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     "I WANT FULL ATTENTION ON Grace," Ava Paige, head officer of W.I.C.K.E.D., announces sternly, her eyes setting on the screen in front of her. "All cameras on subject A45 please."

Teresa let out a small sigh, but cooperated with Ava's wishes. As all of the screens turn to a picture of Grace from different angles, Teresa closes her eyes and shakes her head. She couldn't allow her friendship to get in the way of her orders.

"Has the test subject been prepped for procedure B?" Ava asks Teresa, sitting next to the black haired girl.

"I contacted her last night," Teresa replies, not meeting Ava's gaze. "She didn't seem to like it when I tried to communicate with her."

"Perfect," Ava smiles, showing her pearly white teeth. Teresa tried not to wince, feeling dread rise within her stomach. "Now that she's asleep, we need to gain her attention for procedure B to take place."

"What about memories, Professor?" Aris Jones suggests, wanting to get Grace away from any type of harm.

His feelings for her were brotherly, from the first time he met her. She knew about him, but she couldn't fully remember her best friend from before the maze. He hoped that with his suggestion, Ava would cave, and let him select what memories she got back.

"Yes, very good idea, Aris," She nods her head, tapping her finger nails on the glass table.

A sleeping Grace was splayed across the screen, Newt right beside her. They were in a room in the Homestead, Newt's arm latched around Grace's waist as they both slept soundly.

"Teresa, may I have the chip controls?"

The black haired girl bit her lip, before handing over a medium sized control panel. Ava grasped it firmly, and began clicking away at the buttons. She typed a few words, before looking up to the screen.

"Her memories," She starts, hesitating a bit. "We need one that will . . . frighten her. One that will make her want to wake up."

"Could it be one of Janson, her father?" Teresa asks.

"That would be too risky." Ava says quietly. "We need a good memory."

"Ava, you wouldn't give her the memory of-" Aris starts, standing from his chair. Ava holds her hand in the air to silence him.

The boy stares at her with disgust, but nonetheless, sits back down on her command. He crosses his arms over his chest impatiently as she stares at the screen again.

"The memory of W.I.C.K.E.D." Ava says, a grin tugging at her lips. "Such an intriguing idea . . . but would it work?"

"Professor Paige, Grace would wake up," Teresa speaks up. "But I'm not sure how stable she would be after receiving the memory. Do you believe that she'd be a danger to herself?"

"Of course she would!" Aris shouts, slamming his palms onto the table. Ava and Teresa jump at the impact, staring at Aris wildly. "Grace wouldn't know how to cope with herself! Those are her friends, Ava. We can't let her know what she did to them."

A silence then sweeps over the room, and Ava sucks in a breath. "Yes, I suppose that it would make her feel slightly uncomfortable. But Aris, it could help us move the plan along quicker. Teresa has already warned her of the forest and tributes.

"When she wakes up from the memories, she will look for some place to feel better- the forest. From there, we could finish procedure C."

"You'd really do that to her?" Aris asks, his voice growing soft.

"It was our deal," Ava replies. "She knew what was to happen when she requested entrance to the maze. And now, it's time for her side of the bargain to be executed."

"At least allow her a few days," Teresa begs. "I can wait to go into the maze. Please, Ava. Let her figure her feelings out. She's lost, and she doesn't know who she wants."

"Are you talking about subjects A4 and A5?" Ava asks, raising an eyebrow. "She must not gain feelings for either of them. Wasn't that clear when I sent her into the maze?"

"She needs at least one good memory before she comes back," Aris says, agreeing with Teresa. "It won't take her long. I know it. Don't you see the way she looks at them?"

"I suppose that would be for the greater good . . . " She trails off, looking back down to the control panel. "But until then, we can't tell Jansen. He has already asked to see his daughter. Stall him in the best way you can, Aris. Convince him that we are having a few difficulties at the moment- with our equipment."

"Of course," Aris nods. Once again, he stands from his chair. With one last look at the screen, he leaves the white room.

"Are you sure this is what you want, Teresa?" Ava questions. "It will hurt her even more when she comes out. And if we can't control her, I will have no choice but to erase her memories."

"She will listen," Teresa shakes her head, sure of her words. "I know her like the back of my hand. And even though she doesn't remember me, I can control her as if she never lost her memories of me. She's still my best friend, professor."

Ava's lips form in a tight line before she gets into her feet, and straightens her suit jacket. "I will not inform Jansen of Grace's further departure. But if he does ask, I'll send him straight to you, Teresa. What happens then will be your responsibility."

"I understand." Teresa says.

Ava Paige gives Teresa one last glance, before exiting the room. As Teresa watches the door close behind her, a deep breath releases from her lungs. After clicking a few buttons, she can clearly see Grace and Newt laying beside each other.

Teresa smiles to herself, before touching the control panel one time. She shuts out the lights of her lab, the smile still on her face as she closes the door gently behind her, and makes her way down the hallway.


3rd Person P.O.V.

"You know, it's possible to let go of each other," Aris Jones rolls his eyes, staring at the couple in front of him.

"Who said I wanted to?" The boy asked, moving closer to the brown-haired girl in his arms.

"Oh, give it up, Aris." Teresa chuckles, swatting his arm lightly. "They're perfect together, and you have to agree with that."

"Maybe . . . " He trails off, flicking the other boy in the face. "But I'm not love-struck. I'm only saying it's disgusting to watch them giggle to each other."

"There's my favorite couple," Minho says, sitting down across from Grace. She gives him a bright smile, turning back to the boy that holds her. "Couldn't let go for a minute, could you? She's my best friend, you know."

"And she's my girlfriend," The boy holds his nose in the air jokingly. "We have a better relationship than you ever will."

"Ouch, that hurt," Minho sighs, clasping his hands together. "Has Ava told you the plan yet?"

"She's sending the first tributes up tommorow." Grace replies. "Subjects A1, A2, A3, and A4. The rest will be scattered- one every month. Thomas and Newt will be there eventually, along with you and Teresa. Aris will go into group B."

"Nice to know," Aris snorts. "I'm always left out."

"Feel the love," Teresa smiles, patting his shoulder. "While we still have our memories, that is."

Grace's expression drops quickly, a frown etched onto her face. "I forgot," She says quietly, looking to the boy. "You won't remember me in the maze- or even in the Scorch. You won't know me at all, even when we meet back up at W.I.C.K.E.D."

"I couldn't possibly forget you," He shakes his head, his forehead touching hers as he mumbles against her lips. "Even without my memories."

The corner of her lips curve upward, into a beautiful smile that made the boy's heart skip a beat. She moves in closer, still aware that her friends were watching.

"And I could never forget you, Newt."


Grace shoots up into a sitting position on the bed, heaving breathlessly. A wracked sobs leaves her throat, as she pulls her knees to her chest.

She knew that it couldn't have been a dream- it felt real. But hadn't she seen Thomas in one of her memories? Hadn't she been in love with Thomas?

Jumbled thoughts ran rapid in her head as she got up from the bed, and walked down the halls. She had left Newt in the bed- sleeping soundly with a slight snore escaping his lips every few moments. But she hadn't cared then.

She left the Homestead, a steady pace keeping herself distracted. But not distracted enough to know that Newt was in her memory, and that he had been in live with her, too. She had known Minho before, and Teresa, and the boy named Aris. But Thomas? It was like he had disappeared.

And as Grace stepped into the forrest, she fell to the ground, and sunk against a tree. Her head pounded.

She had worked with W.I.C.K.E.D. And someone named Jansen was her father. Ava Paige was the leader- the Dr. or professor. Thomas, Teresa, Aris, they had all worked with them- the creators. Grace- at one point- had been in love with Thomas, then with Newt. But Thomas seemed to dissappear. Grace and Teresa could communicate through their minds, and so could Aris and Thomas.

Minho, Newt, and all of the Gladers had been sent in because of her.

But she didn't know that.

All she knew was the memories locked inside of her head, pounding away in her mind. That something was wrong, and someone was controlling which memories she got back.

But she also didn't know that in a short time- three days, to be exact- she would no longer be a part of the Glade.

After the three days were up, she wouldn't have any memories of the Glade- or who any of the tributes were. And this time, they weren't coming back.


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