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Without further adieu, I present to you...


- lucille granger -

"Do these even work?" I queried, tinkering with The Vial.

"I bloody hope it does," replied Onyx, knocking her head back as she poured the other Vial into her mouth. "Remind me not to fool around unprotected next time."

I shook my head and chuckled. "Ah, young love."

Onyx scoffed. "Far from what love is. Do you know what love is, Lucille?"

I turned to face her and placed The Vial back into the small pouch she made me carry. "Of course, I know what love is."

"Do tell."

We walked out of J. Pippins and strode down Hogsmeade back to Hogwarts. The air was coolly and crisp, and on days like these, there's always a lumpsum of cliques trotting their way into the Three Broomsticks.

"Love is forgiving. Unconditional. Fun," I went on. "The usual stuff, really."

Before Onyx could reply, a familiar voice bantered back and forth with someone unfamiliar. Looking to our left, we notice Lorenzo in front of the pub on the floor, as if he were pushed out.

The bartender had their arms crossed over their chest. "You can't sell that kind of herb here, Mr. Berkshire. Otherwise, that'll result in a talk with your Headmaster," the bartender shook his head, "or worse— your own father."

"Oh, please," Lorenzo smirked, still on the ground, "you'd be one lucky bastard if you were really capable of getting ahold of him."

The bartender kicked dry dirt toward him before returning to the pub. Lorenzo got up and patted his clothes clean.

"Oi! Idiot!" Onyx shouted from across the path. "I assume you're on the way back to the castle?"

Lorenzo jerked his head to follow Onyx's voice. Upon noticing our presence, he smiles and makes his way towards us. His hands were in his pockets, dirt on his pants, and a few curls trickled over his forehead. In spite of what just happened, he almost looks pristine.

"What are you ladies doing here on a Friday? Especially you, Lucille. You're not one to come to Hogsmeade during Happy Hour," Lorenzo softly nudged me as I rolled my eyes. "Turning a new leaf this year, I presume?"

"You wish," I said. "We're here for this one," I elbowed Onyx. "This one likes to live life on the edge."

"Oh? How so, Onny?" Lorenzo joined us as we continued our walk back to the castle. "Did you purchase Uppers from J. Pippins? I heard they have some secretive sections that only Revelio can show you. Downers? What's your poison?"

She groaned. "I'm not a drug head, Enzo. I don't have the want to escape my reality."

"That was harsh," Lorenzo lightly shoved Onny, though he swung his arm around her as she repositioned herself. "Seriously, what'd you get from J. Pippins?"

"The Vial," I answered for her. "She's a dumb git this year. "

Onyx stuck her middle finger up as Lorenzo chuckled softly. "Naughty Onyx," he murmured, shaking his head. "Who was it that messed up?"

"Your good friend Blaise," Onyx huffed. "I swear, I feel like he does it on purpose."

"Well, that's rape," Lorenzo blurted flatly. "Say the words and I'll handle him."

"O...kay then it's not rape," Onyx replies quickly. "To be fair, I wrap my legs around his waist when he announces it, so."

"See what I mean?" I smirk. "She's a dumb git."

"You're the dumb git, Luce. If I remember precisely, aren't you the one who cannot swallow?"

"Swallow what?" Enzo queried, an honest display of confusion playing on his face. Onny and I smirked as we awaited for Enzo's brain to add the pieces together. Once the pieces were added, he groaned out of disgust. "You two are literally disgusting."

"Us?" Onny and I exclaimed in unison. "You've slept with half of Ravenclaw at 15 years old!" I jeered. "You're such a hypocrite. Please don't start."

Lorenzo pulled me in, swinging his arm around me as well. "Ah, my girls," he huffed. "I've pleased half of Ravenclaw. It's more than just sex."

I gripped his arm as we walked, fiddling with the rings on his fingers. "Enzo, respectfully, do you think you're actually good at what you do?"

"I'd like to think so," he replied. Lorenzo leaned toward my ear and whispered. "Care to find out?"

Merlin's Beard. I'm not sure if it's because he smells good, the warmth of his breath brushing against my neck, or how he's towering over me, but sometimes I can't help but feel warm when he jokes with me.

"In your dreams," I teased, pulling on his pinky finger. "Aren't you still talking to what's her name? Haven't you sworn your loyalty?"

"As much as I love women," he started, "I can't just swear loyalty to one."

"Says every player on this planet," Onyx badgered. "Just say you're a whore."

"Now, you know I'm not a whore, my Onny," Lorenzo insisted. "I'm just admired all around."

"Not by me," Onyx arched her brow. "You're the most annoying."

Our treading comes to a halt when Lorenzo takes offense to her statement. He retracts his arm from over me, then wraps them around Onyx's hips. A squeal leaves her mouth as he lifts her over his shoulder. Onyx's arms flailed, her arms searching for a part of his body to grab onto. She gripped his shirt as she kicked her legs in the air.

"Still not admiring me, Onyx De Loughrey?" Lorenzo queried a little louder. The both of them walked ahead as I tailed behind, clearly not containing my laughter. 

Onyx reached out for me, her hands eager for my savior. "Lucy—please tell this dimwit to let me go!"

"Not a chance," I scoffed. "You've got yourself into that mess, I have no doubt in my mind that you can get yourself out of it."

Onyx groaned as she was still hunched over Lorenzo's shoulders. His upper body strength was impressive, to say the least. The way his biceps pierced through his tight shirt made it difficult to deny such. 

"I'm not letting you down unless you admit that you admire me," Lorenzo gripped her butt with his hand in a rough manner. "Are you having fun? Because I'm having fun. I've got this ass near my face, the wind blowing in my hair, and a fun brunette tailing me to mess with next if she has a problem with me, too."

"Enzo, if you don't put me down I'm seriously going to start a problem," she grits through her teeth. Onny lifts his shirt from behind, revealing his dangerously defined muscular back. "Attention!! Cum here! Cum right on this back, men and women!"

I cover my mouth to try and hide my laughter, but it's evidently no use. These two are the most stupidest and embarrassing people I've ever met. 

"I cannot believe I'm here. With you two. With you two idiots," I reprimanded. Lorenzo turned around with a stern look. From there, he crept closer. 

"You want me to fuck with you, too, don't you?" Lorenzo said in a low tone. I shook my head quickly, a playful smirk across my face. Before I could even run, Lorenzo crouched to wrap his free hand around my waist. He threw me over his other shoulder as I groaned. "Should've run faster, Lucy."

"You've got to be kidding me," I shouted. "Enzo, enough, this is clearly straining you." I kicked around to agitate him, but it didn't budge. My skirt flew over my ass as the wind sifted over us. Lorenzo quickly took his palm and tried to cover me the best he could. I could feel his two rings press over my bottom. 

I turned to face Onny as her expression was unamused. "You're the dumbest bitch," she blurted.

"You're the one who got us here in the first place. You're the dumbest bitch," I retorted. 

"Girls, please," Lorenzo guffawed, walking with the both of us over his shoulders. "No fighting. There's enough of me to go around."

"Fine, I admire you," Onyx huffed. "I admire you."

"That's a good girl," Lorenzo said, putting Onyx and me down. "Was that so hard to say, Onny?"

Onyx rolled her eyes as she adjusted her shirt that rode up. I, too, adjusted my skirt.

Our walk continued. On the way back to the castle, Lorenzo found his arms over my shoulders once more, bringing me closer to his body. The conversations that carried us back consisted of difficult assignments, the worst professors, the grossest places to shag, the favorite dishes during dinner, and the dirtiest common rooms.


I watched Lorenzo roll a perfect joint in under two minutes. Mesmerized by his technique, I simply sat and observed. 

"I could feel your eyes on me, Lucy," he announced. "I'm not sure if you want me or this pearly joint." Lorenzo looked up from his lap, his eyes meeting with mine. "So, which one is it?"

I broke from my crossed legs and crawled towards him slyly. His eyes followed. Approaching him slowly, I crept my hand onto his chest, trailing down his arm and right at his hand. 

"What...is...happening...right...now," Onyx mumbled, completely high off her ass. As a group, we collectively smoked about 3 joints. "I'm kinda liking this movie unfold."

Lorenzo, taken aback with his mouth ajar, watched me take the joint from his hand. I leaned closer, my face near his ear. "Your pearly joint, of course." I pulled away with a smirk as I shuffled back to my spot in the room.

Our circle consisted of Onyx, Blaise, Draco, Pansy, Lorenzo, and I. 

Onyx was too busy people-watching our group, Blaise ran his mouth about the year-long remodeling of his manor that his mother insisted on doing, and Draco and Pansy were eating each other. Everyone was intoxicated. 

I placed the joint between my lips, lighting it once more with a matchstick and inhaling deeply. Exhaling, I nodded slowly with my eyes closed. "This stuff is really good, Enzo Berkshire," I murmured, passing the joint to Onyx, dismissing Draco and Pansy's horny presence. It's the usual—whenever Draco and Pansy get too high, they end up hooking up.

"I always have the best stuff for you, Lucy," he replied. 

Our eyes were low—barely open and significantly glossy. We tend to smoke back-to-back until someone leaves for bed or nods off right then and there. 

"I love this shit," Onyx said with a tight chest. As she exhaled, she spoke and said, "Denmark weed?"

Lorenzo shook his head. "Stockholm."

Onyx passed it to Blaise and he immediately inhaled it. 

I turn my head to glance over Draco and Pansy making out on the floor, high off their arses. Draco flutters his eyes open, catching me watching with mere disgust.

Pulling away from Pansy's sloppy kisses, he smirks at the sight of me. "Get in line, Lucille Granger. You're not the coping mechanism I want right now," he spoke raspily. Pansy turned her head to face me and scoffed. 

"Me? Get in line? For what? Erectile dysfunction?" I spat. Blaise snorted, as an aggressive cough followed. 

"You and your silly rumors, Granger," Draco replied, gently redirecting Pansy's gaze toward him once more by lifting her chin. He ran his thumb over her lips. "Pansy would beg to differ, in't that right, Pans?"

She softly chuckled, nipping at his thumb. "Lucille wouldn't understand, doll. After all, she's only ever fucked dead guys."

I roll my tongue against the inside of my cheek, a remorseful grin spreading across my face, nodding in response to her comment. I get up from the ground, a peal of faint laughter escaping my lips. 

"Well, fuck," Onyx huffed. "I'm not liking this movie unfold."

A distracted Pansy kissed Draco, her arms wrapping around his neck. I stood over her as my hands met a fistful of her hair. I yanked her scalp, making Pansy rise from the ground. She let out a yelp, her hands trying to free herself from my grasp. Draco couldn't register what was happening.

Anger flowed through my veins, my heart beating rapidly as my palms dampened. I held Pansy closer by her hair. 

"Never talk about Cedric. Ever," I uttered with restrained anger. "I couldn't care any less about Draco's apparent working dick, but don't you ever talk about Cedric."

"Fucking let me go!" Pansy fought. Lorenzo's hand grabbed ahold of my fist full of Pansy's wiry hair. 

"Let her go, Lucy," he murmured softly into my ear. "C'mon love," Lorenzo spoke. "It's not worth it. She's not worth it. She didn't mean it."

I let go completely, almost shoving her back down to the ground. Still fueled with anger, Lorenzo cupped my face to ground me back. "Lucy," he breathed. "She's not thinking straight. You aren't, either."

I looked back down, watching Pansy rub the spot I pulled, eyes pooling. Draco looked at me with his mouth ajar—a look of shock, and an inability to accept what happened. 

"Tell Pansy to shut her mouth," I snarled, evidently loud enough for the stupid cunt herself to hear. "And tell her to stay out of my business."

"You were literally staring at us," Draco defended. "Out of pure jealousy, I suppose."

Before I could make a move on Draco, Lorenzo wrapped his arms around me, stopping me from moving forward. "I think the hell not," I snapped. "Of course, I'm going to glance over two nasty fucks making out right next to me. I looked out of pure disgust, so think again."

Draco scoffed, taking Pansy into his arms as she wept. 

"You two could've carried on in a different room, y'know," Lorenzo advocated. "You made me a little uncomfortable, too. I'm sure I speak for everyone else in this room."

"We don't get together to watch you and Pansy face-fuck each other," Onyx seethed. 

"Things just happen," Draco replied flatly, rubbing Pansy's arm in an attempt to comfort her. "We got carried away, so what?"

"So what?" I repeated, nearly laughing. "I'm trying to enjoy my high, but I clearly can't when all I hear is slushing noises! Tell me, is that not annoying?"

Draco gave me a menacing glance, his eyebrows furrowed. "Fuck off, Granger."

"You fuck off, Malfoy!" I retort, lunging at him once more. Attempted to, at least. Lorenzo still had me in his grasp.

"Drop it," Lorenzo said quietly. "We can go," he insisted. "You want to leave? We can get out of here, my love. How's that sound?"

I gave Draco another disgusted look. Despite my anger and frustration, it's difficult to ignore Enzo's assuring words, along with his tone of speech. 

"Sounds better than two STD-riddled sluts slushing on each other's faces," I spoke loudly enough for Draco and Pansy to hear. "Good night to everyone except the two STD-ridd—."

"Alright, Lucy," Lorenzo cut me off, nearly lifting me out of the room. "They understand. They understand."

We made it out of his dorm and I exhaustingly sigh out of annoyance. "What the hell is her problem? She's such a cunt!" I snap, the both of us walking down the corridor. "Like, I wasn't even staring for that long? Mentally, I was just, like, 'ew, good grief', y'know?" I rambled. 

"She isn't the only one you should be upset with, Lucy," said Lorenzo. "Draco had a lot to do with it."

"Don't even get me started on that mopey bastard," I clenched my fists, digging crescents into my palms. "He's so entitled, it makes me sick."

"You know how he gets," Lorenzo jeered. "It's nothing out of the ordinary for him to be acting this way."

"You have a point, I know. It's just... irritating how inconsiderate one can be. We're in a full-fledged group, all smoking together and trying to have fun. How am I supposed to have fun when two people have checked out? How are we supposed to enjoy the evening when two people have literally checked out?"

"I understand, my love," he nodded, completely listening to everything I have to say. "It is irritating, you're right. I'm sorry, I should've diffused the tension sooner."

We made it to my door and I pushed the door right open. "You don't have to apologize, Enzo," I insisted, closing the door behind him. "The whole thing was just out of control. Pansy and her comment really pushed me off the edge." I kicked my shoes off and tossed them to the side.

"She should not have said that," Lorenzo helped me remove my cloak, followed by hanging it on the hook attached to my four-post. "I may want to talk to her privately about that."

"Enzo, there's no need," I replied. "I just want to drop it."

I tugged the skirt off my waist as it dropped to my ankles. Stepping out of my skirt, I made my way towards my dress. Unbuttoning my uniform, I looked into the mirror which reflected Lorenzo picking up my skirt from off the ground.

"Now, Lucy," he announced. "There are laundry baskets for a reason. Where is yours?"

I turned my head to face him as he stood there with my skirt in hand. I pointed to the corner of the room as his eyes followed. Turning right back at the wall, I completely removed my blouse and placed it onto the dresser. I pulled my drawer open and laid eyes on a large t-shirt that belonged to Blaise. It was a soft material shirt, so I couldn't resist. I pulled out the shirt and placed it over my body. 

"Hand me your blouse, Lucy. I know for a fact it'd be staying on that dresser," Lorenzo badgered. I took the blouse from the dresser and tossed it to him. He caught it, then he threw it into the basket. "Can I get you anything? Water? I could steep tea. I understand if you're still tense about that whole scene."

"I should be fine," I responded. climbing into the bed. Lorenzo stood by the door, his back against the wall. "Are you heading back?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I've got an exam tomorrow. I don't want to fail it." His gaze shifted downwards to his hands, where he absentmindedly fiddled with his silver ring. 

"Alright," I whispered my reply, carefully drawing the duvet over my body. "Thank you for bringing me back here. I truly appreciate it."

His gaze reverted back to me. "Of course, my Lucy," Lorenzo responded with a breathy tone. "You sleep well, okay, my love?"

"I'll try," I answered. I watched him smile as he started leaving. Before he could step out the door, I called out his name. "Lorenzo."

His head turned as he came to a halt. His name hung in the air with anticipation. 

"Yes, Lucy?"

I hesitated, but I insisted. "Could you maybe... stay with me until I fall asleep?"

Lorenzo gripped the handle of the door. Looking downwards at his feet, as if thoughts ran, he sighed and nodded. "I can stay, Lucy. But, you have to promise me that you'll actually try to fall asleep. Do we have a deal?"

I nodded yes. He closed the door and right away removed his shoes. Lorenzo kicked them under my dresser as he made his way toward my four-post. "Make room."

I complied, raising the duvet to welcome him into bed. Our bodies found comfort in close proximity, intertwining like matched puzzle pieces and melting into a cocoon of solace in each other's company. 

His hand stealthily slithered beneath my shirt, firmly grasping the side of my waist, pulling me closer, while his rings pressed into my skin, the chilly sensation sending shivers down my spine. 

"You warm?" He whispered, his breath and presence evoking a comforting aroma that I could savor at any given moment.

I nestled my head against his chest, feeling the rapid thump of his strong heart. It provided a reassuring sense of comfort, a rhythmic reminder of his presence. "I'm warm enough," I replied. "You?"

"Warm enough," he said. "Lucy, seriously. Try to fall asleep. You, too, have an exam that you must pass."

"If I don't?" I playfully remarked, though my words lacked vigor. It was merely a gentle tease. "Will you have me expelled, Mr. Berkshire?"

He chuckled, and the sound resonated within his chest, reaching my ears as my head rested against him. "Even worse," Lorenzo continued. "Punished."

A light heart flutter came from my chest, almost eager to further pursue his cocky remarks. 

"You couldn't hurt a fly even if you tried, Enzo," I replied through a yawn. "No punishing over here."

"Fool around and find out," Lorenzo spoke huskily. "Lucy, you're tired. I can hear it in your voice."

"I know, I know," I beckoned. "I'll try to fall asleep. I will, I swear."

"Good," he replied. 

Silence lingered, and only our soft breathing could be heard.

"You're too good to me, Enzo," I whispered. "I don't know if I'd like my life more than I do now with you in it."

Lorenzo took his free arm and met his other arm beneath me. Pulling me into a tighter embrace, he exhaled. "A woman like you deserves the best, Lucy," he kissed my head twice, breathing in my scent. "A best friend like me."



Loving this new dynamic for the two of them. Sorry for this random update, I was just in the mood for a Filthy Rewritten chapter, so boom. I've got two chapters for TDOLB written, so by the time I write the third one, they'll all be published. I love Lorenzo Berkshire too much.

As for Inheritance, I am currently in the process of writing the auction portion of the storyline, so it's a little lengthy (see my page for more details. that is, of course, if you're unaware of the book 'Inheritance').

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