Chapter 3 | lesson learned

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"You don't trust me with her?"

Heer looked at the bed. It wasn't for the first time that she would be sharing a bed with a man. But she did feel weird about it. She looked up hearing footsteps. He walked in glancing at her. He was really handsome now that she observed him closely. He even managed to look good in track pants and a tee. Well, it could be that she had barely seen any male species with so much attention for quite some time now. But, he definitely got points for his well-maintained physique despite owning one of the five-star restaurants in the city.

"Do you mind? I mean we can find an alternative sleeping arrangement.."

"I am okay." She replied quickly.

He stared at the bed. He hadn't shared the same bed with any woman after his wife's demise. Walking around he busied himself in placing the extra blanket on one side of the bed and then the pillow, in order to avoid his thoughts. Strangely ever since he had mat Heer he found himself time and again reminiscing his life with his wife. "You can take this side." He spoke softly patting the pillow, walking away to the other side. Heer nodded muttering a 'Thanks'. She got on the bed placing the phone on the side table.

He switched off the light lying down on the bed. He slept straight like a soldier, he had placed two pillows between them. Just like he did when he slept with his daughter. So that if his sleeping body decided to do gymnastics it didn't bother the other person. He was glad he chose king size beds for both the rooms. 

"Is Advika's school on?" She asked observing from the corner of her eyes that he was awake. 

"No, it kicks off from the 1st of June." He replied.

"She's going to be in 5th grade right?" 

"Yes." He sighed, "she grew up too fast. I mean it's like just yesterday I was teaching her alphabets and she'd make a sad pouty face at the mention of school. Now, she's just waiting for summer vacation to end so that she can get back to school."

Heer's lips curled up. "I loved going to school too."

Kabir didn't know why she said that, he simply let it pass as a thought spoken aloud.

"Do you teach her at home?"

"Yes, Misha and I used to distribute her subjects among ourselves. I hate science so Misha used to take that for her."

"I can teach her that. Science has always been fun. I can take Geography also. That was my favorite too!" 

"Yeah, we can split the subjects. Her science course is going to get intense since it's middle school."

"Yeah. Does she take part in sports?"

"She took part in running last time. She had tried high jump and it went very badly. She literally had swollen lumps on her thighs for two whole days. Neither did I allow nor did she want to try it again."

Heer heard him out thoughtfully. He definitely was a doting father. His sister Misha had filled her on a lot about him during the days leading up to the marriage. Like he was very particular about a few things namely his kitchen and his daughter. She told him that he was a nice guy just that after his wife's death his world started and ended on his daughter. She wouldn't blame him. It sucked to lose someone you love. In his case, it was his wife!

Heer wanted to know more about his wife and Advika's mother, however, she didn't want to risk bringing up the topic, not as of now.

* * *

Heer woke up to a warm kiss on her cheek. She smiled and opened her eyes to find Advika's amber eyes looking at her adorably. "Wake up... it's eight!" She spoke shaking her hand. 

Heer pulled her into an embrace and closed her eyes. "Let's snooze for a while." The girl giggled snuggling closer to Heer.

"I already brushed my teeth and washed my face. No sleeping after that!" She murmured. 

"Don't sleep, just close your eyes and give a huggy!" Heer replied closing her sleepy eyes. 

Kabir looked on at the woman who had his daughter in her arms. She certainly didn't seem like an early riser. Oh, he must talk to her about it. The last thing he wanted was Advika to pick up Heer's lazy habit. He walked back into the kitchen. One place that helped him just be in peace.

About twenty minutes later his daughter walked in with her stepmother who looked relatively presentable. His eyes met hers and she wished a good morning. He nodded muttering a 'morning'. Heer looked around and settled on the kitchen stool beside the one on which Advika had perched.

Kabir placed a glass of milk mixed with complan before Advika. His eyes moving to the third person in the room. 

"Can I make myself a cup of tea?" Heer asked looking around. There was bread, sandwich maker, and well-chopped veggies. Her guess was he was preparing grill sandwiches. She noticed him pouring hot tea into a cup from the kettle. Wow! She could get used to this pampering treatment. He kept the cup before her. Heer couldn't help but smile widely, "thank you!"

She observed him diligently working to make the sandwiches. She had never seen anyone cook with that much order and perfection. On every bread, he laid the cheese in the same pattern, with the right amount of stuffing and peppering. Was he a borderline case of OCD? She wondered. Well, she wasn't the only one observing him, Advika was also equally engrossed in seeing how efficiently her father worked at getting the sandwiches ready. 

Soon, the sandwiches were ready and plated. A plate each was pushed towards the onlookers. Heer looked on impressed. She looked up at him while he warned Advika to be careful as the sandwich was hot. "Umm, can I have some ketchup?"

He looked at her like she had insulted him. "Those don't go well with ketchup!" He said and resumed working on another set. Heer tried not to glare at him. He couldn't decide what she liked and what she didn't. No sense of hospitality at all. She was too hungry to even argue with him. 

"Jeez, this is insane stuff!" She muttered devouring a bite of the sandwich. She hurriedly took another. "Yummy. I haven't eaten such a nice sandwich for a long time. The cheese is just so...melty." she hummed. Kabir stared at her with a raised eyebrow and Advika looked on, almost mirroring her father's expression. She wondered what was so good about the sandwich that she ate almost once, at times even twice, ever week. 

"Damn. I didn't know you cooked so well." She added as she munched on.

Advika looked at her father, smiling. Her friends said that same thing when she told them that her father made the food in her lunch box. "You have another fan." She giggled, he glanced at his daughter his lips twisting upward on the side. 

"Eat!" He muttered.

Heer looked on amused. "I am still very hungry." She spoke sheepishly. Kabir glanced up pushing another plate of well-cut sandwiches towards the other side. 

She smiled brightly taking it. She should so start working out every day if she was going to get to eat such delicious food. Cause she would surely end up overeating. "So did you learn cooking from the chefs of your hotel?" She asked munching.

"I taught them." He replied, his lips forming a tight-lipped smile. She stared at him. "Wow!"

"Thanks." He sighed getting rid of his apron. She noted how he hung it back on the hook and replaced everything he used in the right places. After his kitchen was back to looking pitch perfect he sat on the empty barstool beside Advika and started eating. 

"Can we go to play Badminton now?" Advika asked him. He glanced at her, the girl's thoughts were stuck there since ever now. 

"Not now. We'll go in the evening."

"Okay, then we'll watch The Princess Swap."

"First, you have to take a bath!"

* * *

Heer was picking a suitable pair of clothes for the day when Advika ran up to her. "I need to do shampoo!"

Heer looked at her. Maybe she meant she needed help at that. "Sure," she muttered.

"Okay, be there in five minutes." Saying that she sprinted off to the other room. Kabir entered the room asking her to not run around.

"She doesn't do shampoo on her own. She ends up putting it inside her eyes and is irritated with watery eyes the whole day. Usually, Misha or the maid helps her at it." He explained.

"Right," Heer said getting to her feet. "Umm, where do I put my stuff?" 

"Misha's clothes are still in the other room's cupboard. I will empty up one in this room. You can use that."

"Cool!" Heer muttered walking past him to the other room. 

* * *

Heer was surprised when Kabir accompanied them in his joggers and tee. She was wearing a simple jogger and a tee too. While Advika wore shorts and a cool pink tee, with her hair pulled in a pony. She was surprised when Kabir actually helped her with the ponytail. That duo led her to the block that held the common games rooms. Advika excitedly showed her around. There was a huge swimming pool, on the ground floor. The first floor had different games room. One dedicated space for badminton, another for tennis, a third room had snooker, the fourth a table tennis room. Damn, the only thing that struck her was maintenance would be rocket high. The fourth and fifth floors were party hall spaces that the residents could book to host a party. The terrace was beautiful with potted plants bordering it. Heer was floored. City life had it's own charm whatever you say. She was now more than looking forward to her life in this wonderful place.

They headed down to the third floor. Luckily for them, the room was empty. "You two have fun okay!" Kabir spoke to his daughter, plugging in his bluetooth earplugs. He gave Heer a glance and jogged out. 

"Where did he go?" Heer asked Advika once she was positive that Kabir would be out of hearing range.

"To the gym, it's in the basement of this building. " Advika answered handing her one racket. 

"He goes to the gym every day?" Heer asked impressed.

"No, not Sundays. We usually go out on Saturday and Sunday evenings. On Saturdays, we go to the park that is nearby. Sundays are sea days." She grinned. "You will love it. I and Paa love the sea. We see many different birds. And that's the day we get to eat outside food. Momos, fryams, sweet corn.." Advika went on and Heer smiled adorably.

"Let's get started then.." she put a full stop to Advika's blabber. 

* * *

Kabir entered the room fifty minutes later to find Heer teaching Advika how to serve. She was running back and forth clapping every time she got it right. He stood at the doorway silently, admiring the bright smile on his daughter's face. Maybe it was just that Heer was still new to her.  Whatever it was, his daughter looked happier around Heer. At times, it made him feel insecure. Of course, his daughter was very happy with him. But maybe she could be still happier!

He finally walked in at once he had his attention. "Paa, look at me do this." Advika got his attention and then made an attempt to serve. 

Heer smiled clapping. "See, wasn't that simple.. "

"But, I want to play, like P.V Sindhu. She's so cool!"

"Yes, you will. But you just learned. Only practice makes a player good. So we'll have to practice and practice more."

"Okay, then we'll play as they show on TV!" 

"Yes, we will." Heer gave her a high five glancing at Kabir. He was smiling looking at the girl. His smile faded as his gaze shifted to her. She smiled nonetheless, she had entered into legal wedlock with a very very grumpy man. 

* * * 

Heer flexed her arm entering into the kitchen. She had played badminton after a long long time. It was finally showing up as aches in her muscles. She winced closing her eyes. 

"Look where you are walking Heer!" She parted her eyelids quickly to look at Mr. Grumpy making a face to stay true to the name she had given him. There was water all over him, as a result of avoiding running into her.

"Sorry!" She muttered looking at how the water rendered his light blue tee almost transparent. He did have a well-toned chest but certainly not abs. Wait, what! 

She looked at him bring the mop to wipe the water away. "Please open your eyes and walk, especially inside my kitchen!"

"Lesson learned!" She muttered walking past him. "I just came to ask if I can help in making dinner."

"No, thanks, everything is taken care of." His reply was curt. Heer fisted her fingers. Did he have to pay fine for talking with a little warmth? She was his wife on legal papers.

"Umm, so, is this how it's going to be? I don't have to do anything in this kitchen except eat?"

He looked at her. "What else would you want to do?"

She looked at him rather stupidly. "I meant cooking, chopping veggies, cleaning dishes.."

"No, I will do it."

"I won't wreck your kitchen."

He looked up at her and nodded. Her patience was being tested. "Look, I understand that this marriage is nothing but a living arrangement for you. But, you need to let me feel at home. This is my home now. I totally get it that you're not used to having a stranger around, you're reserved, I respect that. But I would really appreciate it if you stop treating me like an outsider."

He stared at her. She was right, it was her place as well. How long could he possibly treat her like an outsider? He placed the mop back in place. His kitchen was too precious to him. He didn't even let Misha around. Maybe he should tell her that. Yeah, perhaps he could start there. "I, umm, I don't like anyone messing my kitchen. I like to cook alone. You can really do as you please anywhere around the house, just not the kitchen."

"Okay!" Heer muttered walking outside. This man was surely crazy. How did his wife even put up with him! No wonder she... Shit, that was her going too far.

At dinner, it was only Advika talking to him or to her. There was literally no conversation between them whatsoever. Heer decided to get used to it not expect anything from his side. It seemed an easy task because Advika was dynamic. If anything Heer had noticed that Advika craved for her attention more than she wanted her father's. Maybe it was the excitement of someone new in life. Or just maybe,  Advika had missed out on a mother's attention for quite some time now. Either way, Heer was growing very fond of her. Weirdly, every time she addressed her as mom, it got her nervous. Of course, it was sweet. But with that sweetness came a lot of responsibility. Maybe life was finally giving her the chance to love someone who needed her love, who'd nurture having her love. Not someone who'd abuse it. 

* * *

Heer lay on the bed wishing that she could walk out of the room and sleep with Advika instead of her father. But Advika was still adamant about sleeping alone. 

"Can I take Advika out tomorrow? Just an outing?"

"Where do you want to go?"

"A mall and the seafront later, maybe."

"Okay, we'll go tomorrow!"

She never invited him. Did he not trust her with his daughter? She decided to find out. "You don't trust me with her?"

"Of course I do!"

"Then why wouldn't you let her go out with me?"

"You're new to the city. The last thing I would want is both of you to get lost." He answered liked she had asked the dumbest possible question a human could ask.

"Oh!" She responded confused. Was that the reason or he covered up pretty well for his lack of trust in her? Whatever!

Would love to know your thoughts on this legally wedded couple. 😅

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