Goodbye London... For now.

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London, August 1st, 2014

Macarena's POV

"Are you sure you are all packed?"

I look around the bedroom and try to see if I'm not forgetting anything important.

"Yes, I think that's it."

"Here, let me help you with that."

I hand my suitcase to Eddie, he's come to take me to the airport since Jamie had a last-minute meeting with The Fall producers before we departed to New York for our Press Junket for Fifty Shades of Grey, we were supposed to do this two weeks ago but I was still in the hospital so the studio sent a note saying that due to technical problems, the trailer was only going to be released on August 4th. We didn't want to tell much about the accident, the least the press knew, the better.

I walk out the door and follow Eddie down the stairs. It's still a little weird being alone with him. We are trying to leave our past behind but it's hard seeing him and not remembering our one night stand. Although I didn't even know Jamie when that happened, I feel very guilty because he was dating Hannah, who is now his wife.

My phone rings and as I look for it in my purse, Eddie speaks while pointing at the luggage. – "I'll put these in the boot, will you be ok locking the house?"

"Yes, thank you."

The politeness between us is so uncomfortable that I am thankful that he is out of earshot while I'm on the phone with Jamie.


"Hi babe, are you in the car already?"

"No, I'm locking the house, I'll be on my way in five."

"Why are you locking the house? Where is Eddie?" – His concerned tone makes me smile.

"He's putting the luggage in the trunk of the car. I'm fine, I can manage."

"Be careful, please." – I roll my eyes at his overprotectiveness.

"I'm fine, don't worry. How was the meeting?"

"It was great! We're shooting one more season in late October."

"Great! You'll be in Belfast!"

"WE will be in Belfast. I need you by my side." – I know that he really means he wants me in Belfast with him so he can keep an eye on me, it's hard for him to understand that I am healing, slowly, but healing.

"Ok, love." – I decide not to argue with him at the moment.

I put my purse on the floor and start locking the door but Eddie runs to me.

"Here, I'll do that."

I hand him the keys and take my purse without saying a word. Jamie is still on the phone so I hear him sighing.

"I know we are getting on your nerves with all this overprotection and I am sorry, my love, but we can't help it. We all were so worried while you were on a comma, laying on that hospital bed while nobody knew if or when you were going to wake up."

I shudder at the thought of never being able to wake up.

"I know, babe. I'm sorry. It's ok. Let's not think about that"

"Ok" - his response comes as a whisper and I am upset with myself for making him sad. Great job Macarena!

"I'm in the car now and Eddie is coming, I'll meet you soon, mi amor" (my love)

"Ok, ask him to drive to the parking lot in terminal 4. I'll be there waiting for you. I love you."

"I love you more."

I hang up and Eddie clears his throat. - "Are you ready? Do you need anything?"

"I'm fine, Eddie, thanks."

His lips set to a line, now he's upset. Great! I need to fix this. I wait for him to buckle his seatbelt and back out of the driveway.



"Thank you! I'm sorry I'm being rude, and you don't deserve it, you're just trying to help and I truly appreciate it."

He looks sideways and studies my expression for some seconds.

"It's ok Macarena, you are just stressed out and we are part of that stress, it's just that, it was very scary seeing you laying in that hospital bed. Jamie lost it, he wouldn't leave your side, not even for eating or a shower."

He wrinkles his nose faking a bad smell and I giggle to help him lighten up the mood then bring my attention to the streets of London.

Such a beautiful city, I loved my time here with Jamie, before the accident, that is. Although I don't remember anything about what happened with me, I still have the dull pain in my ribs and the tiny scar on my forehead, to remind me that I was in a bad accident and I should appreciate my loved ones.

As we start getting closer to the airport I remembered what Jamie asked me to tell Eddie.

"We are supposed to drive to the parking lot in terminal 4, Jamie is waiting for us there."

He nods and gives me as smart smile. "Trying to get rid of me, Santana?"

I roll my eyes and reply in the same tone. – "Always."

I wink and he laughs. "You were always a smart ass Señorita Santana!"

"Always was and always will be"

He laughs harder and the mood in the car changes drastically, suddenly the air is not as hard to breathe and he releases his tight hold on the wheel. Yeah, it looks like we weren't completely over the awkwardness in our relationship but now things are looking better between us. After all, this is Jamie's best friend, we are supposed to have a healthy relationship. And right now, as Jamie's best mate, he was honoring his homie duties.

Terminal 4 was almost empty, not so many cars parked. Eddie drove around and near the entrance was Jamie's car. He was in the phone looking as handsome as ever.

He saw us and hung up the phone then approached us smiling widely. The butterflies in my stomach exploded and I couldn't wait for Eddie to park the car completely so I opened the door and ran to my love's arms.

He smiles and holds me tight.

"Hello beautiful! Have you missed me?"

"Just a little" - I throw my hair to the back and fake being uninterested.

Jamie chuckles and goes to Eddie, who was unloading my luggage from his car, to give him a "bro hug".

"Thank you!" - Jamie said sincerely.

Eddie waves him off. - "Anytime! I locked up the house. Everything worked out fine."

"Great. Thanks again. Wanna hang out at the lounge with us and have some Guiness?"

"Rain check? I need to go back home. Hannah and I have some things to buy for the baby."

"Are you guys expecting? How wonderful! Congratulations!" - I smile at him and he returns my smile proudly.

"Thank you! We are very excited. I am the happiest man ever!"

"I bet! That's great Eddie!" - I'm truly happy for them.

"Ok, daddy. Let us know if you need anything, ok? We'll be back in two weeks. I need to be in Belfast for The Fall. Let's plan something the four of us."

"Deal!" - With that Eddie gave Jamie a strong hug and came to me and kissed me on both cheeks.

"Have fun you guys!" - He waved goodbye while getting on his car then driving away.

Jamie pulled me to his arms and gave me a soft kiss.

"Hey beautiful!"

"Hi handsome!"

His smile broadened. "Let's go check in and have a drink, I need to relax before this flight."

"Let's go" - Jamie put our suitcases in a trolley and we walked into the airport to the check-in counter.

"Are you leaving your car here?"

"Yeah, Matt will come back after the interviews are over, so he'll pick it up."

"Can't wait to see Matt and Dani. I miss them."

"Me too. I just spoke to him. They're finally settled down in their new apartment."

"That's awesome! They must be very happy."

"Oh yeah! I think they will be getting married right after us."

My heart did a somersault, I love it when we speak about our wedding. Although we haven't decided on our destination, we are meeting with some wedding planners in New York, and then in London.

After checking in we walked hand in hand to the VIP lounge to have some lunch. As Jamie was ordering I checked on my phone to see if I had any messages. I smile to the pictures of my nephews that Anto has sent to me. – "What are you smiling at?" – I show Jamie my phone and his smile broadens when he sees the happy boys.

"Argh! I miss them! Can we have some fun with them?" – He looks at me with puppy eyes.

I nod frantically. – "Sure baby! In December they will have summer vacation in Brazil, we can ask Anto and Roberto to let us take the boys on a trip with us".

"That is a wonderful idea!"

We sat contently having our lunch and discussing the possible locations for our wedding when someone drew our attention.

"It's disgusting seeing how happy you are when you left an entire family wrecked!"

This man was standing in front of us with hate in his eyes talking directly to me.

"Excuse me?" – I asked concerned.

"I think you're mistaken, mate." – Jamie starts standing up when the man spoke again not giving a glance at Jamie.

"That accident took away my brother's life and now his little girl is hungry while you're here sipping champagne in a VIP room!"

The world stopped. All I could here was the man saying, "His little girl is hungry... hungry..."

A pair of strong arms got a hold of me and I felt cold.

"Maqui, baby! Talk to me. He's gone. Look at me baby."

I meet Jamie's gaze and his eyes were full of concern. I could hear the man yelling - "YOU'VE DESTROYED MY FAMILY!!"- While he was taken away by security.

"Don't worry baby, I'll have somebody investigate this." - Jamie holds me trying to give me some comfort but I just want to know.

"Is it true?"

"I don't know, love. We only know that the man who hit his car against yours was drunk and had fallen asleep while driving. But I will investigate this, I promise."

A girl in our airline uniform approached us and cleared her throat.

"We are deeply sorry Miss Santana, we don't know how that man entered the lounge, please know that he's been taken into custody."

I nodded and Jamie asked briefly.

"Can we board the plane?"

"Yes, of course!"

Jamie grabbed my purse and guided me towards the exit that led us to our gate.

I know that I wasn't responsible for the accident, I was driving within the speed limits, haven't drank a drop of alcohol, I was the victim of this horrible accident that had led to the death of a little girl's father.

I can't help but worry and feel horrible about this. This is a little girl's life we are talking about.

Once we are seated, Jamie holds my hands.

"Baby, please stop this. You can't worry this much. You weren't responsible for the accident, it wasn't your fault this man decided to drink and drive. He almost took your life for Christ's sake!"

His voice is filled with anger. I meet his gaze and his eyes softened a little.

"I'm sorry, didn't mean to yell."

I shake my head. - "You didn't. You are right. I shouldn't feel this way. It's just that... Seriously? A little girl is an orphan now? I feel like I should help. I want to help."

He examined me for a while. I guess he was trying to make sure that I wasn't still in shock. Then he nodded.

"If I didn't know you as I do, Maqui, I would say you're in shock or that you're going crazy, but you are like this. You genuinely want to help. And I admire you for that." - He brings my hand that is between his to his lips and gives it a kiss making me smile.

"I will help you babe, as soon as we arrive in New York I'll have somebody investigate this and we will find a way to help this little girl and her family."

I nod and kiss him on the lips. - "And I admire you right back."

We sit back and I hold Jamie's hand during the take off. I guess this will never get old.

*** Hello my dear readers! I am truly sorry for the delay of this chapter! Life has been complicated with school (university) and my other school (work) plus the kids and real life it has become almost impossible to find a time to write (Key word being Almost); this book is very special to me so know for sure I will always come back to write it. Enjoy this latest twist! How did you like it? Gosh! I haven't spoken to most of you for a long time!!!! This chapter is dedicated to Ilse cinderella1976 my sister from Belgium who always has my back and to 4thpowermama for being a great friend and inspiration.


I have some great news!!!

Once again I've been invited to join the Wattpad Block Party Summer Edition!!!! 🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾 And I am beyond excited!!!! I hope you guys will support me and participate of my giveaway. To celebrate, the next chapter of Filming Without You will be the modified version on my Wattpad Block Party's first post. Exciting huh? So who is going with me to this new party??? I'll be waiting for you to dance with me to Despacito ;)

And the good news don't end there! My story Best Friends has made it to the top20 on the earnestycommunity 's Awards!!!! I am beyond excited!!!!! Even if I don't make it beyond this, I am already feeling like a winner.


This is all because of you!!!! I love you guys!!!!! Words cannot describe my feelings right now!!!
I went to work like this this morning 😉

All your votes and comments are my life! Love you always!

xoxo-Z ***

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