Chapter 4: Party time

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*Lumi's favourite song*

"Come on, Lumi I got you a dress. And then we are going somewhere special." Colvin helped me up and signalled to Luna and Grace to take Lily and meet them there.
"Where are we going Colvin?" I sighed.
"To get your dress then I'll get changed. Then its a surprise." Colvin smiled walking backwards facing me.
"It better not be a flower ball again." I huffed. Colvin took me to an earth party last year and Flora was there she spent the whole evening joking about me and Colvin being boyfriend and girlfriend.
"I would never take you anywhere I knew you would hate Lumi. And you will just have to trust me on this one. Okay?" Colvin's dark eyes lit up to a dark silver as he smiled at me.
"Alright." I agreed as he sprinted away.
"Lets go for a run." He purred, jogging backwards.
"Alright but wait up I am in a dress." I bolted after him.
We ran for quite a while alongside each other, him smiling at me.
Me laughing at his goofy face.
I can tell you laughing and inhaling don't exactly go that well together. He then laughed at me and stopped to make sure I was still breathing, due to helium like cough as I laughed too hard on an inhale.
"Are you alright?" He stroked my hair out of my face and behind my ears.
"Yeah sure I am fine."  My voice was really squeaky so we both started laughing. It honestly sounded like I had inhaled 20 helium balloons. And we laughed for about 20 minuets.
After awhile we arrived at his and Caspian's flat. He went to grab a box and directed me into his bedroom to get changed. I did think it was quite odd that Caspian was not there but I shrugged it off.
"I'll be a second, snow leopard." He stroked my chin and went off to get changed.

The box was light blue and quite heavy. It had a dark blue ribbon wrapped around it. It had a note attached to the lid.
*Dear Snow Leopard,

This is an outfit to cheer you up.
I thought you would like it.
I was saving it for your birthday but I decided you deserved it now.
You are amazing and I'll always be there for you.
Because you are such an amazing person.
And I would never want to lose you.
I always thought that boy was a jerk anyway, he is an idiot to have thrown you away like that.
And he is stupid because he didn't see you for how you really are.
Never change for anyone. By the way, I take your own advice snow leopard and be who you are.
Because no one can be who you are.
Your dark knight,
Colvin xxx*

"Awwwww!" I squeaked.
He is just so cute. Isn't he just so amazing.
Anyway I opened the box.
"Wow." I screamed.
I put the blue leather boots on and unravelled the dress. I was beautiful. It was a light blue silk wrap dress. With dark blue embroidery on the front. It had short sleeves and an open back. I put it on and looked in the mirror.
"Wow, I cant believe this." I excitedly screamed.
He came in knocking first of course. "Are you alright in there?" He asked. He was wearing black leather trousers. A t-shirt that I bought for him for his birthday 2 years ago, it was a light blue T-shirt that said "Never lose sight of who you really are." in italics. And a dark blue short sleeve leather jacket.

"Sorry, I just love this so much that I screamed because I was so happy." I ran up and hugged him nearly knocking him flying of his feet but not quite.
"You really should try out for the sports team. Honestly, you would be captain in no time." He laughed.
"Anyway, I got you a bracelet, I've got a matching one." He grabbed out and bracelet which was made out of black metal and had glass pendants hanging off of it.
"Each piece of glass is based off of one of your friends." He added. Clipping it carefully onto my wrist. As I looked at it I could see what he meant. A river, a piece of coral, a blue rose, a dark grey diamond, the sun, the moon, a star, a musical note, a volcano, a fire, a lion fish, a seal, a deer, a lizard, a hurricane, a clear white pearl, a wind symbol, a lightning bolt and the biggest one was a snow flake.
"I love these thank you." I hugged him.

"Anyway, lets go shall we." Colvin grabbed my hand and lead me down the corridor with my eyes tightly shut.
"Carefully, step forwards. That's it. We are in an elevator. And we are moving upwards." Colvin explained while I squeezed his hand tightly.
"Don't kill your dark knight's fighting hand Snow Leopard." Colvin laughed.

"Sorry Colvin. Are we nearly there?" I asked.
"Yes we are just ten more steps." Colvin stepped out and directed me forwards.
"Thank you Colvin." I smiled.
"What for?" Colvin asked.
"Everything." I opened my eyes and hugged him.
"Its alright Snow Leopard. I'm not going anywhere. Are you ready to open the door?" Colvin wiped my happy tears from my cheeks.
"Yes." I squealed like a girl on helium.


"SUPRISE!" Everyone jumped up and shouted.

If I could freeze time. This is the moment I would choose. Everyone was perfect. Smiling. They did all of this for me. Around the room there were many banners all reading exactly the same. "Never lose sight of who you really are.". Colvin's idea of course.

In the centre of the room was Lily smiling and giggling she was obviously in on it. In fact I am still sure it was her idea. She was beautiful, she had a scarlet red dress on it was darker than her hair but it suited her perfectly. Beside her was Stella and Delta. Stella had a dark blue dress on it suited her perfectly. Then at the right hand side the light group were laughing.

The light group is the lighter elements. Dawn was there, smiling brightly. Her blond hair was drizzled down onto her bare shoulder. Her eyes were brighter than ever. She was wearing an amber dress which was slightly darker than her eyes. Phoebus was standing there counting the balloons,While her golden hair swung into Harriet's face. She was wearing a bold metallic red dress. Harriet's brunette hair was up in a dancer bun. And her smile was brighter than ever, she was wearing an emerald green dress. Kai was standing next to Harriet holding her hand, his chocolate brown hair slightly more groomed than usual. He was as usual wearing black jeans and a green t-shirt. Audra was dancing and singing in a pure white dress and light blue a pair of light blue flats. Her white hair being flung everywhere as she got more into the music. She was in a silver body shift dress. Then lastly there was Rain, she was standing there in the corner awkwardly. Her blue hair hiding her face from those around her. She was wearing a blue dress which was the same shade as her eyes.

On the other side Luna was running towards me smiling, she was in a black silk dress and metallic black high heels. She had also put on black lipstick she seemed more confident than usual as her hair shot through the wind like a whip. Harper was laughing while, Luna was running, probably because high heels aren't the easiest thing to run in. Harper had a white dress with music bars climbing up it. Her vibrant purple hair was darker, like a royal purple. Next to Harper was Grace, she was her usual self giggly and bubbly. Her hair had grown a little since last year, it was now a more of a bob cut than a pixie, although it had still maintained its royal blue colour. She was wearing a navy romper dress. 

Ember was turning up the music at the back of the room, her hair drizzling down her back like molten lava. Her piercing orange eyes almost shattering my heart into a million fragments of agony. She was wearing a phoenix dress it was based of her pet, Jenifer a phoenix she was given last year when we all first started. Next to her was Flint who was staring at Lily again, his auburn spiky hair almost reaching out to pull Lily in, his red glowing eyes that would be melting through her heart if she noticed. He was wearing black leather jacket and red trousers with an orange t-shirt.

Caspian and Delta were holding hands and cheering. They were wearing matching jeans and T-shirts. Delta's light blue hair flowing into Caspian's arm but he didn't mind as he was staring into her bright turquoise eyes and she was staring into his coral orange eyes. Then behind them Zale was jumping up and down like an excited toddler, his small body getting higher with every jump. His short black hair guarding him from his own energy. He was wearing dark blue jeans and  a long sleeve light blue top, if he had anymore energy he would explode like a lit firework but he has just enough which is lucky for us and him.

Behind him gently swaying were Stormy and Raiden. Stormy as usual looked like she wanted to rip someone's head off, in this case it was probably Zale's and if she did I would imagine it would be like when you take the lid off of a fizzy bottle of drink and his energy would spread to everyone in the room. Stormy's raincloud hair was a darker grey than usual, this normally means she is holding back emotions but in this moment she seemed happier than usual as her dark blue eyes glistened as she stared at Raiden. Raiden was smiling somehow, he rarely ever smiles, but somehow swaying with Stormy had changed all that, as her long silver dress brushed over his feet, he was happy his eyes were so bright and full of joy and hope. His frost blue eyes were melting out of joy, his black hair glowing in the light of the blue LEDS above him.

Then the moment stopped and I fell backwards as Luna ran into me. We laughed so loudly that I am sure the whole school could hear. It was 7 o'clock when my favourite song started playing and Colvin walked me up to the dance floor.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

He stared into my eyes and asked "Can I dance with you?".

"Ummmm.. let me think about that one.. N-- Yes of course you can." I laughed.

"You are amazing you know." He smiled, with his dark eyes piecing through my soul. His hand on my waist and his other hand in mine we slowly stepped in the beat of the music. My hand on his waist made him move away slightly at first. But after a while we got closer.

The night was mostly me and Colvin. I can't remember much else. I went off with Lily at one point but that was about it.

"Lumi, Lumi, are you even listening to me?" Lily asked.

"Sorry I was just lost in thought." I sighed with my head still very much in the clouds.

"What are you thinking about Lumi?" Stella asked.

"The stars are beautiful tonight." I responded. Lying of course because I could not think of what was even on my mind.

"Lumi, I know you dislike stargazing you have told me that several times. There is obviously something or someone on your mind." Stella grabbed my hands and stared into my eyes, she was trying to read my mind.

"It's nothing I promise. I want to go and dance the night away." I lied and pranced back to the dance floor where Colvin had just come back with 2 drinks.

"Here you go Lumi, iced tea with a hint of champagne." Colvin handed the drink over, and that is the last thing I can remember except the bottom of several cups. And Colvin.

As we moved slowly around the dance floor, the music drowned out everything except for me and Colvin. I could just about hear his heart beating calmly. My heart was going faster than a bullet yet being there with him in that moment was enough to calm me down. His eyes were shining in the lights, glistening a dark blue. Eventually, he lead me back to mine and Lily's flat.

"Goodnight Lumi." He smiled reaching out to hug me. But I read it wrong. I kissed him and the world around us lit up a dark blue. He kissed me back for some reason. He was warm and I was ice cold. We were opposites he was anger, I was calm. I was anxious, he was realistic. He was intelligent and I carried very little useful knowledge. He was darkness, I was light.

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