E L E V E N | F A C E O F F

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Faceoff: When one player from each team stands at the face-off spot to await the drop of the puck.

After hearing out Rosaura's idea, Xavier was excited himself.. He was never one to get excited over trivial things but what Rosaura was suggesting was a brilliant idea. It would open the door to low income families and allow their children to be able to experience the ice.

Xavier always knew that he wanted to do some charity work. In fact, the team did an annual teddy bear game in which fans threw stuffed animals that would be later donated to a children's hospital, however, many forgot about the children from low income families. Hockey was an expensive sport and he knew many children were unable to purse it. Xavier had been one of the lucky ones. His mother and father had both spend hours at work, so he and his sister would be able to enjoy sports that they loved.

"I'm actually super excited about this." Xavier admitted to Rosaura quietly.

The two of them had finished their drinks earlier on but Xavier had ordered some croissants they could enjoy so their brains would be fueled for planning.

Rosaura smile back at him and once again, it took Xavier's breath away. She was one of the prettiest girls he had ever seen. Xavier was just terrified of making a move in case he got rejected. He was sure plenty of guys had a crush on her—including himself.

Rosaura slid her phone in front of him, "Put your phone number so we can stay in contact and continue planning this."

Xavier did as she told him before shooting her an apologetic smile. "I'm not sure I'll be around for a few days. The team has another road trip, before I'm heading towards the World Juniors training camp."

"I understand," she said softly. "I'll get help from Val and Brea if need be."

"Don't hesitate to contact me if you need help." Xavier added. He hated that he was going away when they were just getting to the planning stage but his schedule was already pre-planned.

The two of them stood up and Xavier watched as Rosaura brushed a few crumbs from her jacket. It was now or never. Xavier steeled himself before he blurted out, "Would you like to hang out with me later?"

Rosaura's nose scrunched up. "Like a date?"

"Yes," Xavier responded. He couldn't read her facial expression and that terrified him.

Then she gave him a soft smile that melted him into a puddle of goo. "I'd love that."

"Great, I'll text you the details later." He responded.

They both went their sperate ways and that's when Xavier pumped his fist in the air. He had scored a date.


Xavier woke up to the sound of his phone buzzing by his bedside. He groggily picked it up and accepted the call, "Hello?" he mumbled over his words.

"Hi, is this Xavier Hommes?"

Xavier slowly sat on the king-sized bed. "Speaking, who is this if I may ask?"

"My name is Holly and I am calling on behalf of Coach Auberge."

"Shit," Xavier quietly swore. Auberge was the head coach for the World Juniors team. It had to be something important for him to call in the middle of the day.

"We were hoping that you could fly out to Ottawa for a practice session." The women continued.

Xavier got up from his bed before checking his schedule. He didn't have a game tonight and his next game was in a day. "How long will it take?" he asked.

"It should only be a couple of hours. The coach wants to meet everyone and test the chemistry between the players."

Xavier bit his lip. It was something he rarely did but he was stressed. He could probably make it back in time for the game, but he wasn't too sure Coach Reed would be happy. "Fuck it." He whispered to himself.

This was his chance. If he didn't go to this meeting, Auberge would probably think that he was not willing to put it all for his team. "Yes, I'm in. I'll see you there."

"Perfect," the voice responded. "I'll email you the hotel information, but you will have to book your own flight."


He hung up before logging onto his laptop to look for the fastest flights to Ottawa. They were expensive, but it was better then driving. That would take him about eight hours and he would be too exhausted for any practice. Luckily, he found an economy ticket and quickly purchased it.

His phone buzzed, indicating that he had a text message.

Are we still on for tonight?


"Shit," Xavier swore quietly. He had totally forgotten about his date with Rosaura tonight. He knew he had to cancel. He also knew that Rosaura might not forgive him. Maybe it was for the best to stop whatever feelings were starting to blossom between them right now. His schedule was crazy, as was hers. Xavier held out his phone ready to type up the message, but he couldn't bring himself to do so.

Instead he wrote her an apology text.

Hey, I'm sorry but can we reschedule? The coach from the World juniors team called and he wants us to meet him tonight. I'm flying out in about an hour. -Xavier

She replied instantly. No worries.

Xavier waited for her to say something more, but she didn't. That's when he knew she was pissed. He threw his phone onto the bed before he began packing. He was done in half an hour but the guilt continued to eat him—even as he sat in the back of the cab driving towards the airport.

Making a quick decision, he began scrolling his phone for any flower shops that delivered to households. Even if he wasn't going to be able to make it for that date, he wanted to apologize—properly.


It seems everyone is going to have to wait a bit longer for the date;) 

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