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London, Late February 2014

Macarena's POV

Getting Jamie inside the house wasn't as difficult because he was conscious enough to walk by himself. I took him to his bedroom and started helping him out of his shirt. When he realized what was happening and chuckled.

"Whoa there! Eager to get dirty aren't we?"

He looked me in the eyes and his smile dropped.

"Ho-ho-how? Wha-Wha-What's going on?"

I shook my head slowly and resumed my job taking his clothes off.

"I'm helping you out of your clothes so you can go to sleep"

He stopped me and shook his head no.

"What I meant is, how did your eyes changed colors, now they are as blue as Macarena's eyes"


"Jamie? Who do you think I am?"

He rolled his eyes at me.

"You are Chloé, the French hottie I've been making out all night with"


"WHAT????? What the FUCK Jamie?"

I dropped my hands from his shirt and pushed him away. He waved me off and motion me to be silent.

"Hey Chloé, listen, you've been nice to bring me home and all but now I have a killer headache and I want to sleep it off, if you're still here in the morning, I might fuck you"

My world ended. The douche! He was not only admitting that he had kissed that girl, but he was promising to fuck her??? Our relationship was over. My heart was breaking. I had to walk out of that room. Out of that man whom I don't recognize anymore. When I turn to look at him, he was already on his way to his pillow and laid down falling into deep sleep. I stood there watching him until he started snoring. I needed water, my throat was suddenly dry.

I walked down the stairs without knowing what to do next. I was completely lost. Then the doorbell rang. I went to open it and my anger boiled at the sight of Eddie.

"What the hell, Eddie???? You let him kiss that girl???"

He swore under his breath.

"He told you???? What did he say??"

"Does it really matter what he told me??? The fact is that I know! This shouldn't have happened!!! I mean, what the fuck????"

He motioned if he could enter the house and I let him in but still super mad at him, at the others and most importantly, I was furious at Jamie!


"Don't call me that! Only my friends call me that! And you are NOT my friend! You're just this dude whom I fucked once and happens to be my EX Fiancé's friend, so it's Macarena to you"

He lowered his head and shook it.

"Well, it's better than not knowing your name at all..."

Low blow.

"Eddie!!!! what happened between us last year has nothing to do with this!!!!"

He nodded.

"Yes, I'm sorry. That was very low of me. Look, I understand you're mad. You can take it all on me, but just remember one thing, you hurt that man sleeping upstairs, he did kiss that girl but it was only once and I couldn't prevent it, he wouldn't listen, he's a grown man and there is only so much I can do"

I sat on the coach and put my head in my hands. I was destroyed. I was lost. I didn't know what to do. Eddie sat next to me.


I glared at him.

"Tell me, please, what can I do to make it better?"

I stood up.

"You? Nothing. I need to get out of here"

I walked towards my suitcase.

"No! stay! You guys need to work this out. He'll be better tomorrow and he'll want to see you"

I stopped and faced him.

"This time it's ME who doesn't want to see HIM"


Eddie stood up and grabbed my arm.

"No!! don't do this, Maca! This is stupid! You both are a acting as children!"

I let go of his grab.

"Maybe, but right now, it hurts too much"

"Why can't you be the better person?"

I glared at him.

"Because he CHEATED.ON. ME!!!!!!"

He shook his head and slapped his forehead.

"I gotta go. Look. I'm truly sorry for taking all this on you. I know you mean good but right now I need distance to clear my head. I'm going back to Mario's"

He reached for my hand.

"He loves you Maqui! I think you both belong together. Let me take you to Mario and tomorrow you'll solve things with my stupid mate"

I let out a nervous laugh. I hadn't realized I was crying.

"What about....?"

I looked towards the stairs. He understood I was meaning what about Jamie? I was mad at him but still I didn't want him to be by himself while drunk. He could do many stupid things.

"I'll drop you at Mario's and then I'll be back to take care of him. Just promise me you'll be here tomorrow"

"I can't promise you that"

"Just try to work things out"

"I need time, time to think"

Jamie's POV

I am awake with a killer headache. I had a terrible nightmare, I dreamed that there was a girl in my house, I girl with French accent and blue eyes, Macarena's eyes. I look at my surroundings to see where I am and I feel relieved to see that I'm home, in London and not some other crazy country as I did the last time I drank this much.

I groan as I try to get up when my door burst open.

"Top of the morning, mate!"

"I hate you! Why did you let me drink this much?"

My ex best mate, Eddie chuckles.

"I wouldn't be this mean to the person with the Advil in hand"

My mouth literally drooled over the Bloody Mary he is holding. Reading my thoughts, he hands me the drink.

"You're welcome"

"Do I want to know what happened last night?"

He shakes his head no and takes a sit on the bed.

"I don't think so"

"That bad?"

He nods. He's irritating sometimes!

"Yeap! Super bad!"

"Well, Mr. Snail. Are you going to tell me or do I have to punch you until you tell me"

"All the aggression won't help you. You met a girl last night. Chloé..."

"Let me guess, French?"

He raises an eyebrow to me.

"So we do remember Mademoiselle Chloé"

I'm starting to loose my patience.

"Yes, I remember something about her, what else happened??"

"You, being the bastard you are, kissed her"

Oh Fuck!

"Shit! What else did I do, did she come here?"

He shakes his head no but his eyes are telling something else, his eyes are sad, something happened.

"I'm starting to loose my patience, please go straight to business and cut the shit around"

"Are you sure you want to know?"

This time I raise my eyebrow.

"It wasn't Chloé who brought you home, it was Maca"

I look at him and blink twice trying to absorb what he just said.


He nodded.

"Macarena is in London. She appeared last night at the White Horse right at the moment you were throwing up and she helped you while Chloé ditched you and she brought you home"

"How? Why? Was she alone?"

"No, she was with that famous photographer, friend of hers"


"Yeah, yeah. That one"

"But how did she know where we were?"

"I think she spoke with Matt and then she spoke with me, but she was already there"

He was trying to apologize. Shit!

"What did she see? What does she know?"

"She saw you being sick, nothing else"

I sighed in relief.

"The problem is what she knows, what YOU told her to be more accurate"

I slap my forehead.

"What did I say? Shit! I fucked up, didn't I?"

He sighed.

"You did, mate. You told her you kissed Chloé, you thought she was Chloé and promised to fuck her in the morning"

Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!

"Fuck! Shit! She must be hating me now!"

"She is. She went to sleep at Mario's and mate, I don't think she's in the mood of talking to you"

I have to see her.

"I must see her. Where does he live? Do you know????"

"Yeah, I drove her there yesterday"

I stood up from bed and ran to take a shower.

"Where are you going?"

I turned to give him a glare.

"Where do you think, dumbass? I need to explain!"

"I thought you were mad at her"

"I was. But she's here and I fucked up. I shouldn't have kissed that girl. She's going to leave, I know her"

"As you did in Vancouver"

"Are you my mate or what? Aren't you supposed to support me?"

"Yes, I am. Just trying to double check your true feelings for Miss Santana"

"I love her, she's my fiancée for Fuck's sake!"

"Go get her tiger!"

I resumed my way back to the bathroom, I need to look good and to wash myself off of that heavy French perfume. I need to have my Maqui back.

Paris, March 2014

Macarena's POV

I take in my surroundings as I make my way to the Greet and Meet area of the Charles de Gaulle Airport, Paris is such a beautiful city, everything is beautiful here, but not even the cosmopolitan life of this gorgeous city can lift my spirits after finding out that my fiancé had cheated on me. As I walk my way out of the airport I can see the silhouette of my very good friend Sabrina, from afar I can appreciate how pretty she is, a natural beauty with her petit size and her shiny brown hair that falls in full waves down her shoulders matching the color of her eyes, she's not only pretty but also a good soul. I met her while I was modeling for Chanel in the Fashion Week two years ago, she was working on the production and we hit it off from the beginning.

Sabrina saw me walking towards her and gave me a wide smile while opening her arms for me to go to her. I ran the few meters that separated us and accepted her embrace.

"Macarena! Mon amie! Ça va?" (My friend! Are you ok?)

"Ça va! Et toi??" (I'm fine, and you?)

"Très bien! I've missed you!" (Very good!)

"Me too!"

She gave me a surprised look after seeing that I was only carrying a small carry on.

"Traveling lightly?"

I nodded. I had left London as soon as the sun rose. Mario had to stay in London for an afternoon meeting but he would meet me tonight. I wanted to leave because I knew Jamie would go after me as soon as he knew I was in London. I had called Sabrina so she would pick me up. I needed a friend around. I'm not sure if I will be able to forgive Jamie. I made a mistake, I was wrong not going to see Dulcie as soon as she was born but I was trying to redeem myself while he cheated on me and that will never change. That will stain our relationship forever. That makes it not worthy to try to fight for our love. That is something I won't let aside.

*** Hello my friends!!!! How was this chapter???? Please don't hate me!!! You know they will be apart for five months! I promise it will be worth the wait!! All your votes and comments are truly appreciated. Don't forget to spread the word about this new account and don't forget to check Best Friends: A Jamie Dornan Fanfic. Xoxo-Z ***

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