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draco malfoy

As she left the bathroom, I let out a huff. 

"I love you" ?

As if my life can't get any worse! I have Lucille wrapped around my bloody finger; how am I supposed to love her when I don't even love myself? 

I pace the bathroom back and forth, contemplating on whether or not I go through with this whole romance bullshit.

It's true; she truly is irresistible. It baffles me how addicted I am to her, and seeing other people, even if it's my own best friend, touch her just makes me so angry. Now that I have her on lockdown after so many years of building courage to do so, it makes me want to keep her all to myself.

But I can't do that. 

She has a life to live. She has friends. A fucking family who loves her. I can't be greedy.

Anxiety riddles me as I think about the future.

Will she still love me even after knowing about my dark mark? Anytime we fuck I make sure she doesn't look at my dark mark, but sooner or later she'll see it- unless I never show her at all.

I feel like a monster. I never want to become my father; power over my mother like she's a puppet. I can't bring myself up to do that to her, among other things.

But it surely does feel like I'm slowly slipping into the way my father does things around the house; torment my mother until she cracks.

I don't want to torment Lucille at all. But it's happening and all I can do is try to stop it.

I am not my father.

It makes me sick to my stomach how vulnerable I've became. When Lucille asks for change, how do I do so?

I can't let people know that my knees weaken when she's around me. I can't normally talk to her around people. It feels wrong

But it sure feels right when I belong to Lucille. 

I surface back to reality and remember about the task. I need to continue mending the damn cabinet.

How am  I supposed to repair the cabinet when I need to repair what I have with Lucille, too?


lucille granger

After Potions, I walk towards the Great Hall with a growing appetite. It's the bloody vial.

I reach the table and see Lorenzo, Malfoy, and Onyx. Malfoy.

"Afternoon," I greeted lowly, smiling at Onyx and Lorenzo. How do I act around Malfoy?

"Are you going to eat the whole part of this table, again?" Lorenzo joked. I rolled my eyes and sat next to Onyx. Her and I sat across Malfoy and Lorenzo.

"Piss off," I responded, scooping food onto my plate. "Where's Blaise?"

Onyx scoffed. "I could fucking care less!" She exclaimed, as she probed slices of beef with her fork and plopped it onto her plate.

"What even happened?" Draco queried, removing his cloak. My heart stopped when I noticed a hickey on his neck. Fuck!

"He just kissed Pansy..." Onyx drifted, and her jaw immediately dropped. "Malfoy, you whore! Who put that on your neck?"

"Huh?" Lorenzo turned to Draco, "Holy fuck, Mate! You're shagging Pansy again?" Lorenzo poked his hickey and he winced.

If only you knew.

Draco's expressions dropped as he touched the mark with his two fingers. His eyes shot at mine with disappointment, but it slowly withered. Phew.

"None of your business," Malfoy snapped. Lorenzo laughs. 

"You're definitely going to tell me who later. In fact, I'm going to force it out of you," Enzo asserted, picking up a large spoon of potatoes and placing it onto his plate. 

"Men never fail to disappoint me," Onyx bleated. A soft giggle escaped my lips.

"You're just mad that Blaise kissed pugface," Enzo boasted, stabbing his potato with a fork and eating it.

"You know, Enzo. Bold of you to dare him to kiss her even after you know that him and I were exclusively good friends". She pushed her food around her plate, sulking in her emotions.

"Yeah, I apologize. I shouldn't have done that," He lowly said, staring at Onyx with worrisome plastered on his face. "Do you want me to talk to him?"

Onyx sniffled. Ah, shit. I rubbed her back as tears started rolling down her cheek, but not making much noise.

"N-no. It's okay. He's stupid, anyway," She argued. 

"I agree. Who the fuck would kiss Pansy?" Malfoy jeered. Lorenzo rolled his eyes and scoffed at Draco.

"You did!" 


"Years ago, though" Malfoy corrected him. 

"Fine. But you still need to tell me who's leaving you nearly breathless, Malfoy," Lorenzo probed. Lorenzo teased him and Draco gulped, adjusting his seating position.

As Onyx stopped tearing up, she sucked it up and continued eating.

"Are we going to meet at my dorm after classes?" I questioned.

"Who? And what for?" Draco immediately interjected with frustration on his face.

"It's for our project. If you went to class maybe you would've already known," Lorenzo leered. "Do you want to tag along?"

"Um-" Draco got cut off.

"I know you can't bare being around Lucille but the least you guys can do is at least talk to each other as friends. For me? I'd love to have both my close friends mingle without the rudeness," Lorenzo continued, "And I'm talking about your rudeness, Malfoy".

Draco scoffed and stabbed a baby carrot, then putting it in his mouth. He chewed with a thinking face.

"Fine," Draco responded. "But I'm smoking". 

"You still have some left?" asked Onyx. "Can I have some?"

"Sure," Draco responded flatly.

"I could've sworn you finished it," Lorenzo stated. "That's what I told Lucille".

Draco looked at me, and a devilish smirk grew on his face.

"Lucille Granger? Asking questions about me?" Draco jeered. My face immediately warmed up.

"Yeah... For some reason...." Lorenzo looked at me with confusion. "But it's just curious Lucille, that's all".

The truth is, I truly am starting to deeply care about him. I just hope he feels the same way.

As we ate, Lorenzo and Malfoy conversed about the muggle world, with Onyx butting in every now and then.

"Oi, Luce. You got a little..." Lorenzo gestured to my lip. "I'll get it".

He took his napkin and wiped the corner of my mouth. My face immediately turns warm due to embarrassment.

"Oh, Merlin that's embarrassing," I giggled. "Thank you".

I look over at Draco when I suddenly see him clenching his fists around his fork. For fucks sake, Malfoy! He continued to stare at me with his grey eyes burning against me. While Lorenzo and Onyx weren't paying attention. I mouthed to Draco.

"Stop being mad," I mouthed. He shook his head no slowly. I rolled my eyes. "It's just Lorenzo".

I mean, if he wasn't going to wipe my mouth, might as well it be Lorenzo.

"Do you just not show up to class anymore, Malfoy?" Onyx questioned, putting more food onto her plate.

His frustration withered and snapped back to reality. "I have things to take care of," He blatantly responded.

"Which is...?" She asked.

"Are you always this annoying, De Loughrey?" Draco snapped.

"Are you always a bitch?" She snarled back. Lorenzo cackled and so did I.

"It's just something I have to take care of, is all," Draco brushed it off.

What exactly do you have to take care of, Draco?

I have yet to discover a lot about you. I'm going to dig deeper, even if it means getting hurt.

Because I know there's more to you than an angry boy.

I can feel it.


As the day came to an end, relief was lifted off my shoulders. I had a lot of work to do, and on top of that, I had this bloody project to start with Onyx and Lorenzo. Merlin knows where Blaise is.

I slipped out of my uniform and put on yet another baggy shirt, but I had to wear pajama pants as well. I tied my wavy hair up and attempted to flatten out the frizzies, but my hair wouldn't budge.

I tidied up the room before people came. Onyx was busy trying to find Blaise, but she'd be back shortly after. Lorenzo went to go get fresh parchment. 

A pounding came from the door and I huffed. Gee, who could that be

I waddled to the door and saw Malfoy standing in front of me. He inched closer and I sucked my breath in nervously.

"Hello, gorgeous," He cooed. He leaned into me and placed a warm kiss onto my lips. My heart palpitated. He's being... gentle?

Draco walked in the room as I closed the door behind us.

"They're not here yet. You came a smidge early," I told him as I walked towards my. I sat down, and Draco was at the end of the bed.

"I know," He responded, putting his book bag down. "Can you come closer?" 

I sighed and scooted closer. "Y'know, Draco. I'm glad you kept yourself together and didn't lash out earlier".

He scoffed. "You're lucky I didn't bash Lorenzo's head onto the fucking table,"

I slapped his chest and he chuckled. "He's your best friend, for fuck's sake. And like I said, it's Lorenzo."

"Exactly. It's Lorenzo. You don't think I know why he's being so... nice to you?" He stated.

"Oh really, then why's he being nice?" I jeered.

Draco placed his cold hand on my thigh, and crept it up towards my heat. He stared into my eyes, making my heart palpitate at his attractiveness. "Because he wants what belongs to me," He whispered. I shuddered. He leaned into me and placed kisses onto my neck. I slowly knocked my head back in pleasure. 

"Draco," I breathe. "They'll be coming soon,"

"Let them watch," He seethed. 

Without hesitation, he grabs my waist and has me straddled on his lap. Draco grabs a fistful of my hair and pulls my body closer to him. His lips travel around my neck, and his hands creep under my shirt, grabbing me all around with heat and compassion. I can't help but softly moan.

My arms are wrapped around his neck. I gently place kisses onto his neck, which lets out a soothing moan from his lips. I start grinding my waist against him, and his hands are firm on my hips. I can feel him growing beneath me. We can't do this right now, but it feels right.

"So were you guys going to tell us eventually or did you want us to find out this way?" Lorenzo's voice interrupted.

Draco and I stopped in shock. We both turn our heads to the door and see Onyx, Blaise, and Lorenzo standing there, each with items for the project in their hands.


My heart palpitates and my hands sweat profusely. I immediately climb off his lap and Draco clears his throat. I bite my lip nervously and look at the ground.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," Onyx stammered. Blaise stood there with a 'yikes' face.

I could feel Lorenzo's eyes burning on me. 

"Well, are you guys going to fucking speak?" He bantered.

I looked at Draco and he looked at me nervously. All their eyes were on us. I just wanted to die at an instant to avoid the confrontation from our best friends. 

"It's nothing," Draco responded, as he gulped.

"Nothing?" Lorenzo queried. He let out a laugh. "So this is who's sucking your neck?" Lorenzo looked at me, and for some reason I felt guilty.

"Bullshit," Onyx spat. "How long have you guys been... shagging?"

"We don't!" I answered. 

"I smell lies," Blaise interrupted.

"I'm sorry this is a LOT to take in. Can I sit down?" Lorenzo sped into the room and sat on Onyx's bed, still looking at the both of us.

Onyx and Blaise followed, closing the door behind them.

"So, mates. Is this what betrayal feels like? Not being told about anything important?" Lorenzo quivered. 

"This isn't important! Nothing is bloody happening between us!" Malfoy exclaimed in frustration. 

"I know when you're fucking lying, Malfoy. Don't even try it with me," Lorenzo snapped. "When were you going to tell me that you actually took a liking in Lucille?"

"I don't!" He lied. 

But it sure as hell felt like a knife to my heart.

"Bullshit yet again!" Onyx thundered. "Lucille, did you plan on telling me about you two?!"

My throat tightened. They were all looking at me, Draco included. 

"I-." I pestered. "There's nothing... going on between us. At all". I sucked in the lie and internally screamed with frustration.

Lorenzo eyed me down, and they eyed Draco down.

"Liars," Lorenzo seethed. "Betrayal sure is hurtful".


um um um what the fuck


Sorry for the short chapter. This is just a filler. bUT FUCK THEY GOT CAUGHT OJRFJKNKDFNJB. I wonder what'll happen next...

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