Chapter 13: Unlucky.

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*Back at the school the next morning*

"Do you know where Lily went?" Flint asked Phoebus who was sprawled out on the sofa.
"They went to find Lumi." Phoebus yawned.
"What?!" Flint's hair ignited and his voice exploded out of him.
"Where are they?" Flint crackled.
"I am not telling you, you'll do something stupid." Phoebus stood up and attempted to leave the library.
"No I won't so tell me." Flint snapped.
"I know you better than that Hun." Phoebus span around and held the door.
Flint burst into flames as he ran towards her. He grabbed hold of her and sighed.
"Tell me. Now!" Flint threatened with Phoebus in a headlock.
"I'll tell you-" Phoebus coughed.
"They went to the forbidden forest." Phoebus fell to the floor as Flint gasped in shock.
"I am going after them." Flint stormed out of the room, like a raging wild fire he stampeded onwards.
"What have I done?" Phoebus stood up and gasped in shock.
Phoebus made her decision and ran after Flint.

*Lumi the night before.*
Me and Oreil were chasing each other under the stars. There was a clearing up ahead bright fire flies hovering around us we ran up. Then I heard a familiar voice it was sad and weaker than it had once been. I sprinted after it and Oreil flew onto my back and clutched on.
There she was Lily, my sister that I had left behind. I didn't want to change but I knew I had to. Her eyes were a dull, sombre yellow. She was wearing a pair of velvet red trousers and her favourite fighting shirt. Her favourite shirt is a long sleeve white t-shirt with mood changing abilities. Right now it was blood red, she was disappointed, angry and rightfully so. Her hair was dull black and knotted into itself like a woven fabric. Her facial expression was virtually unreadable, her body language read anger. Her voice was full of sadness and disappointment.
Then behind her was Colvin, to be honest I had never seen him any calmer. And I once saw him meditate for 2 hours straight. His eyes were jet black and staring straight into my soul. His hair was turning white, I still am not quite sure why. He smiled slightly to reassure me.
Oreil came out and the forest went silent. Stella was shocked her face was frozen in time. Lily was still as angry as a raging forest fire. Colvin stopped smiling and all expression dropped off from his face.
Oreil just looked very awkward. His eyes narrowing to avoid eye contact with anyone.
Then Lily ran off. I couldn't do a thing, I knew she would find her way back. All I could do was wait.

*Back at the school.*
Phoebus had just caught up to Flint by the main entrance. There was two large guards standing in the way.
"Excuse me, may I get through?" Flint demanded.
"No can do. No one leaves until we account for those who have gone missing and connect them to the case." The larger guard announced crossing his arms.
"What case?" Phoebus asked batting the urge to keep quiet.
"The investigation into a teacher. Now hurry along children." The guard ushered them on.
"Why are they investigating them? Tell me and we'll go." Phoebus bated her eyelashes.
"They were found dead." The guard slammed the door with them on the outside.
"What?" Phoebus croaked.
"Don't look at me, I am just as baffled." Flint sighed and tried to make sense of it all.
"Library now." Phoebus dragged Flint along.
"Why?" Flint asked standing still and resisting to be moved any further.
"I think I know what is going on now come on." Phoebus jogged off.
"Oh, well thanks for telling me then!" Flint shouted running after her.

They were in the hidden section again..
"Well, Sherlock what's the theory?" Flint steamed sarcastically sitting down opposite Phoebus on a red sofa.
"I think it was the ice teacher who was killed." Phoebus stood up and took a deep breath.
"You see it was her classroom and her only student." Phoebus's voice shook, as her eyes started tearing up.
"So, what?" Flint shrugged sinking back into the sofa.
"An innocent woman is dead." Phoebus stated staring right at Flint.
"You are right. But what can we do?" Flint sighed.
"We'll think of something." Phoebus shrugged.
"But we are only like 14. We can't do much." Flint sighed.
"Yes, we can. At the age of 14 many people had accomplished many great things. The youngest ever elemental was 5 years old, and they mastered their element by the age of 8 so, we can do something. We must do something. We can search for clues, the teacher was killed for a reason, if we find the reason. We can find the motive then the murderer. But above all we must not let anyone else know or suspect a thing. And we must find the second exit out of the school to get to the others as soon as possible, because Lumi is the most likely target." Phoebus recited with passion and meaning to the point her hair was golden and emitting light by the second.
"Lets get to it then. First we have to grab some bags and sneak into the teachers room." Flint smiled, standing up and ushering Phoebus out of the door. His hair was burning orange with hope.
They both danced down the hallways, lighting up the way as they went.

*Lily yesterday night with Harriet*
As Harriet lead Lily through the winding forest trees, the stars lit the way just enough for Lily to feel calm and safe.
"How much further?" Lily moaned, while being dragged past another 20 trees.
"Not much." Harriet dragged her a little faster.
"Close your eyes Lily." Harriet demanded politely stopping in front of her at the edge of the forest.
"Alright." Lily sighed covering her eyes with her gentle hands.
Harriet lead Lily forwards a few steps into the middle of the open beach.
"You can open them now." Harriet smiled.
Lily opened her eyes and lowered her hands away from her eyes. "Wow-" Lily was almost speechless. "Its beautiful."
The beach was wide, flat and soft. There was nothing but the calm open sea in front of them. The soothing sound of the crashing waves calmed the air. The sky above was crystal clear, the stars glistened above as the moon's shadow glistened in the wide open ocean around the calm open vastness of the beach. Behind them the forest met the beach and both forces called a peace treaty upon each other. The air was still and calm. The air smelt softly of flowers. Lily was amazed and her body was shaking out of joy and excitement. Harriet was watching her as a huge smile swept across her face like the waves crashing gently on the shore.
"Come on Lily." Harriet cheered running into the water.
The water was up to their waists and the sand beneath them was rather unstable but yet Harriet grabbed Lily's hand and asked, "Would you do me the honour of joining me for a dance?". Lily smiled and replied "Why of course, but there is no music."
"That is easily dealt with just listen to the ocean and sweep in time." Harriet smiled.
"What about the lack of a floor beneath our feet?" Lily asked.
"I shall deal with that as we start." Harriet giggled grabbing Lily's waist and starting to twirl around in the water.
As they twirled the water spiralled out of their way and Harriet made the sea floor rise to the beat of the sea. Step by step the scene around them became more magical. Jellyfish swam in the water around them illuminating the water with a light blue tint. By the end they were stood on a rock just above the tide with the sea swirling around them. The Jellyfish followed the swarming tide and the moon smiled down on them from the crystallised peace of the moment.
"Lily?" Luna mumbled running to the shore.
"I'll be there in a minute Luna." Lily smiled.
They all walked back to Lumi's camp and slept peacefully for the night.

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