Prologue: Gear Up (Battle Rules)

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Once you entered the armory with Parland, you looked around the room as it had lockers with soldier's armors and guns, but none of them your own until you saw a black metal box that was opened, which had your clothes and your weapon along with a few of the other prisoner's belongings. The moment you got your clothes, you put them on and grabbed your weapon once again, now ready for combat. Parland got on a soldier's uniform and gun after retrieving his locket from the box. Once he was done, two soldiers walked into the room with their guns at you, "Prisoners have escaped and armed!" One of them shouted, "Permission to use deadly force!" The other one shouted.

Parland got his gun ready, "Get Ready (Y/N)!" He tells you as you got ready to enter combat.

[Battle Rules]
•This is turn based action, meaning that you take a turn doing one action and you have to wait for everyone else to have a turn
•Parland acts on his own for now. Once you get a teammate after the prologue, you can decide what your teammates can do in battle
•Actions you can use: Attack (Hit an enemy with your weapon) Defend (Reduce any damage you take for that one turn) Spell (Cast a spell) Skill (Use a Skill) and flee (Run from battle. Doesn't work at important battles or boss fights)
•Sometimes you can get Critical Hits, which means you can inflict double the damage on enemies
•Battle Damage lasts from battle to battle, so if you're left with 87 HP after one battle, it'll also be 87 for the next battle unless you heal

(Battle Theme because why not?)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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