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London, July 18th

Macarena's POV


"Oh my God, Maqui! You're back!!! Jennifer! Please! Call the nurse!!"

"Ok! I'm on it!!"

"Let's not yell! I think she has a headache"

There was a lot of noise and fussing around the room, I had a killer headache, so Mario's comment was very accurate. Jamie grabs my face and starts talking softly.

"I'm sorry love! It's just that it's been fours days!!! You've been sleeping for four days. I'm almost dying here without you."

"Four days? What happened?"

He stops kissing my temple and looks at me worryingly.

"Don't you remember the accident?"


"The doctor is here"

We turn to see Jennifer who was standing next to a man in his mid-fifties, wearing a white robe which made it obvious he was the doctor. I turn to see my surroundings. I was in a hospital room. What had happened?

"Good evening Miss Santana. I am Dr. Eastwood, how are you feeling?"

"My head, hurts too much"

I search for Jamie's hand but it's not near mine.

"I'm here sweetheart, just giving the doctor some space."

"Do you remember what happened, Miss Santana?"

He starts examining my eyes and measuring my blood pressure.

"No, I don't. I  can only concentrate in the pain."

"Ok. I will take care of that."

Dr. Eastwood turns to talk to a nurse next to him and makes some commands.

Jamie comes closer.

"It's going to be ok, baby. You'll be better."

"Why am I here? What happened? Where's Dulcie?"

I start panicking but Jamie answers quickly.

"She's with Santi and Millie. She's fine."

"Aren't they supposed to be in their honeymoon?"

"It's ok love! You don't have to worry about that. Just focus on getting better. I need you. We need you."

A cold liquid starts running in my veins. And I wince when I try moving.

"Try not to move Miss Santana. You have a couple of broken ribs."

Suddenly, I feel like crying. And it overwhelms me. I have no idea what had happened to me and here I was lying on a hospital bed with no idea how I got here in the first place.

"What happened to me?"

"You were in a car accident. Can't you remember?"

The doctor's words surprise me.

"A car accident? No, I was..... I am.... not sure I remember."

Jamie comes closer.

"Maqui, you were on your way home from the supermarket. Do you remember what happened after you got off the phone?"

I look at Jenny who is standing next to my bed, giving me a reassuring smile.

"It's ok, darling. Take your time. We'll figure it out later"

She speaks softly, I nod and close my eyes.

Exhaustion hits me and my eyelids suddenly feel very heavy.

"I'm so tired"

"It's totally normal, that means the medication is working"

"Is she going to be asleep for too long?"

Jamie's concerned voice is the last thing I hear before darkness involves me.

London, July 14th 2014

Jamie's POV

"Did you hear that Dul? Maqui is on her way!"

I take my girl in my arms and walk her to the kitchen so I can make her bottle. She looks at her surroundings and starts babbling which never fails to make me smile. This one is going to be like her auntie Jess a non-stop talker.
The memory of my sister reminds me that I haven't talked to either of them in a while, I take a mental note to call them.

As soon as the bottle is ready I make my way to the backyard, Macarena usually sits on the swing chair when feeding Dulcie, it relaxes her and makes her sleepy.

Once the bottle is empty I take my girl back to her bedroom and put Dulcie down, Maqui should be home any minute now so I make my way to the kitchen and start making dinner. My beautiful fiancée loves shrimp fettuccine Alfredo so I decide to treat her. As I put away all the ingredients, my phone rings. I look at the number and don't recognize it. Normally I don't answer unknown numbers but since it has a London area code, I take the phone call.


"Good evening sir, are you familiar with a Miss Macarena Santana?"

The sound of her name in this lady's voice freezes me. If she doesn't know how to pronounce her name, she doesn't know her, which fires up all my alerts.

"Yes, I'm her fiancé. What can I help you with?"

"This is nurse Tibor from the Royal Brompton Hospital, Miss Santana has been in an accident and she needs to go under a surgery and the doctor needs a family member to sign the permit"

My world stopped right after she said Hospital, I suddenly found it difficult to breathe and the pain in my heart was unbearable.


"Is she ok?"

"I can't give information over the telephone, I need you or any other family member here at the hospital"

"I'm on my way"

I hang up the phone and run to Dulcie's room, I put some things in her baby's bag and breathe in and out before taking her in my arms smoothly trying not to wake her. She fuzzed a little but stays asleep. I make my way to the garage passing by the kitchen and making sure everything is off. I put Dulcie in her car seat while thanking the day I listened to Maca's advice and bought a second car seat for my other car. The thought of Maca makes me loose control and I suddenly feel like crying. Please God, don't let her die. Please. I'd do anything! I start a prayer while I am driving towards the hospital.

After driving for some minutes, my anxiety starts kicking in, the traffic was mild but I wasn't getting to the hospital as fast as I wanted, so I remember that my sister Jess lives closer to that hospital. I dial her number and put the call through the car Bluetooth system.

"Hey little bro! How are ye?"

"Jess! I need you"

My voice trembles and my emotions get the best of me.

"Jamie? What happened love? Talk to me"

"It's Maca. She's been in a car accident"

"Oh God! Is she ok? Where is she?"

"At Royal Brompton's"

"I'm on my way! Please stay calm, ok? I'll call dad. Don't you worry. Jamie? Was she with Dulcie?"

"No, Dulcie is with me"

I hear her letting out a shaky breath.

"Ok. I'm on my way."

"I'll meet you there, and Jess? Thank you"

"Of course. I love you. She's gonna be fine"

"She must be"

I hang up the phone and try to concentrate on the road. I have another ten minutes or so to get to the bloody hospital.


I make a question that makes me weep immediately. Why Maqui? Why, God, why?

I wipe my tears as I drive. I need to control myself. I need to have faith. The same faith Maca talks about all the time. I need to trust God. I make a prayer and ask my mom to please help me out in this one. Please keep Maca safe.

I get to the hospital fifteen minutes after I spoke to Jess and I am surprised to see her waiting for me at the E.R. entrance.

I stop the car and she comes to my door.

"Here! Let me park it for you. I'll take care of Dulcie"

I come out of the car and she involves me in a crashing hug. I appreciate the contact. I feel safe in her arms.

"It's going to be ok. I'll park and meet you inside"

I nod and make my way to the E.R. remembering to breathe in and out.

When I get to the receptionist she recognizes me but keeps it professional.

"Excuse me, my fiancée, Macarena Santana is here. She was in a car accident"

"Yes, Mr. Dornan. She's being taken care of, the doctor needs to see you, I'll take you to him"

I nod and follow her.

Please God! Let her be ok. I'd do anything. Please let her be fine.

We come to a waiting room and she motions me to sit.

"I'll let the doctor know you're here"

And she disappears behind some double doors.

I sit and start another prayer when the doors open again and there's a doctor and a nurse coming my way.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Eastwood. Are you a relative?"

"I'm her fiancé"

"Miss Santana has been on a car crash and has a bad concussion, we need to take her into surgery"

"Can I see her?"

He sees my desperation and looks at the nurse who shrugs.

"You have one minute. We are running against the clock here. Nurse, bring the paperwork"

He takes me through the double doors and to a room where people are working around Maqui.

She's laying there, unconscious. People are preparing her for surgery and start taking her away from me. And I panic....

"Is she awake??? Maqui??? Maqui??? Can you hear me love?"

"We need to take her in. I'll come find you as soon as I have any news"

"Maqui, I love you sweetie. Come back to me, please"

The same nurse who came find me with the doctor brought some paperwork for me to sign. I sign everything without looking and she then takes me outside to the waiting room.

As I come out I hear Dulcie's giggles.

Jess is holding her and kissing her neck. She's ticklish there.

Jess sees me and her smile drops. I then sit down and start crying. I weep uncontrollably. I find it hard breathing. I can't believe it was my Maca laying on that bed. She looked so pale. Almost unrecognizable. If it weren't for the outfit she was wearing, I would have said it was another woman.

Jess tries her best to hold me while holding Dulcie, my baby feels the situation and starts crying too, so I decide to take control of my feelings. I can't just weep, I have my baby to take care of. I need to have faith. The same faith Maca professes.

I wipe my tears away and hold Dulcie in my arms.

Jess walk to a vending machine and I focus on my girl.

"It's ok baby. I'm sorry daddy scared you"

She starts calming down when Jess comes.

"I've called Liesa. She's on her way. So is dad and Samina. Once Liesa is here, she will take Dulcie back to your place."

I nod and take the bottled water she hands me.

She takes Dulcie from me and I drink a sip of water.

My phone buzzes and I can see it's a message from Santiago.

Then he attaches a picture of a beer facing the ocean. And I ponder if I should tell him or not. Then I realize I need to call Maqui's parents, they need to know. Just the idea of me telling her mom what had happened to her baby breaks my heart and I feel like weeping again. But I need to control my emotions. I need to be strong. Not just for Maqui but for all our family that is far away and will want to be here as soon as I tell them. I make another silent prayer.

Please God, give me strength to call Maqui's parents. Please let her be ok. We all love her and can't live without her. Please, I can't live without her. Please let her be fine.

*** Hello loves!!!! Another dramatic update. I'm sorry!!! I promise the next one will be more cheerful and it won't take too long!!! Thank you as always for your constant support!!! Don't forget to leave your love by voting and commenting!!! This story is not as popular as its first part so please help me out by voting for it so it can do better in the rankings!! You guys are the best!!!! Xoxo-Z ***

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