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"What?" Christina stared at you.

"I'm transferring to the Raging Bulls," you repeated.

"Y/n, you can't leave! Without you, we might not be able to win!"

You smiled slightly. "Chris, I'm sorry. I've already decided, you know nothing will change my mind."

Chris was in shock. Not because of what you said, but because of what you did. She had only seen you smile once in the seven years that you knew each other. "Did you tell Free?"

You nodded. "He understood. Although I feel like he'll miss me."

"We all will."

You turned to leave. "Bye, Chris. Next time we meet, we'll be rivals."

"Y/n, wait!" She got up.

"What is i-" You were cut off as she hugged you.

"Y/n, I'm going to miss you. So much."

You brought your arms up and hesitated before hugging back and clutching her tightly. "I'm going to miss you, too, Christina."

She pulled out of the hug and looked you in the eye. "Goodbye, N/n"

"Bye, Chris." You walked out the door.


You stared out the window, looking out at the runway.

"Excuse me."

You looked up to see a boy with white hair and red eyes. "Yeah?"

"Is this seat taken?"

"Nope. Feel free to sit."

"Thanks. I'm Kurenai Shu, by the way."

"The Beyblade prodigy from Japan?" you questioned.

"Yep. Who are you?"

"L/n Y/n."

"You ranked sixth nationally last tournament, right?"

"Yeah, that was me. You headed to America as well?"

"I couldn't get a direct flight, but yes. I'm joining the Raging Bulls."

"Huh. Me too. What a coincidence."



This is short, but it's only a prologue. I just needed to get the story started.

This is a Free x Reader that I randomly decided to do after making the cover.

Okay, so the reader basically hates their emotions. And it's gender neutral.

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