Prologue: The Journey Home

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The tank was immobile and heavily damaged thanks to your efforts, leaving the captain with no other tricks up his sleeve. Parland felt something was off as he looks at the bottom of the bridge and sees that the remaining soldiers were setting explosives on the pillars of the bridge. Parland pulled you over to see what was happing as you both were surprised, "We have to get off of this bridge! Now!" He says as you both rushed off of the bridge and got your feet into the rocky terrain of the cave side as the explosives were set off and destroyed the bridge, leaving the captain and his tank to fall to the bottom and the tank went out with an explosion, knocking some of the soldiers at the bottom back in shock and making them surrender to the rebel forces that were still there.

Parland sighed in relief and looks at the opening of the cave, "Finally, some fresh air" he says as he walks to the opening in the cave and you follow him. Once both of your feet touched the grass, your eyes got used to the light from the sun after a while in the cave and saw the land in front of you

Parland sighed to take in the fresh air and looks back at you, "I know the way to my farm. Follow me" Parland asks you as he began to walk forward with a smile.

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