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     I STARE AT NEWT FOR a moment, trying to make sense of his words. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Newt, what are you talking about? I thought a Newbie only arrived once a month."

"They do," He says quickly. "Something's not right here."

He grabs my hand, and pulls me to the box, where all of the other Gladers are. They gather around the opening, staring down at the surrounding platform for where the box will be.

A screeching noise comes from farther down the hole, and I immediately recognize it as the box, being shoved upward. I wince as the noise gets louder. Newt drops his hand from mine, pushing me behind him slowly.

"Newt, I'm okay." I assure him, touching his shoulder. He sighs, as I move next to him again.

And in a moment, the box slams to a stop. The roof of it opens, revealing a shaken up boy, who looks like he's just puked his guts out.

He shuffles to his feet, hesitating on whether or not he could trust us. I could tell that he was scared from the way his mouth twitched downward. Newt disappears from the space beside me, and into the box with the boy.

"Who are you?" The boy moves backwards, away from Newt. "Where am I? Why am I here?"

I bite my lip.

Was that the way I acted when I got here?

"The name's Newt." He greets the boy. "Welcome to the Glade, shank."

"Glade? Shank?" He looks at Newt oddly.

"It's Glader slang." Newt shrugs. "You'll get used to it, once it's gotten to ya."

Alby roughly moves Gladers aside, making his way to the box. As he looks down at the new Glader, his eyes widen. I can almost see his gears turning, realizing that there's a Newbie.

His attention swiftly turns to me, and his eyes harden. All of the Gladers shift on their feet, as Alby stalks towards me furiously. I don't move, though. Alby doesn't phase me. I'm not scared of him.

"You," He growls, grabbing my arm harshly. "Do you know this shank?"

"No." I state coldly. "Does it look like I know him? Have I said his name, rushed over to him, and hugged him yet? I don't think so."

"Don't play games with me, Greenie," His grip tightens. Yeah, I'm definitely going to have a bruise.

"I don't play games." I roll my eyes. "I'm not three."

"Alby, let her go. Calm down, alright?" Newt's voice comes from the box.

"Yeah, Alby," I grin devilishly. "Let me go."

"You know him." He states, letting go of my arm, but his face is still stone-cold. "You're lucky I'm not banishing you right now for talking to me in such a manner."

Minho steps behind me, and puts his arm around my waist, leading me away from Alby. "Oh you fucking bastard." I sneer. "If Minho weren't holding me back right now, you'd be six feet under this god damn Glade."

Alby ignores me, and walks back over to the opening of the box. "Pull the Newbie up. I'll give him a tour tomorrow morning. Newt, you accompany him. But keep him away from Grace. We wouldn't want him to be like her, would we?"

"Oh, you ASSHOLE!" I yell, trying to run at him. Minho holds me back, despite me punching and scratching him to get to Alby- as he walks away with his head still on his body.

Oh, how I wish I could change that . . .


After Newt, and the new boy were out of the box, I was forced to sit on my special log. You know that log where I talked with Newt and Minho the other day? Yeah. It's that log.

I sit there, with my arms crossed over my chest, watching while Newt talks to the new boy. I sigh, and even though Alby said not to, I walk over to the new boy and Newt.

"Hey, Newt," I smile. "Hey, Newbie."

"You know Alby's gonna kick your ass, right?" Newt chuckles, shaking his head. "He told you not to talk to Tommy."

"Since when do I listen to Alby?" I raise an eyebrow. "And who the fuck is Tommy?"

"Me." The Newbie speaks up. "It's Thomas- but I don't think anyone has grasped that yet."

I turn to face him, but find my eyes widening, as I look him over. He has cholcolate-brown eyes, and dark brown hair. He's muscular, and a lot taller than me.

"Y-you're name is Thomas?" I stutter.

"Yeah," He nods, giving me a polite smile.

"Holy fucking shit." I curse under my breath.

"What is it, Grace?" Newt asks in a concerned voice.

"It's nothing." I shake my head, and look at the ground. "I should probably get going. But it was nice meeting you, Thomas."

I move quickly away from them.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

So Thomas was right. My memory did mean something. It meant that whoever he was with- sent him here.

I sit down on my log again, and close my eyes, my hands clasped together as I try to figure something out. How would Thomas not remember me? We talked through mind-link before he got here. Maybe it's a different Thomas . . .

Or maybe I'm going crazy. I could've just imagined Thomas. I could've just dreamed about Thomas and Teresa- because I don't know for sure that it was a memory.

Communicating with Thomas through the mind-link could solve everything. But maybe this isn't meant to be solved.

"Damn it!" I swear under my breath as Minho walks over to me.

"Are you okay, Grace?" He asks, sitting down on the ground in front of me.

"I hear that all the time." I chuckle. "It's actually normal for me to hear that on an hourly basis. But, yeah. I'm okay."

"I'm sorry about Alby." He scratches the back of his head. "He just doesn't know when enough is enough. He's a pretty complicated guy."

"Complicated isn't even the beginning of it." My lips form in a tight line.

"So, have you met the Greenie, yet?" He asks, changing the subject.

"Yeah," I reply.

"He's one annoying slinthead." Minho shakes his head. "And I haven't even talked to him yet."

"Seems like you have a new pal." I joke. He doesn't say anything after that. The only thing sent my way from him- was a scowl. "I'm joking, Minho." I frown, wrap my arms around his waist, and lay my head on his shoulder. "I didn't mean it."

"Yeah, I know." He ruffles my hair. "It's just too funny to watch you pout."

"Don't be a bitch, Minho." I warn.

"Hey, Grace!" Newt yells from across the Glade, grasping my attention.

"Yeah?" I ask, looking at him. He gestures me over to him, which is- sadly- still next to Thomas. But, luckily, Chuck is with them.

"Bye, Minho." I wave at him, and make my way to Newt.

"No!" Minho groans, reaching his hand out to me. "Don't leave me here!"

I ignore him, and keep walking. "What do you need me for?"

"You and Chuck are going to stick around with him tonight." Newt answers. "Try to get along with him, Grace."

"I thought Alby said that I couldn't be around him. And I already have a room with Minho." I furrow my eyebrows.

"Yeah, but Alby isn't here right now. And you can sleep outside with the others tonight. I'm sure that Tommy and Chuck can protect you." He states. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some work to do."

And with that, Newt it gone.

Ya know what that means?

It means I'm stuck with Thomas and Chuck.

"No!" I yell, stomping my foot. "I have my own bedroom! I don't want to sleep out here!"

"Someone's throwing a tantrum." Chuck giggles, nudging Thomas. Thomas bites his lip to hold back a laugh, while he watches me pace back and forth.

I huff, and lay down in the dirt below me. "Can someone please run over me with a tractor?" I ask, staring at the sky.

"Sorry, Grace." Chuck stands beside me, looking down at me. "But you're stuck with us."

"What if I get kidnapped?" I ask.

"Thomas will save you." Chuck giggles again. "Prince Charming over there."

Thomas sits down in the dirt next to me, shoving Chuck's words away.

"I'm a goner," I say lowly.

"Are you the only girl here?" Thomas asks, trying to start a conversation. I look up at him, and nod.

"Yeah. Sometimes it sucks ass, but sometimes it's awesome."

"Whatever." Chuck scoffs. "It's always awesome here when I'm with you, Gracie. And I'm with you constantly."

"Chuck, I sleep, work, and shower when you aren't with me." I look at him oddly. "You're not with me constantly."

"That's what you think." He winks. With another girly giggle, he runs away as fast as he can.

I exchange a wide-eyed glance, before getting up. And let me tell ya something.

I spent the rest of that hour with Thomas, chasing down that little Pillsbury Dough Boy.


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