Chapter 4

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An enchanting glow emitted from Hogwarts as people sat chattering in the Great Hall, food surrounding them. The students had arrived shortly after the Dementor attack, building Robyn's disappointment as she sat at the Gryffindor table, people shifting away from her slowly. Robyn rolled her eye's.

It's not even like they try to make it subtle.

Robyn thought as she felt emptiness fill her stomach once again. A great big gaping hole that she never seemed to be able to conquer. No matter how many lies and food Robyn fed it, it still seemed to be hungry, eating away at Robyn until she was nothing. Until she gave up on trying to feel anything else. Robyn glanced over at the trio and smiled ever so slightly.

Well, it was fun while it lasted.

Robyn thought sadly as she remembered the train ride as if it was a distant memory, even though it happened about ten minutes ago.

Outside, the night was harsh. Strong winds blew and the sky was covered in black clouds. Dementor's drifted by, killing any light they found.

Dumbledore stood up at the front of the Great Hall, and the talking came to an almost instant stop. But Robyn could still hear a slight whisper from the Slytherin table, and knew trouble was near by.

"Welcome! Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! I have a few things to say, before we become befuddled by our excellent feast. I myself am particularly looking forward to the flaming kiwi cups, which, while somewhat treacherous for those of us with facial hair..." Dumbledore began to ramble but McGonagall cleared her throat, making a smile appear on Robyn's face. At times when Robyn hates this place she also knows it's her home and she wouldn't be able to live without it.

"Mm. Yes. First, I'm pleased to welcome Professor R.J. Lupin, who has kindly consented to fill the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Good luck to you, Professor."

Applause filled the hall and Robyn smiled at the tattered and torn man, who winked in return as he sat back down from welcoming the cheering.

"Of course! That's why he knew to give you the chocolate, Harry." Robyn heard Hermione whisper to Harry and she could practically hear the smile in her voice. Robyn glanced at the trio once again and to her surprise Harry was looking in her direction aswell. Harry sent her a small smile in which she returned but once again looked away, down at her lap, a light red flush painting her cheek's. As Harry continued to stare at the strange girl, his curiosity began to build and a hundred questions ran around his head.

"What's up with Robyn anyway?" Harry asked his two best friend's, leaning over the table slightly.

"What?" Ron asked bluntly.

Harry bit the inside of his cheek to stop himself from rolling his eye's.

"Why...Urm... Why is Robyn always so...secluded?" Harry stuttered and stopped, being careful with his choice of words.

"We don't know." Hermione answered, glancing at Robyn who had her eye's trailed forward onto the Professor's table. Harry and Ron followed her gaze.

"People just have an off  feeling about her, so they stay away from her." Hermione looked back at Harry, trying to search for answers as to why he would ask such a bizarre question.

"Why?" Ron wanted answers to Harry's sudden curiosity with the girl he had only just met. But Harry didn't answer, for he had stood up. A few people looked at him curiously and Hermione and Ron shared a glance, expecting trouble but when Harry sat next to Robyn, a light smile filled both of their faces as they follow pursuit, sitting opposite to him and Robyn. Some people looked shocked but no one was as shocked as Robyn. She jumped a little as Harry took a seat next to her and she could feel the body heat radiating off of him.

"W-what are you doing h-here?" Robyn asked timidly as people in ear shot looked shocked at the fact she was talking.

"Sitting with a friend." Hermione smiled and Robyn was practically glowing at her words. Robyn didn't think she had smiled so much in her life and the corners of her eye's began to fill with water. Finally, she had made friends. Three years of loneliness and now finally she has people. If only she knew all she had to do was take a tumble to make friends, then she would have done it ages ago.

"Look Robyn," Harry spoke, a edge of seriousness laced in his voice. "We don't care what blood status you are whether your pure-blood, half-blood or even Muggle-born. So, why would we care about your social status? We like you for you. Not for what people have made you out to be."

Robyn grinned even bigger than before, even Ron and Hermione felt a bit heart warmed after Harry's speech. Robyn had to fight back the tears as she felt warmth spread through her whole body. She was finally accepted by people. Even if it took her three years. Dumbledore's voice cut through their heartfelt moment.

"As some of you may know, Professor Kettleburn, our Care of Magical Creatures teacher for many years, has decided to retire in order to spend more time with his remaining limbs. Fortunately, I'm delighted to announce that his place will be filled by none other than our own Rubeus Hagrid!"

Applause burst through the Great Hall. Robyn and the trio obviously clapping the loudest. Hagrid had been Robyn's only acquaintance when her days had been dark. She loved him and so did the trio.

Hagrid stood and nearly toppled over the table as he did, making Robyn giggle and the other's grin.

Oh, Hagrid!

Robyn thought humorously as she watched Hagrid sit back down.

But as the applauding died down, tension began to build and as soon as Robyn saw Dumbledore's face turn grave, she knew something was up and so did the trio as they looked at eachother.

"Finally, on a more disquieting note, Hogwarts -- at the request of the Ministry of Magic -- will, until further notice, play host to the Dementors of Azkaban."

Murmurs of apprehension filled the hall at Dumbledore's words.

Suddenly, there was a harsh but urgent and humorous whisper of Harry's name. And Robyn dreaded what was coming as she found out it was the Slytherin table. She knew they would start something.

"Potter! Potter!" Draco and his goons called out until Harry gave in and finally turned around, an annoyed expression on his face.

"Is it really true that you fainted? Like you actually fainted." Draco laughed as his goons feigned a dead faint. Harry turned a slight red but Ron turned him around before he could do anything.

"How did they find out?" Harry asked glumly.

"Just ignore them." Hermione reassured, turning back to Dumbledore.

"Just remember what I said on the train, Harry." Robyn said before also turning back to the front, feeling Harry's eye's on her.

"The Dementors will be stationed at the entrances to the grounds. While they are under strict orders not to enter the castle itself, you will on occasion see them as you go about your daily activities. Under no circumstances are you to approach them. It is not in the nature of a Dementor to be forgiving," Dumbledore eyed Harry as he spoke.

"But remember: happiness can be found, in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the lights."

After that, Dumbledore sent the students off to bed (after the feast of course) and Harry and Robyn were left pondering about what he had just said.

But most of all Robyn was scared. Every time Robyn came to Hogwarts she was scared. There was always something going on. First it was the Philosopher's stone and then the Chamber of Secrets and now Sirius Black had escaped Azkaban. But not only that, now the Dementors are about and anything could happen. But overall, Robyn was not just scared for herself but for everyone around her and Harry.

She was scared for Harry.

(Hope you enjoy. Vote! Please. Oh, and feel welcome to tell me about any mistakes I have made. It will only make my work better. Bye)

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