Chapter 2

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Ice had spread it's way along the compartment window, freezing it's way around Ron's hand and a bottle of water. The occupied compartment all held their clothing closer to them, trying so desperately to stay warm, none of them knowing the cause to the stopping of the train or why the lights went out nor why it had got so cold. So now they all sat, freezing and anticipating the worst. Robyn was the only one physically shaking, not just from the cold but from what she had saw when looking out the window. All she wanted to do was make Ron seem less delusional and now she was absolutely terrified.

How could there be someone outside the train?

Robyn asked herself. It just didn't add up, they were in the middle of nowhere and the thing didn't even look human.

That sparked Robyn's next question.

What was that thing?

But like the first question she asked herself, she didn't know the answer.

The compartment held Harry, Ron, Hermione, Robyn and a Professor, who Robyn learnt was Professor Lupin, though she didn't know why he was here or what he would be teaching.

It surprised Robyn that when she took her tumble, he didn't wake up. He has been asleep the entire time, and at one point Robyn thought he was dead. He did look very worn out and tired.

"Bloody hell. What's happening?" Ron asked, blatantly scared. But so were the others.

"I don't know but I don't think I want to find out." Robyn shivered and for a split second, the other's looked at her.

"You didn't stutter." Harry looked at her, a cloud puffing out of his mouth. He shivered but managed to show her a kind smile.

"O-hh, I didn't, h-aa, that would b-be a first."

And just like that Robyn was back to stuttering, only a bit of it was due to the cold. Robyn cleared her throat as she looked at her lap, shyly. Though, Robyn didn't know why she was still being so shy, when she had bigger things to worry about, they all did. If Ron was right and these things were boarding the train, they would be here soon and Robyn couldn't help but picture the worst.

"You over think too much, Robyn. That's your problem." Hermione smiled sweetly at her, knowing that she used to do the exact same. Robyn looked at Hermione wide-eyed. She was shocked to say the least.

"Y-you know my n-name?" Robyn felt tears well up in her eye's. She thought no one knew her. She thought she was invisible, an outcast.

"Yeah, every one does. You're Robyn Thompson. You keep to yourself and some people even say your loneliness has driven you crazy." Ron inputted, but Hermione hit him on the arm, mumbling to him that he was being rude and that she wasn't meant to know that.

Silence filled to compartment. Robyn was being extremely quiet and it was starting to scare the others. Robyn knew she was thought of as different but a looney, she wasn't expecting that. It did hurt her. God, it crushed her.

"Oh, well.....O-Okay." Robyn looked down, trying to fight back the tears and not ones of happiness this time.

Is that really what people think of me? A loner who has brought themselves to their own insanity.

Robyn thought, momentarily forgetting about the danger they could all possibly be in.

But it all came rushing back when the four of them saw a wisp of black torn fabric and a scabby grey hand. The hand opened the compartment door and all their breaths hitched upon seeing the foul creature. It was like the happiness was being sucked out of them, one happy memory at a time. Professor Lupin was still asleep but upon seeing the dark creature, Robyn gasped.

"A Dementor."

A chill ran down Robyn's spine as the words slipped her lips. The others didn't have time to question as the Dementor had already entered the compartment. Ron's rat, Scabbers, hissed violently and hid in Ron's jacket while Crookshanks, Hermione's cat, also hissed and backed away in fear of the creature.

The Dementor looked around, looking for something. Someone. But Robyn was confused. Her brother had told her about these as they guard Azkaban. A wizard prison for criminals. But Robyn's brother had made sure to tell her how bad it was in there. And so even the mere mention of it had Robyn shivering in fear.

But why would a Dementor be here?

Robyn thought. She did hear about someone breaking out of prison. But surly it couldn't have been Azkaban. No one has ever broken out of Azkaban and frankly it was impossible but it's the only reasonable explanation for the Dementor being here. Robyn was surprised that she could even think straight as the Dementor emitted it's depressing aura.

The Dementor's head turned to Harry. Robyn didn't even think you could call it a head as it had no face. That's the thing that scared Robyn the most about a Dementor. It's 'face.' It didn't have eye's, or a nose, nothing. Only a black void for a mouth, that provided the horrifying Dementor's kiss. Harry looked back at the Dementor, his chest rising rapidly as fear coursed through his veins. Ron and Hermione watched in fear as Harry's body went rigid, almost as if he was having a fit. The Dementor's 'mouth' was open wide, sucking all the happiness from Harry and it's surrounding. After seeing Harry in trouble and seeing the Professor was still asleep, Robyn gripped her wand with an unusual amount of confidence and fierceness. Robyn pointed her wand at the creature. Hermione and Ron looked at Harry with concern, the creature in fear and Robyn in astonishment.

"Expecto Patronum!"

A bright light, almost like a shield, shot from Robyn's wand, shooting the Dementor away and saving Harry from re-living anymore of his worst memories. Harry looked distant as he turned his head, trying to stay conscious. All he saw was a blurred figure as he tried to make out who it was. Who his saviour was but all he saw was a blur as his eye's shut more. He fell into the world of darkness as a echoing scream erupted in his ears.

(A/N Hope you like it so far.)

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