IX. Hospital Wing

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A/N: Reminder
Y/N = Your Name
YS/N = Your Second Name
YT/N = Your Third Name

Enjoy the chapter!




"It's been one week," Pansy was overheard. "When is he going to wake up?" she sounded a little annoyed.

"What do you want? Two bludgers hit his head," Blaise snorted.

"Whoever's responsible will pay the consequences," Draco said.

"He already looks like that muggle movie, the one with the mummy," Goyle made a joke.

"Yes, very much so," Crabbe laughed.

"Don't you ever compare me with those things," Y/N said, waking up.

Everyone looked at him with smiles and even celebrated, causing Madam Pomfrey to tell them to shut up.

"For Merlin, you're awake," said Pansy sitting next to him.

"You're not going to get rid of me," Y/N scoffed, trying to move, but his friends stopped him.

"Multiple skull fractures, so you better rest your head," Draco informed.

"What happened? Did we win? What happened to you guys?" he began to ask.

"Quiet mummy, one question at a time," Blaise calmed him down.

"About the match, they canceled it," Pansy answered.

"They're mainly investigating Umbridge; she wasn't at the match. Also, she declared there would not be more quidditch for the rest of the year. Madame Hooch couldn't stop those bludgers until Dumbledore helped undo them. He's super furious like the rest," spoke Draco with several bandaids on his face.

"Knowing her, she'll get away with it," Y/N looked at the bedside table and saw a healing potion called Skele-Gro. He deduced it was for his skull fractures.

"Some players were hurt; the only one left to wake up was you," Goyle said.

"You saved some students from the bludgers, you saved Potter, and it's Weasel fault you're here," Pansy snorted, rolling her eyes at the mention of two of the golden trio.

"Dumbledore gave Slytherin 100 points for your heroic act," Crabbe mentioned eating a cookie, and Y/N saw that his arm was bandaged.

"So shocked that the Gryffindor team visited to see how you were doing, pathetic," Draco laughed.

Y/N wondered if at some point the girl with bushy hair at least deigned to visit him, he saved her from a bludger. He expected at least a thank you because if it were for him, he would let the bludger hit her, he thought.

"Besides the Gryffindor team, someone else visited me?" he questions for more information.

"The Greengrass sisters and your fangirl club visited you," Blaise said. "That's why so many presents and letters" Y/N, notice the presents but with a bit of bewilderment.

At that moment, Carla arrived at the Hospital Wing and ran to see that Y/N woken up.

"How could you risk your life like that Y/N YS/N YT/N L/N?! Don't you ever scare me like that again!" She exclaimed, almost shouting at him with watery eyes and a bit of annoyance. Still, that annoyance was gone because she gently hugged him. "I... I can't lose you, "she sobbed weakly, hiding her face in Y/N's neck.

"As I said, you're not getting rid of me that easy," he laughed softly.

"Can you please leave me alone with Y/N?" asked the blonde, and they all nodded, leaving them alone.

Carla watched them all leave and sat down on the bed with Y/N.

"Have you stopped sniffling yet?" Y/N scoffed weakly.

"Shut it," she wiped her tears and laughed.

"They told me they're investigating Umbridge. What's going on?" he asked.

"They didn't find anything to charge her, but..." her gaze went down for a moment.

"But?" he looked at her.

"I have a plan, a crazy one," Carla replied.

"Tell me, I have a fractured skull but not my ears," he mocked, and Carla shook her head disapprovingly at the bad joke.

"You'd better rest; I'll go into details soon," She told him.

"Well, fine, but at least tell me about your trip to the United States," he looked at her.

"It was great," she smiled, "I saw the Statue of Liberty, and there is an exquisite Muggle food, it's called pizza... a delight," she gave a chef's kiss.

"Did you go with someone?" He arched his eyebrow and with a chuckle in between.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she said with a severe face, and within seconds she was laughing. "You win, but don't tell father," Y/N made as if throwing away a key.

"Who is the person who makes my sister's iceberg heart melt?" he asked as a joke, and she laughed in denial.

"I can only say that he is a joker all the time," she paused. "It is part of his personality, but he can also be a real gentleman," Carla smiled, and her eyes sparkled. "I don't know what I saw in him, but sometimes I think that opposites attract."

"It's because that person gives color to your bitter life full of righteousness," he insinuated. "Is he a pureblood?" he asked.

"Yes, he is," she confessed, looking down.

"So what's the problem with not telling father?" Y/N looked at her, and she was still looking down.

"Because even if he's a pureblood, he won't accept it anyway," she looked away.

"Why do you say that? You know that after he's a pureblood, there's no problem," Y/N was with confusion face.

"He wouldn't understand," she said. "Remember, we are the L/N family. We must do our part to carry on the blood superiority, and that entails pairing with people with prestigious reputations," she looked him in the eye. "So, our father would disapprove our relationship and would force me to forget about..." she hushed. Averting her gaze because inside, she felt pain just thinking about it.

"Then help me understand you, include me in your circle of support, teach me," he grabbed his sister's hand with a bit of force, and she looked at him.

"That's what I've been trying to do all along, YT/N," she replied, and Y/N looked at her with confusion.

"She took it upon herself to teach you blood equality..." Anael spoke.

"Yes..." he answered next to Anael, looking at the scene. "I'm partly proud that she took it upon herself to open my mind as well as...

"Hermione," Anael finished the sentence, and Y/N nodded.

After some unimportant topics, Carla left to let Y/N rest. Madame Pomfrey attended him by giving him some potions for the pain and changing the bandage on his head with great skill.

"Thank you," he said again, and she nodded.

"In a few days, you will be out; the hard follow-up of healing your fractures was meticulous enough that they healed very quickly. Your task is less worry and more rest," Pomfrey reported.

"Modesty aside but sorry about the crowd," he said, looking at the unopened presents.

"No problem, but getting them out was quite a task," she snorted, shaking her head. "Besides, I didn't know about the friendship you have with Miss Granger," she hinted.

"What do you mean? I don't get it," Y/N said with a lost expression.

"Well, when visiting hours were over, she asked me to let her in to see you. I even told her not to bore you because she kept telling you all the classes they had discussed that day as if you could hear her," she shook his head. "She also stayed several nights here in the Hospital Wing taking care of you," Pomfrey reported, picking up the potions and the equipment she had around her.

"How sweet!" Anael exclaims, watching Y/N from the past with a slight smile as he listened to Pomfrey.

"Shh, I didn't even notice," he excused himself, "I wasn't conscious. My skull was fractured," he mumbled, and Anael continued admiring the scene.

Y/N from the past settled down and closed his eyes, waiting for the night comes.


Heyoooo! Another update yay!

Hope you like this chapter, leave your precious vote and your opinion! Feel free to correct the grammar.

Btw, just to let you know I edited the first chapter. Quite few mistakes but all is corrected (hope so)

Love y'all


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