XIII. Failed Assumptions

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Stage II: Caring



Next morning...

"Nikola Krum is here at our school," Goyle shook his head and pinched his arm so he could tell whether or not he was in a dream.

"Why aren't they talking about the girls at Beauxbatons? They're hot, and I wouldn't mind learning French," Theo commented, biting his lip as he watched them walk around with their thin briefcases.

"How about we talk about the tournament?" Pansy suggested rolling her eyes, "Are you going to participate?"

"At least I want to live; there's my answer," Draco said, reading another rare book.

"Likewise," replied Crabbe and Goyle.

"I'm participating in talking to the beautiful veelas," replied Theo. So what do you say, Y/N?"

"I wouldn't put my name in that goblet, even if they paid me," he replied.

"At least come with me to admire the French girls," Theo suggested, putting his arm around Y/N's shoulders. "What about you, Blaise?"

The boy's gaze was admiring the Weasley girl, who was with her friends laughing while eating.

"Oi Zabini!" Theo captured his attention.

"Yes, yes, I'm in," Blaise said, focusing on that moment.

"Perfect," he laughed, and Pansy rolled her eyes again.

"Anyway, who do you think is going to be the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?" she took a sip of her pumpkin juice.

"For me, I hope, Snape," Y/N said.

They realized that they had to get to class because the first period was starting soon. Y/N noticed that the atmosphere changed because of the visit. It was a mix of black, light blue, and fur robes. Nikola Krum didn't take long to have a group of admirers, primarily girls following him everywhere. There was also no shortage of stares at Beauxbatons.

"I don't know whether to be offended that the visitor is taking all the stares and that my admirers are no longer paying attention to me," Theo said as they walked to Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

"I wonder if it's because you're staring at the plastic ones you call French girls too?" Pansy replied wryly.

"Yes, but I feel very ignored not having them around," he said as she watched one of her admirers watch a small group from Durmstrang. "Besides, why do you have an opinion if you're not in the club, Pansy."

"Ugh! Men will never notice," frustrated by what Theo said, Pansy broke away from the group and left. Leaving the whole group confused, and they looked at Theo mainly.

"What? Don't look at me; I didn't do anything to her," he defended himself, "You know how she is, he must have broken a nail, and she's making drama out of everything," he shook his head as they got closer to the class.

"It's Pansy; she'll be fine," Blaise said.

When they reached the classroom, they sat down in their seats. As Y/N had predicted, Professor Snape had entered with his grim attitude. Although part of the Slytherin house was happy that Snape was back and Y/N rejoiced along with his little group, he looked back to smile at Pansy, but she wasn't there. His smile faded, and after minutes of giving head to the situation, he gave up and paid attention to the class.

After recapping the subject of the Inferius and their only known weakness, which was the heat, he began to discuss the topic of Dementors. Bad memories began to reproduce because they had specific bad experiences with those species in their third year.

"These creatures love to destroy the peace and joy that surrounds us. They don't mind getting close to someone to feed on their memories and happiness with their famous kiss. The way to scare them away is with the Expecto Patronum spell, a very advanced spell that I wouldn't be surprised if you have had some rather unfortunate results," he crossed his arms as he looked at the entire class. "For next week, I want three scrolls about Dementors and information about the Expecto Patronum spell. Even though it is a seventh-year spell, we will study it in this course as well, and of course, seeing your failed attempts at it is something I would like to witness."

The class went on until it was over. Snape gave a lot of homework, but he was better than Umbridge. As they left the classroom, they didn't hesitate to go and see who dared to put their name in the goblet. With an air of superiority, they pulled some second years out of some benches to watch the people entering the front row. But, of course, there were also several students for the same reason. Pansy entered and walked towards the group.

"Hey Pansy, you missed Snape's class," Draco said, who gave her a space to sit down, and she accepted the seat.

"I know," she replied, "Y/N, I hope you can pass me the notes." Y/N reached into his backpack for the notes and handed them to her; Pansy thanked him.

"Well, we'll see if these Gryffindors are brave," Blaise teased.

"If one gets in, that's a lot," Y/N said mockingly.

Justin Finch had come in all soaked along with his Hufflepuff friends, and they pushed him to put his name in the goblet. As he did so, they clapped for his willingness, and he went off with his friends in a corner. Then, the Weasley twins ran in, showing that they each had their parchment to deposit into the goblet.

"We've got it," said George.

"We'll make the goblet pick us," said Fred.

"These twins really know how to entertain," Draco looked at them.

"It's not going to work," Hermione said while reading.

"No?" asked George, sitting down on her left side.

"Why not Granger?" Fred asked, sitting on her right side.

"Why not?" she closed his book. "The Goblet of Fire is a very advanced object, and fools can't confuse it.

"That's why it will work," Fred said.

"We'll be the first "fools" to confuse it," George said, joining him.

"This is going to be fun," whispered Blaise.

"Ready Fred?" asked George.

"Ready, George," replied Fred.

They both inserted their names into the goblet and, with their wands, began to mutter. Everyone watched the action they were doing, and at that instant, the flame in the goblet momentarily went out but quickly returned to normal. Earning a couple of cheers from those present and the twins began to celebrate. Until the goblet flame, itself pushed them both out of reach.

"Didn't you say it was going to work?" Fred asked, fighting with his brother.

"You chose to change the spells," he defended himself.

The Slytherin crowd jeered at the twins' failed attempt, and the others were chanting "fight" at every turn. The chanting ceased by the presence of Nikola Krum being accompanied by his headmaster and some from Durmstrang. He deposited his name in the goblet, and his gaze was to where Hermione was. Then, after giving him a couple of claps, he left.

Little by little, students were already starting to disappear; Y/N looked at his pocket watch and realized that he had enough time to go to the library for a moment to look for some information about the Dementors' before the Herbology class with Sprout started. It is supposed to be Potions, but for that day they will take that class. Out of everyone in the group, Blaise wanted to go while the others wanted to take advantage of the free time.

"Why was Pansy like that in the morning?" Blaise asked.

"I have no idea; maybe it's stress, you know?" Y/N said.

"What is it?" Blaise asked.

"Well, you know, she's in her days of the month maybe. Where the women are unbearable and in terrible pain for a few days," he answered.

"It all makes sense now," Blaise made a face as if he understood everything.

As they walked along, they noticed Nikola Krum standing at the entrance to the library. He looked nervous and was hesitating whether to go in or not.

"Is he lost?" Blaise asked, and Y/N shrugged her shoulders.

The brunette with bushy hair had come out of the library with some books. The Bulgarian chivalrously nodded to her. At first, Hermione had a confused expression and then changed to a smiling one because the famous chaser made her laugh. Nikola held a couple of her books because she wouldn't let him carry them all. Y/N just wanted to go into the library to do his work, but Hermione stopped him, and Y/N gave him a stern look.

"Can we talk?" she asked gently.

"I don't think we need to talk about anything, Granger," Y/N sputtered.

"Of course we do, I wanted to thank you," she replied gratefully with a smile.

Blaise gave the Bulgarian a glance to move away, and as much as he wanted to stay, he ended up away from the conversation carrying the brunette's books. The black-skinned boy left at the entrance of the library to wait for Y/N.

"Thank me?" he asked. "Did you think I defended you yesterday? Well, you guess wrong, I told Mullet that only I could remind you that you are dirty blood," he looked at her coldly.

"Whatever it is," she looked at him with a serious face, "Still, thank you, because I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't arrived in time to intervene."

"Are you finished?" he asked. "Because I think your friend is very desperate to have all your attention," he pointed to Nikola with his eyes.

"I will no longer bother you with my impure presence. I have already fulfilled my conscience to thank you. Even if your intentions were different. And I hope your hand is well." Hermione turned to leave with the Bulgarian without any gesture of kindness that she used to have. He lost that privilege again.


He thought.

"What was that all about?" Blaise asked, coming closer.

"Nothing," he sighed, and as he turned around, and got a surprise.

"Y/N," a thick voice had called out to him.

"Father?" Y/N said with surprise.


Hello! Finally another chapter.

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And ofc! Feel free to correct the grammar.

Next chap we will see the champions!

Love y'all💙


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