Chapter 16 | wedding celebrations

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"Can I hug you?"

• ♡ •

Kabir woke up on an empty bed. His eyes widened slightly. He rubbed his fingers on his forehead. He sat up looking around. There was no sign of Heer or Advika. He got off the bed and walked towards the washroom to find the two of them brushing their teeth together. "Morning!" He wished leaning against the wall to which the sink outside the bathroom was attached to. The two nodded continuing to brush their teeth. He glanced at Heer. She looked admirable in the black bloated pajamas and the pink tee. Her hair was tied up in a messy way. Yet she looked adorable. 

He walked away to the windows and opened the curtains. There was a clear view to the swimming pool. A few people were actually swimming and lounging around the pool. 

"Good morning, Paa," Advika wished walking to him. He quickly kneeled to give her a warm hug.

"Good morning, Princess,"

"Look at this, it turned darker," Advika spoke showing up her hands. When her hands were put together side by side the heart pattern was complete with Heer and Kabir written inside. He smiled. 

"It looks pretty," he smiled.

She grinned turning her hand. "See, this," she pointed to the star. 

"That's nice too." Kabir smiled.

"Mom, said so too," the girl beamed and then frowned. "Why is it smelling?"

"What smell? This?" He asked pointing to the mehendi.

"No, Paa. It's a dirty smell," Advika spoke scrunching up her face. Realization hit Kabir, it must be his breath. He hadn't brushed last night after drinking. 

"Oh, that's because Paa didn't brush," Kabir spoke getting up at once. He looked up to find Heer wiping her face with a towel. Something had definitely gotten wrong. He shouldn't feelt his way about Heer. But he was. That warmth inside, that urge to look at her again and again. His gaze reaching her eyes and lips. The constant need to have her around. It had happened only once before, for Varsha. 

"Morning!" Heer smiled.

He nodded walking past her to the washroom. Heer frowned he was back to being Mr. Grumpy. He was fun last night. Maybe he should have a drink or two everyday. She chuckled at the thought. There was a pooja arranged following which there was a sangeet party.

"Mom, can I go swimming?" Advika asked staring at big blue pool. 

Heer had actually packed Advika's swimsuit as Misha had told her about the resort. "We have to ask your Paa about it!" Heer said honestly folding the clothes that she had spread out on the sofa last night. 

"Paa, can we go swimming?" Advika asked wasting no time when Kabir walked out of the washroom. 

"Please?" She pouted.

Kabir looked at his daughter in a fix. That pleading face was something he couldn't say no to. "Fine, but only 30 mins."

"Yay!" Advika hurriedly reached Heer's side. Kabir looked on as Heer handed her the swimsuit and her blue bathrobe. He unzipped the other suitcase taking out his swim wear and bathrobe while Heer was murmuring something to Advika.

"Let's go," Advika squealed.

Kabir smiled and walked after her. He glanced at Heer. "We'll be down." She nodded. She could finally get the whole room to herself to get ready. She had chosen a simple orange saree for the function.

* * *

Heer was surprised when it was more than forty five minutes and the father daughter duo didn't return. She was ready for the pooja that was to begin in half an hour. She decided to head down. She gave herself one last look in the mirror. She had worn a orange colored soft silk saree that had pinkish colored borders. The blouse had a jewel shaped neck with short sleeves. She had worn a small set of golden bangles in her hands. She took her sling purse putting her phone inside. 

Heer reached the poolside and looked around. There were a lot of people. She spotted Advika and walked around. "Advika, come on now. You have to bath, Daadi will start looking for us. Aren't your hungry?"

"Five more minutes, mom!" Advika squealed, looking around. Heer's eyes followed Advika's gaze. With swift rotations of the arms Kabir swam towards her. He splashed water on her and she giggled. Heer smiled, the two seemed to love playing in the water. She sat on the lounge chair where she saw Advika's bathrobe.

Kabir laughed as Advika tried her best to splash as much as water she could with her tiny hands. He rubbed the water of his face looking aside that's when he noticed Heer. She was sitting on the edge of the pool lounge chair looking around casually. Jeez, the woman looked hundred times prettier in a saree. "Aaah," he mumbled as he felt water in his ears.

"Advika! The big whale is coming to get you!" He warned. Advika was quick in swimming away. He quickly was at her trail. He  grabbed her and climbed out of the pool dripping with the pool water. 

"It was so much fun. This pool is bigger than the one we have back at our building!"Advika exclaimed rubbing her face.

"Come on, Advi. Aren't you hungry?" Heer asked helping her wear the bathrobe. She simply turned towards the pool when she saw Rajeev in nothing but his dark blue swim shorts. Damn. He had done some excellent work on his body. Heer hated how her stupid brain noticed the changes. She turned away and looked at Kabir when Rajeev looked at her.

"Kabir," she asked getting to her feet. Kabir looked at her puzzled as he tied the rope of the bathrobe. 

"What?" He asked looking at her as she approached him.

"Umm, you said I should burn him right?"

"What!" Kabir exclaimed raising his brows.

"Can I hug you?" Heer asked well aware that Rajeev was still looking at them.

"Heer, are your crazy? I was drunk. I said crap last night!"

Heer stared at him tight lipped. "So you didn't mean anything of what you said?"

Kabir took a deep breath, "Heer, look, I meant it. He's a jerk and you deserve better. But I didn't mean the other things. I am not getting into trouble by punching my sister's fiance's cousin." 

"I am not asking you for the black eye. I am just asking... I want to make him regret."

"Jealous you mean?" Kabir scoffed.

"Come on, you were the one who gave me the idea."

"Heer, in my defense, I was drunk." Kabir spoke wiping his hair with small hand towel.

"We both don't have any interest to pursue a romantic relationship. We both know it. It shouldn't be hard to just burn that ass a little."

"Language, Heer!" He warned, looking at Advika who was seated on the lounge chair drying her hair. 

"Ahh, you're a... killjoy!" Heer exclaimed turning to Advika. 

"Ready to go?" She asked and the little girl nodded. She turned around with a tight expression on her face. Kabir casually glanced at Rajeev from head to toe. He hoped he looked better than that man!

The elevator doors were about to shut when someone waved a hand and they opened again. Heer sighed as her heart plummeted. She quickly looked aside only to meet Kabir's eyes as Rajeev looked at her. 

Kabir stepped sideways so that his arm was brushing Heer's. "Hey, Kabir" the man greeted him like they were long lost friends. 

"Hello," Kabir offered with a brief nod of head. He caught Rajeev's gaze land on Heer. The elevator opened at the second floor and Maanav and Esha entered.

"Hey, there, morning lovely people!" Maanav smiled at Kabir and then Heer.  

"Chachu!" Advika squealed recognizing the face. 

"Oh, look at the our angel!" Maanv exclaimed picking her up. 

"Oh my God, look at the little baby, she's a big girl now!" Esha smiled kissing Advika's cheek.

Kabir and Heer smiled looking on, forgetting Rajeev was still in the elevator. The doors opened on the third floor and Rajeev briskly walked out. Kabir glanced at Heer only to find her staring at the doors. It didn't seem like she was over that guy. 

"Where are you guys going?" Kabir asked Maanav and Esha as they stepped out on the fourth floor. 

"To meet Daadi," Maanav informed. "Mom, said we should take her to the banquet hall where the pooja is arranged.

"Oh, okay!"

"You two get ready quickly," Esah spoke looking at Kabir and then kissed Advika's cheek. "See you later Advi!"

"Okay Chachi!" The girl smiled. 

* * *

"You meant it?" Kabir whispered to Heer as they sat next to each other while the pooja went on. 

"What?" Heer whispered back looking at him.

"Umm, you really think ... I mean want to make him jealous?"

Heer simply turned to look in the front again.


"Shhh.." she whispered looking at him. She seemed pissed.

* * *

The sangeet party was in full swing after the pooja.  Wedding songs were being sung. Family members and relatives were dancing, laughing and joking. Misha was dressed in an elegant peach colored lehenga. While Rohan had put on a matching sherwani. It was a laid back event.

"So I heard my Jai Veeru got drunk last night!" Misha spoke putting an arm around each of her brothers as she stood between them interrupting their talk. 

Maanav chuckled, "We had made plans to make your wedding memorable. Couldn't do that alone you see..,."

Misha smiled, "okay, so what are you two going to do?"

"Strip dance for starters." Maanav teased.

"Trust me, that will be horrifying. So let's keep that limited to your wives. What else?"

"Getting all the guests drunk." Maanav spoke sipping his juice.

"Bro, it's barely noon. What on earth are you drink?" Misha asked curiously taking the glass from Maanav's hand. She sniffed it. "That is guava juice."

Maanav chuckled.

"Let's get the bride drunk instead." Kabir suggested. "It will definitely be memorable for the guests and groom!"

"Hheheh, so funny." Misha rolled her eyes and turned to Maanav, "His sense of humor has died and is now a troublesome zombie." She spoke.

"Shut up, Mish!" Kabir muttered drinking the juice from his glass.

"Oh, and he loves saying that!" Misha added.

"Misha!" Kabir warned.

"Okay, fine. You'll miss me then you'll know." Misha spoke with a dramatic sigh. "Anyway, I came to fell you both that I need couple dance performances from the two of you."

"Seriously? We are brothers, Misha!"

"Eww.. I meant you with Esha and Bahi with Heer." Misha gave Kabir a wide smile.

"No way!" Kabir mumbled looking away.

"Yes, way. It's my ring ceremony tonight and I want a proper KJo movie like event. Please choose nice romantic songs. Okay. Surprise me my dear brothers!"

"Mish, Kabir dancing is understandable. Not me!" Maanav argued.

"Bro, you're not an alien. Now, you two can sneak out and prepare for tonight. And please... don't get drunk tonight or tomorrow. It's your only sister's wedding, for God's sake be good brothers." Misha ordered walking away.

"Mom-Dad have spoilt her big time. When she was little she'd cry about everything and now she orders around!" Maanav spoke finishing his juice. "She knows I suck at dancing!"

"We don't have to do it because she said." Kabir answered shrugging.

"Come on Kabir, she's our only sister."

Kabir huffed. "Seriously?"

"Seriously! Come on!" Maanav said making his way out.

* * *

"Maanav, right foot!" Esha scolded. Heer looked on standing beside Kabir as the two of them watched on while Maanav and Esha practiced a dance routine.

"Do we seriously have to do it?" Heer asked softly.

"Misha expects us to." Kabir answered while noticing his brother.

"He's totally not into dance is he?" Heer asked in a hushed tone.

"He's pathetic!" Kabir whispered leaning sideways. They had decided to practice in a a spare room.

"Okay, umm so we are dancing. Which song?" Heer asked turning to him.

"Yeah decide, which song?"

"I don't know, umm, let me see." Heer spoke browsing through songs on her phone.

"Kabir, can you please teach Maanav that step." Esha spoke aloud exasperated.

"Why don't you do your wedding dance sequence?" Kabir suggested.

"Like I remember that!" Maanav muttered getting a glare from his wife.

"People have already seen that!" Esha pointed out.

"Trust me, no one would remember. And if they do it will be a nice walk down the memory lane."

"Fair point," Esha said thoughtfully. "What about you two?"

Kabir glanced at Heer, "Heer dances well so we'll manage I suppose." Heer smiled. 

"Wow, are you a trained dancer?" Esha asked impressed.

"Uh,not exactly but I used to take classes when I was in college."

"Oh, classical or ?"

"Umm, just freestyle, salsa, hip hop and contemporary."

Esha looked on stumped. "Wow, made for each other!"

"You two should do some salsa." Maanav spoke up. "I am sure Misha will love it."

"No!" Kabir and Heer spoke in unison.

"Come on why not! You two are such good dancers. Come on, Misha will love it. She wants a blockbuster event!"Esha spoke trying to convince them.

"No, I think we'll just do a simple sequence." Kabir answered.

"Kabir, come on. You guys will literally make a good performance, definitely a way to make it memorable for Misha."

"It's been a while actually, I don't think I can.." Heer spoke up.

"Yeah, it's been a while.. "

"Okay try now..." Maaanv suggested.

Ultimately Heer and Kabir had to give in. Kabir looked at her as he held her hand. She looked back at him. They started discussing the basic steps. Heer had danced with multiple guys before at the dance academy but for some reason she felt very awkward with Kabir. Maybe because of the factor that he was her husband. However, he was a perfect gentleman. He tried to keep his hands from touching her at most moves. 

* * *

Kabir looked on as Advika's name was announced.

"Advika is dancing?" He asked turning to look at Heer who was clapping with a wide smile. She had worn a dark green colored dress that stopped at he knees. Esha had helped her arrange for the dress. They were actually doing a simple salsa routine. Right now they were standing at the side door hidden from the audience.

"Yep. Tha was our little secret and surprise for Misha!" Heer grinned.

"Heer, Advika has stage fright!" Kabir spoke worried. "She gets nervous at poetry recitals, an you're..."

"Kabir, I know. Don't worry, she will rock it. It's just the family."

Kabir looked on worried and a little mad at Heer for keeping it from him. Heer had he phone in hand ready to shoot a video.

The music began and Advika recited a poem she had written for Misha.

"Poem?" Kabir asked surprised.

"Sh.." Heer said as she recorded Advika's performance. 

Immediately after Advika had concluded, a teary eyed Misha had got on to the stage to hug Advika. Kabir looked on with a smile on his lips and tears in his eyes. 

"That was a wonderful performance!"

"Yeah, she wrote most of it, I just helped her improvise it!" Heer spoke her eyes proudly looking at Advika.

Kabir turned to look at her and then looked at Advika who was being appreciated and congratulated by other family members. Advika wasn't Heer's own blood but Heer definitely was a good mother. Heer had fitted so perfectly into their lives. He couldn't stop appreciating her. She was a wonderful woman.

Finally, Advika made it to them. Kabir kneeled down and kissed her cheek. "You were amazing, princesses!"

Advika beamed proudly, "thank you!" She said exclaimed looking up at Heer. Heer winked at her and Advika giggled. She then hugged Heer. 

"You look pretty!" Advika said holding Heer's hand.

"You look prettier!" Heer leaned to kiss her cheek. Kabir looked on smiling as Heer's lips landed just where his had a minute ago.

"All the best!" Advika wished her parents and went back to sit with her grandmother.

* * *

Kabir hadn't felt so alive as he did when he danced with Heer. His hesitation, his doubts everything were gone once the music had begun and Heer had looked into his eyes. The light went dim and all he could see was her. A raw desire took over his senses. 

Heer didn't look anywhere else but at him when she was facing him. It was as though the temperature of the room had just gotten a notch higher. Kabir's fingers made contact with he bare arms and moved all the way down to her wrists. His hands grabbed her waits when required. He touched her unlike the dance practice where he kept a few centimeters between his skin and her. 

Heer felt a hundred times sexier as his fingers traced her skin more than once. It was as though she was dancing with Eros himself. There was a step where she leaned backward and he  traced his fingers all the way up her ankles till her dress. Heer felt goosebumps as he touched her skin. It wasn't the same Kabir she knew. This man was passionate, desirable and invoked lust in her. The way he looked at her throughout the dance left her tanatlized. 

Once the performance ended, they bowed gracefully. There was a loud applause, Misha was standing and clapping. Heer felt Kabir's hand hold hers. She took the cue and walked out with him. They silently mad their way to the room with hurried steps to get out of their costume. 

Only when they were in th elevator did they look at each other. Heer suddenly found the silence very uncomfortable. Kabir looked at her and all he wanted was to touch her. He didn't know what had gotten into him. 

"I, umm, Rajeev was there so I..." he tried explaining. 

"Yeah, thanks!" Heer said quickly. She now understood why his gentleman-ly distance had diminished. She felt satisfied knowing that Rajeev had seen the dance.

"I give it to you, you actually dance pretty well!" She spoke as they entered the room.  

Kabir nodded shutting the door. He had never felt so outrageously attracted to any woman as he felt right now to Heer. He turned to find Heer pick up her gown and hurry into the washroom. He exhaled sharply proceeding to change from the satin green shirt to his white one. He didn't know why he felt the need to touch her. 

He put on his coat and straighten the lapels looking at the mirror. Heer walked out of the washroom dressed in a dark blue gown which could almost be mistaken for black. It had full sleeves. He was glad he didn't have to see her well toned arms again. They enticed him to touch her. She looked beautiful.

"Ready?" She asked. 

"Yeah!" He nodded walking after her. 

Heer suddenly found Kabir too handsome. The coat maybe made him look more likeable to the eyes. She chided herself for the thought as they made their way to the elevator.

Kabir inhaled with determination, just a minute or more in the enclosed space with her. This was so not right. He was crazily infatuated with Heer, so much that he desired to touch her. It was just his dormant desires knocked awake, with the sudden proximity to a woman. He convinced himself it was just that.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Would love to know what you think.

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