only imagine, the doctors said that you were in pretty bad condition. I don't remember everything they said but I recall them saying that several of your ribs had been broken multiple times," Pyrrha said as she looked at me. I chuckled slightly hearing this and looked at the female in front of me. 

Pyrrha then sighed and looked at me. "I'd also suggest preparing yourself. Team RWBY said that they wanted to talk to you today. Usually I wouldn't think this was a bad thing but . . . Yang seemed pretty upset for some reason," Pyrrha said as she looked at me. I tensed up hearing this and looked at her. 

"I-is that so?" I asked as I looked at the female and she nodded. I sighed seeing this and looked at the ground. Great I've known her for less than a week and it's possible that she might never want to talk to me again. Not that I can blame her, because of me King wants to kill her sister. . . I need to try and convince her not to fight. 

I'm sure Ruby's more than capable of taking care of herself. After all I've seen her spar before and she seems a lot more skilled than most of the others that go to this school. However . . . I don't think that she really stands much of a chance against King. . . What am I saying of course she doesn't! I saw the look in his eye before he kicked me over to her. 

He was excited about the idea of fighting her! He'll slaughter her! "I think it'd be best if I spoke to them as soon as possible," I said as I stood up. When I said this Ayuri looked at me a bit concerned.

"I don't think you should leave yet, you're still hurt," Ayuri said as she looked at me. 

"I'll be fine," I said as I began to look around for my clothes. When I found them I walked into the small bathroom that was in our room and began to change. 

"Please think about this," I hear Ayuri say from the other end of the door. I opened the door hearing this and looked at the pinkette that I called my partner. 

"I have," I said as I looked at her and began to make my way towards the door. "Trust me, I need to talk to them as soon as possible, and I'm sure I'll be fine when I get some more vails of dust," I said as I walked out of the door. I then began to make my way down the halls of Beacon and stopped when I reached team RWBY's dorm. 

I took a breath seeing this in an attempt to calm myself and knocked on the door. "Come in," I heard Ruby's voice say from the other side. When I heard this I walked in and as soon as I did the others all turned to look at me. They were quiet for a few minutes hearing this and I sighed as I looked at the figures in front of me. 

"I wanted to talk to you," I said as I looked at the figures in front of me. "I . . . I hope you're not to mad," I said as I turned to look at Yang and Ruby. 

"I was at first but, I've had time to calm down," Yang said as she looked at me. I sighed a bit relieved hearing this and turned to look at Ruby. 

"It's okay, I'm not mad. We talked to Ozpin and after we told him what happened he agreed to train me. He told me to wait a bit so that he could think of something to help me unlock my true potential . . . whatever that means," Ruby said as she looked at me. 

"Yeah," I said a bit nervous hearing this. "That's . . . actually what I wanted to talk to you about," I said as I looked at the female in front of me. When I said this she looked at me and I once again took a deep breath, thinking about what I was about to say. 

"I came here to . . ." I began only to stop with a sigh. If I'm going to say it I might as well get it over with. "I came here to ask you not to fight him," I said as I looked at Ruby. When I said this they all looked at me more than surprised. 

"But, he said-" Ruby began only for me to cut her off. 

"I know, trust me this isn't my first time dealing with him. I know what he's capable of and it'll probably be a while before he tries anything again. So I'll have more than enough time to prepare for his next attack," I said as I looked at the four in front of me. 

Ruby smiled hearing this and looked at me. "Thanks, but I can handle myself. I really appreciate what you're trying to do, but I couldn't live with myself if I didn't try to help you," Ruby said as she looked at me with a smile. 

I tensed up hearing and looked at the leader of the four in front of me. "Ruby," I said gaining her attention. "Please don't fight him," I said as I looked at the female in front of me. When I said this she looked at me a bit confused. 

"Why? Ozpin's been training me, and I'm sure after some time has passed I'll be able to teach him a thing or two," Ruby said as she looked at me. 

"Ruby," I once again began as I looked at the female in front of me. "Please don't do this," I asked with a pleading look. 

"Why? I mean I know he's rather cruel, and I don't doubt that he's strong, but I'm no stranger to dangerous situations. Trust me, I'm sure that once I'm done with him he'll never attack anyone ever again!" Ruby said with a playful and confident tone as she looked at me. I smiled slightly hearing this, her enthusiasm was contagious because for a moment I actually believed what she said. But . . . I know the truth. 

"Ruby, please . . . I'm begging you. Don't do this," I said as I once again looked at her with a pleading look. I . . . I just can't let someone as kind and innocent as her fight someone like him. Ruby seemed a bit confused hearing this and once again smiled as she looked at me. 

"Why? Like I said I-" Ruby began only for me to cut her off. 

"BECAUSE YOU WON'T WIN!" I finally said as I looked at her causing them all to look at me a bit shocked. "I don't doubt that you're strong, in fact you're probably stronger than most of the others in this school. But against a monster like King that doesn't matter. It doesn't matter how much or how well Ozpin trains you. King will still win, in fact if you want to know the truth it's a miracle that he hasn't killed us all already. That's why," I began as I looked at Ruby with the same pleading look. "Ruby, I'm begging you . . . please don't fight him," I asked as I looked at her. 

"I'm sorry," Ruby said as she looked at me. "But I can't just stand by and do nothing knowing that someone like that is out there. I know that the world's a bad place, but that's why we're here. To make the world better," She said as she looked at me. I felt a small pain in my chest hearing this. She's so pure and innocent, and now . . . I sighed hearing this and looked at the female in front of me. 

"Fine, I guess I can't stop you. But at least let me help you. I've fought King before, so I know what he's capable of more than anyone else. I can probably help you prepare better for the fight by teaching you what he's probably going to do," I said as I looked at the female in front of me. Ruby smiled hearing this and nodded. 

"Yeah, that would be great. Any help at all would be more than enough," Ruby said with a smile. "So when do you want to start?" She asked as she looked at me. 

"Uh . . . tomorrow, I need . . . I need some time to think," I said as I looked at the female. Ruby nodded hearing this and I walked out of the room. I stared at the ground for a bit hearing this before I began to make my way down the halls. As I did I began to wonder down the halls and eventually made my way to roof of Beacon. I had to admit the view from up here was really nice.

I walked over to one of the edge's and sighed. I stayed in this spot for several hours just trying to enjoy the view. I then heard the door that I had come from opened and turned to see Pyrrha. "Come up here to enjoy the view?" I asked as I looked at her. She shook her head hearing this and began to walk towards me. 

"No, I actually came to talk to you," She said as she looked at me. I watched as she walked up to me before turning to look back at the kingdom in front of us. "So I heard you talked to team RWBY," She said as she looked at me and I nodded. 

"I heard, that it didn't go that well," Pyrrha said as she looked at me and I once again nodded. "I can't help but notice that you seemed a bit on edge about what happened," She said as she stopped beside me. "Do you want to talk about it?" She asked as she looked at me. I sighed hearing this and smiled slightly before nodding. "Yeah . . . I think that would help," I said as I turned to look at her. 

She smiled hearing this and looked at me eagerly awaiting what I was about to say. "I'll guess I'll start from the beginning," I said with a sigh. "I'm just really. . . frustrated," I said as I looked at the female in front of me. "This isn't the first time I fought him, and I don't think it's going to be the last," I said as I turned to look at the city. 

"I just . . . I hate the fact that he can beat me so easily. Then other times I start to think that trying to defeat King is pointless," I said as I looked at the city before I reached up to hold my head becoming more frustrated. "Then there's the fact that King wants to kill Ruby because of me and UGH!" I said becoming more and more frustrated with what I was saying. 

"You know," Pyrrha began as I turned to look at her. "Believe it or not, Ruby's really strong. She might look like but she's more than capable of holding her own," Pyrrha said as she looked at me. 

"I know, I know," I said with sigh. "But trust me, King's in a league all his own. He's a monster. I've never met anyone who can shrug off my attacks as easily as he does.  I didn't think someone as strong as him could possibly exist. I hate the fact that I can't do anything to try and stop him, and I hate the fact that Ruby's going to die because of me. I hate this! I hate the fact that all this is my fault, and I hate the fact that there's nothing I can do to make this better!" I said more than frustrated as I looked at the city in front of us. 

"I noticed you said that Ruby's going to die, not that Ruby might die. Do you really think that she's not going to win?" Pyrrha asked as she looked at me and shook my head. 

"No, like I said I know she's more than capable of taking care of herself. When we fought he gave me the biggest advantage possible! He did something that should have made me unbeatable! You know during all the times we've fought I've never once been able to land a hit on him?" I said as I looked at the female beside me. 

"You, should have more confidence in yourself. I mean what would you do if King were to show up all of a sudden?" Pyrrha asked as she looked at me. 

"What would I do? Probably get beaten to near-death again," I said as I looked at the ground. Several moments of silence then passed and I was about to sigh and apologize but before I could Pyrrha once again spoke. 

"You know, you don't have to do this on your own right?" I heard Pyrrha say and I turned to look at her hearing this. "You don't have to try and do this all on your own. We're here for you, and I don't mean just me and Ayuri but the rest of my team and team RWBY as well. We're all here for you, that's what friends are for," Pyrrha said as she looked at me. 

I felt my heart flutter slightly, and I could feel my face heat up a small bit hearing this. I then turned to look at the ground and nodded slightly. "Thanks," I said as I continued to look at the ground. "I . . . I think I needed to hear that," I said with a smile. 

"Of course," Pyrrha said as she looked at me. I stopped leaning on the edge hearing this and stood up to look at the female beside me. 

"I guess I should go apologize to the others," I said as I began to walk down the halls of Beacon.

"Are you sure? I'm sure they all understand that this is just as hard for you as it is for them. If you need some more time I'm sure they'll understand," Pyrrha said as she looked at me. I shook my head hearing this and looked at the her with a smile. 

"No, I need to do this as soon as possible," I said as I looked at the female in front of me. Pyrrha nodded hearing this and we began to walk towards the stairs that would lead us back down to Beacon. "Oh," I said as I stopped in front of the door. "and Pyrrha," I said as I looked at the female in front of her. 

When I said this she looked at me and I leaned forward to hug her. I felt her tense up slightly before she returned my embrace. "Thanks, I . . . I really appreciated this," I said as I as I continued to embrace the female. She had such and gentle and calming presence. It was hard for me not to let my guard down around her. 

"Of course," I heard her say as we continued to hug. After a few minutes had passed we separated and began to walk down the halls together. I once again made my way to team RWBY's dorm and sighed as I once again knocked on the door. 

"Come in," I heard the same muffled voice say from the other end. I opened the door and they all once again looked at me. 

"Hey, I just . . . I wanted to apologize for yelling at you. I didn't really mean it I . . . I was just frustrated. I really do want to help it's just-" I began only for Ruby to shake her head and cut me off. 

"No, it's okay. I understand. I know how scary this situations can be. I'm not mad, just . . . try to rely on us more okay," Ruby said as she looked at me. 

"Yeah, that's what friends are for," Yang said as she looked at me with a smile. When she did I smiled hearing this and nodded. 

"Thanks, I . . . well, let's just say that really means a lot," I said with a smile as I left and shut the door behind me. I smiled seeing that they were so eager to accept my apology. I'm always so surprised by how nice the people outside of the tribe are. I then began to make my way back to my dorm. 

When I opened the door I saw Ayuri on her bed reading a magazine. "Aren't you supposed to be at the store?" I asked as I looked at her. 

"No, I shut it down for the day. I was worried about you and I didn't want to open it again until I knew you were okay," She said as she turned the page. 

"I'm fine, trust me," I said with a smile as I looked at the pinkette in front of me. 

"The bandages around your chest say otherwise," Ayuri chimed as she once again turned the page. 

"Touché," I said as I looked at the female in front of me. She smiled hearing this and I walked beside her and looked at the book she was reading. It appeared to be a catalog of some kind. "What are you reading?" I asked as I looked at the female in front of me. 

"I'm not sure," Ayuri said as she shut the magazine and looked at it. "Hunter's haven," She said as she once again opened the book. "It's a small store in Vale, I really like the dresses that they sell and I was thinking about ordering some for the shop," Ayuri said as she continued to look at the magazine. 

I nodded hearing this and walked over to my own bed. When I did I began to think about everything that I knew about King. If I was going to teach Ruby anything, then I needed to have an idea where I should start. However I was brought out of my thoughts by a knock on our door. "Come in," Ayuri chimed as she once again went back to looking at her catalog. When she said this the door opened and I saw Ozpin standing at the entrance to the door. As soon as he opened the door he turned to look at me. 

"Mister, Branwen, we have an urgent matter that requires your assistance," Ozpin said as he looked at me. I nodded hearing this and stood up and began to walk towards the door. Ayuri stood up as well hearing this however before she could reach the door Ozpin stopped her. "I'm sorry Miss Azure, but at the moment this is a private matter. So it would be better for us if you stayed here," Ozpin said as he looked at the female. 

Ayuri seemed a bit confused hearing this but nodded nonetheless. "Um . . . okay," Ayuri said as she looked at the male in front of her before she began to walk back to her bed. We then walked out of the room and I shut the door behind us. When I did I turned to look at Ozpin. 

"So what's wrong?" I asked as I looked at him. 

"It'll be easier if you just see what happened," Ozpin said as he looked at me. I was more than confused to hear this but nodded nonetheless as I began to follow him down the halls. 

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