Chapter 30

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Robyn and Harry sat in a comfortable silence after what happened. It gave Robyn a lot to think about and she was glad Harry had alot on his mind, so it gave them both time to collect their thoughts.

They waited patiently for Hermione to come back and when she did, Robyn jumped up and practically sprinted over to the bushy haired girl. She was oblivious to the confused and slightly hurt look Harry sent her. It left him thinking he did something wrong.

But he didn't have time to ponder over that thought as excitement and anxiousness filled his veins. It was time. Finally. To save Sirius. To help him escape his living hell.

Hermione showed them to the clearing she found in the forest and wasted no time on climbing on to Buckbeak's back.

Harry took the front seat, then Hermione and Robyn. Robyn felt thankful Hermione sat in between Harry and herself as Robyn felt slightly awkward and weird around Harry now she knew her newfound feelings.

Harry was oblivious to everything and so was Hermione and Robyn hoped she didn't make it too obvious. She had never been good at socialising, so she didn't have a bloody clue about how she was going to deal with this. It was strange to her. Completely and utterly new. She found it slightly alarming and scary.

Robyn had hoped it was just the excitement and fear of the events that had happened that was making her feel the way she was.

Maybe it's just a heat of the moment thing? Maybe it was because you were so new to having friends, you convinced yourself you had a crush on Harry? And if not...well you need to hurry up and get over this thing for Harry, Robyn! Because it's wrong and complicated and he obviously doesn't feel the same, so it will just make things difficult. You will only get hurt and it's all on your own accord, not Harry's.

Robyn fought with her head most of the way to the highest tower of Hogwarts castle. She was irritated by it but also slightly glad it happened as it took her mind off the whole flying thing. She really did hate heights. But just as she saw the tower coming into view, she also caught the last of Harry and Hermione's conversation.

"You were right, Hermione. It wasn't my dad I saw earlier. It was... me. I saw myself conjuring the Patronus before. I knew I could do it this time, because... because I'd already done it. Does that make sense?" Harry called out, his voice raised so it could be heard over the rushing wind.

Robyn blinked, herself and Hermione contemplating what Harry had said.

"No." Hermione said, looking down in fear. "But I don't like this!"

Robyn thought about it for a few more seconds. "Yes. Yes, it makes sense...I think."

They reached the tower and landed with a soft thud. Once they climbed down from Buckbeak, they saw Sirius pacing in a small cell. He looked troubled and scared. Spying Harry, Hermione and Robyn, Sirius stopped, stunned to see them.

Meanwhile; Snape, a torch in hand, led the way up to the tower, Fudge huffing after.

Hermione pushed past Harry. "Out of the way!" She ordered as she raised her wand.

"Alohomora!" Sirius walked up to the metal bars which stood unmoving.

"Didn't really expect that to work." Hermione muttered and Robyn giggled slightly.

Snape and Fudge drew closer and closer.

Wand flashing, Hermione tried spell after spell. "Dunamis! Liberare! Annihilare! Emancipare! No. No. No. No." She exlaimed, stomping her foot in frustration.

"You might try --" Sirius began.

"Quiet! I'm trying to think." Hermione snapped mid-way through Sirius' sentence.

As Hermione paced, frustrated, Robyn raised an eyebrow in amusement before pulling out her own wand and pointing it at the metal bars.

"Allow me," she stepped in front of Hermione, smirking. "BOMBARDA!"

The cell door rocketed into the sky, bricks and dust going with it.

"That'll do." Sirius shrugged, grinning.

The four flew off into the night, just as Snape and Fudge reached the top of the tower.

Sirius laughed, hair blowing in the wind. "You truly are your father's son, Harry!"


Buckbeak landed in the courtyard, and the four people jumped off and took shelter in a nearby corridor, their footsteps light in order to not get caught.

Hermione was looking relieved to finally be back on the ground and a smile took over her face as she watched Sirius kneel down in front of Harry.

Robyn smiled, a sad and happy one. The only decent relative of Harry's had to live a life on the run. The one person Harry may need the most.

"I'll be forever grateful for this. To all of you." Sirius said, acknowledging the two girls standing a little back with smiles on their faces.

"I want to go with you." Harry said suddenly and Sirius let out a sigh, a genuine smile lighting his face, making him look alot more youthful.

"One day perhaps. For some time... life will be too... unpredictable. Besides, you're meant to be here." Sirius clapped Harry's shoulder and looked him in the eye. "But promise me something, Harry."


"Trust yourself. No matter the challenges you face -- and I fear there will be many -- you'll be surprised how many times you can find the answers..." Sirius tapped Harry's chest. ""

Sirius climped on top of Buckbeak, smiling at all three of them.

He looked at Hermione. "You really are the brightest witch of your age."

"And you. You really are a true Gryffindor." The raggedy man winked at Robyn before he gave Buckbeak a slap and off he went, soaring into the starlit sky. The three stood watching, all grinning.

Suddenly, a loud chime echoed through the peaceful night.

"We have to go."

Hermione, Harry and Robyn sprinted through corridor after corridor. Up staircase after staircase. Finally reaching the Hospital Wing just in time.

They halted outside the doors, hearing Dumbledore's voice ring out into the hall and his footsteps getting louder as they got closer to the door.

"By the way, when in doubt, I always find retracing my steps to be a wise place to begin... Good luck."

"Also, Miss. Granger, Mr. Weasley and Mr. Potter, do look after her. I believe Miss. Thompson is quite the catch." Dumbledore was outside the Hospital Wing now and was just about the shut the door.

Harry, Hermione and Robyn stumbled forward and Dumbledore smiled at the three, holding the door slightly open.

"Well?" He asked.

"He's free -- Sirius. We... we did it." Harry huffed, clearly out of breath.

"Did what?" With a twinkle in his eye, Dumbledore swung open the door. Hermione, Harry and Robyn entered.

They caught the faintest glimpse of themselves before they evaporated into thin air, back in time, about to go on a crazy adventure. Ron turned and blinked from his hospital bed, bewildered.

"How'd you three get over there? I was just talking to you... over there." Ron questioned, pointing to the spot they were just seen, frowning.

Hermione glanced mischievously at Harry and Robyn.

"What d'you think, Harry? Too much for him -- everything that's happened tonight?" Hermione asked, a smirk on her face.

"Afraid so. Always been a bit of the nervous type, Ron has." Harry grinned, winking in Robyn's direction. She felt her face go hot and red.

"Err, if Robyn can deal with it, so can I. Have you forgotten what Robyn can be like." Ron fired back, grinning, assuring Robyn it was all a joke.

If only they knew their happiness wouldn't last long...

(The Epilogue will be next. Yay. So expect a long one next. Hope you are all enjoying it. And thank you so much for all the support. It really means the world. See you soon. Bye)

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