Chapter 7: The key to knowledge

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Colvin and flint came round to prank us, but we got them instead. Paint water balloons are the best. They had water pistols but we had paint, throwing colour coordinated balloons is the best revenge ever don't you think. But the next morning everything changed.

The day it all changed..
It was the day after me and Lily called in sick and basically ate our own weight in pizza. Mainly Lily though she ate 3 whole pizzas by herself while I watched in shock and horror. The day after we got Flint twice once with water and once with paint.

I woke up at 6, got dressed and headed to the ice library. To find out more about my powers. I had guessed there wouldn't be much there. But that was nowhere near what I found.
A singular book shelf with 5 books. Basic spells, transformations, defensive, medium attacks, strong attacks and legendary. I grabbed them all and carefully lodged them in my bag. Before heading to the Wandering Wolves and reading for 3 hours before anyone else showed up.
I started with legendary attacks.
I opened it up as I had anticipated it was very dusty, I blew the dust away. On the first page there was a blue symbol like an eagle like lion, I think it was a griffin. It was an ice blue griffin. On the next page it explained who the last known ice master was. My great great..... great great .. uncle Orion Lightsgate.
Then it refered that for knoweledge to continue reading you must already have some form of knowledge about your spirit animal and transformation.So I picked up the transformation book, and started reading. A few thoughts came to mind.

They never taught us about this or event mentioned it as a matter of fact.why would we not be taught this?
But I kept reading.
To unlock your spirit animal:
1. You must be connected deeply with your emotions.
2. You must connect with nature.
3. You must focus.
4. You must focus on not thinking and keeping a clear mind.
5. You must repeat "ice queen" until you feel the change.
Warning: those who arent strong tend to pass out.

I bowed to the floor and focused on my breath and heart rate. Then I started to chant. "Ice Queen." howling deeper each time. I felt the cold air surround me, as I kept going. "Ice Queen. Ice Queen. Ice Queen."
A huge blizzard surrounded me and my skin turned to pure ice. My hair turned blue and there stepping into the storm was a huge loup ailé. It means winged wolf. A large ghost like wolf with angel like wings by its side. It strutted towards me and calmed the storm. Everything was still in that moment. My spirit animals eyes meeting mine, blue shinning icicles glistening at me, eyes burning through my icy heart. I felt my skin light up when the wolf nuzzled me with its snout.
Magic raised me slowly into the cold air. An array of blue surrounded me, my hair changed to an icy blue and became straighter, a long blue icy gown appeared on me and blue gloves, long blue boots then as I was lowered back down angel like wings sprouted out of my back. A crown lowered onto my head and a blue necklace chained itself around my neck. A wand flew down slowly. A surge of power rushed outwards from my heart, and into the room around me as I neld the wand. The wolf was gone now. It was part of me all along. A figure walked in through the door and raced me away into another room with my bag and books.

"No, this is too dangerous. You need to run Lumi, now! You are dead if they find you! You have too much power. Run until the truth comes out. Take these," The figure handed me my stuff and some food and water. Then a map, it was my teacher I never saw her again after that.
"You'll be safe in the forest or beyond that. I'll send someone after you when its safer." The figure guided me out.
I knew, it was the truth so I ran with all my energy.
Heart racing, breath getting heavier and slower. There was a voice. "You need to change. You'll be spotted to easily here." I gave in fighting and became the wolf. Then I chose to lose my wings. I was pounding freely. Sprint after sprint, my paws tore through the ground gracefully. Through the school gates, there was the surrounding mountains. I pounded up them effortlessly.
Perched on the top of the highest I looked out at the scene bellow. The school was just waking up, my sister had no idea where I was. But I have no choice I have to go. I looked down at the forests below and past that to the beaches. The sun was only just rising. A vibrant array of pale peaches, perfect purples, original oranges and vibrant yellows exploded into the sky. As the stars above me gradually faded, to mark the start of the day.
Dawn would love this. But She can't know I am here. I wined. I can't go back, its not safe. I don't even know why? I howled in confusion.
After the sky had returned to a blueish colour I continued my joyous journey. Still striding but this time down the mountain. It was like I finally belonged and I was free.

Hours later I was exhausted, I had set up camp for the night on one of the lower mountains. The sunset before I knew it and the cold north wind set up camp for the night. Then the moon rose, it was so luminated and beautiful. The moment was magical, I howled melodically with the cold wind. The cold night took over giving me energy, as the cold flakes littered the ground with hope. I had enough energy to continue but the moment was too magical. Howling at the moon, while the beautiful snow danced around me. The moon gave me strength to continue, the snow gave me the power I had lost long ago.
The stars sparkled above like eyes under the moonlight, it was like I was being watched over. The moon reminded me of Luna, her pure white hair, her silver eyes, her bright smile like a crescent moon. Her laugh reminded me of the howling wind surrounding me, her voice was soft like a summer nights calm
The stars reminded me of Stella, her purple glowing eyes like a shooting star flying across the universe. Her long black hair like the dark sky behind the pure moon. Her laugh was like a firework, it set everyone else laughing, she would set of an explosion of laughter around her. Her weird unicorn trot reminded me of the snow dancing slowly down to the frozen forest beneath me. The large flat ledge I was on was near the summit of the mountain. The slow drum of the freezing air allowed me to rest knowing there was someone watching over me.

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