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     THE REST OF THE DAY went by quickly. And before I knew it, I was sitting down at a picnic table, eating a piece of steak. Across from me is Chuck, Minho, and Nik with Newt and Garret in the spots next to me.

It might only be my second day here, but I already feel at home.

Some of the Gladers here, have a . . . constipated look as they glance in my direction. I know that it's hatred in their eyes, but I refuse to accept it. They don't even know me. So how could they already hate me?

I stare at my plate, my eyes narrowed.

Unless these people remember me . . .

The day I got here, I immediately recognized Minho. I don't know how or why, but I did. Maybe the same thing is happening to the Gladers. Maybe they remember things about me- that even I don't know about.

"Grace?" Garret nudges me lightly, pulling me from my concentrated thoughts.

"Huh?" I ask, looking up at the boys around me. Garret chuckles.

"I asked if you knew what job you wanted. Even if you haven't tried them, you'd probably have an idea of what you want to do." He says.

"Oh." I run my fingers through my hair. "Well, I'm not sure at the moment."

"I think you'd be a good Track-hoe." Nik smiles.

"That sounds rude." Chuck turns to him. "Do any of you guys have emotion around here?"

"Yeah, but-"

But Chuck cuts Nik off. "No, you don't. I think that Grace would make a good Med-jack."

"Nah, she's a Runner." Minho shakes his head.

"I'm on a vote for Med-jack." Garret pipes. Newt just rolls his eyes, and continues to eat.

"I'm gonna go," I sigh, standing up. "I'll see you guys later."


Later on that night, I find myself leaning on a tree, staring at the sky. I close my eyes, and pull my knees to my chest.

Rough day?

I huff to myself as Thomas' voice rings through my mind.

Unfortunately, yes. I reply. I just want to remember.

It takes time, Grace.

I know. I groan. But I just want to know why everyone looks at me like I'm evil. I don't even know these people.

They might have saw you before. He pauses. You just have to give it a little time.

Time, time, time. Why can't I know now? Why can't you just tell me?

Because I can't. He answers.

Can you at least tell me how we know each other? How you know me? How we can do this telepathic communication thing? I ask.

We can do this because we're linked.

Yeah, I know. You already told me that. I state. Can you tell me how we're linked?

Not yet.

I just want my memories back . . .

I drift off. Then I block off Thomas, and stand up, making my way to the Homestead. I clear my mind, walk down the hallways, and open the door to the room Minho and I share.

Minho already lays on his bed, staring at the ceiling. I close the door behind me, and slump onto my bed.

"Minho?" I ask, looking to where he lies.


"Do I look familiar to you?"

He sits up, looking at me in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"I mean- do you remember me from anywhere? Do you feel like you used to know me?"

"No." He shakes his head. "Why?"

"It's nothing." I shrug it off. "Goodnight, Minho."

"Goodnight, Grace."

And still, as I stare at the wall, I feel like I'm missing something. Something that's... off.

An unsettling feeling washes over me, right before I fall asleep.


"Up and at 'em, Greenie!" I hear a cheerful voice in my ear. I pull a pillow over my head, and ignore the person who has interrupted my sleep. "Grace?"

"Just go away." I say groggily.

"I can't. You get to work with Nik and I today, remember?" Garret asks, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Please . . . just let me sleep." I beg, not looking at him.

"You have to get up." He sighs.

"I don't want to get up." I whine.

"Okay." I mentally high-five myself.

In seconds, I'm picked up bridal-style by Garret. But nonetheless, I continue with my sleep, as he leaves the room, and walks out of the Glade.

"What the bloody hell?" A familiar voice asks, a new person walking alongside Garret. "What's wrong with her?"

"She didn't want to get up." Garret chuckles. "So I decided to pack her."

"Wake up, Grace." Newt says, poking my nose.

"Stop." I swat his hand, wrap my arms around Garret, and move myself closer to his chest. I can feel him tense for a moment, but relax after a moment.

"She's with you first, right?" Newt asks Garret.

"Yeah." Garret replies. "Then she's with Nik."

"Just keep an eye on her." Newt stresses. "I don't want her to get around the wrong shanks."

"I'll watch her." Garret promises. "I won't let her out of my sight."

I doze off after that, hearing very little of the next few conversations. I don't even pay attention to Garret when he talks to me. I need more sleep.

Is that so hard to understand?

"Grace, please get up."

"Fine." I sit up, jumping out of Garret's arms. "What do I have to do?"

"Finally." He smiles. "But first of all, you have to learn how to treat a patient."

I zone out as he explains the basics, already knowing exactly what to do. The knowledge comes to me naturally, somehow, and I don't feel like it's important to listen to him.

I nod, acting like I'm paying attention.

" . . . got it?"

"Yeah." I take a heavy breath, "Who's the first patient?"

"Go see for yourself." He gestures to a door behind him. It's then that I realize- I'm in the Med-jack station. Wow. See how I can easily zone out?

I smile at him, then walk to the room, and knock on the door. I open the door, and close it gently behind me. Sitting in a chair is none other than Nik.

"What the hell happened to you?" I raise an eyebrow, eyeing the gash on his leg. Blood leaks from the wound, with some of the blood dripping to the floor.

"Gardening accident." He replies.

"Sounds like shit." On a table at the corner of the room, I find all of the doctorate tools and bandages that I'll need.

I'm surprised that Garret actually allowed me to do this on my own. I dampen a washcloth, and kneel down in front of Nik.

"This might hurt." I mutter, before dabbing his gashed leg with the cloth. He clenches his jaw, wincing in pain. I try not to look up at him as I clean his wound.

After finishing, I get some bandages, and begin wrapping it around his wound. I don't know how I can do this. It's just an instinct. Maybe I was a doctor before I got into the Maze...

"Thanks. I'll see ya after breakfast." Nik smiles, before standing, and walking out of the room. I sigh, and perch myself on a chair.

"You did good." Garret compliments, walking in. "I've never seen anyone that can learn this fast."

"Is that a good thing?" I sit back.

"Definitely." He nods. "You'll most likely be getting a job with me."

"What do you mean?"

"There's a big possibility that you'll be a Med-jack." He replies. "All the other shank jobs are terrible. Especially the Slicers."

"Well, I like this job so far." I say. "It feels right working here."

"Garret?" A boy steps in, holding his arm. "I think my arm is broken."

"Duty calls." Garret pats my back, before leading the boy into another room. "You can go get breakfast."


"How was your morning with Garret?" Chuck asks, sitting a plate in front of me. "Boring?"

"No, not really." I shrug. "I actually kinda like being a Med-jack."

"What?" Chuck blinks several times, shaking his head. "I'm sorry. I thought you said you liked being a Med-jack."

"I do." I take a sip of my water, staring at him oddly.

"You're a shucking psychopath." He huffs. "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm an alien, Chuck." I joke.

"Yeah, I can't deal with you right now." He walks away, leaving me by myself.

"I was just kidding." I murmer to myself, pouting.


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