R O O M 0 9 4

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Hey guys-

Thank you for being patient, my lovelies! Lots of dialogue once again; THINGS HAVE UNRAVELED, and YOU. ARE. NOT. READY. Also, spice is coming NEXT CHAPTER. 

Additionally, I ask that you answer the questions after this chapter, it would truly mean a lot to me <3 

Now, without further adieu, I present to you...

R O O M  0 9 4 

draco malfoy

7:31 AM 

I glance over at Lucille as she's sound asleep; hair in her face, lips parted, lashes sitting perfectly on her bottom lids. 

I get up from bed and get dressed.

Black suit, black button up; the usual.

Before I leave, I place a kiss on Luce's forehead.

I head out my bedroom, trying not to make any sound. 

I walk down these corridors as I glance over at the family portrait.

With disgust, I quickly look away.

I speed down the corridor and reach my mother's room. 

Gently knocking on the door, my heart beats rapidly.

She opens the door as our eyes meet; I should've had her eyes instead.

"Are you ready?" I ask her.

She gulps.

"Yes, I am."

She walks out her room and closes the large door behind her.

Side by side, we walk down the hallway together; her heels clacking on the marble floor, our walking in rhythm.

"Are we apparating?" I ask my mum.

"Oh, no. I'm wearing heels, darling. I've brought the Floo Powder," she responds, as we both walk down the stairs.

We head towards our living room where our large fireplace was stationed.

"You first," I told my mother.

She handed me the pouch of Floo powder as I opened it for her. She grabbed some and stepped into the fireplace.

"St. Mungo's Hospital," she muttered, as she threw the powder to the ground.

At an instant, green flames upheaved from the bottom up as my eyes winced at the brightness. From then, she was gone.

I stepped into the fireplace and muttered the same words, throwing the powder onto the ground.

Flashing green and twists and turns, I've arrived to St. Mungo's.

My mother pats her dress down removing the dust, as I dust off a few powder particles from my suit.

"They say his brain hemorrhaged, Draco," she whispered, as we walked towards the front desk.

"Should've beaten him up harder," I responded, seething through my teeth.

"Name?" the welcoming elder woman asked, with a long quill in her hand and parchment on the surface.

"Narcissa Malfoy," my mother said, "I'm here for-. For Lucius Malfoy."

The woman flips through parchment.

After what felt like forever, she finally pulled out a parchment file.

"He is... on the 4th floor, room 412," the woman blurted.

"They changed his room?" Mum asked.

"Yes, he's-. He's healing. It's what it says on this file, dear," the woman responded.


We take the elevator to the fourth floor.

Mum grabs my arm, clinging hers around mine.

Her breathing shudders as the elevator dings once we reach the fourth floor.

Stepping out the elevator, the scent of the old and dying hits my nose, which is truly unbearable.

The closer we reach the door, the tighter my mum holds me.

Fuck, she's making me anxious, too.

I open the door of his room as the Devil himself lays on the hospital bed resting his hatred.

My mother walks in first, as I close the door behind us.

We stand by his bed as he sleeps.

"I could kill him right now, y'know," I mumbled lowly.

"Draco, no-."

"It only takes one spell-."

"Draco-." she says sternly, "No."

I scoffed.

My mother hovers over my father, looking deeply at his complexion.

And then she slaps him.

Internally, I chuckled.

He wakes up in shock, sitting up immediately, though wincing at sudden movement.

"Narcissa," he breathed, "How long have I been here?" He looks around, clueless and afraid.

"How long have you been sleeping with that young girl Pansy?" She immediately spat.

Confusion soon surfaces as he looks at my mother with cluelessness. 

"What? What are you talking about-."

"I know, Lucius. I know you've been-. I know you've been sleeping with her so it's best if you just tell me now," my mother stammers, as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Narcissa, I have no idea what you're-."

"Bullshit!" I snap, as I pull my wand out, pushing it against his neck. "Tell mum the truth."

He gulps, looking down at my hand.

"Draco," she says calmly, "It's okay-."

"No, it's not!" I raised my voice, pushing the wand against his neck harder.

My mother sighs and lets it slide given that I wouldn't listen to her anyway.


"Tell me how long you slept around with Pansy," my mother repeated herself.

Father gulped, looked at me, then my mother, then ahead of him,

"I-." he stuttered, "Narcissa I don't know what you're talk-."

"Lucius-. Tell me," her lip quivered, as a tear rolled down her cheek.

Father huffs, lips part though inaudible. as if a cat's got his tongue.

"Not-. Not for long. Almost a year," father stammered.

"How did you kill my baby," I spat.

"I refuse to let you know-."

"For fuck's sake! Just tell me how you did it!" I shout, resisting the urge to cry.

My mother held my arm tight, afraid of what might happen after he tells me how he killed my child.

Lucius gulped again. He was vulnerable. Scared, even.

"I-. I hexed her in her sleep-." he stammered.

"Why?!" I snarled, "Why the hell couldn't you just leave us be?!"

"Draco, she's a mudblood-."

"And you're weak and incompetent! You're not a father! You're a useless, conniving piece of fucking shit and you deserve to die," I spat.

I pulled my wand away from his neck and started motioning it towards him.

"Draco, no-." my mother wailed.

"Avada Ked-."

"STOP!" he shouted, "I'll tell-. I'll tell you where Onyx De Loughrey is. Spare my life. Spare my life, my son. I'-. I'll tell you where your friend is." My father begged, eyes closed and hands forming a fist.

"Ex-. Excuse me?" I seethed.

"Sh-. She's alive," he stammered, "Please spare my life."


lucille granger

8:42 AM

I turn over reaching towards Draco's side of the bed when I suddenly realize that he's gone.


I sit up and look around, seeing if he left a note or anything. 

No note.

With that being said, he must be downstairs.

I get up from the bed and head towards the dresser.

Opening the drawer, I find a Slytherin Quidditch sweater that belongs to Draco. I then decide to wear it because this bloody manor is always so cold.

I head out the room and down the cold corridor.

There's not much noise coming from downstairs, so my suspicions begin to rise.

I patter down the stairs barefoot, as usual, and speed through the foyer and into the kitchen.

No Draco.

No Blaise.

No Narcissa.

Just Lorenzo.

Fuck, why are we always alone?

He notices my presence, glances at me, then goes back to making his tea.

I come closer, then take a seat on the kitchen island swivel chair.

"Where's everyone?" I queried lowly, hoping for an answer.

"Blaise is asleep. Draco and Mumsy are out," he responded, avoiding eye contact.

"Oh," I say, "Did they say where they went?"

"No," he blurted.


"Are you mad at me?" I asked.

He scoffed. 

"Now, I don't think mad is the word, Lucille," he snarked, "Disappointed? Maybe."

"Lorenzo, I'm going to tell him but-."

"Oh really? When? When exactly do you plan on telling him?" Lorenzo snapped, slamming his hand on the table in which startled me.

His aggression was frightening, though it's nothing new to me; I'm dating Draco Malfoy, for Merlin's sake.

"Not yet," I said, in which he scoffed again, "Enzo I can't tell him right now. It'll only make things worse-."

"What, and keeping it a secret isn't?" 

"You don't understand, Enzo," I said, "Merlin knows what he'll do to you once I tell him-."

"He won't do anything, Lucille. Not if it comes from you."

"You don't know that-."

"Oh, but I do," Lorenzo badgered, as he brought the tea pot to the sink, "It'd be better if he heard it from you," he turned the faucet on, "And soon."

"I know what I'm doing, Lorenzo. I don't need you to tell me when to tell him," I spat.

"You know what?" He set the tea pot in the sink and turned off the faucet. Turning around, he placed both his hand on the kitchen island, leaning against it.

Frustration was shining through, as he slid his tongue against the inside of his cheek.

"You're right. You know exactly what you're doing. I'll just let you be," he snapped, "How does that sound?"

I gulped.

"It sounds good." I reprimanded.


He turns right back around, grabs Narcissa's apron and aggressively puts it on.

He washes the tea pot as I sit there, thinking of something to say.

I can't just not say anything.

Maybe sleeping with him was a mistake.

Fuck, I'm bipolar.

Because I need my best friend.

"Lorenzo," I speak up, "Lorenzo I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize for something you don't mean."


"But I do mean it."

"No, you don't, Lucille," Lorenzo snarls as he aggressively scrubs the tea pot with a sudsy sponge, "If you were sorry you wouldn't have to hesitate telling Draco sooner-."

"You're acting like I can tell him easily! Do you know who we're talking about? We're talking about Draco Malfoy, Enzo!" I get up from the seat and walk towards him out of anguish.

"And you're acting like it's any better that we keep it from him any longer!"

"Keep what from who any longer?" A voice interrupts.

We both turn around to see Blaise with his shoulders slouched out of exhaustion.

"Nothing," Lorenzo and I say in unison.

I find myself striding away from Lorenzo and back into my seat as Blaise heads over to the stove.

"Where's mumsy?" Blaise groaned, rubbing his stomach.

"Draco and her are out," Lorenzo responds, putting the tea pot back on the rack, "Don't ask me when they'll be back because I have no clue."

"Alright, so do any of you want pancakes?" Blaise questions, as he walks over to the large fridge.

"Could I get two?" I asked.

"Okay, two pancakes," he muttered, "Lorenzo?"

"I'll have three," he mumbled, as he took a seat next to me with the apron still on, "Could you crisp the edges?"

"How am I going crisp the edges?"

"I'll teach you," Lorenzo assured, "Just make the batter. Lucille and I will watch."

Though he's mad at me, he could never leave me out even if he wanted to.

I guess that's just his big heart.

I really don't deserve Lorenzo.

Or anyone, really.

I'm just here.


draco malfoy

Mum pushes my father down the hallway whilst him in the wheelchair.

Right now, he's telling us where we could find Onyx De Loughrey; though she was presumably dead.

At this point, it's difficult to determine whether or not Lucius Malfoy is ever telling the truth or not.

Sure, I'll spare his life.

But Azkaban won't.

"To the elevators," his hoarse voice demands, "All the way down to the cellars."

"The cellars? Isn't that an abandoned floor?" My mother questioned, as we made a sharp turn to the right.

"It's abandoned for a reason, my love-."

My mum stopped wheeling him, as I also came to a halt.

"You absolutely have no right to call me your love, Lucius," she muttered through the holding of her tears.

My father was inaudible; from the looks of it, he was ashamed.

But I could care less; he deserves to rot.

If I lost my child, so will he.

We continued walking when we finally reached the elevators.

I pushed the button as the brass coated doors opened, following a loud rumble.

This bloody hell hole of a hospital has to be as old as Hogwarts itself.

I followed my mum and sperm donor into the elevator, as the doors close.

I wave my wand and mutter 'down to the cellars'.

The elevator rumbled and twitched before it started going down.

The noise of the elevator was creaking and intolerable; among other things in this hospital.

"If Onyx is really down there, why was she down there?" I break the silence.

I can't really wrap my head around the concept of Onyx surviving. I mean, how could one survive Fenrir Greyback like that?

"She survived the attack of Fenrir," he mumbled, "and with Mr. Parkinson being one of the most successful contributors to St. Mungos, and a gore fanatic, he insisted that Onyx should be kept at the cellars of St. Mungo, where all the other gore-survivors stay."

Mum shuddered; she and I were both sick of his twisted mind and his twisted friends.

"You're fucking sick, y'know that?" I muttered under my breath.

"Well, not as sick as you," he snapped back, "Having sex with mudbloods, a-and pro-creating with them, too-."

"That is enough, Lucius," my mother stepped her foot down, "You are talking to my son-. Not some stranger off the fucking alley. If you want to live, I suggest you stop disrespecting my son,"  she snarled, "Or I will kill you myself."

That sure shut him up.

The dingy elevator rung its weak bell as we reached the cellar floor.

The brass doors opened in which revealed a dimly lit corridor; torches on the wall held up but zirconia scones, stone brick walls, gravel ground; an overall mess.

From afar, there is a reception desk.

Mumsy first out the elevator, then I follow.

It's obvious that it's more difficult pushing father in his wheelchair given that the ground is disintegrated stone; all gravel.

"Mum, allow me," I gesture towards father's wheelchair.

"No, it's okay-."

"I insist," I say.

Mum looks at me with weary eyes, though he steps aside.

Immediately, I push him aggressively that his head whips back as he groans.

"Narcissa, please don't let him-."

"He insisted, Lucius. Just be thankful," she sneered, as we all walked down the hallway.

We reach towards the receptionist desk as the Gremlin sat behind it writing Merlin knows what on parchment; his quill was rather...dirty,

Mum clears her throat to catch the Gremlin's attention.

He looks up.

"If you're looking for the floor exclusively for the mentally ill, I suggest you turn around and reach the 3rd floor," the gremlin spoke slowly, "This floor is strictly off limits."

"Um-." Mother was cut off by my father.

"Lucius Malfoy. Here for Project Greyback."

The Gremlin immediately hopped off his chair and gestured that we follow.

"Very well, then. Come," his groggy voice announced.

We follow him down yet another hall.

A hall that felt too similar.

Cellars started appearing as we walked along the hall.

Bellows of "Help me" and "Where am I" echoed to and fro the dimly lit corridor.

Mum was scared; she grasped onto my arm tightly while I pushed our burden down this hall.

ROOM 094





I read the engraved letters on the thick metal door and gulped. 

I was sick to my stomach.

I couldn't imagine what they did to her.

It enraged me.

My father is twisted.

I just couldn't grasp this.

"Here you are, Sir Malfoy," the Gremlin said. He pulled out a ring of many keys. 

As he fumbled through the many many keys clung on a ring, anxiety grew inside me.

Onyx could possibly be behind these doors this whole time.

I knew it was difficult to grasp her death, but this alone is difficult enough.

As he finally found the key, he stuck it into the lock.

Mum grasped onto me tighter, awaiting what lies behind these doors.

Before the Gremlin could even open the door, my father spoke up.

"We can handle the rest," he spoke sternly.

The Gremlin turned around and obeyed, "Very well, Sir."

The Gremlin walked away back to his large desk.

"Draco, go on ahead," Lucius said.

I yanked his wheelchair away from the door, which knocked his head back as he groaned again.

I clutched onto the handle and pushed it open.

The cold, harsh air from the dark cellar brushed against my face.

And there was Onyx.

Sitting at the corner of the cellar with her frail arms wrapped around her legs.

I suddenly had such a strange fucking feeling.

I hated it; I hated the feeling.

But I let the feeling in.

A tear rolled down my cheek as I was looking at the condition of Onyx.

"Please... I'm tired, Sir Parkinson..." she groaned, "No more... experimenting... No more..."

I gulped.

"Onny," I said quietly.

Slowly, her head looked up.

Her empty, hollow eyes met with mine as the light from the hallway lit the cellar.

"Wh-. Where have you been?" she quivers, "Where were you? Please help me, Draco?" her voice cracked, slowly getting up from the corner.

"I-. Onyx, I-. I didn't know you were-. You were here," I frantically spoke, as she crept closer.

My heart was beating rapidly as she stepped closer.

I glanced at her whole figure; she was so thin. It was only skin abd bone, and it was heart wrenching to see her like this.

She had scarring from what I assume is from Fenrir.

The side of her neck, her thigh, calve, and her forearm; deep gashes.

They were all healed.

Once she was standing in front of me, she collapsed to the ground, but luckily I caught her.

"Please tell me you're getting me out of here..." she said weakly.

"I'm getting you out of here, Onny. I promise."

Carefully, I carried her bridal style effortlessly, given that she was extremely lightweight. 

Another tear rolled down my cheek as she nuzzled her head onto my chest with her eyes closed.

I carried her out this fucking cellar.

Words couldn't explain how hard my heart was beating.

Everything felt like a bloody fever dream.

"Oh, my..." my mum covered her mouth as tears started pooling.

"Let's go," my fathers says.

I look down at him in disgust.

"We're going, Father," I snarled.

"Wh-. What?" he stammered.

I immediately walked behind his wheelchair and kicked him inside the cellar.

"Draco, don't you fucking dare!"

"Good night, father. Get some rest," I snapped, as I kicked the cellar door closed.

Yells emitted from Room 094.

"Mum," I say, "Shall we?"

She glances at the cellar that my father is yelling from as a tear rolls down her cheek once more.

"Okay," she responds lowly, "Let's go."

Together, we stride down the hall as the shouting and begging from my father's cellar withered.

We passed the Gremlin- he could care less.

Mum clicked the elevator button as the doors rumbled open.

I stepped into the elevator with Onyx in my arms; her arms clinging over my neck with her eyes still closed.

I couldn't bare imaging what they did to her; dark circles were prominent under her eyes.

Worse than when she studied all day with Lucille for the O.W.L.S test.

"What are you losers doing on a Sunday night?" I bickered, glancing at Lucille and Onyx with their books stacked high in the commons.

"Excelling in our studies, and you?" Onyx snapped back.

"Shagging left and right," Blaise joked.

"Disgusting," Onyx retorted, as she flipped the page of her text book.

"Oh no, don't think you're better than us, Onny," Lorenzo bickered as he took a seat next to Lucille, swinging his arm around her.

"Oh, but we are, Enzo," Onyx crumpled parchment into a ball and threw it at him, which made Lucille laugh.

"Come up to the dorms with us after. We're going to have a drink," Blaise suggested.

"Don't invite them, Zabini. They're prudes," I reprimanded.

Onyx slammed her book closed and stood up, sassy as ever. 

I knew she'd come up anyway; she's the life of the party.

"We are NOT prudes!" She shouted, "Lucille, come on. We're going."

Lucille groaned as she closed her book.

"Malfoy just used reverse psychology on you, Onny," Lucille groaned, as she packed her books back into her bag.

"Well, it fucking worked," Onny laughed. "It'll be fun, Luce."

The elevator dinged as we reached the main floor.

Mum walked out first, then I did.

As we walked towards the fireplace of St. Mungo's people looked at us with their weary eyes.

Mum went first, then I followed.

And so we arrived at the manor at an instant.

The first person I automatically called out for wasn't Lucille, no.

"B-.  Blaise!" I immediately shouted. 

I carried Onyx towards the foyer.

"Blaise!" I shouted again, with my heart pumping faster.

"What! What is it!" Blaise shouted from above the staircase.

Blaise looked down from the balcony of the stairs.

His eyes in shock.

Body was frozen.

Lucille and Lorenzo followed.

Standing aside with Blaise.

All in shock.

"O-. Onny?" Blaise's voice croaked,

Without hesitation, he pushed Lorenzo and Lucille aside, running down the stairs at a speed so fast.

"Onyx!" he shouted through tears. "What the-. What happened?"

Blaise took her from my arms as he examined her frail, weak body.

"What did they do to her?" he stammered.

"There's no way," Lucille whispered to herself, as she ran down the stairs, with Lorenzo following.

She walked up to Blaise with Onyx in his arms.

Lucille brushed her hair away from her face as Onyx's eyes fluttered open.

"Lucille," Onyx said breathlessly, "Luce-."

"I'm here-. W-.We're here," Lucille stammered. "Wher-. Where did you find her?"

"I can't explain right now. I have to do something," I said, as I walked towards my father's office.

I opened the drawer and pulled out both the letters between him and Pansy.

I storm back out from the office and into the foyer.

"Where are you going?" Lorenzo stammers, as they're surrounded by Blaise.

I pass by them and head towards the fireplace again.

"The Ministry," I said sternly. I pulled out the pouch of Floo powder from the inside of my coat and grabbed a handful of powder, "Pansy and Lucius are going to rot in Azkaban."



I hope you guys are liking the story so far. I've been slowing down so that people can catch up and stuff.

Also, I read a comment saying that a few things in the story were too exaggerated; and for that, I apologize :/ I really try my best to please all of you, truly. You guys mean so much to me; the growth of this book wouldn't have been made possible if it weren't for you guys. 

1. What was your favorite part of the whole book?

2. What do you think will happen towards the end of the book?

3. Do any of you know what 'Cooed' means? Because people keep saying WHY THE FUCK ARE YALL COOING.

4. Mounds? Hehe.

D I S C U S S I O N  

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