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Your comments are SENDING ME INTO ORBIT!! I absolutely LOVE that you guys are like, COMMUNICATING with each other. I'm glad you guys are enjoying this book.

I will be hosting a discussion after the chapter, and I'd love for you guys to participate.

The song I listened to while writing this chapter is above (swipe the video to see a picture of Lorenzo :D )

Without further adieu, I present to you...


lucille granger

"Are muggles always this... disgusting?" Draco muttered under his breath looking around as we sat in a grill & pub in the muggle world. We apparated here not too long ago, and boy was he nauseated.

I chuckled. "We're here to eat, and then we'll go back to Hogwarts, I promise," I responded, as I handed him the menu. He picked it up with his fingers, trying his best not to touch much.

"We could've went somewhere else... Somewhere nicer..." He complained. I rolled my eyes. "Like, the restaurant my father co-owns... maybe?"

"You're well known there, Draco. Here, no one knows you," I responded.

"Why would I want to go somewhere where no one knows me?" Draco scoffed as he read the menu.

"I'm just not in the mood for anything fancy," I lied. The truth is, I didn't want the possibility of meeting Lucius, his father. "Plus, I'm positive you brought other people there".

He looked at me with frustration with his eyes. "Bold of you to assume there were other people,"

"So there wasn't?" I looked at him with sly.

He paused, then grinned. "Not like this," He assured, placing his hand atop mine, intertwining at the surface.

My cheeks turned warm and butterflies fluttered in my stomach. Damn it, Malfoy.

As he read the menu, I observed him with thoughts in my head. Many thoughts.

How would I be able to ask him what I've been longing for if he was just going to lash out? How was I going to know him? There were many things I still haven't found out.

Now would be best to start, wouldn't it?

"Draco?" I queried.

"Hm?" He hummed, his eyes still on the menu.

"So.. Where do you go when you... miss class?".

Draco tenses up ever so slightly, and grabs onto his menu. He adjusts his seating position due to discomfort and clears his throat.

"I just don't like showing up," He lied, not looking at me.

I didn't want to probe anymore questions, but clearly whatever he's doing makes him uncomfortable. It also seems like it makes him exhausted.

"With that being said, where exactly do you go?" I asked lowly. He huffed.

Draco slammed his menu on the table in which startled me.

"Just mind your fucking business, Lucille," He seethed, looking the other way. He picked his menu back up and started reading.

I tried to disregard his lashing out, but it was hard. Maybe he'll open up soon. Maybe right now isn't the time.

I just don't know when the right time is. My intuition is telling me that whatever he's up to is no good, and that he'll need help very soon, and fast.

"This is nice, don't you think?" I beamed, looking at him. "Malfoy grabbing a bite in the muggle world".

He snorted. "This is the last time we'll ever eat at this fucking pub," He placed his menu down and wiped his hands onto his pants. "The bloody menus are sticky and there's fucking residue on it".

I couldn't help but giggle. What a baby. "I promise that we'll leave as soon as we finish eating. Quit your whining".

Once we ordered and got our food, I instantly dove in. It was The Vial that made me so deliriously hungry.

I could feel Draco's eyes burning right through me as I ate. A chuckle emitted from his mouth. "You want more?" He jeered.

I rolled my eyes. "It's the damn vial. It increases your appetite like crazy," I responded with a mouth full. "Will you still like me if I gained weight?" I shot him puppy eyes with a messy mouth.

He reached over and tucked my hair behind my ear, "Of course I will, Granger," He mumbled.

"Good. Expect to see more of me eating ravenously," I sternly stated, shoving fries into my mouth.

"I'd rather you eat ravenously than birth a bloody Death Eater," He muttered as he looked down at his plate and stabbed the fries with his fork and shoved it in his mouth.

I stopped chewing.

And so did he. His eyes widened and looked at me in shock. I gulped my food and slowly gaped my mouth open, trying to come up with the words to say. I feel like I shouldn't have heard that.

"What.. do you mean?" I mumbled, as my expressions dropped.

"I- Uh- I-" He put his fork down and started fiddling with his rings nervously. He finally stopped, and his expression turned blank. "I was just joking".

His grey eyes filled with fear. Nothing made sense. Was Draco a Death Eater? There's absolutely no way!

"Why'd you say that so randomly-"

"Lucille," He slams the table with his hand, "Lucille. Just-. Just finish your food so that we can leave this fucking pub," He snapped.

I didn't want to get him mad. I really couldn't. I couldn't afford for him to lash out on me. I just tried my best to disregard what he just said.

But it only made me anxious. The possibility that he might be a Death Eater scared me. I tried my best not to look into his eyes, but it was difficult given that he'd be observing me every 2 minutes.

"Just forget I said anything, alright Lucille?" Draco said lowly. I looked down at my plate, pushing the food around. "It was just a stupid joke". He assured.

Every joke has a grain of truth.

"Okay," I responded. I looked up at him and our eyes met. I flashed him a small smile and looked back down at my plate.


We arrived back at Hogwarts. I was stuffed. Though Draco didn't like the setting, he too enjoyed the food.

"I think the food really compensates the horrid smell and conditions of that pub," Draco jeered. "But don't ever take me there, again,"

I laughed. "Alright, whiney muck. I'm just glad you enjoyed it, is all,"

As we walk down the hall on the way back to the commons, I notice Snape standing at the end of the hall. Suddenly, Draco slows down. Snape has his arms crossed and is staring directly at Draco, sort of like with disappointment.

The walking comes to a halt. I look over at Draco and see him with nervousness plastered onto his face. He turns to me and his eyes are filled with dread.

"I-. I'll catch you later. Okay?" He cooed. He inched closer and lifted my chin with his finger, placing a soft kiss onto my lips. He backed away and slowly drifted away, then sped down the hall to Snape as they turned to a hallway, disappearing altogether.

And so I stood in the middle of the hall with confusion. My thoughts raced. Nothing made sense. Pieces didn't fit.

What in Merlin's name are you truly up to, Malfoy?

"Lucille!" I hear my name being called from behind me. I turn around to see Onyx, Lorenzo, and Blaise. "Where were you? We were gonna bring you with us for a quick morning run!" Onyx exclaimed.

They crept closer and I notice that they're wearing athletic wear; Blaise has a House of Slytherin muscle tank on with running shorts, Onyx had training shorts and white tight tank top, whilst Lorenzo had a fitted white shirt and grey sweatpants with SLYTHERIN in green bold letters down the left pant leg.

"I went out to eat with Malfoy," I responded.

"Oh really? Where to?" Blaise queried, as we all walked down the hall in unison.

"Some pub in the muggle world".

"No invite?" Lorenzo grogged. He swung his arm around me as usual. Normally, I'd be okay with it, but it's Draco who I'm afraid of seeing me. Although I doubt I'd get caught letting my friend swing his arm around me, so I just let it,

"You travel to the muggle world frequently. You don't need an invite," I joshed.

"I've never been," Blaise blurted. "We should all go together next time,"

"Don't expect that, Blaise. Lucille's going to be frequently busy now that her and Draco are in their own world," Lorenzo

I scoffed. "Absolutely not true!" I attested.

Lorenzo looked into my eyes and smirked. "You better still be with us, Granger".

"Duh," I responded. We reached the Slytherin Commons and I plopped onto the couch, melting at the comfort.

"I am so so stuffed," I groaned, rubbing my stomach.

Lorenzo sat on the other edge of the couch and laid down with his arms crossed on top of his chest.

Blaise and Onyx are giggling into each other's ears, nipping and biting.

"Did you guys make up?" I questioned, fluffing the couch pillow and resting it under my head.

"Clearly," Lorenzo snickered.

"Guys, we'll be back. We just have to...ummm," Onyx grinned.

"Finish something... for Potions," Blaise continued. And with that, Onyx pulled Blaise to the corridors and off they went to my dorm to shag.

I fake-gagged and Lorenzo laughed.

Silence lingered the room. I stared up at the ceiling, just thinking about nothing. My head was clear.

"So, darling," Lorenzo interrupted my headspace as I sat up, "How are you feeling?"

His hazel eyes softened, in level with mine. "About?"

"Just in general. Things with Malfoy, with school, friends," He continued. "With your sister".

Why was he asking me questions? Maybe because we're friends, and that he cares...?

"Um. I think things are going great," I pestered, biting my lip nervously.

"No need to be nervous, love," He assured. "I just... worry about you. That's all".

Worried? About me? For what?

"Why's that?" I ponder.

Lorenzo scoots closer. For some darn reason, my heart is palpitating.

He... takes his hand and tucks my hair behind my ear.

"Does he do that, a lot?" He cooed, staring deeply into my ear.

"Do what?"

"Push your hair behind your ear,"

"Um. Y-yeah. Why?"

He grins. "I taught him that. Does that make you feel uneasy?"


"I taught him a lot of things, you know. We spent our summers talking about ways to, you know, please girls," He said as he started inching closer...

What. in the fuck. is going... on?

"Enzo... what are you trying to ask?"

"What I'm trying to ask is," he breathed, "Are you comfortable with Malfoy?"

"I-. I mean, why w-wouldn't I?" I stuttered, as my throat tightened.

"He can get... possessive. Demanding, even," Lorenzo spoke softly. "You okay with that?"

Was I okay with it? Of course I was. I felt very strongly for Draco.

"Everyone has their moments, Enzo," I assured him. "Of course I'm okay with him".

"Alright," He faltered. "To be honest with you, Lucille Granger, he's a fucking mess".

I was taken by those words. A fucking mess, as he says.

"Who isn't a mess?" I assured him.

"I don't think you're understanding me," Lorenzo murmured. "Malfoy loves control. He's pretty filthy".

Filthy. That was something I already knew. The thought of him instantly infiltrates my mind and I internally shiver, missing his touch right now.

"What's your point, Lorenzo?" I probed, not really understanding why I was getting a talk down.

Lorenzo let out a soft chuckle. "If you start feeling like you need to always tip toe around him and watch what you say around him, that's your cue to run".


I gulped, as he stood up.

Lorenzo hovered over me, looking down. A devilish smirk appears across his face, and he raises my chin with his finger.

"The lustful part of his brain, Lucille," he cooed, "I wired it".

Goosebumps formed all around my body. It felt as if wind was knocked out my lungs.

"I formed a person who's a monster in bed," Lorenzo continued, "But the real monster inside him is yet to be discovered".

He let go of my chin and started walking away.

"Take care of yourself, darling. I'll see you later during dinner".


Okay so... Chile....

1. I'm thinking about recasting Lucille Granger, so if you have any suggestions please feel free to let me know. I need someone who:

- Has green eyes

- Dark brown hair

- Innocent looking

- Short

- Plump lips.

2. How are you guys feeling? I love you all <3

3. I created a snapchat SPECIFICALLY for this book! Feel free to add it to receive UPDATES and SNEAK PEEKS about the book! (Pls add it lol /.\)

Add me NOW! @naomi-suki is my username. dash and everything. We can also talk there, and I will be able to answer any questions regarding certain characters.

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