Episode 15 part 5

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Sorry, I took a break to plan this story out so to apologise I will give you this comic I found. By the way this will have Lightbulb and Knife Dying so be warned amigo.


Did I hear him right? He was really quitting, but he got so far and he's giving up. "Knife you can't just quit now" I say hoping he would be joking and we would laugh, he just stood there serious.

"Lightbulb please tell me, do I deserve to be in the final 4 instead of Test Tube?" He says that just makes me go silent. Test Tube was a nice girl who was friendly and my best friend, so that made it hard to say. " Sharp dude I get that you did some bad things but you've changed, you took your own time to change into a nicer person who now feels guilt and sympathy for others." I say being more serious in my life.

"Lightbulb I still haven't redeemed myself for all the bullying and selfish behavior I did in season 1, Paper has a phobia of dolphins and was the first one out of the shoe because of me, Marshmallow was killed several times by me, and I got your friends eliminated because of me" he said with guilt and a ashamed tone. "All because of me" he said with a tear falling from his face. I was speechless, I have incountered bullies and jerks before, but I never have seen any on them feel this ashamed of their actions.

I put an arm around his shoulder and just replied" Sharp dude Marsh and Paper forgave you and the viewers also forgave you, if you were still hated by the viewers then how are you still here." I say giving him the idea.

"But I stil- "he's interrupted by me trying to shock him.

I interrupt by giving him a talk"Sharp dude I get your point but your changed and even if you don't want to be changed, it's too late because you took time to change for the better and what's left now is to play this game Bright."

We start to walk again but I hear Knife some words that made me smile. "Lightbulb thanks". We start to walk and he makes a statement that makes me laugh and makes me dumb, " Hey Lightbulb, I'm a Knife and made out of metal and because metal conducts electricity I can't feel the electricity from you." He also reminded me of Testy, so that wasn't really the sharpest idea", I burst out laughing but it stops when I hear a kick to the face noise. I look closer and it was Baseball screaming and Suitcase crying, I'm trying to process this but the thought is quickly cut off when I hear a very hard punch noise. I turn around and it was Knife who punched Baseball.

Knife POV 🔪

I made a joke that made me and Lightbulb laughed ,but I hear a slam noise and when I turn around I see Suitcase on the floor holding her cheek crying and Baseball screaming at her angrily. Suitcase didn't deserve this and while Im thinking about it, I'm starting to feel my blood boil at this, so when Lightbulb is just trying to process all of this, I start to get a running start and use all my anger to punch Baseball as hard as I can. I see a bruise on his face and he spits out two teeth, "what the heck Knife", he says but I ignore him.

I just ask"Lightbulb can you help Suitcase" with a calm tone. She nods and when they're gone I switched from a calm and quiet voice to an angry and ballistic attitude. I try to explain again to baseball, "Look here Baseball, you don't have to be friends with Suitcase ok, but you don't have to be enemies"! He just rolls his eyes. "Look the last place there is to look is the forest and Mines, so we will split up to find Mepad again, but your by yourself and will that make you happy" im saying this with irritation that is starting to grow and more but luckily he nods. "Good and also" I switched to a threatening tone " if you hurt Suitcase one more time, I will use all my anger to stab or cut you until you say sorry". Saying all those words made Baseball step back a bit scared, " so don't do it" I added but with a cheery tone, he was pale as a paper. " Lightbulb and Suitcase let's go to the Mines" I say trying to get away from Baseball.

"Sharp Dude, it's not there anymore" Suitcase said still rubbing her cheek. I didn't want any of the two with Baseball but I didn't want them to be going alone,Taco is still in there and both Lightbulb and Baseball were in season 1 so they will know what Taco did and how Mic basically cheated with her. "Alright then, we all go together so that we have a better chance to find Mepad and remember, whoever finds Mepad will be given the immunity" I tell giving them a plan and instructions. They all look at each other and nod, so we are walking with Lightbulb lighting the way, Baseball trying to argue with Suitcase, and Suitcase being the one who hasn't spoke yet. We come across a more lighted area with 3 trails leading into a forest ( yes it's a coincidence,but it's an object show people. There is no logic or physics, it's just in there for a very good plot) so I just suggest we go in a separate lane, I take 1, Baseball 2, And Lightbulb and Suitcase go together in lane 3. As I walk closer in the forest I see a violet light in the distance and as I get closer I see her, Taco. I walked closer to her and a twig broke when I set foot on it and she heard it, but before she pressed Mepad to escape I grabbed Mepad and cut a wire. She tried to escape but that wire I cut was preventing it.

"You idiot Blade" she said with vengeance and took out a taser and tried to shock me. It was the same situation with Lightbulb but instead of it not doing anything it tickled me. I was laughing so hard I started to cry, she realized it would have no effect and started to get even more ticked off and started to run to me with fire in her eyes saying " you'll pay for what you did". She started to punch,kick , and bite me which actually did hurt, I instead waited for a opening and trapped her in my arms and gave her a hug. She was still kicking and making anger noises, but eventually she was subdued enough to talk.

"Taco" I ask trying to be calm.

"Why did you make Microphone quit the game" she asked angerliy trying to get out of my hands.

I just replied "I didn't want her to go, believe me I liked her." "But Taco you can't just control her to do your spot in the game". I added.

Taco still Is angry at me and just says something that made me feel sympathy."She was my friend, a person who understood what it was like to be an outcast, a person who understood what being taken for granted for was like", but she starts to get more guilty "she was the person who knew my past but was still friends with me" she added but with a quieter tone at the end. It stays quiet for a moment but she starts to cry in my arms, " I took her for granted like I did with Pickle, even though she was my best friend." , " You were right Knife I did drop Pickle, and now I dropped Microphone. " When she says this crying, I start to feel so much guilt because I did say that without thought of how it affected her and It was also me who made Microphone leave, but before I'm gone from the show I will make it right.

I just try to be as comforting as possible and give her advice, "I get it Taco, you've been through so much from betraying Pickle and losing Microphone, but please Taco don't run away from these problems anymore". "Instead go to Microphone who was your Best friend, and Pickle who was your crush and please go to work things out with them Taco. "

She just sighs and says it with no high hopes of this coming true, "But Knife it's been two years since me and Pickle last seen each other, and my letters were sent back from him so it's obvious he hates me, and Microphone feels betrayed by me trying to get her to think that's what she wanted to do."

"Taco you've hurt them but Pickle is a nice guy who doesn't hold grudges and Microphone is a kind person who can forgive people as well." She tries to say something but I cut her off and continue to give her advice ," but please Taco, don't see me as an enemy who wants vengeance but a person who wants to help you with this problem", I ask hoping for the answer that was the best and when crying stopped, I saw a smile with some tears in her eyes and she nods. " that's the spirit, but first go return Mepad and then I will go with you to the hotel to support you" she smiles even more while wiping the tears and when she was about to pick Mepad up and drag him, *wham* I heard a punch noise, then I saw Taco dead right there and when I saw the culprit I was turning so angry that my blade got sharper and sharper. It was Baseball.

"What the heck Baseball" I say trying not to go fight him right there.

He just rolled his eyes and arrogantly reminded that "It's a challenge remember, and also she deserved to be killed for putting Pickle in a deep depression and for trying to steal the Million last season".

"Oh I'll give you something you deserve" I punch him again without the running start and made him lose another tooth.

After that blow Baseball snapped"Oh that's it". Then after that they get into a huge fight and the next thing happening is one person comes to find Knife.

It was Suitcase giving Knife more info on the search, "Hey Knife while me and Lightbulb where looking, Lightbulb accidentally fell on a rock and shatte- " she stops and sees Us fighting and here tone changes to a panicking tone,"what the heck is going on?

Suitcase POV

"What the heck is going on"? was all I could say while watching Knife and Baseball have this Brawl and then I see a dead Mepad.

"Suitcase take Mepad to Mephone and win immunity" Knife said this while fighting Baseball with all anger.

I tried to go against him"But what ab-", but I get cut off real quick.

Then he ordered "Suitcase win immunity before Baseball gets it!" I wanted to stay but then he added "I know you can do it." That gave me confidence and I started to run right out of the forest with Mepad's leg tied to my handle, he's surprisingly light. I see Mephone in the distance but when I hear a scream I stopped and then I hear Knife who screamed in pain, and then saw baseball chasing after me. I started to sprint as fast as I could, but it was no use because Baseball was more athletic than me. Before he caught me I hear him scream with pain and then I look and it was Knife who was very bent and chipped from the fight, who sliced off Baseball's leg. After that happened Baseball, got slower but more angrier and he just went ballistic and kick Knife so hard that he broke in half. With the fighting chance Knife gave me I ran as fast as I could and gave Mephone his assistant Mepad back.

"Thank you and Congrats Suitcase because you now have immunity in the finals"

I just ignore him and just ask angerliy and irritated" ya ya that's great, but recover Knife and Lightbulb?

"Ok fine, no need to be so mad" he says dramatically. He pulls out the app and recovers both Knife and Lightbulb.

"Uh who won"? Lightbulb just sits there questioning Suitcase and Baseball.

Baseball just gets angrier and screams a random word and just walks to the forest.

"I'm guessing Lugage won." Lightbulb asked.

"Yep, she sure did" as Knife corrects her he had a smirk.

"Well Suitcase you now have a reserved spot in the final 3" , Mephone says trying to be dramatic. "By the way go relax and chill it's 9am and when it turns night, go decide who will leave as a semifinalist". He added with a yawn and started to walk to his place.

Knife stopped him though "Wait Mephone hold up" .

"Ugh what now" he said clearly irritated.

"2 things, one go send Mepad to Test tube in order to fix him", "And recover Taco!"

"Okay I'll send him to the hotel and I will recover Ta- ", he stops realizing Knife said Taco. "Wait her, are you very sure about this"? Knife just nods. "Okay"? He pulled out Melife and recovered Taco. I watched a bit of II1 and saw Taco betray her friends and tried to steal the million.

When Knife saw Taco he asked very calmly and comforting "You alright Taco"?

"Yes I'm ok Knife" she replied

"C'mon let me introduce you to Lightbulb and Suitcase." He suggested.

"Wait, but I don't want to" and just like that Knife ran up to me and told me that the person he was with is Taco who was the runner-up in II 2.

"This is Suitcase, a close friend of mine who helped me change so say hi Taco" he says.

"Hi there" she akwardly said. I was hesitant to trust her, but since Knife trusts her then so can I.

"I'm Suitcase" I say introducing myself. She smiles and starts to calm down. We talk for an hour and then Knife ends the conversation with a joke and says adios to me and walks with Taco to go see Lightbulb. That conversation we had was enjoyable and I even made a new friend named Taco.


Taco Pov 🌮

After going in a conversation with other people felt, good. It felt like it was 5 minutes when in reality it was a full hour, I'm grateful that Knife is doing for for after after I isolated myself. Then we do the same thing with Lightbulb and even though she looks scared she accepted me. Knife reminds me that were going to the hotel and even when I'm scared to go, he says he will be there to comfort me. As we walk towards the Hotel for me to apologise to the people I was scared but with Knife by my side I felt confident enough to do it. That was until  Mephone teleports Knife to him, and now that I'm alone I lose all of the confidence I had. I try to open the door, but I take my hand back and run,what I didn't know was two people saw me run and I think I know who it was.

Sup amigos there is only two more parts left and. I know I said there would be only one more left but there is two parts of the elimination, one is the survivor style voting and the second one is drama

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