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( ZION CITY, NEVADA, FRIDAY, November 28 2021, 02:00 PM ).

The are a series of booms and a tremors that rocks through a cluster of run down buildings. it source being the hero Crimson Defender, clashing blows with a grey hulking behemoth, almost 3 times his size.

They both collide fists again, causing a thundering shock wave that sends both parties backwards, erupting a large cloud of dust and debris.

Crimson Defender crashed into the base floor of a broken building while the other figure skids to a stop at the edge of the destroyed road.

A streak of gold zipped over to the crash site, stopping before a pile of rubble.

It was a skinny male, who was dressed in a dull golden super suit with black lightening patterns all around it. He also had on dark elbow and knee pads, his head gear exposed his light brown eyes, fair skinned pointed jaw and a black mop of hair.

" Holy S#it Mikey ! Are ya okay?! ", He frantically dug through the rubble, only for the other male to rise out on his own.

" ah... My head feels like it's spinning ", Crimson defender dusts the debris off of his now torn up red costume, he held a hand on his aching forehead , " oh hello Sonic Boomer ", he said to the other male, as his vision adjusts.

" Mikey dude, I ran here as fast I could after I saw ya eat it ", Sonic Boomer said in a young male voice, his voice in a rush.

" we talked about this Boomer, we have to use our Super names ", Mike cuts him off in a kind way, knowing his friend always ignored doing it anyways.

" pfft, your hero name's too long...most I can do dude is CD ", The speedster grinned enough to show his buck tooth, " so everything good...our body building friend didn't break anything on you did he? ", he ran around the Red clad hero to examine him.

" nothing major... I just lost my footing  that's all ", The Alexander reassures his friend and just stretched out his left arm from the shoulder, causing a small crack, " speaking of breaking things...where's Sarah? ".

" I'm right here you dinguses... ", a peeved feminine voice answered, both males look up to see a female in a black and purple suit floating above.

" Geoforce, glad you're okay ", Crimson Defender said upon her landing before him

" I almost wasn't, after too fast too useless here suddenly left me in to 2 v 1 ", She growled and shook dust out of her flowing brown, glaring at Sonic Boomer behind her translucent goggles.

" I...I'm actually to tired to come up with an excuse ", Boomer shrugged nonchalantly, earning a loud groan from his female teeamate.

The is another explosion in the distance wreckage, the three young heroes snap to it.

Seeing the grey musclar giant from before, returning now with 2 other smaller figures at his side.

" crap... ", Geoforce mutters and visibly tenses up, Sonic Boom and Crimson Defender took defensive positions.

" how much time do we have left to guard the civilian? ", Mike whispered to his team.

" about 16 minutes ", Sarah replied in the same tone, squinting at their approaching opponents, " Static and Frost Bite... Seems I should have trapped you both under a heavier bus ".

" It's Freezer Burn asino! ", The female in a full body grey thermal suit yells back in a thick Italian accent.

" calm down Freezer Burn.. It's not over yet...", The male in the torn yellow and blue spandex grumbled then turned to his foes with a plastic smile, " Geostorm, my dear...our conversation was abruptly cut short by that random city bus...Bulk let's repay the lady ", Static snapped his exposed light brown fingers.

As he did that the grey large humanoid behind then grabbed one of the larger chunks of concrete, briefly eclipsing the dim light as he raised it overhead then hurled it at Geostorm and Co.

Crimson Defender dashed forward in a gust of wind, catching the approaching boulder and skidding to a halt by his team.

" any...New plans ", Mike grunts to the two behind, who just trade looks.

Geostorm thought for some seconds, " we split up and delay them as usual ", she floats upwards.

" fine by me ", Sonic Boomer darts off in a blur.

" g-guys! ", The Alexander growled and dropped the debris, just in time to be met by a punch from Bulk, " argh! ", he staggers back but recovered, he raised his fists defensively.

Not far off, Freezer Burn was pelting Geostorm with hail, while she kept the projectiles at bay with a gravitational barrier.

Around them were numerous recurring sparks, as Sonic Boomer and Static engaged in a high speed clash, both leaving trails of yellow all over the field.

Crimson Defender spun to the side avoiding another of Bulk's attacks, " aww you slowing down big guy... Out of breath ", he snickers and ducks under a lazy punch, landing a quick jab on the male's exposed armpit.

The bald grey humanoid stumbles to the side, falling to his knees, cracking the asphalt. He swipes his arms after the red clad bruiser, only to be bombarded down by his speedy attacks.

Michael stopped his assault and looked at his seemingly exhausted enemy with a smirk, ' like training with dad... ', he says in his mind.

Bulk started to vibrate, his body started to expand in muscle mass, stretching his elastic blue battle pants.

The bi-racial teen started to back away in horror as a now bigger Bulk rose up with a savage roar, " oh come on... ", Michael breathes out with a half smile.

Back with Sarah, most her wavering focus was on holding back the icy attacks. Her attention shifts to a scream, just before a certain Alexander is flung right past her from bellow.

".... ", She blinks and watched him smash into a broken building, only looking away after she felt a cold sharp pain over her, " gahh ! ", she flew out the way of the ice blast, almost causing her to hit a building in her panic.

Freeze Burn stopped the beam and was cackling from the ground, " don't worry you'll be joining your friend soon ".

Geostorm did a small eye roll, " I can't even... ", taking advantage of the thermal alpha's distraction, she raised a hand and the debris on the ground started to fly at other female ( Freezer Burn ).

Freezer Burn, taken unaware got knock over, receiving a few cuts from the swirling objects. She touched the ground and a prism of ice slowly encapsulates her to shield her from the barrage.

Geostorm kept on the offensive, letting the cyclone rage around the ice shielding .

The ice prism rubbles around Freezer Burn and she yelled into her coats coms, " Static I need a peel here! ".

Just as she said this, one of the darting yellow blurs abruptly stops, leaving the other to zoom off. Static turns towards the path of his team mate.

" I got you Freeze ", He says with electricity crackling over him, hurling a bolt of lightening towards the floating female in purple.

Geostorm barely had time to react before she's struck by the direct hit, letting out an audible scream, she lost consciousness and came plummeting to the ground.

" bull's eye... How about helping me with quick feet ", Static says into his ear communicator, right before he's slugged across the face by Sonic Boomer.

" we aren't done here... ", Boomer states as he walked towards him cracking his knuckles.

Static rubbed his pained jaw, cleaning some blood off his cut lower lip, " do hurry uppp... ", he utters under panting breaths then stood up to buy time for Freezer Burn, " What's the problem Sonic Boomer...Jealous that you are no longer earning the attention of muah ", upon saying this he felt a rush of wind then a force that kicks him back.

Sonic Boomer vanishes behind to hit the male again with an elbow to the back, running to the next side to catch him with another attack, repeating the alteration into a string of combos around the smug male.

Elsewhere, Crimson Defender was being pinned at a building by Bulk, the titan pushed forward, forcing him halfway into a wall.

While struggling to free himself, Mike caught a glimpse of the falling Geostorm in the distance followed by hearing a faint thud.

His eyes widened and turned to Bulk, pushing more to break out of his hold only to be rewarded by a punch to the face and a ringing sensation in his head.

Bulk pulled his large fist back to see a glaring Crimson Defender beneath, parts of his domino mask fell off with his brown eyes starting to build up a blue glow.

The grey Goliath gawks in a slight trance, only to be hit square in the face by a laser beam from the eyes of the smaller male. Momentarily incapacitated, he staggers back to hold his hurting face in a roar of anguish.

Bulk arched back and slowly opened and eye to see the scruffy Alexander hovering right above him, before he received a powerful axe kick to the head. The ground beneath him gives way and he rockets into the abyss below.

Michael pants as he floats, rubbing his aching eyes, before flying forwards to site of his downed teammate.

Reaching the female hero, he lowered down to gently shake her awake, " Sarah, wake up... ".

Geostorm let out a soft moan, smacking away his prodding finger, " Alexander... ".

The dark teen smirks smugly, " of course m'lady...Your handsome savior in red ", he says to girl bellow him.

Geostorm took off her cracked goggles and her silvery grey stare at the male, " you have 2 seconds to get off me before I start kicking Alexander... ".

Mike laughs and stood up, offering a hand down, which Sarah waved off as sat up to look around.

" hmm Frosty probably left to help out rich boy...you need to get to speedy... ",  Geostorm says in an almost caring tone, Michael's eye widen a little, " it's because he's close to the location of civilian...don't make it weird Alexander ", she hissed at him.

" sure it is ", His chuckling was short lived upon hearing loud cracking from nearby.

Feeling the rumbling, both teens glance over to see a battle damaged Bulk emerge a fissure in the ground. Briefly getting view of his maddened expression, before he leaps towards them.

Crimson Defender had a frustrated frown as he got in a position to prepare to counter the impact, just to see the descending male slow down in the air until he halts, completely suspended in the air.

" go...go help speedy, I'll keep him occupied...go before I change my mind! ",  Sarah yelled to her distracted teammate, standing up with both her hands held out.

Michael gave a brief nod before flying into the air, " good luck...Captain ", he glanced back, before taking off into the dark sky like a breeze.

Meanwhile, Sonic Boomer had managed to hold his own against the double team, panting with his costume tattered, the speedster looked on at circling duo.

Static moved to Freezer Burn's side, " had anytime to sense anything... ".

" yeah...The building over there feels warmer... ", She replied and briefly motions to the tilted skyscraper behind Sonic Boomer, frowning behind her goggles that this was dragging on, " we need him down before his friends arrive ".

Static lets out a hum, " I have an idea... ".

Boomer furrows his brows as he saw the 2 whisper to each other, being to far for him to hear, "...damn it where are those 2 ",  he says to himself as he watched the duo sperate.

Then suddenly Static soared forward at the skyscraper in an aura of yellow electricity. Sonic Boomer dashes to halt him, able to tackle him off course.

Boomer rolled to his feet as the other male crashed before him, " come on Dude...I thought talking fancy meant ya'd be smart enough to know that ain't working... ".

Static chuckled and sat up, " what can I say...you've been very distracting ".

The speedster was about to resume his assault then he heard a cracking bellow his feet, glancing down the raven haired teen saw he was above a fine sheet of ice.

" this again...do I need to kick you in the face to show my boot comes with traction? ".

" haha...No that's plenty enough thank you ", Static laughed innocently,  just as the ice immediately melts into a large puddle bellow them.

Sonic Boomer glanced down curiously then his golden eyes widen, he started a run towards the electricity powered Alpha.

But was too late, as Static tapped the surface of the water with a electrically charged finger, firing a hard shock into the wet male.

The speedster let out a loud yell then collapses after the electrocution stopped.

" worked as planned...As if the was a doudt ",  Static said into his coms and winked at the female in the distance, who shook her head and glanced up.

" we have incoming... "

Static glanced up, catching a glimpse of red before the is a crash, erupting a cloud of dust.

Upon the covering clearing, both Static and Freezer Burn are a little surprised to see the Crimson Defender, crouched beside the body of his steaming teammate.

" ugh...Mikey...Ya...Ya sure took your sweet time ! ",  Boomer groaned as he gave his friend a weak punch to the shoulder.

" haha sorry Boom, Bulk was getting...handsy... ",  Michael rubbed his neck that ached from the previous experience.

Sonic Boomer squints at him then says, " gah I can't say mad at you bro... Give em hell...oh yeah when this is over... Tell Sarah to never give me s#it about 2 v 1 ing again ", with that both males share a short laugh, " now leave me alone... I'm tired ",  Boomer yawned and laid back down, shooing him away lazily.

Crimson Defender shook his head as he stood back up, turning to his opponents with a sigh. He vaguely heard then whisper to each other about ' a fire wall ' or something of sort.

Confirming his suspicions, Freezer Burn broke into a run towards the buildings, raising the temperature of the environment behind her, until those buildings ignited to form a fire blockage to mask her retreat.

While the young hero was processing what was happening, he was hit by a bolt of lightening.

" gah! ",  He yelped as it stung, glancing over to the grinning culprit in yellow and blue.

" You know Crimson Defender, it's rude to not pay attention to opponent...let's not be crude shall we ", Static then rushed forward firing a few more bolt as he looked like an electric firework.

Crimson Defender used his speed to weave the projectiles and with a hard back hand, smacks away the other male into a crashing spiral.

" not in the mood Static... ",  he flew straight into the air to look over the fire, spotting Freezer Burn near the skyscraper.

Before he can descend on the female another body hits him from behind, wrapping a pair of bruised light arms around him.

The Alexander frowned and glanced over his shoulder, " I know I look good under the mask and all, but now you're just being desperate Static ".

The other male was surprisingly silent and just held him there in the awkward hug.

Michael then glanced up aftering hearing some thundering and crackling, shockingly enough dark clouds were starting to loom overhead them both.

"...gotcha ".

The is flash of yellow and the air borne males are both bathed in powerful thunder, illuminating the sky in a brief bright gold.

The other individuals on the field, glance up at the sky from their various locations.

" what are those idiots even doing ",  Sarah mumbled to herself, still managing to hold up the roaring Bulk.

Boomer had now sat up as his rest was rudely disturbed by the bright light.

While, Freezer Burn was using this opportunity to get to the objective.  Stomping on the ground, an ice platform slowly erected up beneath her, taking her towards the top of the skyscraper.

After the yellow flash fades, both Static and Crimson Defender plummet downwards, crashing through the glass into one off the tilted building.

Static laid on the ground with a few cuts, he was unconscious from the massive drain.

Pained groans and hisses could be heard beside him, as Mike was having muscle spasms from the lingering sensation of electrocution. 

His blurry vision barely caught a glimpse of the growing structure of ice at the side of a familiar skyscraper, managing to crawl to to the edge of the window, the blonde male collapsed down.

As he laid there, looking on to possible failure. A desperate idea went through his head, his eyes started to charge up with a faint blue glow.

Back outside, Freezer Burn was getting elevated to the floor she sensed the objective until she saw a faint blue beam go by on the reflection of the windows, " Che cosa? ",  then the ice mound started to rumble before shattering.

She let out a scream as she free fell from quite a height. Expecting to hit the hard surface, she's surprised when she is held by something warm.

The thermal Alpha opened her eyes to see she was safely on the ground, in the arms of Sonic Boomer.

"... "

The male set her down on her feet, with both parties now engage in an awkward stare as chunks of ice fell around them, Freezer Burn sighs then randomly yells, " Far Point Prep Surrenders! ".

" game set ! Far Point Prep forfeits, the winners are the defending home team of Paragon Academy! ", a voice announced from the surrounding void, bright lights flicker on to reveal the interior of a gym room, with a multitude of cheering students on the bleachers.

The 6 powered teens gather themselves close as the buildings, road and the very background faded off into pixels.

Each team at opposite sides, with now calmer and friendlier looks.

" not bad, Geostorm...I guess I underestimated your team this time ",  Freezer Burn says as both females were shaking hands.

" yeah sure thing, Frost bite ",  Sarah shrugged and withdrew her hand.

" .... "

" good game Paragon...We almost won like last year eh ? ",  Static beamed to the other students, being supported up by Bulk.

The grey colossus started to shrink down to a skinny, shorter male, " yeah, Crimson Defender sorry about....Eh slamming you into a building in my muscle rage ", he let out a nervous chuckle, adjusting his hold on Static to tighten up his slowly regulating pants.

Michael laughs as he was being supported by Sonic Boomer, " hey thanks for somewhat holding back this year...I would have been embarrassing to lose in front of family ",  he glanced over to the crowded audience and waves cheerfully.

In the bleachers, amongst the loud cheering students. Jamie was with his classmates at the grade ten row.  He waved a hand back almost shyly at his sibling, before watching him leave like the rest of the competitors.

" get down notes James...that paper on collateral damage needs to start some how ",  Mr Bailey chimes from behind him, his dark face slightly squeezed up from all the noise, " alright, quiet it down people ! You'll get Physical Action classes soon enough...then you can start punching out each other's teeth to pacify your excitement !", he stood up and tried to reduce the sound level of his chattering students.


Thank you for reading, This chapter was rather long so I do apologize. I am still fairly new to writing action scenes. haha 

like, Share and comment your opinions as this helps a lot.

Michael. W

Signing off.

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