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*** The song for this chapter is our love Jamie's song "All the wrong answers" and it's how he feels towards Macarena right now. Picture above of the handsome Chris Evans. Enjoy!!***

Chicago, February 2014

Macarena's POV

*knock *knock *knock

I woke up to the sound of someone knocking gently on my door. Jesus! My body is sore from sleeping on the floor, why did I do this to myself? Oh right! Jamie. And my heart breaks again.

*knock *knock

I stood up and open the door to find a tan and beautiful Dani. She gasped at my sight and I ran to hug her, we've never been this close but right now she was the closest to a family member that I had in this city.

"Oh Maqui! What happened?"

I let her in and once we sat on the couch, I thought I was going to start crying once more but I didn't, I think I cried myself out last night, I was numb. She sensed my lack of words and spoke.

"Look, I know that you need to be in Vancouver, why didn't you call me? I would have found you a way to travel with or without snowstorm"

I looked up at her and she smiled at me while reaching in her bag, there in her hands she was holding an airline ticket. I jumped from my seat and grabbed it from her hands.

"Oh my God!!!! Dani!!! You're a Goddess!!!!"

She chuckled and stood up.

"Jump in the shower, we have until noon for you to leave"

"How long is the flight there?"

"Almost five hours"

I sighed and looked at the clock, it read 8:40am I had some time so I decided to take a shower.

After a long hot shower, I blow dried my hair and let it down, just the way Jamie loved it. I dressed in some skinny jeans, a grey tank top, a white wool sweater, my comfy Ugg boots and a grey scarf. I surely hope he takes me back. I was on my way out to the living room where I had left my small suitcase and as soon as I opened my bedroom door I was surprised by two things: the smell of coffee and Chris Evans's voice. I sighed, the man can be annoying! Dani was laughing at something he said when I walked in the kitchen. They both stopped laughing and looked at me. Dani broke the silence.

"Maca, you look beautiful! A woman in a mission"

I smiled at her.

"That I am"

Chris's grin turned into a smile.

"And what mission is that?"

I looked at him, I didn't bother to answer, this man is very annoying! He gets in my nerves.

"Why are you here?"

The grin was back.

"Good morning to you too. I came by to offer you a ride to our meeting"

"Oh well, you can give the ride to Dani then, she's representing me at today's meeting"

"Am I?"

I glared at her and she nodded.

"I am"

Chris's grin was gone and now he frowned.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting ready for my flight to Vancouver"

"I don't get you! Out of all people in that meeting, you are the one whose presence is a must! You're the main character! Vince and I just go around you. This role was made thinking of you! What's in Vancouver that you are so desperately trying to get there?"


My outburst took us all by surprise. Chris' interest seemed peaked. Dani not wishing to get caught up in the discussion, walked out of the room with her laptop in hand. Craving for a cup of coffee I walked to the coffee maker and served two mugs, one for a quiet Chris and one for myself, grabbed some bread and made some toast. Chris was smelling the coffee and sipped carefully while tasting the flavor. A humming sound escaped his lips. He loved it.

"This is really good"

I smiled and placed a plate with toast, butter and jam in front of him.

"I know."

He accepted the food and looked at me.

"So, are you gonna tell me who holds your heart in Vancouver that is so important that you are jeopardizing your career?"

"My fiancé and his new born daughter need me. So do my brother and his girlfriend. This last minute meeting in Chicago diverted me from a flight to Vancouver but being away from them this week is tearing my family apart. My fiancé is about to leave for South Africa for almost two months. I need to patch up our relationship before he leaves. Look, you're my boss and I think you are decent enough to let me take a few days of personal time to be with my family and to let Dani attend the meeting on my behalf until I return."

He kept looking at me, his expression unreadable. I've just met him but I could tell that he was mulling over the family bombshell I had just dropped on his lap. Finally he cleared his throat.

"Why didn't you go to Vancouver instead of coming here?"

Good question.

"Shelby made the meeting seem urgent and I didn't want the project canned because the female lead didn't come to Chicago. Come to think about it, more movies than I can count cast Latina women in stereotypical roles, poorly educated, domestic home helps or highly sexualised. This movie cast me as an intelligent, articulate, independent and successful woman. People are crying out for shows and movies that do that. Look at the multiple awards winning 'How to Get Away with Murder' that mirrors what is happening in real life. In recent years we have had Sonia Sotomayor become Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. Hilary Clinton is considered a serious candidate for President of the United States. This movie could be part of the movement for more female leadership and stronger female roles."

I took a sip of my now cold coffee and wondered if I had given Chris arguments that would allow him to give me the time off. Chris was munching on his toast whilst looking at me as if seeing me for the first time. Then the most unexpected thing happened. He patted me on the back, like a boss proud of his male or female star. He gave me an all American boy smile. It was dashing. His touch gave me some butterflies in my stomach which I tried my best to ignore.

"Maca, I got a glimpse of that passion in your audition reels. You've just convinced me that you are perfect for this role. I'll let Dani fill in for you in meetings so long as you keep informed about developments through her and return within a week."

I stood up from my stool and put my arms around his neck, his ocean blue eyes widened in shock but he recovered almost immediately and gently rested his hand on my waist, I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and his grin was back.

"Thank you! I really appreciated"

He cleared his throat and said.

"Well, I might as well give you a ride to the airport and then I'll take Dani to the meeting"

I was about to say no when Dani came to my rescue.

"That won't be necessary, your cab will be here in five"

She looked at me and I immediately stood to grab my purse and double check if my passport was there. Once I had everything I went to give Dani a hug.

"Thank you for everything! I didn't ask you, where are you staying?"

"Right now, at a hotel until I find something for myself"

"That's nonsense! You're staying with me! This apartment is huge! So you're more than welcome to stay. Here are the keys"

I handed her the keys and she was smiling wide.

"Ok, thank you! I would love to live with you"

There was a honk outside the apartment building and immediately the doorbell rang. I kissed Dani once more and waved Chris goodbye.


Vancouver, February 2014

Jamie's POV

"Are you sure you can't stay a bit longer?"

I stopped packing to look at Santiago in the eyes, he looked nervous.

"Are you afraid of staying by yourself with two girls?"

I smirked at him. He waved me off.

"Never! You know I'll take care of them, that I can promise you"

He was sincere. I am quite happy that Millie fell in love with this man, I am sure he will be a wonderful stepdad for my angel Dulcie.

"I know mate"

"I was asking because there's a certain someone who might be arriving later tonight"

My heart stopped. Do I want to see Macarena? Am I prepared for that? No, I'm not.

"Well, it took her a hell of a long time"

"I told you she would come to her senses"

Not enough. She wasn't here when I needed her. Now I don't need her anymore.

"Well, there's nothing I can do. I need to go to London very quick to settle the details for the shooting of season two of The Fall and then it's South Africa for 8 weeks"

Santi's face dropped, I guess he will have to deal with yet another female and I won't be here to help out.

"I know she messed up but I wish you could hear her"

"I will, but not just yet"

He ran a hand through his hair and left the room. He left the door opened so I could here him talking to Millie next door. I kept packing when I heard a knock on my door.

"You can come in, Millie"

She giggled.

"How did you know it was me?"

"Your perfume and also I overheard you telling Santi that you were going to come talk to me"

I sat on the bed and shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm all ears"

She sat next to me and leaned her head on my shoulder.

"Have you ever wondered how would it be if we had gotten married? How our lives would be without Maca or Santi?"

I smiled because I couldn't deny I have.


She removed herself from me and smiled at me.


"Well, we would be living in my house in London raising Dulcie together"

"Does that make you feel better, do you wish you've never met Maca?"

Of course not! I am mad at Macarena but I do love her. So I shook my head.

"No, I love Macarena. I wouldn't change my story with her for anything in this world"

Millie slapped me at the back of my head.

"Ouch! What was that for?"

"Because you have your answer, and you still want to leave. You love Maca and yes, she screwed up but she is on her way to fix it. Why don't you stick around and see for yourself what she wants to say?"

I stood up from the bed and went back to packing.

"Because she hurt me and right now, if I see her, I might hurt her back and that would be irreversible"

Millie stood up and walked to the door but, before leaving she turned around.

"You know what? Macarena is the best thing that ever happened to you and you are letting her go for something that can be fixable because you're stubborn. I'm sorry but I can't support you on this one"

She turned and left the room. I looked out the window and saw the snow falling softly, nothing compared to the big storm we had last night. The roads must be clear by now so I better go. I can't deal with Macarena right now.

Macarena's POV

Chicago is cold but man, the cold in Vancouver cuts to the bone! I hug my coat around me tightly whilst I hail a cab.

Santi and Millie's apartment building looks exactly the same and it hurts me because it brings back memories of a happier time. I rush to the door and knock softly because Dulcie might be sleeping and I wouldn't like to mess up with her sleep.

The door starts to open and all I want is for Jamie to open the door and hold me in his arms and forgive me for my lack of support when he needed me the most but all my hopes were gone when I saw Santiago's sad face.

"You've just missed him"

Oh no!

*** Hello guys! Sorry this took a bit longer than what I've planned for but I hope you like it! I'd like to thamk once again to my dear amiga @athenashekaspeare for helping me in this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment!!!! Xoxo-Z ***

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