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     I STEP FROM THE BATHROOM, a stone-cold expression on my face. I know, I know. I'm taking this a bit too far with the stone-cold look. But I have to do this. I have to show Alby that I can be trusted- that I can survive without everyone else pestering me.

And so, I sit on my log, away from all the Gladers who are currently finishing up today's work.

Newt gathers the Runners, talking to them for quite a bit, before all of them spread out, heading in different directions. One of them, Minho, sprints to the Homestead, careful not to look in my direction as he passes. But as for Newt, he wasn't as focused.

His gaze drifted, and our eyes locked for a short moment. But as soon as it happens, he bites his lip, then looks away.

I stare at the ground, trying to hide the hurt expression that falls over my face. I didn't realize that having no one could be this bad.

I stand from the log, and trot over to the woods, determined to keep away from anyone that could tick me off. I lift myself into a tree, and lay down on a branch, closing my eyes and closing out all noises.

I allow my thoughts to flow freely, immediately thinking of Thomas in particular. I'd have to tell him about my memories soon enough, and the other Gladers too. I couldn't keep a secret from them, especially when it was one as important as remembering a time before arriving in the Glade.

Alby would have my head, and I just knew it. I couldn't tell him. I couldn't trust him with it. He'd banish me as soon as the words got out of my mouth. He was just waiting for an excuse to banish me, and that would be the greatest one of all. And, knowing my luck, I'd have a special type of punishment before banishment.

Grace? Can you hear me?

I let out a loud screech, and fall from the tree, my nose smashing against the ground forcefully. Hearing a loud 'snap,' I yelp out in pain, clutching my arm close to my chest.

I roll onto my back, and hold in my tears. I sit up, and lean against the trunk of the tree, touching my nose with my hand. Blood runs from my nose, and I wince as a searing pain shoots up my nose.

I examine my arm, barely touching it with my good arm. I grit my teeth, and hold in screams as I can feel a broken bone through my skin. I silently curse the person who even dared to talk to me while I was relaxing.

I wasn't talking. Not exactly, anyway.

I flinch as a girl's voice echoes through my head.

You did this to me! I snap. Who the hell are you, and why the fuck are you in my head?

Chill, Grace. The girl chuckles. It's me, Teresa. Don't you remember me?

Of course I remember her. How could I not? Within my memories, she was everywhere. But, as I was going through my memories, I realize something that I missed- something that I haven't even noticed- until now.

I'm going to die. I state in my head, hoping Teresa can hear me. I'm going to die after this, aren't I?

Grace . . . The girl trails off, obviously not wanting to answer me. I can't.

You can't what? I scowl at the ground. Tell me that I'm right. I had the memory, Teresa. While I was passed out.

I can't talk now. She says quickly. I have to go, but I just wanted to warn you. Stay away from the Gladers, Grace. Even after tonight is over. Keep your distance, and don't trust anyone.



Well, that's just amazing.

And so, I sigh. With a broken arm, and a fractured nose, I sit at the base of a large tree, and wait for time to pass by.

And yet it doesn't.

Instead, I hear footsteps echo through the woods, not too far from where I sit. My eyes widen, and almost immediately I jump from my spot. I keep my arm close to me, and sprint from the footsteps.

"Grace?" Someone yells loudly. And, yes. I recognize the voice.

That's definitely Newt.

I keep running, despite the multiplied calls of my name. And amongst all the Gladers that were rampaging through the forest to find me, was Alby. Surprisingly, he was calling my name, too.

I push myself to keep going, even as my legs begin to burn, and my feet start to cramp. Unfortunately, I'm not careful enough, because as soon as my attention drifts, my foot falls into a hole, and my ankle twists in a non-normal way.

Once again, I yelp, and fall to the ground. I can't help but let a tear roll down my cheek, and give up as the pain in my body increases. I breathe steadily, hoping that I won't be found. But even then, I knew that it was over.

Alby would think that I wanted attention. He'd think that I did this on prupose- that I'd realized that the Gladers were ignoring me. He'd be suspicious of why I'd want attention, then I'd pass out, and have another memory. And when I'd wake up, I'd be banished for a terrible crime that I'd committed when I was lost in a daze, being controlled.

That'll be the end of me.

I could only predict what would happen to me in the Maze. I'm not a Runner, so I wouldn't know my way around. I'd eventually cave in, and let the Grievers kill me slowly.

"Oh my God, Grace." Newt falls to his knees, looking over my state. At this point, blood had stained my t-shirt, and there were scrapes and gashes covering my body- from my run through the trees.

I close my eyes tightly as Alby comes into my line of vision, and feel my bottom lip tremble.

"Gracie, what happened?" Minho asks softly, touching my shoulder lightly.

"I-I-" I stutter, not knowing how to explain anything that had just occured. I was still in a state of shock myself- from realizing what this meant for me.

"No, it's fine," Newt shoves Minho away, his eyes growing dark. "She doesn't have to explain. Someone get the Med-jacks. Now."

I stare up at Newt, and let out a shaky breath. "Newt, it's okay. I-I can walk."

His eyes soften, and he hesitates for a moment, before nodding. I look to Alby with a pleading look on my face, and hold out my good arm. He pulls me up gently, and supports me by wrapping an arm around my waist.

"I've got her," Newt says, sweeping me off of my feet. He packs me bridal-style, all the way back to the Homestead, the Gladers following close behind us.

I lay my head on his chest, and look at him. He glances down at me, and sends me a relieved look. "You scared me, Gracie," He sighs. "I didn't know what had happened to you."

"I fell out of a tree," I frown. "And when I heard you guys coming, I didn't want to bother you with my problems. So I ran, and sprained my ankle."

"Bother us with your problems?" He asks, stopping in his tracks. "You're a Glader, Grace. One of us. You're family now."

"I know, but I just-"

"No buts," He starts walking again. "I don't want to hear that ever again. I care about you, and so does everyone else. You matter. Don't ever doubt that."

I wipe away my remaining tears, and move closer to him. "That's good to know."

"You're sticking with me tonight," He says. "I don't want you running off again."

"Well, I guess so. It's not like I have a choice- I do have a sprained ankle."


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