Missed Phone Calls

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*** Meet Sabrina on picture above ***

Paris, March 2014

Macarena's POV

"Maqui, mi amor, just a couple of more shots and we'll be done, I promise! Now give me one of those beautiful carefree smiles you have"

I glare at Mario, he promised this photoshoot wouldn't last more than a couple of hours, but we've been here for four! I'm beyond tired and I just want to be over with all of this so I can leave Paris and start working so I can forget all about Jamie.

"Maca, ma Cherie, do you remember that time when we were in New York and that guy who was flirting with you while walking backwards, fell on his derrière into a mud puddle? You laughed so hard!!!"

I smile at Sabrina, I do remember, I have that problem, I can't help it, whenever someone falls I laugh, hard, to the point of falling on my knees in laughter.

"I want to know that story, come on Sabrina! Do tell us!"

"Oui, oui!"

As soon as Sabrina started her story  I was laughing, a lot, hysterically. After a good ten minutes session of laughing I felt so light hearted, I felt anew.

"Vamos Mario! I'm ready to continue our photoshoot!"

He smiled while giving his assistant his camera back.

"Continue? We're done love"

"Argh! Mario! I don't like those laughing pictures!"

"No, no, no! You don't get a say in this, those are the best pictures I've ever taken!"

"Oh! Stop being so exaggerated"

He laughed and came to offer me his arm, and I linked mine to his, Sabrina joined us and we walked back to the hotel, the photoshoot was taken in front of the Seine River with a beautiful background, I only have a couple of hours before my flight leaves.

"Shall we get something to eat?"

Mario's question reminds me how hungry I am. I nod and both of us turn to Sabrina to hear her ideas for lunch.

"My brother's best friend has just opened a bistro near here, I think you'll like it"

"Well, let's go!"

Mario's eagerness in his voice shows how hungry he is, so we follow Sabrina's lead and as we walk my heart grows heavy because I know that soon after we finish eating I will be facing yet another plane and I haven't solved my situation with Jamie, far from it, I don't think we will have another chance. I look at my beautiful ring and wish I never had gone to London, better yet to Chicago, but I did, and now there's no turning back. Now I will have to face live without Jamie, without my love.

Cape Town, late March 2014

Jamie's POV

"You've reached Macarena's voicemail, please leave a message. Thank you!"

I hear Maca's voice for the tenth time today, I've made it my daily ritual to call her ten times a day just to let her know I haven't given up on her. She's my life and I refuse to give her up, unfortunately I can't fly to Chicago to see her, my schedule is crazy but it's worth the money, I've been offered another movie and it's going to be filmed in Vancouver, I have to fix our relationship before I go back to the place where we lived our love. A knock on my door brings me back to reality.

"Jamie, are you ready? They're waiting for you"

I look at Matt, he looks different, ever since he started his relationship with Dani he's a different man, a cheery soul.

"Yeah mate, I just need five minutes"

He nods and takes a sit in front of me, watching me.

"It's been a month"

"I know"

I know where he's going with this. It's been a month since I last saw Maca in London. I haven't heard from her but I know he knows her whereabouts via Dani.

"How is she?"

"Busy. That movie is taking all of her time"

I nod and deep inside I want to ask him if she has asked about me, or if she's seeing someone but my pride won't let me.

"She misses you"

That brings me hope.

"Has she asked about me?"

A smile comes to my lips making my mustache lift a bit upwards.

"Dani hasn't told me but she said that she only works hard and comes back to the apartment to sleep and study her lines"

"Just like me"

He nods and claps twice.

"Ok mate, my job is to take you to makeup in time so you can do your job, so shall we?"

I stand up, my spirits in a much better mood.

"Yes, we shall... And Matt?"

He was by the door already and turned to face me.


"Thank you! For everything! And next time you talk to Dani tell her to let Maca know that I won't give her up and that I'll keep on calling her until the day she answers"

He nods and off we go to face the real world.

Chicago, Mid April 2014

Macarena's POV

"Hi my love! Do you miss me? Yes, you do! Because I miss you so much!"

I coo to a smiley Dulcie over the laptop webcam, she's getting so big! Almost three months, what a darling she is, I've been skyping her ever since I returned from Paris.

"It's good to know that you miss me too"

I laugh at Santi's childish expression.

"Of course I miss you too! I just miss her more"

He sticks out his tongue and whispers something to Dulcie making her giggle. I giggle too.

"So, how have you been Maqui?"

"I'm alright, working a lot"

"I've heard you aren't answering your phone"

I glare at him. I know where this is going to.


"Ok, ok! Just saying that maybe answering the phone wouldn't hurt so much"

"It hurts either way. I just want to be done with this movie so I can move on with my life"

"I'm just saying that maybe, just maybe, talking to Jamie will help your heartache"

"Santiago Para! (Stop it)"

He looks through the webcam trying to search my eyes, he's always hated when I cry. But I'm not crying, not anymore, ever since I came back from France I stopped being vulnerable.

"So how is Millie?"

"She's fine, adjusting to her new life in Sydney, I think she likes it"

"How nice Santi! Where is she now?"

"With Auntie, they went shopping"

"So you are hanging with that gorgeous girl"

"Yes, I am!"

He blew raspberry kisses on Dulcie's cheek and she giggled louder.

"What a lovely sound"

I wince to the sound of the manly voice, I'm still not used to Chris coming in and out of the apartment as if it was his. I swear this man has no boundaries! But I am getting used to his presence.

"Hi Maqui!"

"Hello Chris!"

He gave me his million dollars smile and looked at the image of smiley Dulcie and confused Santiago.

"Is that Captain America?"

Chris and I burst out laughing, I haven't mentioned my brother who my coworker really was.

"Santiago this is Chris Evans, my coworker and nosy neighbor"

"Hello there! And who is that lovely lady with you?"

My brother smiled sweetly at Dulcie.

"This is Dulcie, Dulcie that is Captain America. Yeh your auntie Maqui is that cool"

Chris and I laughed so hard that made Dani come to check on us.

"What on Earth are you guys laughing at?"

Then she saw Santi and Dulcie in the computer.

"Oh! Hi Santi! And hello darling Dulcie! Aren't you the cutest baby ever?"

She started a short conversation with Samti which gave me the chance to ask Chris what he needed.

"So, Captain America, what can I do for you?"

He smiled and shook his head.

"I just came to see, since it's our night out, if you wanted to catch a movie with me?"

"Like actually going to the movies?"

"Well, yeah that was the plan"

"I really don't want to go out, can't we just Netflix here?"

He sighed loudly and shook his head.

"You know you have to move on with life someday, don't you?"

I looked into his eyes, they were filled with concern, we've become good friends ever since we started the movie, he knows all about Jamie and believes that I should talk to him, that we can't just forget about our relationship, and to think of the truth I have forgiven Jamie but I would like to see him and not talk over the phone.

As in cue my phone started ringing and When I reached for it I saw Jamie's picture on the screen, I looked at Chris and he nodded urging me to answer, I looked back at the phone and made my way to my room. Is I was going to have this conversation, I was going to have it in private.

*** Hello my dear readers! I am back!!!!! Sorry this chapter is not very long but I was eager to give you an update! I wish you all a great 2016 and please leave your comments and don't forget to vote! Xoxo-Z***

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