Chapter 8: Training

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P.O.V. [Name]

I sighed as I looked at the female in front of me. The others had decided to listen to what I was going to tell Ruby since they were going to fight with her they thought it'd be a good idea if they knew more about King as well. "I'll be teaching you the basics today so I'll try to make this as quick as possible since I'm sure you have you're own plans as well," I said as I looked at the female in front of me and she nodded. 

"To put things simply, King is a complete Enigma," I said as I looked at the female in front of me. 

"He attacked me a while ago, and I barely managed to get away because some of the others in my tribe managed to save me," I said as I looked at the female in front of me. "Of course, after this I began to try and figure out anything and everything I could about him, and I what I found was more than disappointing," I said as I looked at the female in front of me. 

"So I take it you couldn't find much," Weiss said as she looked at me. 

"More like I couldn't anything! King was a total ghost, and I went out of my way to ask everyone I thought might have known something about him. Mom, Ozpin, Lionheart, none of them had ever heard of King before. I asked everyone that knew anything about Salem and the result was always the same. No one knew anything about King, I'm guessing I was the only one that was lucky enough to get away from him but I was hoping that someone would have known something about him," I said I looked at them. 

"That's rather unfortunately," Blake said as she looked at me and I nodded with a sigh. 

"Yeah," I said a bit disheartened before shaking my head. "Anyway, the first thing you should know about King is he's incredibly sadistic. He likes to take his time killing others, and he's almost always smiling when he's fighting. It's clear that he gets a rather large amount of enjoyment out of the suffering of others so try not to show to much pain otherwise you'll just excite him. King's also incredibly confident, and almost never uses a weapon, however from what I've seen when he does he prefers to use a scythe like you," I said as I looked at her. 

"How is he when I comes to hand to hand combat?" Yang asked as she looked at me. 

"From what I've seen he seems to be pretty adept at it as well. Which reminds me, King can grow grimm armor on him. As you'd expect he uses this to harden his skin when fighting however from what I've seen he doesn't really use it that much," I said as I looked at the four in front of me. "However neither of those are his main method of attack. It's actually something else, and this is what makes him incredibly dangerous," I said as I looked at the four in front of me gaining their attention. "His semblance," I said as I looked at them, and it became rather quiet after I said this. 

"So, what is it?" Weiss asked slightly annoyed as she looked at me. 

"I don't know," I said scratching the back of my neck. "It doesn't really make sense, he's done so much with it that I haven't been able to pinpoint what it is," I began as I reached into my pocket and pulled out a small pieces of paper. "Made a list of abilities that I've seen King use, and I made a copy of it for you to look at," I said as I tossed the folded piece of paper at them. When I did Ruby caught it and opened it and began to look over the list. 

As she did I watched as her eyes read over all the abilities and she seemed to be both shocked and amazed at what he was capable of. As she did I watched as Weiss leaned closer to her and begin to look over the list as well. "I haven't been able to find any connection between them but if you're able to then please let me know because it would make things a lot easier," I said as I looked at the four in front of me. 

"Then how are we supposed to prepare for it?" Weiss once again asked as she looked at me. I sighed hearing this and looked at them.

"The same way, I have," I said as I looked at them causing them all to look at me. "After our first few fights, I came up with two rules that should always be kept in mind when it comes to fighting King," I said as I held up two fingers to demonstrate my point. "The first is that if it's around you, just assume that it can be used against you. The second is that if you're in sight then you're in range," I said as I looked at the figures in front of me. 

"Those are very . . . restricting rules," Weiss said as she looked at me. 

"I know, but they work," I said as I looked at the four in front of me. "Oddly enough, I've noticed that you can expose almost any weakness you want around King," I said as I looked them causing the others to look at me confused. "I know it didn't make much sense to me either, but King chooses not to exploit someone's weakness," I said as I looked at the four in front of me. 

"Are . . . are you sure? I mean, it just doesn't make sense for someone who-" Yang began only for me to cut her off. 

"I know, but when you stop to think about it, you realize why King does it. Which would you say is more degrading? To have a fatal weakness that can be exploited, or knowing your enemy knows your weakness, then chooses not to exploit it, and still ends up beating you," I said as I looked at the four in front of me. "He doesn't do it for a fair fight, or for pride, honor, or anything like that. He does it to prove a point," I said as I looked at them. 

"That you can top condition, and he's still more than capable of beating you," Blake said as she looked at me. I tensed up slightly hearing this knowing that King had done this to me on several occasions and nodded. 

"That's right," I said as I looked at them. "Of course he will try to exploit it for a while, but that's not him trying to win the fight that's just him, testing if that really is a weakness or not," I said as I looked at the four in front of me. They all nodded hearing this and I sighed. 

"That's all I really have for now," I said as I looked at the figures in front of me. 

"Really? That's it?" Yang asked as she looked at me and I nodded. 

"Yeah, sorry to disappoint but that's really all there is when I comes to fighting King. That is unless I overlooked something. My suggestion is to look over that list I gave you and try to memorize his abilities like I have," I said as I looked at the several figures in front of me. They all nodded hearing this and Ruby placed the piece of paper to the side and stood up. She then began to make her way towards the door and I watched as Weiss reached for the piece of paper that she had left behind. 

I turned seeing this and was about to walk out of the room. "Hey," I heard Yang call out to me. When she did I turned to look at  her and she gave me an awkward smile. She must still be conflicted about what I told her. "So, are you going to the dance?" She asked as she looked at me. When she asked this I was a bit confused as to what she was talking about before I remembered what Ayuri and Pyrrha had been talking about a few days ago. 

I had completely forgotten about the dance that was coming up. "I don't know," I said nervously as I looked at the door. "I was thinking about it, but I don't really have a suit or anyone to go with," I said sheepishly as I looked out the door. 

"Who said you need to go with someone?" Yang asked as she looked at me. When she asked this I looked at her a bit confused and she smiled. "None of us have anyone to go with but we're still going," Yang said as she looked at me. "Well none of us except for Weiss, but she keeps turning Jaune down," Yang said as she looked at the female. 

"Really?" I asked as I looked at her and Weiss nodded. I would have asked her why but it wasn't any of my business and I don't really know her that well so I decided against it. 

"As for not having a suit, we can always go shopping. There are tons of stores around Vale that had suits for you. I'm sure one of them will have something in your size. So we can just go shopping and get you one," Yang said as she looked at me. I smiled slightly hearing this and nodded. 

"Sure, that sounds great. So when do you want to go?" I asked as I looked at the female in front of me. 

"Now," She said as she stood up. I was a bit shocked hearing this and stared at her for a moment before I once again spoke. 

"Now?" I asked, just to confirm what I had just heard and she nodded. "O-Okay, I guess. Just let me stop by my dorm and get some lien," I said as I looked at the female in front of me. Yang smiled hearing this and stood up. At least she was actually trying to be friends with me. I had expected things to be awkward between us until it eventually just became to much to bare and we were forced to confront it. I'm glad I was wrong. 

"Okay," Yang said as she began to make her way towards the door. I walked out of the dorm with Yang following behind me and shutting the door behind her. We then began to make our way down the halls and as we did we once again ran into Pyrrha.

"Hey," I said as I looked at the female in front of me. 

"Hello," Pyrrha said as she looked at me with a smile. "What are the two of you doing?" She asked as she looked at us. 

"Yang is helping me find a suit for the dance," I said as I looked at the female in front of me.

"Oh, I see," She said with a slight smile. "If that's the case then would you mind if I accompanied you as well? I haven't had the chance to pick out a dress for the dance yet, and I'd rather not go alone," Pyrrha said as she looked at us. I was about to speak however it seemed as if Yang had managed to beat me to it. 

"Sure, we'll help you find a dress that'll make all the boys ask for a dance," Yang said with a smile. Pyrrha smiled slightly hearing this and seemed a bit nervous hearing this. 

"Thanks, I really appreciate you help," Pyrrha said with a smiled as she began to walk down the halls with us. I smiled seeing this as we continued down the halls of Beacon. If I had known this is what the outside was like I would have left the tribe a long time ago. Yet, I know that even now while we're doing this Crimson and King are planning their next move. I can only imagine what they're doing at the moment.

P.O.V. Third

Roman smiled as he looked at the large amount of premium dust crystals that he had managed to steal. This was enough to last him and Neo almost an entire year, which explained his rather joyous attitude at the moment. Roman continued to smile as he looked at the precious dust crystals in front of us.

"Neo look at this!" Roman said as I held one crystals up in front of her. "At this rate we'll be able to retire in the next few year!" Roman said excitedly as he looked at the female in front of him. Neo smiled at him hearing this, and within a few seconds Roman was once again back to admiring the crystals they had managed to steal. 

However his smile quickly faded and he felt a small amount of annoyance as he heard two familiar voices approaching him from a distance. He could hear Adam and Cinder once again arguing about something. Roman sighed hearing this and continued to count the dust he had stolen. While Roman had to admit he liked the idea of how much dust they were able to steal, he found himself getting more than annoyed by the constant arguing that seemed to be going on in background.

As they came closer their voices became clearer and Roman sighed as he was once again forced to listen to the two of them argue. "And just how many more humans do you expect to bring here? Some of the others, are starting to grow tired of the constant sight of humans in the building and I have to admit I'm not that found of them either," Adam said as he looked at Cinder. Roman smiled slightly hearing this and turned around. 

It was more than evident that Adam was upset and he wanted to see how Cinder dealt him. He thought it would be nice to see her be cautious for a change given how many times she threatened both him and Neo. Cinder looked as if she was going to speak however before she got the chance Adam cut her off. 

"Let's not forget you're the one's who came and asked us for help! You said this would be beneficial to both of us! Yet this entire time we've done nothing but serve you and your cause! A human cause!" Adam said as he looked at the female in front of him as he placed a hand on his blade making it more than evident he wasn't happy with what Cinder was doing. 

"I understand, but them being here wasn't my choice, and yes there might be some more to come. However as I said I highly doubt that is the case, those two most likely will be the last two additions to our group," Cinder said as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"They better be! I'm getting sick and tired of-" Adam began as he walked towards the female only to stop when the door to our hideout opened. When it did Roman turned and saw two unfamiliar figures walk into the building. He could only assume that these were the two that Cinder and Adam had just been talking about. A male around his age with bright red hair, and deep red eyes. As well as a younger male with pure white hair and bright purple eyes. 

"You know," King began as he looked at Adam. "You really should teach those mongrels of yours not to stare," King said with a smirk. When he said this Adam sent a glare at him, and Roman tensed up slightly. He might have not known much about the male, but even he knew that Adam wasn't someone that you wanted to upset. 

"What was that?" Adam asked as he looked at the male in front of him. King smiled seeing that he was starting to irritate the male and began to walk towards him.  

"You heard me, you need to keep those damn mutts of yours on a leash," King said as he looked at Adam. Roman felt both nervous and a little excited hearing this, it was more than obvious that King was trying to provoke Adam at this point, and while he wasn't brave enough to try something that reckless it seemed like someone else was. 

"Listen, I don't know who you think you are but-" Adam began as he looked at the male in front of him only to get cut off. 

"The name's King," The male that he now knew was named King said as he leaned closer in a clear attempt to provoke Adam. "If I were you, I'd remember that name, you damn neophyte," King said as he looked at Adam. Adam's grip tighten around his weapon hearing this and he continued to glare at King. 

As he did Emerald stepped forward about to attempt to calm down either side. However before she could Cinder raised her hand with a smile. Emerald was a bit confused seeing this however after a few moments of thought she realized why she had. She wanted them to fight, it didn't matter who won the fight because it benefited her. 

If Adam won then Salem would have to recognize her as a capable individual, and if King won then Adam would be forced to back off a bit. "Listen you damn human, I don't care who you are. As long as you're here you better know your place! So I would suggest doing something about the superiority complex of yours!" Adam said as he looked at the male. 

"Complex?" King asked in mock confusion before smirking. "I am superior, that's a fact," King said as he looked up at the male. Adam gritted his teeth hearing this and looked down at the male. 

"Is that a challenge?" Adam asked as he looked at the male in front of him. King smirked hearing this and returned his glare.

"Go ahead, Adam," King said with a smile. "Take this one step further, and I'll consider this an official fight," King said as he looked up at the male with a smile. Roman, and the others all watched the two in front of them preparing for whatever was about to happen. However it seemed like Adam was able to control himself and chose not to do anything. King however seemed irritated by this and walked past the male. However as he did he was once again smiled thinking of one last thing he could use to provoke Adam. 

"It's no wonder that Belladonna girl left you. You're pathetic," King said with a smile, this seemed to push Adam over the edge as he drew his blade and attempted to bring it down on the male. King smiled as he did and caught the blade between two of his fingers. "It's about time you finally did something," King said as he flicked the blade up and went down sweeping the male's legs. Adam while a bit shocked responded quickly and began to recover in the air however as he was in the air King punched him in the chest sending him across the room. 

Adam then stabbed his blade into the ground to bring himself to a stop and when he did King appeared in front of him before punching the back of his head sending him to the ground before kicking him in the face sending him back into the air slightly. King then grabbed the collar of his shirt and slammed his head into the male's face. "You know, I heard you were supposed to be strong," King said a bit irritated before pushing him away. "But if you ask me you're third rate at best," King said as he began to walk away. 

Adam looked at the male more than frustrated hearing this as King seemingly won their bout. However he didn't have time to deal with King knowing that he had far more important things to attend to. So Adam sheathed his blade. "You know, an owl can hear a beetle scurrying across the ground from one hundred miles away. So I bet it can hear how pathetic you are from the other side of Remnant," King said, once again mocking Adam as he walked away. 

Adam once again gritted his teeth hearing this and took a different stance as he looked at the male. "Where do you think you're going?" Adam asked as he grabbed his blade and part of him seem to glow red with energy. Roman and Neo both ducked seeing this, however Cinder and Emerald didn't which confused the tow a bit. King then turned and when he did Adam drew his blade and sent a massive wave of energy at the male. 

Roman prepared himself for the impact of the attack to pass over him, which is why he was more than shocked when Adam's attack suddenly seem to disperse and fade away. "I'll admit, that's an impressive trick, but unfortunately it's still not good enough," King said as he looked at the male. Adam was more than shocked seeing this, how did he survive? No one should have survived that. King the smiled as he extended a hand towards Adam. 

"Now allow me to show you a trick of my own," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. After a few seconds passed King lowered his hand and looked at the male. Adam then felt something slice into the back of his neck with incredible speed, so quick that it actually just felt like a pinch. Adam then reached to the back of his neck to confirm that he had just been attacked and despite what Adam believed he didn't feel a trickle of blood as he had been expecting, but instead a stream gushing out of the small wound. Adam panicked realizing this because by this time he had already felt several more cuts appear on his body. 

Adam swung blindly around him hoping to hit whatever was attacking him and King smiled as he watched the male watching as the cuts became deeper and more painful each time. After a few minutes Adam fell to one of his knees panting. He was starting to become a bit exhausted from the amount of blood that he was using. King chuckled seeing this and the cuts stopped appearing on his body. 

Adam was about to rush towards King before he could King stepped on his face and slammed his head to the ground burring it into the concreate. "This is where, filthy mongrels like you belong. On the ground beneath their master's feet," King said with a smile as he looked down at the male. Adam gritted his teeth hearing this and swung at the male hoping to cut off one of his legs. However as he did King covered his hand with armor and grabbed the blade pulling it away from him. 

"You know," King began as he as he turned the blade around. "I can tell that you're really proud of your faunus heritage. I can see why so many of the others look up to you," King said as he began to move part of the blade towards Adams head. Was he really going to kill Adam. "You fight for equality, and you value yourself because of what you are. It's very clear that you let it define who you are," King said as he stepped on the male's hand's pinning him down. 

"So I bet you'd be devastated if you lost that heritage," King said as he looked at the male. Adam snarled at the male in front of him. However he didn't understand what King meant until he moved the tip of his blade to the base of one of his horns. "So what do you say? Let's make you more human," King said with a sadistic smile as he looked at the male. Adam's eyes widened and he began to struggle to no avail as he looked up at the male. "Stop moving," King said with his usual sinister smile. "Or else it'll get messy, when I slice into you," King said with a smile as he began to slowly dig Adam's own blade into his horns. 

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