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Without further adieu, I present to you...

L O N G  N I G H T 

- Lucille Granger -

After I spent the majority of my day in Hermione's dormitory talking about her summer with the Weasleys, I mustered up the courage to confront Draco about whatever Pansy was pestering about.

I made it back to the Slytherin Commons where I saw Draco peacefully reading yet another book on the velvet tufted sofa. Gathering my courage, I approached him with a deep breath. He looked up at me with his grey empty eyes, let out a huff, and then went back to his reading.


I grabbed his book and slammed it close, resulting in a disgusted face. "You can use your words, Lucille, you should know better," he said with disdain.

"Why did Pansy come up to me today with such a punchable face?" I retorted, arms crossed with his unnecessarily heavy book in my hand.

"I suppose that's just how you perceive her," Draco spoke flatly. "Now, may I have my book back, Granger?"

I shook my head. "She came to me and said 'Draco's all yours'. Any idea why she would say that?"

He grinned as he stood up from the sofa, nearly towering over me. "I don't see any reason to complain," Draco said as he took ahold of his book. "Apparently, I'm all yours, now."

I forcefully placed my hands on his shoulders, pushing him back onto the sofa, surprising him. "Are you always this feisty?" he queried playfully.

"Are you always this avoidant?" I countered. "What did you say to her?"

"All I said was that I was done with her," he replied nonchalantly. "One can only assume she's just a jealous git."

"Yes, but why toward me?" I pressed, trying to connect the pieces.

"I suppose it's because most of Slytherin adores you," he remarked. "For whatever reason," he added with a lower tone. "Now that I've lost interest in her, I guess she's got no one else."

"Maybe she shouldn't be such a cunt," I snapped. "If she were nicer, I'm sure everyone would be able to tolerate her. That's her own fault.."

Draco shrugged, reopening his book and returning to reading. Annoyed, I once again yanked his book from his hands, eliciting a groan from him.

"Lucille, for fuck's sake," he muttered under his breath. "What else do you want from me?"

"If she comes for me once more, you'll be the next one I slap," I threatened.

An arched brow came from him. "You...hurt her again?"

"I might've," I said. "She called my sister a mudblood, so."

"Is she not?" Draco joked. The air grew still as the pieces fell into place in his eyes.

Yes, I slapped him.

His face remained turned away from me, where I had struck him. Finally, he turned to me with a blank expression

"I guess I should've seen that coming," he huffed, adjusting his tie. "Lucille, you are aggressive."

"And you're a piece of shit."

"You can be as physical as you want," Draco spoke with a dismissive tone. "Just know that it's words that'll get your point across."

"Oh, shut up," I fought back. "You and that cunt have been tormenting people like me for years. It's about time someone does something."

"Getting physical is the answer?"

"Draco, it's pent-up frustration collected from over the years. I don't expect you to understand."

"Try me," Draco replied.

I looked at him with confusion. "What?"

"Try me," he repeated.

I scoffed until I realized he was serious.

"For starters, you, Pansy, Goyle, and Crabbe, have done nothing but call us mudbloods, and you've called your own friends blood traitors. It's so demeaning, and it's not right. No one has ever had the courage to defend themselves. But, I'm done letting it slide. Grow up."

"They're just fucking names," Draco defended, to which I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Have you ever heard that saying? The one where it's like, 'words only have power if you give them power'?"

"What 11-year-old wants to hear that? Really, are you that daft? It's isolating. It's cruel. It makes a person think they're not enough for the wizarding world."

"Sorry you feel that way," Draco said without meaning.

"You're insufferable."

"I know," he replied.

"You're hurtful."

"Heard that before."

"Do you not think about others?"


Before I could raise my hand to slap him again, his hand intercepted my wrist. Draco had a firm grip as he stood up from the sofa. With a tight hold, he began to drag me out of the common room and into an empty hallway.

"Let me go!" I yelped, trying to fight back. Fear settled in my stomach when I realized I'm not as strong as Draco. "Where are you taking me?"

His grip remained tight as he walked swiftly. Eventually, he led us to an empty corridor, where he pressed me against the wall, trapping me between his arms.

"You have no idea what it's like to be the least favored, Lucille," he harshly spoke, his voice near my ear. "Everyone loves you, Lucy. Everyone worships you. Everyone favors you. You had everyone. Pansy and I? Goyle? Crabbe? We had each other. All we did was call you names, I get that. But what else did we know?"

I pushed him away in disgust. "That's your fault. No one told you to be prejudiced. No one had a knife up to your neck or put your life on the line. Refrain from blaming me for your loneliness, truly. It's embarrassing."

"You have no idea what it was like growing up like me," he began. "You don't have a fucking clue."

"You don't talk to anyone about it! I know nothing about you. No one knows anything about you! Lorenzo knows, but it's not like he's going around telling us about your sob story," I yelled at him. "Maybe if you had someone to talk to—."

"They all spoke to you, Lucille!" Draco's voice grew louder. "Goyle, Crabbe, and Pansy are fucking idiots! They wouldn't understand."

"Are you seriously trying to get me to pity you?"

"No, Lucille," he said with frustration, his hand running over his face. "I just need you to understand where all this resentment comes from."

"I'm not interested," I said harshly.

Draco stood still, his hands in his pockets, his weary eyes fixed on me. Truth be told, I was lying. I wanted to know more. I just—. I couldn't let him know I cared in the slightest. Not now.

He sighed and shook his head, his gaze downcast. Draco finally looked up at me, his mouth slightly open, but no words came out. Eventually, he spoke.

"You want me to apologize?" Draco asked, annoyed.

I crossed my arms. "Perhaps."

He rolled his tongue against the inside of his cheek out of frustration. "I'm sorry."

That... was easier than expected.

"You're sorry? You?" I asked in disbelief.

"I'm not saying it again, Lucille."

"Then don't," I seethed. "Just remember who I go to the next time Ms. Parkinson has something to say about me, around me, and at me."

"I don't control her, Lucille," he persisted. "If you come to me the next time, just talk to me. You don't need to... resort to violence."

"Really? I've reached my breaking point, Malfoy! I've had enough of the insults. It's time to put an end to it. You have enough influence to make your group of sad bullies stop. Do whatever it takes."

Draco stepped closer. "Lucille," he repeated, sounding almost weary of using my name, "As I said, I'm sorry. On my behalf. But whatever others do has nothing to do with me anymore. I don't even associate with Crabbe or Goyle. Or anyone, for that matter. Except for you and the group. That's it. That's all. I cut off ties with Pansy because of what she said to you the other night."

I was taken aback. This was a side of Draco I'd never seen before. Cutting his only source of relief over something she said? His eyes carried exhaustion, he seemed worn-out, and almost desperate for some kind of validation.

I couldn't be the one to give it to him.

"I'm done having this conversation," I declared, pushing myself off the wall he had pinned me against. "Keep your pets on a leash."

To be honest, I was uncomfortable with how alone we were in that corridor. I had never engaged in a genuine conversation with him like this before. It felt surreal. Growing up, I despised Draco Malfoy, and I was sure the feeling was mutual. Finding ourselves in such a vulnerable situation was unsettling and expected.

I didn't like this feeling of feeling bad for him. I refused to pity him.

But, at the same time, I couldn't help it. So, I did what was best.

I fled.

I removed myself from the empty corridor and returned to the Slytherin Commons where all the connecting hallways met. From there, I made my way down the halls that led to the girls' dormitory with haste.

I reached my dormitory and barged into my room with my back against the door. I saw Onyx on her bed painting her toenails with a green facemask on.

"You look like you've seen some shit," Onyx jeered. "You okay?"

"I think so," I breathed. "Tell me why I just had the most uncomfortable conversation with Draco."

"What? What are you talking about?" Onyx said with intrigue.

I removed my cloak and started unbuttoning. "First of all, I've had an eventful day," I prefaced. "I slapped Pansy in front of a bunch of people because she called Mione a mudblood."

"I heard about that this afternoon. Good girl, Lucy. Punt that bitch harder next time."

"Let's just hope there isn't a next time, because it's so draining," I groaned, slipping my skirt off and stepping out of it. I kicked my shoes off and shuffled them underneath my bed. "Anywho, I spoke to Draco because Pansy said something about me having Draco all to myself now."

"Gross," Onyx gagged. "Okay, what else?"

I explained everything to Onyx without catching a breath. From the moment I approached Draco, to the moment I fled the scene. Onyx was in shock.

"How strange," she mumbled, continuing her nail painting. "I didn't know Draco had empathy."

"He doesn't," I said. "Draco's just keeping up this façade because now he's got no one."

"Natural consequence," Onyx blurted. "I actually can't believe Draco was about to trauma dump in a hallway."

I flung my bra into the laundry basket and slipped on a large Quidditch shirt. "I don't want to talk about this anymore," I insisted. "Are there any plans tonight?"

Onyx gave me a look. "You're not one for thrills. It's a school night. Are you okay?"

"Of course, I'm okay," I jeered. "I'm just bored. I need something exciting to do."

"Go skinnydipping in the lake or something," she suggested sarcastically. "I have a 5-parchment essay due in three days. I'm going to have Blaise help me later."

I gave her an assumptive look. "You just want me out of here, don't you?"

"Maybe," Onyx smirked. "You wouldn't hate me if I banished you out of your own room?"

"I wouldn't hate you," I connived.

"Right," Onyx said. "As I said, you can always skinnydip, steal books from the restricted section, sneak into someone's dormitory, the list goes on, Lucy."

She continued her nail painting as I got into bed and picked up a book from my bedside table. I read a few pages as Onyx's R&B mixtape played in the background. She hummed to the tunes as I absently twinkled my toes to the beat.

Usually, I'd end the night with a book and some of Onny's tunes. But, after stressing over an exam, getting into altercations with my worst enemy, and confronting the main perpetrator, it's a little difficult to unwind this way.

I sighed loudly and slammed my book closed. "I think I'm going to head out," I announced, sitting up from my bed. "Care to join me as I embark on an adventure?"

"Where are you going?"

I shrugged. "I dunno. Haven't thought far out."

She softly chuckled. "I would, but I told you I was getting help from Blaise, remember?"

I got up from my bed and rolled my eyes. "Right," I said. "You're 'getting help' from Blaise," I held finger quotation marks up.

"I'm serious, Lucy. I don't want anything with him."

I knew she was lying, I could see it in her face, with the way she furrows her brows and the way her lips are pursed.

Nonetheless, I dismissed it for the sake of her pride. "If you say so."

"I do say so," she snapped.

"I thought we were all hanging out tonight," I brought up. "What happened to that?"

"Well, Lorenzo took a huge nap after the exam, and we haven't seen him leave his room since," Onyx began, "Blaise was dueling in the dueling club, Draco was being Draco, and I was at the Three Broomsticks listening to Luna Lovegood talk about the human anatomy."

"You all never got together afterward?" I questioned. She shook her head.

"This year is just a weird year. The vibes are a little off, I can't put my finger on it," Onyx huffed. "Something is in the air. It's a little unsettling."

"I was thinking the same thing today," I added. "Must be year 6 blues."

I said my goodbyes to Onyx and made my way out of the dormitory. It seemed strange to be just wearing a super large t-shirt that covered my bottom as I walked around the Slytherin Commons, but I knew it was a common sight among the girls, especially after dark.

As I entered the common room, I noticed a group of Slytherins gathered by the warm fireplace, flipping through magazines and chatting. I greeted them with a friendly smile and wave, and they returned the gesture, their expressions lighting up with familiarity.

Taking a leisurely stroll, I explored the common room, admiring the various trinkets and framed pictures that adorned the shelves and walls. The soft glow of the fire created a cozy atmosphere, casting dancing shadows across the room.

I couldn't resist the urge to glance out of the tall windows, gazing at the expanse of the Black Lake. I hoped to find something interesting within the lake. However, all I saw was the gentle movement of wildlife swimming peacefully, minding their own business.

Suddenly, I felt compelled to check on Lorenzo, who had apparently been napping all day. Lorenzo would know what to do during times of boredom. With a determined stride, I made my way to his dormitory.

Without hesitation, I barged into Lorenzo's dorm room, the door swinging open. I took notice of two empty beds, belonging to Draco and Blaise. I wonder where Draco is at this time of hour.

Lorenzo is sound asleep, his head buried into his pillow, his body facing flat. He's seen wearing his dark blue plaid pajamas—and only his pant pajamas. He's got his arm tucked underneath his pillow. A candle is lit on his dresser, emitting a faint scent of blossomed nectarine.

I shut the door quietly, trying not to wake him up.

I tiptoe around his room, looking at the collective posters on the wall in common spaces. I notice picture frames of the three of them in Quidditch gear from each year, hanging above their bathroom door.

"Draco?" Lorenzo calls out groggily, his face still nuzzled into his pillow. "Are you back from home?"

"Wrong," I announced. Lorenzo gently lifted his head up from the pillow as his gaze met mine. "I heard you've been napping the whole day."

Lorenzo let out a yawn and turned over, his torso exposed. He folded his hands over his stomach and crossed his legs.

"Just getting beauty sleep," he mumbled. "What brings you here?"

"I'm bored," I blurted. "Everyone's busy. Plus, I had a strange day, which I'm dying to tell you all about."

Lorenzo scooted aside and patted the empty spot beside him. I smiled and climbed onto his bed, laying next to him.

I told Lorenzo exactly what I told Onyx regarding my encounter with Draco, highlighting what led me to talk to him in the first place.

"You put your hands on Pansy again, Lucy?" Lorenzo said with slight disappointment.

"I mean, what else what I supposed to do? She approached me in such a disrespectful manner. I get that violence is never the answer, but people have a breaking point."

"Let's refrain from reacting with violence, yeah?"

"Whatever," I snarked, my arms crossed over my chest. "I don't expect you to understand."

Silence invaded the room.

"I'm not surprised Draco spoke to you the way that he did," Lorenzo started, "Opening up like that."

"Why's that?"

Lorenzo shifted his head toward me. "He's not always an angsty guy. I'm not surprised he's apologizing."

"So, you're telling me he's not really a prat?"

Lorenzo huffed, as if hesitant to admit the truth. "He's not really a prat. Under the surface, Draco actually thinks."

"No shit he thinks," I bantered. "He only thinks about himself."

"That's where I have to say you're wrong," he replied. "Enough about Draco, what exactly are you doing here?"

"I was bored," I groaned, turning my body over and burying my face into his pillow. Subtly, I inhale the scent on his pillow. I couldn't help it. "Have any idea what we could do to kill time?"

"Oh, my Lucy," he says. "There's so much we can do."

I perk my head up, my eyes find his. "Like what?"

His lips curl slightly. "You're not even prepared for half the ideas."

"You're being a tease," I replied, turning my body around once more and then sitting up, leaning on the headboard. "Try me."

Lorenzo gives me a look. "Hufflepuffs are throwing a party in the Room of Requirement."

"What kind of party?"

"A usual party."

"How'd they even get that room to turn into a party? And how do you know about this?"

"A Hufflepuff I used to talk to invited me, but I had no one to go with, so I declined. A Hufflepuff student insisted that year 5s through year 7s are going through some sort of stuckness during this time of their life, so they thought it'd be nice to throw a party that could let off some steam or something along those lines. Seems like you're bored enough to go, but are you prepared for it?"

I scoffed because of his underestimation of me. "Seriously? Do you really think I'm not prepared for a party? For a moment there, I thought you were thinking about hardcore drugs."

"No, Lucy," he smirked. "It's just not a scene I'd picture you to be in. You're a little bookworm who dabbles in liquor and some weed. Above all, you're all about your schoolwork. This event may be out of your comfort zone."

I did seem hesitant at first. Lorenzo is making it seem like it's some sort of crazy event, but he's probably just trying to scare me out of it.

"I want to go," I announced. "Is it happening right now?'

He nodded. "At this very moment, yes."

"Well," I stated, "What are we waiting for?"

I got up from the bed and excitingly made my way to his dresser where I had extra clothes. "What's the theme? Are there themes?" I queried, flipping through my many colorful skin-tight tops.

Lorenzo spoke through his smile, "You're so cute with all this excitement."

"That didn't answer my question, Enzo," I replied. I held up a top, holding it against my chest. "This, perhaps?"

"Anything you choose would look great," Lorenzo jeered. "Just... maybe not that top."


"A bit too revealing, don't you think?"

I groaned. "Oh, shut it, Dad."

"Hey, you asked for my opinion."

I removed my large shirt and threw it onto his ottoman. Pulling the top over my body, I stood in front of the mirror. Pantless, I turned around to face Lorenzo, with his gaze already on me. "Denims? Low-rise? High-rise?"

"Low-rise would look good."

"Low-rise it is."

Once the both of us got ready for the party, we headed out of his dorm and walked alongside one another down the eerie corridors. It was reaching 12 midnight, which explained why the corridors were quiet. The sound of our steps echoed. My heart was racing a bit because I'd never gone to a party so large before. Of course, one can only assume it'll be a large event given the location of it: the Room of Requirement.

Lorenzo went with a regular black cotton tee, though it was one of those tees that cost a lot for no reason. He accompanied his black cotton tee with loose denims. Though it was a simple outfit, I couldn't help but admire his outfit. Maybe it's his face. Maybe it's the lips on his face. Maybe it's his hair.


"I'm kind of regretting my suggestion for your jeans," Lorenzo said monotone as he eyed me down.

"Why?" I asked with attitude. "I love these jeans. I was wondering where they were—turns out they were with you."

"For starters, I can see your back dimples. Your jeans are a few inches from showing your crotch. What if they fall?"

"Are you an idiot?" I acclaimed. "Low-rise jeans weren't created to fall off. Plus, I think I look great."

"Should've worn a belt?"

"No," I snapped. "Lorenzo, for goodness sake, I'll be fine."

Lorenzo let out a deep sigh. "Oh, Lucy."

After embarking on a small journey through the Moving Staircases, we finally made it to the floor where the Room of Requirement was located. A few other people were scattered down the corridor. Most of the girls are seen to be wearing far more revealing outfits than me.

I took notice of Cho Chang with the cutest, shortest, skirt ever, accompanied by a purple lace halter top, accentuating her perky breasts. Her hair is up, held by a large claw clip.

"Wow, I love that," I mumbled to myself in complete awe. I look around for more cute outfits. I notice Lavender Brown with low-rise bellbottoms and a sage green baby tee, along with a puka shell choker around her neck. "And I love that!"

"What exactly are you loving?" Lorenzo asked.

"All the girls," I replied. "All of them. Gosh, I feel underdressed."

"Seems like you'd get undressed with the outfit you chose," he mumbled under his breath, almost disappointed."

"No way you're slutshaming me at this very moment, Lorenzo?" I bickered.

"I'm not slut shaming, I would never," he replied defensively. "I'm just not in the mood to be fending off the ill-intent."

I rolled my eyes and latched onto his bicep. "You are such a Doberman."

"A Doberman?" Lorenzo asked with his brows in a clueless arch.

"A Doberman. A protective puppy Doberman."

"Enough," he softly chuckled. We approached the large doors where Archie Waverley, a sixth-year student from Hufflepuff, stood with a super large t-shirt and cargo pants. "Evening, Archibald."

"Good evening, Lorenzo Berkshire," he replied. "I see you've accepted Tessa's invite," Archie looked at me and smirked. "Who have you brought here?"

Lorenzo looked at me and pulled me in a bit closer. "This is Lucille Granger," he answered. "She's my plus one."

"Is she, now?" Archie asked, his gaze eyeing me up and down slowly. "The more the merrier, Lorenzo."

"Indeed," Lorenzo replied flatly, totally unamused.

"Well," Archie stood aside and placed his hand on the door handle. "Thrills await. Enjoy the party." From there, he opened the large door.

Immediately, we were greeted with humid air created by body heat, blaring music, strobe lights, and clouds of smoke from marijuana and cigarettes. This was far from what I'd ever witnessed.

The large door behind us closed as we were lured into the large crowd of dancing boys and girls. The girls found their dancing partners as they ground their waists onto them. The boys' hands traveled their dance partner's bodies, consensually and sexually.

"Intimidated?" Lorenzo queried through the blaring music.

"Not at all," I grinned, my eyes wandering through the crowds. "Thrilled to be here."

Lorenzo led me to a long table where shots were being poured and placed out for others to take. The ones serving the drinks happened to be the Weasley twins—of course. Just when I thought I'd no longer see them after their dramatic exit last year, they seem to always find a way back in here.

"Oi, look who we have here, George," Fred elbowed George. George looked up from pouring beverages into little shot glasses as his jaw dramatically dropped.

"Lucille," George said, handing Lorenzo and me shots, "What's your drink of choice?"

"Something that'll get me going, I suppose," I replied, eyeing the liquid in the plastic red shot glass. I raised it in the air, tapped it on the table, then knocked my head back and poured the shot down my throat.

Lorenzo followed. He took my shot glass and stacked it onto his, then placed it on the table. "Thank you, lads. We'll be off now."

Before I could even bid farewell, Lorenzo led me to the crowds of people. The warmth exhibited by the people was hard to miss. It was a tad bit difficult to breathe, but nonetheless, the experience was enticing.

Lorenzo grabbed both my hands as we danced to the loud music. "What are your thoughts so far?" Lorenzo asked with a raised voice. "Still bored?"

I laughed. "Not bored at all, I can assure you."

The flashing lights that cast over us all made him look quite ethereal and everyone else in the crowd.

"Fuck," Lorenzo muttered under his breath, his hand pushing the hair toppled over his forehead away from his eyes. "I think the liquor's laced with ecstasy."

"Why do you say that?" I questioned loudly, admiring all the people around me.

"Because everyone is so fucking attractive right now," Lorenzo replied as his gaze was everywhere. "I knew Hufflepuff parties had a reputation for lacing their liquor, but I just wasn't sure if it was true."

"Well, I'm feeling so fantastic," I exclaimed. My body felt lightweight, my fingertips went numb, and I felt a sudden wave of euphoria take me over.

"I'm feeling way too good right now," Lorenzo said airily. "But I hate to be the bearer of bad news." He pulled out two small vials from his jean pocket. It looked like a milky white substance, though the consistency was very watery. "Take this with me."

"More drugs, Lorenzo?!" I asked harshly. "I think I'll pass."

"No, Lucy," he said. "It's a serum made for individuals who were drugged."

"ReviCleara?" I queried. "A hard serum to make, mind you. You need Moonwater Essence, Serenity Moss, ClarityFern—."

"Yes, yes, Lucille," Lorenzo shushed me, popping the vials open. "Just drink, my love. I understand this drug we're on makes you fixate heavily on what you're passionate about. I just didn't realize it'd be your education that you're horning over."

"I'm not horning over my fucking education," I snapped as I ingested the vial. "I'm just shocked you got your hands on ReviCleara."

"It's another product from J. Pippins that requires you to use Revelio to find it."

"Of course, you know that."

The pulsating beats of the music reverberated through the crowded Room of Requirement as I danced alongside Lorenzo. The ReviCleara worked its magic as the drug-induced dopamine left my system. However, I still felt euphoric and happy. I felt alive and carefree, fully embracing the night of thrills.

Tessa Willaby, the Hufflepuff who had invited Lorenzo, appeared before his eyes, her eyes locked on him. She moved sensually, swaying her hips in rhythm with the music, her hands tracing seductive patterns in the air. Lorenzo's eyes were drawn to her, and a small part of me felt a tinge of jealousy. However, I pushed that aside, knowing Lorenzo was free to dance with whoever he pleased.

"I knew you'd come, gorgeous," Tessa nearly growled into his ear, following a lick of his earlobe. Awkward.

Lorenzo grinned, matching Tessa's moves with confidence. "Of course I did," he replied, his hands planted on her swaying hips. "I brought my best friend with me."

Tessa's eyes bounced from Lorenzo to me. Her seductive smile dropped as she eyed me down, her hands grasped firmly on his biceps. "Cute little thing," she commented flatly.

"Isn't she?" Lorenzo went on. Sensing the discomfort between Tessa and me, I went ahead and turned around, in search of a dance partner. Not exactly searching, but hoping someone saves me from this uncomfortable situation. "Don't go too far, Lucille. I don't want you wandering around while slightly under the influence."

I rolled my eyes and softly chuckled. "Doberman."

As they danced, I couldn't help but appreciate the way they moved together, their chemistry evident even from a distance.

Amidst the sea of dancing bodies, I spotted someone familiar. It was Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, and he seemed to be enjoying the party just as much as was I. Our eyes met, and a playful smile spread across his face. Without hesitation, I moved closer to him, drawn to the magnetic energy he exuded.

"Fancy seeing you here, Lucille Granger," Harry commented, his hand slithering around my waist. Taken aback, I look into his intoxicated eyes. His pupils were dilated and he reeked of liquor. "Did you know they laced the liquor with ecstasy?"

"Well aware, The Boy Who Lived," I jeered, my arms wrapping around his neck. We began to dance together. He pulled me closer and I didn't resist. Though the drug left my body, I couldn't help but feel some type of way after seeing Harry in this sort of light. He was, in fact, very attractive.

His hair was messy, but it was definitely an attractive scene. Tousled strands fell across his forehead, adding a hint of untamed charm to his appearance. The disheveled locks spoke of a carefree spirit, someone unafraid to embrace the chaos of life. As he ran his fingers through his hair, trying to tame it, I found myself captivated.

"I feel fantastic," Harry huffed. "You feel fantastic."


"God, Hermione would kill me if she knew how close we were right now."

"Well, thankfully, she's not here."

I look over at Ron who is seen dancing manically and euphorically as he's hopping up and down using Neville as a balance.

As Harry and I continued dancing, my mind began to wander. The pulsating music and the warmth of the crowd seemed to have an effect on me. I couldn't help but think about the perceptions people had of me—stuck-up, modest, shy, a bookworm. I was tired of conforming to those labels, tired of being trapped in a mold that didn't entirely define who I was.

For once, I wanted to let go.

As Harry's hand tightened around my waist, a surge of adrenaline rushed through me. I realized that I didn't want to be the reserved Lucille Granger tonight. I wanted to be bold, to live in the present, and to seize this moment of reckless abandon.

The thought of kissing Harry crossed my mind, and a part of me hesitated. What if I was misinterpreting the signals? What if it ruined our friendship?

But then I remember how free-spirited he seemed, how he was unafraid to dance like no one was watching. And I wanted to join him in that carefree realm.

With a deep breath, I leaned in, my heart pounding in my chest. Our lips met, and all my doubts and fears vanished in that electrifying moment. It was an exhilarating feeling, kissing Harry, and for the first time in a long while, I felt truly alive.

I combed my fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck as tingles washed down my back. Harry closed the gap between our mouths, first with the utmost gentleness, then with the hunger of a starved man.

Odd enough, Harry was a great kisser.

As we pulled away, his eyes searched mine, a mixture of surprise and delight in his expression. I didn't know where this newfound boldness came from, but I didn't regret it.

In the distance, I noticed Lorenzo watching us, a red solo cup pressed to his lips. His expression seemed conflicted, a smidge of frustration flickered in his eyes. His eyes were low, almost looking a tad bit disappointed.

"Did we just do that?" Harry smirked, his hand behind the nape of my neck. "Did we just kiss?"

"Did you two just make out?" Ron screamed, jumping up and down. "Bloody hell, Potter! Did you just kiss Mione's sister!"

"Ron," Harry groaned. "Relax."

I gave Ron an overwhelmed look, though I laughed it off.

"I don't know if it's just the drugs, but I've always fancied you," Harry blurted, our bodies still dancing in sync. "But not enough to date. Just to kiss. Or sleep with. Whatever you're down for."

"Are there hints of Veritaserum in the liquor, too?" I joked, nearly shocked at his behavior. "I knew you'd become handsome since we were younger, that's for sure."

"Thanks," he smiled awkwardly, his cheeks flushed crimson. "Say, are you willing to drink more shots?"

I nodded. "I am, however, I'd much rather prefer the shots without ecstasy in them."

He chuckled. "I'm sure the twins can make that happen."

Together, we walked toward the long table where the Weasley twins continued serving shots. A crowd of girls and boys simultaneously knocked their heads back and poured the shots down their throats.

"Fred," Harry said loudly, "Could Lucy and I have some shots without the drug in them? I've taken too much."

"And I'm not in the mood to be horning over everyone here," I added.

Fred smirked as he hovered his hand over two shot glasses. He muttered a charm, which made the liquor a darker color. "I've transfigured them into Phoenix Piss."

"Phoenix Piss?" I retorted. "Please tell me that's liquor."

George chuckled, his hands reaching for both shot glasses to hand to Harry and me. "It's an old liquor brand from the 1800s. Its popularity resurfaced last year, and we've been serving it since."

"Serving it? Where else do people have you bartending?" Harry grabbed the shots from George as he passed me one.

"Now, Harry, none of your concern," George replied.

Harry shrugged it off. Together, we tapped the table with the shot glass and knocked our heads back. The liquor was definitely strong as it sent a warm stinging sensation down my throat and to my stomach. I scrunched my eyes close in reaction to the liquor.

The Room of Requirement was alive with the vibrant energy of the late '90s. The pulsating beats of popular Muggle music filled the air, and Harry and I danced together, caught up in the euphoria of the night. Our bodies moved in perfect sync to the rhythm, laughter and smiles painting our faces.

Around us, the crowd swayed and grooved to the music, each person reveling in their own little world of bliss. Tessa was now dancing with Neville, her sensual moves drawing attention from others on the dance floor. Lorenzo stood by a table, his gaze fixated on us. His face displayed a mixture of frustration and annoyance as he watched us dance the night away.

As Harry and I shared another tender kiss, I felt a flicker of guilt knowing Lorenzo was watching. But I couldn't deny the exhilarating feeling that being with Harry brought me. It was like stepping out of my own shell, embracing a part of me that had long been suppressed.

Suddenly, Lorenzo intervened.

"I think it's time to go," he announced, his hand out for mine. "Lucy? Shall we? Now?"

I was taken aback by his passive-aggressive tone, but I didn't want to argue. Maybe the night had gotten away from me, and I hadn't noticed how late it had become.

"Right now?" I queried, looking at Harry, then Lorenzo.

"Yes, Lucille," he said sternly. "Right now."

Feeling a mix of emotions, I bid farewell to our friends, Harry, Ron, the twins, Neville, and everyone else. I thanked them for the unforgettable night as I walked away with Lorenzo, the awkward silence between us palpable.

The journey back to our common room felt longer than usual. I wanted to say something, to address the tension between us, but I didn't know where to start. Lorenzo's frustration was evident, and I didn't want to make it worse.

Upon reaching his dormitory, Lorenzo stopped in front of me, and I could see a hint of softness in his gaze. "Are you... coming in? Or are you heading back to yours already?"

"Well, I left my shirt in there," I replied quietly. "Are you alright?"

He shrugged. "I'm okay." Lorenzo was clearly lying.

The both of us entered his dormitory and noticed a candlestick was still burning before we left. Lorenzo cussed under his breath and rushed to the dresser where the wax was dripping immensely.

"What a way to end such a perfect night," he hissed, his tone laced with sarcasm.

I gave him a confused look as my eyes followed his every move around the room, attempting to clean the mess. "What's the matter with you?"

"Nothing, Lucille," he grits through his teeth, scraping the wax off his dresser. "I think it's best you get going now."

This was not ordinary behavior. But, then again, nothing during this night was ordinary behavior. "Is there something bothering you? Was it something I might've said?"

"Nothing," he insisted, still scraping the wax. "I just wasn't expecting you to be 'making-out-with-Harry' bored."

I scoffed, my arms crossed against my chest as I gripped my own forearms out of frustration. "You're kidding, right? That is what you're mad about?"

"I'm not mad," Lorenzo pestered, dusting wax bits off the dresser. "Just disappointed."

"You shouldn't be," I retorted. "I just wanted to be carefree for once."

"Well, that kind of behavior is a little destructive, don't you think?" Lorenzo approached me, his face in a knot as he tried to appear defensive.

"Destructive?" I chuckled. "You're telling me I'm being destructive? I"m not depressed, I'm not searching for an escape. I was just bored."

"Think about the feelings you might be hurting in the process," Lorenzo jeered, inches away from me, still attempting to appear defensive. "Is that not destructive?"

"What, your feelings?" I snapped.

"Of course not!" Lorenzo exclaimed loudly. "I was talking about Harry, Lucy. Think about how he may feel when he finds out you were just bored and had no intention of pursuing him in the real world."

"Are you daft?" I bickered. "Rest assured he knows that it was just a one-time thing."

"Was it? Was it really a one-time thing? Or are you going to be destructive again?"

"Are you really talking to me like this, Lorenzo? I was just trying to have fun, and now you're stressing about my 'destructive' behavior!"

"There are other ways to have fun! Dancing is fun. Drinking is fun. Literally everything else!" Lorenzo yelled. "But making out with your sister's best friend is not fun!"

"Oh, but it was! It was so much fun, Lorenzo. I wish you could've seen it—."

"Trust me, I already did," he seethed through his teeth. "You don't have to remind me."

I watched his expression as we stood in front of one another. The both of us were clearly upset at one another—Lorenzo, the most.

Where was all of this coming from? I assumed that Lorenzo would be supportive in all of this—the new boldness in me. I suppose I thought wrong.

I looked into his eyes and sensed a hint of frustration. Almost like he was on edge.

Then it hit me.

Was Lorenzo... jealous?

Our gazes at one another lingered a little while longer until he changed his stance.

"What?" he queried my long stare, coming off as a bit uncomfortable.

The next decision I was about to make would be something I'd either regret entirely or be glad I did it.

I stepped closer, his warm breath brushing against my lips as I leaned in with all the courage in the world. The motion felt like centuries. My heart was nearly beating out of my chest, and it was getting a bit harder to breathe.

From there, our lips met. With abruption, Lorenzo had his hands on my shoulders as he lightly pushed me away from him. His eyes were in shock.

"Are you really that bored, Lucille?" Lorenzo said harshly.

My mouth went ajar, unable to muster up the words to say. But before my train of thought could continue tracking, Lorenzo pulled me by the waist. diving in with a deeper kiss, his lips pressed hard against mine.

I shoved him away from me, breaking our kiss, his eyes low as his lips are wet and vibrantly red.

"Are you bored?" I spat. I was unable to process any of this, but my heart was beating aggressively, and something inside me wanted more.

So, we gave each other more.

As Lorenzo's gaze locked with mine, I saw the desire in his eyes, matching my mere reflection. It was like a shared moment of realization, an unspoken understanding that we both wanted this - that the tension between us had finally reached its tipping point.

Without hesitation, I closed the gap between us, my lips finding his once more in a fervent kiss. The rush of electricity that surged through my body was overwhelming, and I felt an insatiable need to be close to him, to feel his warmth against my skin.

Lorenzo's hands found their way to my waist, his grip firm but gentle, pulling me impossibly closer until our bodies were pressed tightly together.

His touch was indescribable, sending chills down my spine as his fingers traced the curve of my bare waist. I let out a soft moan, unable to contain the pleasure that coursed through me. My fingers entangled themselves in his soft brown hair, pulling him even closer to deepen the kiss. Our lips moved with an urgency that matched the intensity of our feelings, each kiss more passionate than the last.

I pulled away for a moment, needing to catch my breath. We hurriedly removed one another's shirts. Words were unspoken, though both of us naturally followed what was right. We kicked off our shoes, and he tugged at the hem of my jeans as I unbuttoned them with haste. He unbuttoned his jeans as well, nearly ripping them off.

Lorenzo's lips found mine again with a hunger that mirrored my own. Our bodies moved in perfect sync, each touch sending waves of pleasure through us. I could feel his heart racing against mine, and it only fueled my desire for him further.

His hands roamed my back, igniting every nerve ending they touched, while my hands explored his strong shoulders and the breadth of his chest. The room was filled with the sound of our rapid breaths and the soft murmurs of contentment that escaped our lips.

Our hands explored every inch of each other's bodies, leaving no space untouched. It was as if we were trying to memorize each other, to imprint the feel of our skin against one another.

This was more than just physical desire; this was an emotional release, a culmination of all the unspoken words and suppressed feelings that had been building up between us for so long.

Our bodies remained interlocked as we moved in unison, stumbling toward his four-post bed in the corner of the room. The anticipation was palpable, and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, matching every step we took.

In that moment, I knew that there was no going back. Lorenzo and I had crossed a line.

Once we reached the bed, Lorenzo gently guided me backward, never breaking eye contact. He leaned down, his breath warm against my skin as he placed tender kisses along my jawline. The softness of the bed embraced the back of my knees as he laid me down.

Lorenzo propped himself between my legs, our lips mended together and tongues toying with one another. His hands caressed my sides with gentleness, yet I could feel his hunger by the way he pressed his fingertips against my skin.

The weight of his body against mine felt surreal. It was Lorenzo who made me feel safe in this moment. It was Lorenzo I was underneath.

He pulled away as we caught our breaths. "Tell me to stop, Lucille," Lorenzo mumbled against my mouth. "God, Lucille—you must."

I shook my head quickly, feeling nearly lightheaded and fueled with lustful thoughts. "No," I replied airily. "Don't stop."

He took his hand and ran his thumb against the bottom of my lip, eyeing my flustered complexion. I felt my cheeks burning up, and having Lorenzo between my legs was not helping. I felt Lorenzo's growing erection against my inner thigh. Oh, how badly I wanted to buck my hips just to feel it against me.

"Lucy," he whined. "Oh, my Lucy, please tell me to stop. I don't think I'll be able to stop once we start," Lorenzo said against my lips, his hands gripping me a bit more aggressively, his actions fed with hunger. "Tell me to stop."

I shook my head. It seemed as if this response was a guilty pleasure, and he looked a bit relieved. "Do not stop, Lorenzo."

Lorenzo's hands ran down the side of my waist as his fingers hooked onto the sides of my underwear. I lifted my waist to assist him as he removed my underwear. I looked down and watched his every move. He kissed his way up my legs, nearing my thighs, then to my vagina.

My breath hitched as I arched my back in response. His tongue slipped between me as he twirled around my clit. Lorenzo sucked on me as a soft sound left my lips.

I lightly bucked my hips against his mouth, his hands were placed firmly on my waist as an attempt to fight against it. His right hand was removed from my waist as his two fingers made its way inside me, still as he performed oral on me. My hands searched for a loose grip on the sheets out of pleasure as his fingers gently dove into me. He proceeded to finger me in a hither motion, applying the right amount of pressure against my inner soft spot.

As the sounds I created grew louder, Lorenzo's pace stood the same. Usually, any other male would take this gesture as a means to go faster, but he knew exactly what to do. I've never experienced anything like this, and I don't think I could ever find anything better.

I might be biased right now.

I knew I was coming close—my hips moved as I yearned for more, my back was arching, struggling to stay in place, and goosebumps formed all over my body. I nearly felt erratic. As soon as I was about to come, Lorenzo rose from between my legs and wiped his mouth with his arm.

"Now, Lucy, you can't come yet," he murmured monotone. "I'm not even done with you."

"What else can you do to me?" I playfully smirked, a bit out of breath after all of that. "I'm sure you've been dying to show me."

He softly chucked. "You sit tight. Give me a second." Lorenzo got up from the bed to lock the door. He muttered Muffliato against the door as he walked right back to his bed. Lorenzo reached for his dresser to pull out a condom.

"Smart," I replied. "Not a lot of people think like you."

"There are others?" Lorenzo arched his brow, climbing back onto his bed, propping himself between me. He tore the condom open with his teeth as he pulled out the rubber. "How many are we talking about, Lucille?"

"None of your concern," I toyed. "Proceed."

"You're bossy."

"And you're stalling to have sex with me."

He chuckled again, shaking his head as he pulled down his boxers. I hesitantly looked down out of nervousness. As soon as I laid eyes on his dick, I knew I was in deep shit.

I found it hard to believe when girls would talk about his incredibly girthy and long-sized penis—maybe because I never saw him in that light, or maybe because it just seemed too good to be true.

Well, tonight definitely confirmed it. I was mentally preparing, though I don't think anyone can actually prepare for something like this. I wanted to compliment his size so badly, but I couldn't give him that ego booster.

Lorenzo slipped it on as he stroked his dick, carefully aligning himself between me. He looked at me and swallowed. "Are you comfortable?"

I nodded. "Yes."

Lorenzo slightly spread my legs wider as he completely aligned himself between me, offering a more comfortable position before we proceed. "How long has it been since you've last fucked?"

Taken aback by his question, I look at him in confusion. "I don't have any diseases, Enzo."

"I just want to know how long it's been because it may hurt if it's been a while."

My cheeks warmed up in response to his delicateness. "It's been a while, honestly."

He nodded. "Okay, you tell me when to slow down or stop at any moment, okay? Please, Lucy?"

"Okay," I replied.

Lorenzo proceeded to take his dick and rub his tip gently over my vagina. The heartbeat between my legs grew stronger, pulsating very fast. "You get wet so easily, Lucy," he commented quietly, watching himself tease me with such low-lid eyes—almost mesmerized. "I would never have to use my own spit if we kept this up."

"If?" I replied. "I don't mind keeping this up, Enzo. Do you?"

He shook his head quickly. "Don't even get me started, Lucille. You can't rile me up. Not right now."

Without any warning, Lorenzo slipped his tip inside me as my breath hitched. Merlin's Beard, even his tip was enough to tense me up. Slowly but surely, Lorenzo thrust his tip in and out of me to ease me into it.

He watched my every reaction. My mouth slightly gaped open as I took him in gently. As I got accustomed to his size, I felt the yearning for more.

"More," I whimpered. "You can go further, Lorenzo."

He looked down at us as he thrust his dick further into me. I let out a hushed groan as I winced. He kept at a slow pace as my body continued to adjust. The tense part of me withered away slowly as he continued to thrust in and out of me.

"You don't know how good you feel to me right now, Lucille," Lorenzo grunted softly, keeping his caged aggression at bay. Lorenzo found himself bucking his hips a bit faster. Louder whimpers came from my mouth.

I reached for his body to get closer to mine as he dove down where our chests met. My arms were wrapped around his neck as his eyes locked with mine Our heavy breathing accompanied one another, and the sounds of our skin meeting repetitively filled the room.

"You can go harder," I barely let out, trying to create a normal sentence. "Please do. It feels so good."

He obeyed without hesitation. His hips picked up a harder pace as the four-post clashed against the wall. Soft grunts left his mouth at each hard thrust as his hands gripped my whole ass. Lorenzo's strong grasp acted as leverage for him to pound into me.

My moans were out of control. I was unable to keep a reasonable volume—after all, I've never experienced sex as good as this.

Suddenly, the doorknob jangled. I gasped, worried that we'd be walked in on at this very moment. Lorenzo took notice of my worry.

"Someone's coming," I spoke quietly, wincing at every thrust.

He chuckled deeply. "The door is locked. We have a rule. No need to worry," Lorenzo assured. "Trust me, Lucy. Okay?"

I nodded.

"How can I make this better for you, Lucy?" Lorenzo spoke raspily. "How else do you want me?"

My eyes started to water as my senses heightened. I knew I was coming soon, though I did not want this to end. At all.

"No, no, please keep this pace," I pleaded, my nails digging at his shoulders. "I'm so close, Enzo."

"I can get you there closer," he whispered harshly, followed by him nipping at my tender neck.

With haste, Lorenzo slipped his arms beneath me, lifting me from the bed and onto his lap, though he managed to stay inside of me. From there, he planted both of his hands on my bottom as he bounced me up and down. His strength was impressive, and I was feeling absolute colors.

My legs wrapped around his waist as he continued to lift me up and down onto his dick. Our skin turned damp as the room felt warmer than usual. Both of our hairs were in disarray, and I had a gut feeling my mascara was runny.

My other gut feeling was that Lorenzo was inside me as deep as he could go. The pain from this newfound position subdued after a few more thrusts, and the adrenaline coursed through my body.

Our breathing intensified as I felt myself tightening around his dick. This room was full of my moaning, whimpering, and whining.

Before I knew it, I was coming on him. I knocked my head back and closed my eyes with my mouth ajar, unable to explain this feeling. I've never come this hard before—especially in this position. Lorenzo introduced me to a new way of pleasure, and I can't imagine what else could top this. I felt explosive, and it only got better as Lorenzo continued pumping into me.

I moaned loudly, verbally proving to him that he got me to come, though noises could not come close to match how I truly felt. I was on fire.

Grunts and groans came from Lorenzo's mouth throughout the whole time we were having sex, but it was at this moment that he began to whimper and moan. It felt like music to my ears, especially when he buried himself in the crook of my neck.

"I'm going to come," he barely spoke, whimpering right after. Soon enough, Lorenzo finally came. It was a lot of come—so much that I felt the condom inside me thicken. Eventually, he laid me down, his dick still inside me, and he kissed my neck, kissed me, then slowly pulled out.

The both of us struggled to catch our breath. Blood pooled at his cheeks, his complexion was light pink. I was still in utter shock after coming so hard. My legs nearly tremble every now and then. I almost felt embarrassed to be sprawled out on his bed, shaking like a Chihuahua, drenched in my own cum, and parts of my body covered in our sweat combined.

Lorenzo removed the condom from his dick and tied it closed, then tossed it into a trash bin near his bed.

"You okay?" he huffed, running his fingers through his hair in an attempt to make himself look presentable. "I wasn't too much, was I?"

I shook my head. "I've... never been fucked like that."

Lorenzo smirked as he found comfort in the spot next to me. "Oh, yeah?"

I rolled my eyes, blew a hair strand away from my face, and sighed deeply. My heart rate felt like it was going back to its regular beats per minute. Lorenzo reached for the duvet scrunched at the foot of his bed and pulled it up to cover the both of us.

Together, we lay in bed and looked up at the ceiling, letting realization settle in.

"We really did that, didn't we?" I broke the silence. I turned to face Lorenzo, and he turned back at me.

"You're not regretting it, are you?" Lorenzo queried, his tone laced with bits of anxiousness.

"No," I replied quickly. "Are you daft? That was, by far, the most amazing sex I've ever had. It makes me sick with how good you can fuck."

Lorenzo shrugged. "I just wing it half of the time."

"You're really good at winging it, then."

"I suppose," he replied. His hand began to trace patterns on my bare stomach. "Do you think this will ruin our friendship?"

"I would hope not," I answered. "Am I allowed to tell Onyx?"

Lorenzo laughed. "You can tell Onyx whatever you want. Hell, you can tell anyone."

"Will you be telling everyone?" I questioned.

He shook his head. "I don't kiss and tell. It's rude."

I scoffed. "You literally tell our friend group every girl you sleep with. I don't believe you."

"Lucy, I'm not going to tell everyone that I had sex with my best friend. I'd rather keep my successes to myself."

"Successes? Your ego never gets a break!"

"I can't count how many times I've pictured myself between your legs," he admitted.

In utter shock by his words, I said, "How did you manage to keep that under wraps? Why are you telling me this now?"

Lorenzo shrugged once more. "I just wasn't sure if you felt the same way. Plus, I couldn't risk losing our friendship. Our friendship always meant the most to me, no matter how large my crush on you grew. I was willing to sacrifice that possibility for our friendship. I still am."

I swallowed nervously as my mouth turned dry. "You've got me worrying now," I admitted. "Did we just ruin our friendship?"

He shook his head. "No. We can continue being best friends, lovers, or both. But we can never be strangers."

"Now, I don't want us to be strangers," I mumbled. "You know everything about me."

Lorenzo pulled me closer to him, his body fitting with mine. "And there's so much more you have to know about me. We're never going to be strangers."

"You have to promise," I stated sternly.

Lorenzo softly chuckled. "I promise."

I found myself nuzzling into his chest, my whole body magnetized to his warmth.

"What a long night," I commented, nearly dozing off.

"A long night indeed," Lorenzo replied, his face buried in my hair.


D I S C U S S I O N 

Laughing out loud! Hope this wasn't too boring EEEK. Point out errors please!!

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