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I nervously looked around, my eyes flickering between the enormous city and the rising sun.

I and Pietro both knew we had to find a place to land, a safe place.

But there was so much noise and life under us, that I was starting to think that perhaps flying over the sea had been far safer for us rather than the city that was buzzing of life.

It was a lot to take in.

"oh jeez, can't these people sleep at such an early hour?" Pietro mumbled, and for the first time I couldn't help but agree with Pietro.
I didn't know anything about their ever-day-routine. But it did seemed to be awfully early to be wandering outside.

And to me, it seemed as if everyone who lived in this city were awake at the very moment.

"Hey, check out that building. I'm sure if we land in the shadows of its roof and you do your fast voodoo-shapeshifting-thing we'll be okay. See that one? The one with big glowing words. Yep. That's the one."

My landing was far from smooth, and I was glad that Budnikov wasn't there to witness that. Even thinking about the punishment made me wince internally. I huffed, laying on the cold and solid ground, wings spread on either side as I tried to ignore my numb feet. Pietro hopped off my back, taking couple of steps towards the edge of the roof as he peeked down at the busy street.

I felt exhausted, but my instincts were absolutely everywhere. There was just so much my senses couldn't grasp all at once, so many different smells. I could smell every human walking on the street, I could smell their perfume and even the inside of their shopping bag. Most smells were unfamiliar.

Analyzing everything around us, I hadn't even noticed Pietro standing before me. Tapping his foot anxiously and crossing his arms.
I looked up, eyes half closed and filled with annoyance.

"well? What happened to fast-voodoo-shifting-thing?"

If I wasn't that tired I probably would have smacked his face with my tail, or better yet, dropped him off the roof.
I laid sprawled across the cold surface, glaring daggers at the white haired man.

He widened his eyes, holding his finger up. "ah, of course."he exclaimed, as if it was the most obvious thing.
I raised my head, staring him straight in the eyes in hope he understood.

"You need clothes, give me a minute, I'll see what shops are open." before he could finish, the babbling man was gone in a blink of an eye, leaving behind small blue hue.

I groaned and dropped my head back on the hard ground. But this time, I didn't close my eyes. I simply analyzed our surroundings, making sure no one had business up here.

I could feel my stomach growling, I whined, trying to push down the raising blood lust. I knew at this time, if I was still back in the base I would have been given a goat, either just meat or the whole, alive animal. And my consciousness was still waiting for the piece of raw meat. I know Pietro didn't approve of it, not at all, but I didn't know any better.

Pietro startled me as he suddenly appeared, nearly standing on my face as he dropped the pile of black clothes on my head, taking a wide step back as he was grinning from ear to ear. "I didn't know your favourite colour or anything, but based solely on your every day mood, I chose black."

He looked as if he was proud of himself, yet again, I did not understand the man's logic.

I stared up at him unimpressed, waiting for him to catch up. "oh? You don't-- of course, сожалею, my bad!" he turned his back at me swiftly, staring into distance as he waited me to change back.
I hooked my tail around clothing Pietro had dumped at me, I pulled it closer to my eyes, frowning at the odd material. Without giving it much thought, I threw it at the white haired man. It landed on his head. "oh come on! If I had bought it with money I would have been broke! Do you know how much these things cost? Dont-- hey, why are you still a dragon?"

He tapped his feet, frowning. I realized he had gotten new clothes as well. Suddenly his face lit up and he pointed a finger at me. "stay here, I'll be back in a flash!"

And he was gone again. I lazily looked towards the gigantic city, amazed how the rising sun hit every building.

The city itself looked horribly fragile. For people who tried to end the world, as Hydra said, they don't seem to be doing too good of a job at it. Looking at the thousands of rows of glass windows and tall buildings, made me truly question what Hydra was talking about.

It was a lot to take in.

Pietro was back and I almost groaned again when I noticed what he was holding in between his fingers. "Here, this should motivate you, I got you some Cola!" he happily said, tangling it in front of my face as if it was piece of meat.

I had no idea how could I make it clear to him, so, I stayed to simply staring at him in annoyance.
He groaned and took a sreb back, I was thankful he wasn't srtaigh up ym face anymore.

"what do you want! I'm no mind reader, I'm just a guy who's searching for something he doesn't even know and-- oh, wait." his blue eyes snapped at me. Finally.

"oh shite, you can't change back? Like, at all?" I nodded, annoyed that it took him so long to figure out something like that. “oh great, before, earlier, I think you said something. What were those words again?” he asked nervously, scratching his head.

Pietro tapped the side of his head with his finger, thinking hard back to what happened on the cargo ship.

“eh, it was something that sounded like where's-the-rug, and something, like a form? Three? I don't know! God it sounds stupid when I think about it now.”

Jeez, thank you Pietro.

Without explaining his plan, Pietro was gone in a flash, leaving behind the dark bottle of coca cola as it rolled further and further, closer to the edge of the roof. I raised my head, staring at the rolling bottle intensely. I tilted my head as the bottle of Cola disappeared from my line of vision. Yet, I was too tired to catch it.
I placed my head on top of my sore feet, waiting for Pietro to come back and tell me his awful plan. Because if there was something he couldn't do, it was planning.

I lazily looked at my side when the Speedster appeared, sitting next to me and leaning against my right side. He crossed his feet and opened up a book, grinning at me as if he had all the time in the world.

“here's our magic book. German and English dictionary, that would surely help us out.”
I looked away, at the beautiful scenery in front of us.

I closed my eyes, letting him figure out the word himself because I knew, even in my sleep my body would change in a heartbeat if said the right command. I dozed off, yet still aware of our surroundings as I had mumbling Pietro in the background.

where's the rug, where's the rug, where's the rug... Nope, not this one. Where's the rug



wrote it at 6am.

Am I updating too often or something?

Because like, before it took me almost three months to even update and now I'm almost updating daily. What's going on x)

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