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My cell was dark, not a single light in the small room I was kept in. I didn't mind, in some ways, I enjoyed it. The darkness allowed me to be the monster I was turned into. I embraced it, the shadows and silence.

I sat up from my laying position, the heavy chains around my ankles and wrists the only sound in the room. I looked at my wrists, noticing the angry red and raw skin, they had locked the chains too tight again.

It didn't matter though, it was for their safety.

I perked up when I heard multiple people outside of my room. Chatter, there were people from different countries as I detected different languages, Chinese, English and German.

The lights in my cell were turned on and the door opened, my eyes immediately locked on Sir.
To my utmost surprise, he seemed nervous. I didn't show it though, I was not allowed to have emotions. Before him stood short, grey haired scientist with small dark eyes. His eyes zoomed in on me. He gave his clipboard to a young woman who nearly dropped it.

“zis is 'im? Zubject Bezt?” the man asked from no one in particular as he took a curious step closer, waiting for my reaction. I didn't give him any as my eyes looked past him.

“Yes Dr. Mazinsky, this is completed experiment.” Sir said, looking the small old man in front of me, Sirs grey eyes snapped at me “aufstehen” Sir said lightly, yet my body understood the command immediately as I pushed myself up, ignoring the cracking in my spine and neck. My body still ached from the last tests, but it mattered not.

I noticed the man, Dr. Mazinsky was a lot shorter than I was, and I wasn't the tallest man. The man's small eyes were wide with wonder as he took yet another step closer, my instincts immediately wanted to push him roughly away from my space, yet I remained unmoving, emotionless.

“How old iz the zubject, Henzik? And where did he get that inzury?” the curious man asked, his hand immediately going up to touch the scar on my cheek. His bony hands were startlingly cold and shaky.
To my wonder, I couldn't remember the scar on my cheek nor how I got it. I often wondered over the light lines on my body, I could feel them at night, they often ached with phantom pain.

“the patient is fifteen years of age Doctor. And the scar? Ah, that little thing. It was nothing but the subjects disobedience, no worries!” Sir added, noticing Dr. Masinzkys hesitance. “Beast is as tame as Winter Soldier. Memories are possible to erase easily and activate obedience is simple. The right words are just in my notes if you wish to see them.

“Yez, yez, underztanzable. Come, zubzect, ztep 'ere and let me have a clozer look” my legs immediately took a step in the circle. The other scientist except Sir and Dr. Masinzky took a step back.

I could sense the small man behind me, the hairs on my arms stood up, I wanted to kill him. The instinct was almost uncontrollable, yet my body was like a statue, I was stuck and I couldn't escape the prison of my own body.

“ztill growing? Magnifizent muzcle, two formz you zay? Very good very good, any bigger mizzionz already? Can he breathe fire? How ztrong is hiz punch and-” the man let out a startled yelp as the base suddenly shook and loud explosions were heard at the entrance of the base.

Sir cursed “the information, like we practiced people, get everything and then blow the remaining up. If you are caught, remember the protocol. Dr Masinzky, I'm forced to cut it short.  Beast, form one veränderung.” my body obeyed his command in a heart beat, the small pricle in my limbs and hands were replaced with small shot of pain. I could feel the fire withing me, the small scales littering over my body, my nails turning into small, black and sharp claws and small horns swirling on my forehead as I took my first form, a small red lizard-like creature.

I hated this form out in the open with no place to hide, I was too exposed, too small. I was by no means vulnerable, but the size difference made me uncomfortable.
Sir grabbed me by the neck as he showed me in a small box, closing and locking it with a small click.

I suddenly fell over as Sir pushed the box in someone's chest. “take the back exit, the Avengers will not know of it. A jet is waiting, base Z, but Subject BEAST next to Winter Soldier. Go, Doctor, I'll follow shortly.” Doctor muttered a low yez yez before running, shaking the box in the rhythm of his short steps.

It was making me slightly sick, but I couldn't help but wonder who were the avengers? They must be the enemy, and I knew that soon they would be part of my mission, after all, I was going to HYDRAs top killing machine.

I could not tell how long it took us exactly, but the rustling and sounds of ear-ringing bombing vanished. I curled up, trying to contain my sick stomach, this shaking was getting on my nerves.

After a long period of time and odd, clicking sounds I final heard a sound that was familiar and rather calming to my stomach, I heard a cell door opening. “Zoldat! Zou have zompany!” I heard, before I was dropped on the ground with a loud thud, making me hit my scaly head against the ground. I bit my tongue to keep from hissing. I felt the spikes on my back and tail rise up, I was agitated.

Bright light shone in my eyes as I was suddenly lifted out of the box by the small man, my whole body was tense.
I smelt chemicals, I have always known the smell of chemicals but these were different. The place was different.

“'ere ere, ztay ere until Zoctor Elizon comes for zou! Zoldat, zis iz your zell buddy I could zay. Oh, I would zove to look what you zan do, but I muzt zook over the or prozects.”he mumbled to himself as he tied a small rope around my thin neck, it would not hold me. But command is to be obejed.

Soon after the man left. Leaving me alone with another prizoner. I turned my back at the wall, keeping a close eye at the chained up man. I had never ever been in a cell with another being before, I always had my own space.

The man reeked of danger, his face was oddly muzzled and he was wearing a metal arm. His hair was dark and long, going past his ears. He looked older than I, and bigger even in human form, he looked to be around 6ft tall. Reminding me the hate I had for my small form. I felt vulnerable once again, the only closure I got was that he was chained up.

I noticed him looking at me oddly as well, guess I was not the only one enjoying personal space once in a while. I hissed at him, letting him know I wasn't completely safe companion. His blue eyes narrowed as did mine. I packed up as long as the small rope around my neck allowed me and curled my long red tail around myself, I was not going to sleep until the man was gone from the cell.

Authors Note


This is me, waiting for my first ever reader on this fic 🙄
P. S. Tom Hiddleston is bae af.

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