The Fall of Captain As*hole

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*** Is it too late to say sorry? I know I am the worst writer in the world making you all wait for so long for an update. As promised here's the last chapter of Millie and Santi's wedding, after this one I'll take a little break to edit some chapters of FFSOG for a surprise for you guys and then I need to update my other story Best Friends but I am sure I will have more time to write niece this semester finishes. I am truly sorry I make you guys wait this much for an update but j can't seem to write shorter chapters anymore. Thank you for sticking with me! I love you guys! Don't forget about that! My life would be super dull without you! Xoxo-Z***


Sydney, July 5th 2014

Jamie's POV

I can't believe that asshole!

How on earth did he get here?

I'm sure Maqui didn't invite him, she wouldn't do that.

Why would he come all the way to Australia? To piss me off? Well he accomplished it. I'm royally pissed right now.

Apparently he has it bad for Maca but I will show him who is Maca's man.

Riding the taxi with my baby girl to the venue relaxes me, I had to leave the church because both Dulcie and I were stressed but for different reasons. Now she is sleeping peacefully and I am trying to plan Operation: The Fall of Captain Asshole. I dial Jack's number, he's come for Millie's wedding with his wife and sister. The call falls directly to his voicemail. Great! I put my phone back in my pants and grab my wallet to pay the driver then I take Dulcie in my arms and walk to the reception venue.

Once I am seated comfortably right after changing Dulcie's diaper, my phone rings. I smile to see Jack's phone number.

"It took you long enough to call me back"


I frown when I hear Millie's voice.

"Oh. Hey Mills! Congratulations!"

"Thank you James! Where are you?"

The anxiety in her voice bothers me.

"I'm in your wedding reception with Dulcie. She wasn't feeling too thrilled with all that clapping"

"I know! I noticed and thank you for taking care of her but..."

Oh oh! Here comes trouble. Whenever Millie speaks to me as if she was speaking to a toddler, it's because I've fucked up.

"Dulcie is not supposed to be in the reception party. She gets upset with too much noise around her, so I hired a babysitter"

"What do you mean a sitter? Wasn't I supposed to take her with me after the party?"

"Yes, but I wanted you to enjoy the party with Maqui so the sitter is going to take care of her until my parents get home and you can pick her up tomorrow morning"

Crap! I always mess up. She pauses then she continues.

"I am going to ask my mom to pick her up and take her back home"

Her voice raises a bit. I know she is getting nervous. Today's Millie day so I shan't make her anxious so I speak up.

"It's ok Mills. I'll take her. You're supposed to relax and enjoy your day and not worry with these things. I will take her to your place and then I'll be back to dance with you"

She giggles.

"Thank you Jamie"

"You're welcome Mills"

I get off the phone and take my baby girl for another taxi ride. This one will be longer since Santiago and Millie live in the other side of the city.

Just great.

On my way out I see the figure of an old mate entering with the band. I smile and call out his name.

"Oi Mike!"

Macarena's POV

"Maqui, slow down. I am positive Jamie is inside the party"

I sigh and slow down and let Mario catch up with me.

"I just want to make sure he hasn't run away"

"He wouldn't do that..... Again...... I mean, he's learnt his lesson"

I want to make sure he's there. That he's not upset because of Chris. Argh! Why did Chris have to come?

I need to show Jamie that he is the only one for me. My one and only love.

Mario opens the door of the main ball room and there's no Jamie around. I start panicking and trying to reach for my phone.

"It's ok Maqui. I'm sure he's around here"

I just nod to Mario and dial Jamie's phone frantically.

"Hi this is Jamie, you know what to do"

His Irish accent lets me know that his phone is off.


"What's wrong?"

I look at Jenny who has just arrived and feel like crying.

"Jamie is not here and he's not answering his phone"

Mario makes a face he always makes whenever he feels sorry for someone. And I hate it.


"Maqui, it's ok baby. I'm sure he's somewhere around here with Dulcie. Let's find our table and ask the staff"

I follow Jenny's lead, once we reached our table Mario takes turns to hold the chairs out for us to sit. I smile when I see te name tags Millie had made for us.

Mario Testino

Jennifer Lopez

Jamie Dornan

Future Mrs. Dornan

This brings a huge smile on my face and makes all the butterflies inside my stomach do a crazy dance.

Chris makes his entrance into the room with my sister by his side and he's exchanging jokes with Roberto. I roll my eyes at my sister's giggles. I guess Roberto and Antonia really fell for Chris' charms.

Mario comes back from talking with a staff member.

"He was here with Dulcie. He asked where he could change her diaper after he finished he was on the phone for a while, took Dulcie and left"

"I wonder where?"

"Maybe to get something for Dulcie. Don't worry. He will be back"

I hope so.

Jamie's POV

"And can you please sign this"


I sign the hundredth item this woman has been handing me. How on Earth was I supposed to know this woman would have been a Fifty Shades of Grey fan and she knows I am playing Christian Grey.

I sigh and give her a quick smile.

I was just dropping Dulcie off. I wasn't supposed to take this long. Now I have to cross the city.

Shit! That Chris must be dancing with Maqui  already. I need a fast ride.

As I'm making my way out of Millie and Santi's place I see Santi's helmet and I suddenly have a great idea.

After some persuasion and a couple of more pictures, Nadine gives me the keys to Santi's Harley Davidson and extra helmet and off I go after the love of my life.

Macarena's POV

"Did you see that Maqui?"

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear Jenny's voice calling my name.

"Sorry, what was that?"

She huffs.

"Macarena stop it right now! You're so concerned about that idiot that you're missing your brother's wedding day! Come on! You're better than this"

"She's right Maqui. You are so spaced out that you missed their first dance"

"Argh! I am so sorry! I'll stop"

"That's my girl"

Jenny beams proudly. And Mario adds.

"Forget about Jamie! This is your brother's wedding. Let's have fun! Besides this is mine and Jenny's present to Santi and Millie"

He points at the band and when I look at it I almost chocked when I saw that 'the band' he was talking to was Michael Bublé's

"Michael Bublé was the present?"

"Of course! The best wedding singer!"

Jenny smiles proudly which makes me roll my eyes and smile.

"You guys are crazy"

Santi and Millie came to meet us.

"Testino! Lopez! Are you responsible for this?"

Mario and Jenny nod proudly and Santi takes turns give them a huge hug. Then it's Millie's turn.

"Thank you Mario! Thank you Jenny! I love Michael"

Jenny answers first.

"You're very welcome! We love you guys and I hope you are very happy"

Then is Mario's turn.

"You're welcome Millie! You look beautiful by the way! I need to take more pictures of you in that beautiful dress"

Millie giggles and nods, Mario takes his camera and Millie by the arm and they walk towards a balcony where Mario starts his magic. He's a really talented photographer and I couldn't be prouder of him.

Santi sat next to me and Jenny excused herself sensing this was going to be a brother and sister moment.

"What's going on?"

I shrug. I didn't want him to worry about me on his big day.

"Nothing you should worry about. I am so happy for you! You and Millie make a perfect couple and I wish you all the happiness in this world"

He wipes a tear from my face.

"Thank you Maqui. If it wasn't for you and Jamie I wouldn't have met the love of my life"

I smile and he envelopes me in his big arms for a hug. He lets me go and gives me a big smile.

Jenny comes back to the table.

"I'm so happy for you Santi! You've done well. Millie is a great girl. You know I love you as a brother right? Mi hermano!" (My brother)

"Thank you Jen and I love you right back"

He held her hand and squeezed it, then mine.

Suddenly our moment was interrupted by a familiar voice.


The three of us turn around to find Chris standing awkwardly in front of the only seat available in the table, Jamie's seat.

"Hey Chris"

I greet him trying not to sound so angry at him. After all it's not his entire fault Jamie has decided to run away from me without a word. Again.

"Having fun wedding crasher?"

Jenny's sarcasm upsets Chris. I know it because he gives her half a smile and winks at her while answering sarcastically.

"The time of my life...... Maqui can I have a word with you?"


I was about to stand up when Jenny stopped me and Santi raised an eyebrow confused by what was happening around him.

"I don't think this is a bright idea. What if Jamie comes back"

"I don't think he will, Jenny. It's okay"

I let go of her hand and walk with Chris towards the bar.

"A glass of Sauvignon Blanc?"

I smile and nod. He remembers.

"A glass of Sauvignon Blanc and a double scotch....

...... no ice"

We say in unison and we share a good laugh. The waiter nods and busies himself with our orders.

"What are you doing here Chris?"

"When I got on the plane it sounded like a great idea, I wanted to meet your family in person not just on camera. I wanted to keep you company, it never occurred to me that Dornan will be here. And most importantly, I wanted to see you. I've missed you. I've missed my friend"

I grab the glass the waiter had set in front of me and downed it's chilled liquid, Chris mirrors my action and we stayed quiet for a while.

"I've missed you too Chris..... but as a friend"

"Me too Maqui..... I do like you, I think you're beautiful but I understand you love Jamie and your heart belongs to him. I guess I wanted to come and personally see if he was going to be here, by your side, as you deserve and not having you running after him"

His words make me emotional. I have a real friend in him. He's really looking after me.

"Thank you for that Chris"

"For what?"

"For being a good friend"

He smiles.


I leave my glass on the countertop and give his shoulder a little punch.

"Ouch! How ladylike!"

The band started playing and Chris wiggled his eyebrows at me.

I knew he wanted to dance. I wasn't feeling like dancing. I still needed to reach Jamie.

"Macarena! Mi amor! Let's dance"

I turned to find Mario shaking his hips to the band's rhythm, kind of a mambo.

*** Play "Save the Last Dance for me"***

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Ah Mario not in the mood"

He dismissed me waving his hand dramatically.

"Go ahead Maca, I'll try to ask JLO to dance with Me"

Mario and I laughed.

"Good luck with that Captain"

After our laughter died I could hear the voice of the singer and it sounded familiar.

You can dance-every dance with the guy
Who gives you the eye, let him hold you tight

"Wait! Isn't that.....?"

You can smile-every smile for the man
Who held your hand neath the pale moon light

I look frantically towards the band direction and I found the owner of the voice and my heart.

Then he starts coming towards me.

But don't forget who's takin' you home
And in whose arms you're gonna be

He points to himself.

So darling... save the last dance for me

He reaches me and takes my hand and kisses it.

Oh... I know that the musics fine
Like sparklin' wine, go and have your fun

He gently pulls me towards him and starts walking me towards the center of the ball room.

Laugh and sing, but while we're apart
Don't give your heart to anyone.

We start swaying to the song.

And don't forget who's takin' you home
And in whose arms you're gonna be

He presses my body against his and whispers in my ear.


So darling... save the last dance for me

He presses his hand on my waist securing me. My knees weren't so steady. He looks deep into my eyes and in a deep voice he continues.

Baby don't you know I love you so
Can't you feel it when we touch
I will never never let you go
I love you oh so much

He starts dancing and I can't help but feel surprised at his attempt to salsa.

You can dance, go and carry on
Till the night is gone, And it's time to go
If he asks if you're all alone

Jamie points directly to Chris' direction

Can he walk you home, you must tell him no
'cause don't forget who's taking you home
And in whose arms you're gonna be

I can't help the fire within me for this perfect man singing to me.


He smiles satisfied by my declaration.

Save the last dance for me

"Take it Mike!"

He points at Michael Bublé and throws the microphone to my cousin. Then something I never thought it would happen in this lifetime happened... Jamie started dancing perfectly to the rhythm. Swirling and Twirling around the room.

Oh... I know that the musics fine
Like sparklin' wine, go and have your fun
Laugh and sing, but while we're apart

He starts singing the rest of the song next to my ear.

Don't give your heart to anyone
And don't forget who's takin' you home
And in whose arms you're gonna be

"Always mine!"

So darling... save the last dance for me

So don't forget who's taking you home

He twirled me around and dip me down then brings me up and presses his hips to mine making all my insides heat up in nanoseconds.

Or in who's arms you're gonna be
So darling save the last dance for me

We smile to each other like a couple of children having the time of their lives.

Oh baby, won't you save the last dance for me
Oh, you make a promise
That you'll save the last dance for me
Save the last dance
The very last dance
For me

The entire room exploded in claps and I was in cloud nine thanks to this wonderful man.

"Surprised to see me?"

I nod.

"I thought you were long gone"

He kisses me taking my breath away.

After our kiss he gives me his shy smile.

"I had to take Dulcie to Millie and Santi's"

"It took you forever!"

"Well I came here first then Millie called and asked me to take Dulcie to the nanny"


It makes senses now. Their apartment is in the other side of the city.

"I'm sorry I am late"

"At least you came in time to dance with me"

He giggles.

"You enjoyed that, didn't you?"

"Oh very much so! Where did you learn those moves?"

"In South Africa. I needed to occupy my mind in other things than thinking of you, so I signed up for this class. And also Richie, the director, thought it would help me loosen up my body a little so I could perform the war scene gracefully"

It's my turn to giggle.

"Well, it worked out. I love you"

I kiss him.

After our passionate moment he takes my hand.

"Come! Let's dance some more before we go back to our hotel room"

And I follow him with the promise of an unforgettable night.

*** Thank you for reading! All your votes and comments are truly appreciated! Who has watched The Fall???? I am mind blown by it! I will miss it dearly! This is worst than the end of Friends 😢 Xoxo-Z ***

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