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Snapping my eyes open, I was met with the same old grey coloured cell ceiling. I didn't even notice when had I closed my eyes.

Immediately I could tell my senses were trying to warn me of something. It was the bugging feeling, something was off. Something was different. I felt different.

My throat felt dry making swallowing hard, it felt as if someone had rubbed it with sandpaper. Water, I craved for water. My back muscles were aching, which wasn't a surprise, really. I was quite used to sore muscles. What was most alarming was the ache in my jaw. My gums were painful. Slowly traced my front teeth with the tips of my fingers, I understood the problem.

I had no human teeth anymore, they were sharp and pointed, ready to bite into raw flesh.

I took a deep inhale, closing my eyes. The man, Winter Soldier, was back at his side of the cell. As if he never was trying to help, and maybe he hadn't. Maybe I had imagined it. Of course I had. But the small trace of his smell still hung on my white clothes.

He had been trying to help.

I didn't understand him. But maybe I wasnt supposed to.

The door opened with guards bringing breakfast. I could smell fresh fruit and I silently hoped to get something fresh, something from outside world.

Of course, I got the steak.

My gums were too painful to bite down on something like raw meat, so, I ignored it. I could go another day without food.

For a brief second I glanced at the cup of fresh water in front of Winter Soldier, it was too far. Besides, I was too tired to get up, even though my stomach was begging for food. I sighed and closed my eyes, surprisingly my instincts didn't warn me of the man with one metal arm anymore.

Of course I didn't trust him, but I tolerated his existence in the cell.

Sligh shifting made me snap my eyes back open, my focus on the man. Slowly, he stood up. I didn't miss any movement, he took the cup silently and very slowly walked towards me.

My senses were alert. As he crouched down I hissed at him, I might have been weak but I would still have took the opportunity to try out my new teeth.

To my suprise, the man placed the cup in front of me and slowly walked away. Again, he said nothing and neither did I.

I stared at him long and hard, before my focus was on the cup of fresh, clean water.

Saying I inhaled it would be underrated.

For next couple of days I was left alone. We got food and water and that was about it. The guards would summon Winter Soldier for short amounts of time, and then and again the buff man would come back with the smell of blood clinging to his clothes.

Until one day, they didn't come just for me or him. They took us both.
I was excited, it seemed as if we weren't moving towards the lab, but exactly the other way. My eyes tried to catch everything and everyone. We were heavily guarded, but it seems that HYDRA was moving. They were keeping an eye on us, but I was used to that. It was okay.

My eyes nearly fell off when the large, metallic doors answered and I nearly cried of joy. Of course, I knew from the outside I was to be emotionless, and I was. I didn't know how to show emotions. But the funny and warm feeling was rather pleasant when I felt the sun on my skin and the breeze that carried the smell of pine-trees. Of course, I didn't get the time to enjoy the small taste of nature as I was showed towards a large machine. The Winter Soldier didn't come, and frankly, I was bothered by it. I shook it off, HYDRA was in control. They were good, they knew what they were doing. They kept freaks and mutants like us under control. They wanted to make the world better, so, I didn't object as I was led into the machine and roughly seated. “stay here and don't move a muscle or else you'll get the bullet between your eyes, asset.” a man growled, pointing his gun at my forehead.

I didn't even blink as I stared up at the nameless agent. He seemed to get my wordless answer as he nodded and gestured for the doors to close.

As the machine roared to life, I realized we were in the air. I didn't move from my seat, but I could still see the outside world from a small window and I was awestruck. I never would've guess how a simple forest would look so breathtaking. I traced my teeth with the tip of my tongue as my eyes never once left the greenery and its lush forest. I wanted to be there, feel the nature, the trees, the soil and smell the flowers. I wanted to swim in a lake and have sun tan my skin.

Of course, my little mind trip to happy place was cut with blaring alarms and the jet falling from the sky.

HYDRA agents were rushing, looking for weapons and growling out commands, yet I stayed seated. One word I had heard once or twice in the base stuck out.


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