Chapter 5

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Hoji's P.O.V.

Flixa appeared to me again that night. And again the next night. Telling me the same thing: kill Wakiya.

I couldn't. I couldn't betray my best friend like that. Not for some random girl. I decided I was going to tell Wakiya about Flixa. We could get rid of her together.

So just before we went to sleep, I spoke up. "Wakiya, can I tell you something? It's kind of important."

"Sure. What is it?"

"Every night this fox girl called Flixa comes here. She tells me to... to kill you."

I saw Wakiya's blue eyes widen in the dim light. "Why?"

"For revenge. Of Ella's death."

"But... but it was Valt who killed her."

"I know. I guess she thinks you're the next best thing, since Valt's dead."

Wakiya closed his eyes. When he opened them again, I saw the grief he had been hiding in them. A dine tear dropped down from one of them and landed on the sheet of the bed.

I didn't say anything more. I was worried I would just upset Wakiya more. So I turned around and went to sleep.

"I know you told on me." I was standing outside in the dark. Flixa was here again. Her red eyes blazed with anger.

"Flixa, I can't kill him. Or anyone for that matter."

"Why not?" Flixa stepped towards me. I stepped back.

"Because... I just can't. I'm not like you or Ella."

"Yes you are. You're part fox. Foxes kill things."

"To survive. I don't have to kill Wakiya to survive." I really was getting irritated by this girl.

"You do. Because if you don't, I'll do it myself. And you to go along with it." With that, Flixa stalked away, her tail swishing behind her.

I went back upstairs and tried to get back to sleep. I didn't know what time it was but it felt pretty late. But I couldn't sleep, no matter how hard I tried. Flixa's threat swam in my mind.

Eventually I came to a conclusion. It was a lose-lose situation. Wakiya would die either way. I would die too, if I refused to kill him.

Either one of us die, or the two of us.

I knew what I had to do.

Ok I'm so sorry I haven't updated this in ages. I have pretty much lost the motivation to update it but I'll keep it going anyway, for you guys.

The chapters will probably be shorter from now on since I have no motivation, but I hope you don't mind!!!!

I hope you liked this part anyway!!!

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