Sister's Advice

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*** Picture above of Jamie and his sisters***

Chicago, May 20th 2014
Macarena's POV

I look at my phone scrolling through all the messages Jamie and I have exchanged throughout these twenty past days, some are funny, some are flirtatious but all of them full of love. I sighed at the view of the last one he sent last night.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Sleep tight
My lovely rogue

We had a long conversation over FaceTime last night and some how we ended up talking about werewolves, and I said that I wouldn't be able to belong to a pack and follow an alpha so I would be a rogue, he said that he would be an alpha. We had a good laugh at that and then he sent me that horrible poem to wish me good night.

My happiness is interrupted by Chris' chewing sounds.

"Seriously Chris, if you don't stop eating and start walking I'm leaving you!"

"Relax Woman! I'm your ride! Remember?"

I roll my eyes at him while he bites into another piece of bagel, I swear this man only eats!!! And only eats at my house!!!!! I grab his car keys that are sitting on the counter of the kitchen closer to me.

"No if I have the keys!!!!"

I jiggle the keys in front of him and run to the door, he laughs and jokingly says.

"That's all right! I'll give you a head start"

What a cocky bastard!!!! I run as fast as I can towards the stairs deciding not to wait for the elevator. Adrenaline runs through my body while I hear him calling my name.

"You can run all you want Honey Pie! I'll catch you either way!!!"

I stop at the nickname.

"Seriously??? Are we using pet names now? I don't think so!"

I stop on my tracks. This is not funny anymore! He laughs hard at my outrage and walks down the stairs while flashing me one of his infamous smiles the one that makes my stomach uneasy.

Chill Macarena! You're an engaged woman! Besides, Jamie's smiles are a thousand times better.

He reaches me and wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"Shall we go, MY honey pie?"

I take his hand and drop it to his side. No holding me that way, mister!

"Argh!!! Quit the pet name Captain Stupid!"

"You know you love me!"

We walk out of the apartment building and walk towards his car. I didn't get a car because someone told me getting around Chi-Town was very easy, but ever since Chris moved next door, I've been carpooling with him. Well, It's only fair! after all, ever since we met he has been eating the entire contents of my fridge! It's getting warmer in Chicago so I'm just wearing a pair of jeans, a tank top and flats. As always Chris reaches my door to open it  and his hand accidentally touched my arm and a shock of electricity runs through my body.

"Wow! Did you feel that?"

Apparently he felt it too.

"That's called static, Captain Silly!"

"You know it was more than that, Captain Obvious!!!!"

He replied and rolled his eyes at me.

It normally takes us around fifteen minutes to get to the studio  and Chris isn't  speaking during the ride. It was getting kind of awkward. I felt like sending Jamie a message so I retrieved my phone and started typing.

Hey there! How did you sleep last night? Well it was hard for me falling asleep after that horrible poem!!! ;) Joking! Thinking of you.....

I glance at Cris and he is keeping his eyes to the road. I look back to my phone and nothing, no response, no notification that he has read the message, nothing! Oh well, maybe he is filming, he'll reply later.

When we got to the studio, Vince was sitting on a chair while Julia, one of the make up artists, was working on him.

"Hola Amigos!!!" (Hi Friends!)

I smile at him.

"Hola guapo! Como estas?" (Hi handsome! How are you?)

He gives me a kiss on the cheek and shares a handshake with Chris who has just found his voice.

"What's up, Vince?"

"So.... I wanted to talk to you guys. My wife, Kyla has been dying to meet you and would like to make some dinner tonight, if you don't have any plans tonight?"

"I'm in!"

Chris didn't take a second to think of his response.

"Of course you are! If it involves food, you are in!"

He rolled his eyes again. Rude boy!

"Don't be so rude and answer Vince's question, honey pie"

"Quit the pet name!!!!"

Vince laughs.

"You know guys, you're fighting as a married couple already! So.... Miss Peru, are you in?"

I glare at him and put my hands on my hips.

"Quit the nicknames, you people!!!! And yes! I'm in.....I guess"

I turn around and leave them chuckling at my childish behavior. I just hate people calling me names! Only Jamie can call me honey, baby or sweetheart. I check on my phone and frown, no visualization of my message.

Cape Town, May 20th 2014
Jamie's  POV

"That's a wrap people!"

Richie's voice was cheery and I felt the same way, don't get me wrong, I loved working in Cape Town and loved my role in this film. I just want to say goodbye to everyone and make my way to the airport so I can go to Chicago and see my girl as soon as possible! I had planned to visit Maca after my birthday but production asked me not to because the flight lasted 24 hours and we needed to wrap this movie before the end of the month, we have made it! Another excellent role to add to my curriculum, I am beyond excited about this project, after visiting Maca I will go to Vancouver and start another project, hopefully Maca will join me as soon as she finishes her film.

After a celebration lunch with the cast and crew, I'm on my way to the airport with Matt. I check on my phone, Maca has sent a message, I read it and chuckle but decide not to answer back because I really want to surprise her, I haven't even mentioned that I was going to be wrapping the movie today.

"Did you take your sleeping pill?"

I look at Matt and smile at him.

"I did, mom!"

He shakes his head in disapproval.

"Are you sure you want to do this? She asked for time, you know? and you are not giving her that"

He might be right but I'll give her all the time she wants after I kiss her.

"It'll be a short visit but if she asks me to stay, I will"

I winked at him. He frowns.

"What is it Matt?"

Matt parks the car in front of my terminal and exits the car to retrieve my suitcase from the boot. I go to help him and show him that I'm expecting a response. When he looks at me blankly, I repeat my question.

"What is it Matt?"

"Nothing, just a funny feeling. Go on now! And make sure you call when you get there"

"I will! Pack everything for me, will you, mate?"

He nods and we man-hug and off I go towards my gate. Feeling the effects of the sleeping pills starting to kick in, I give the flight attendant my ticket and she lets me in. 21h 45m to get to Chicago, stopping in London for ten hours so I will be able to go home, take a shower, pack some fresh clothes and take a nap, I might even meet my sisters for lunch.  I take my seat in first class and make myself comfortable, I will be sleeping throughout the entire flight. I'm still debating what I should get Maca, I want to get her some jewelry but I'm still thinking of what I can get her that says "I'm sorry! I was an asshole and I love you" As soon as I put my seatbelt on, I drift into a peaceful sleep.

I landed in London at 6:15 am. I collected my luggage and headed  to the meet and greet area to hail a cab. The cab man was very nice and dropped me home twenty minutes later. He asked me to sign a copy of Fifty Shades of Grey for his wife, which I gladly did. The only strange thing was that he had the copy with him.

My house was so quiet and looked so empty. The night Macarena was there, even though  I don't remember what actually happened, I somehow know that it felt like a home instead of a simple house with her in here and I messed it up. Now I have to go and fix it. I send a quick message to Liesa and Jessica confirming lunch with them and took a nap.

One thing I love about my sisters is the fact that they're very down to Earth, they don't like posh places, so we met at a regular pub were we always meet when we're in London.

"Gosh! I've missed you!"

Liesa gives me a tight hug while Jessica comes to kiss me on both cheeks. We all sit at our regular table and the hostilities started.

"I can't believe you did that to poor Maca!"

Jessica was outraged after I told them the White Horse episode.

"I can't neither"

"So what does this mean? Are you guys still together? What about the engagement?"

Liesa's concern could be felt through her voice.

"Well, I guess. We're trying. She's asked for time"

Both of them stare at me, they're trying to look for the right words. I break the silence and try to make them laugh.

"I made her a poem a couple of nights ago"

Both put a hand on their hearts and sigh loudly, then I showed them the stupid poem and Maca's response, I was totally trying to make them laugh but what they did next was out of my plans.

They both slapped me in the back of my head.

"Ouch! What the fuck?"

"How stupid could you be to send such a horrible thing? You ought to be romantic not a goof"

I laugh hard.

"It's a joke! She liked it!!!"

"You guys are weird!"

I laugh some more at Jessica's statement. She might be right, Maca and I might be weird but two weirdos in love.

We order our food, and my both big sisters continue to give me love advice. And after hearing them closely I come to a conclusion, I have to fight for Maca, we love each other and our story is only beginning, we've had ups and downs indeed, but that's what makes our relationship real. So I am going to get into that plane and go after the love of my life!

*** How sweet of Jamie, don't you think? What about the poem? Terrible if you ask me! The writer's block is gone, although I took the story to another level. Thank you all of you who PMed me trying to give me advice and ideas. You guys rock! Don't forget to comment and vote! Xoxo-Z***

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