Bonus Chapter

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(Hello, I bet you wasn't expecting this. I wasn't either. But I came up with an idea. This will only be a short chapter but in Chapter 5 when Harry says this; "Just because we never talked, doesn't mean I didn't notice you." I thought I would make a small chapter linking to it when Harry and Robyn were in their First and Second year. Hope you enjoy!)


First year

Harry Potter boarded the scarlet train, smoke billowing from it in elegant clouds. His eyes widened in amazement as he absorbed the train's exterior and interior. Harry walked along the endless corridor, passing the never ending compartments. Hedwig was clutched in his hands. He was still amazed Hagrid had got her for him.

So far all the compartments were full. He had yet to find an empty one, when suddenly he spotted one with only one person in.

That person was a girl and she was reading one of the books she would be using throughout her year at Hogwarts. Harry could tell she was a first year like himself as her eyes held a mixture of dread and burning excitement. A small smile played on her pink lips as her hazel eyes sparkled with disbelief and astonishment.

Harry didn't know what he was doing but he found his feet had stopped in front of the girl's compartment. He was confused, he did not tell his feet to stop walking, so why had they? But soon the thought drifted away as his big green eyes landed on the mysterious stranger again.

Brown hair reached just past her shoulders and her posture was elegant and strict.

The girl left Harry befuddled as he found himself trying to convince himself to muster up the courage to sit with her. But he couldn't bring himself to do it. She had certainly intrigued Harry in ways he could not explain.

Harry's eyes widened in fear as he saw the girls head turn slightly as if sensing his presence.

Robyn's eyes sparkled in hope at possibly making a friend but when she looked up from her Potions book and turned to her compartment door, no one was there. Robyn let out a sigh as her heart plummeted to her stomach. Her eyes dulled as she turned back to her book, in silence and most importantly alone.

Once Harry had noticed the girls head turning in his direction, it was like his body and senses awoke again and he found he could move.

Without blinking, Harry rushed into the compartment next door and was lucky it was empty. He melted into the seat next to the window with a sigh of relief and placed Hedwig down next to him. He looked out the window and saw the last of the students boarding the train.

The train station buzzed with people and parents wishing their children a good year at Hogwarts.

Harry's heart was beating loudly in his chest and all he could hope was that the girl hadn't noticed him staring at her for a good five minutes. But what bugged him the most and sent his mind into a blur of confusion was the spark of hope that ignited in her lonely eyes as she turned to look at him.

Soon enough, a red head by the name of Ronald Weasley entered the compartment asking if he could sit.

Harry had a blast but his mind constantly lingered back to the brunette with hazel eyes in the compartment next to them and wondered if she had friends of her own and how he wished he could find the courage to ask her to join them...


Robyn was walking down the corridor with her head down. She tried to ignore the people giving her burning looks of disgust as they walked around her as if one touch from her would give them a deadly disease. But it proved harder then she thought.

Suddenly three people rushed past her, talking to eachother. Robyn's head shot up and her eyes filled with envy as she took in the appearance of the Golden Trio.

They were only half way through their first year and they had already accomplished so many things. Done so many dangerous things.

Robyn continued to stare, fascination lighting up her eyes as her head cocked to the side ever so slightly. She clutched her book closer to her chest, finding her heart rate had sped up not so discreetly.

Robyn wished she could confront them and start a conversation with the three people she had slight admiration for.

But people didn't like her. She didn't know why, but they didn't. She had guessed the trio had probably heard about her and they probably didn't want anything to do with her anyway.

Even if she did have the bravery to talk to them, what was she meant to say? How would she start a conversation? Robyn didn't know but for once she thanked her shyness for it had stopped her from talking to the trio and stopped her making a fool out of herself with her constant stuttering.

For now she was happy watching them from the side lines...

A smile pulled at the edges of Robyn's lips as she snapped out of her thoughts.

The smile soon vanished from her face, anxiety and butterflies taking it's place as her hazel eyes met the electrifying green one's of Harry James Potter, The Boy Who Lived.

Robyn looked behind her to check if Harry was looking at someone else but no one was there. She turned her head back to find Harry still staring at her, a slight amused look gleaming in his eyes.

Her eye's filled with confusion as her eyebrows furrowed together. Harry sent her a small, kind smile and Robyn looked down, convincing herself it was meant for someone else. Someone lucky. But that did not stop the red flush that painted her cheeks and the bright and silly grin that filled her face.

If only Robyn did know the small gesture was for her and that Harry was once again beating himself up for not talking to her...


Second year

Panic was attacking the castle any chance it got. Everyone was scared, even the Professors.

Though, the Muggle-borns should have been the only ones scared as it was only them that were getting Petrified.

The Chamber Of Secrets had been opened and Robyn was in the Great Hall eating breakfast, her hands shaking madly. Harry and Ron were also sitting at the Gryffindor table glumly for their dear friend Hermione had been Petrified.

Ron stood up to leave, not at all that hungry and Harry went to follow his lead, when he spotted Robyn. He had finally learned her name.

Harry took in her appearance. It was not at all what he had saw on the Hogwarts Express in his First year. Her hands were unsteady and shaking, her eyes were fearful and watery. She looked skinny, like she had missed a few meals. Dark circles hung under her sad hazel eyes. She did not look her happy, contented self.

Harry had noticed that since her time at Hogwarts, her eyes seemed to get sadder as each day passed. He knew how people treated her and he hated it.

He always thought bullying was wrong especially after going through it most of his life aswell. But what angered him about it was that most of the school took part in it. Even some of the Gryffindors. Robyn's own house.

Harry only knew a few people who were actually against it like himself. Ron and Hermione. He knew Fred, George and Lee didn't like it, aswell as Oliver Wood, Seamus, Neville, Dean and Luna.

There was probably a few that he missed but apart from the few who didn't tolerate Robyn being picked on, they were outnumbered. Even with the Professors on their side though they tended not to really notice.

Harry went to take a step in Robyn's direction but he couldn't. He wanted to comfort her, take the fear and sadness away, show her what true friendship was like but he couldn't bring himself to do it and he hated himself for it. All he could do was look longingly at Robyn who had her head down as she tried to force herself to eat something but the fear took over her entire being. If only she knew it wouldn't last much longer.

"You coming, mate?" Ron's voice snapped Harry out of his trance and he turned to his red headed best friend.

"Urm...Yeah. Let's go." Harry collected his bag before leaving the Great Hall and heading to his lesson, but not before sparing Robyn one last look.

If only they knew they would only have to wait a few more months and they would be the best of friends. But did it really turn out for the better...?

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