Chapter 43 | finally home •

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"So, how are things in Mumbai?" Heer heard her mother say after she had settled comfortably on the rural cot after they had placed their orders. The restaurant was set up with a village theme. After their tour the markets they were both extremely hungry and the restaurant seemed just 

"Good. We stay in a flat. The apartment is nice. There's a badminton court, and me and Advika go there almost every day." So on and so forth Heer went on talking about her life while they waited for their order to arrive. Her mother heard her put with a smile on her face.

"I am glad that you are happy!" Her mother said when Heer finally ran out of words.

Heer smiled, realizing that she may have spoken too much.

"So, have you told Kabir about... " her mother hesitated, meeting Heer's gaze.

"Yes, I have." Heer answered, focusing on the plate full of food that had arrived. Her face lit up as her gaze feel on the pulses, specifically Daal Muradabadi. In that moment, she wished Kabir was with her. She quickly took a snapahot of her plate and sent it to him.

"What are you doing?" Her mother asked curiously. "Even you are in that instagram app?"

"Maa, I am sending the picture to Kabir on WhatsApp. And, I dont have an instagram handle." Heer spoke her eyes glued to her screen reading the reply from her husband - you're feasting on Daal Muradabadi while I am looking at monkeys fight for bananas.

Heer smiled broadly typing, "you should be careful then ;)"

"Spare my decent phone!" Came his swift reply. 

She quickly responded, "I meant that they might be hostile against you, thinking you're trying to take their food away, nothing indecent. Wait, what did you understand?" She bit on her lower lip smiling. 

"Miss Pooh the wink said it all." Came his reply.

"Heer," she heard her mom say and looked up. "Try that paneer tikka it's very good."

"Bye, see you later, panner tikka calls for attention!" She typed following it with a kissing heart emoji.

"And, she is in a feast-y mode! Until later." Heer smiled glancing at his reply while devouring the peace of paneer tikka. It felt so good to be madly in love.

* * *

It was past six and the violet skies were turning black already. Kabir paced in his living room. Every minute seemed to have been stretched into a crawling hour. He felt utterly helpless at the moment. He had been trying to call Heer since the past forty minutes. The call constantly kept repeating switched off. He had also tried her mother's phone, which also repeated the same voice message- switched off. Worry had now tightly wrapped it's arms around his shoulders while fear burdened his back. Where was she? Was she okay? Why was her phone switched off? He just hoped she wasn't in trouble. 

"She will be back, Kabir. Her phone's battery might have died." Came his mother voice. He didn't respond. He silently sat on the sofa while his mother disappeared into the kitchen. 

A strong deja vu seemed to be hitting him. She's okay. She will come back. He kept looping those words in his head trying to cut off the negative thoughts. Impatiently he tried calling her phone again. Same response. He looked up and the small pooja room they had in their home came to his view. He didn't even recollect when was he last time he had earnestly prayed. He look at the idol of lord Ganesha begging him to bring back Heer. He didn't want to lose her.

"Paa, did mom come?" Advika asked running down the stairs. 

"Not yet, princess. She will be back home in some time." He replied affirmatively. He held his hands together, telling himself that this was his overthinking. It would be nothing like that fateful day.

* * *

"Varsh, Advika just woke up. We both will be late. Do you really want to have dinner out tonight? I can make sizzler at home too." He spoke into the mobile phone hoping Varsha would agree.

"Kabir, it's not everyday you get awards. We are totally celebrating with a sizzler at Wah Taaj hotel. I just reached here. I will be waiting for you both." Came his sweet wife's reply.

"Varsh, please? I have to drive all the way till there. I can just boil vegetables and put together the sauce and ..."

"Kabir," her exasperated voice told him he needed to stop trying to change her plan.

"Fine. We will be there."

"Finally! Okay, make sure you carry napkins and..."

Cutting her mid way he spoke, "I know Varsh! I will carry that brown bag, make sure the back door is locked before stepping out. I will check the gas stove.I know the drill you need to start giving me some credit." 

"Okay then, how about I go away to stay with Aayi Baba for a week and you can manage?"

Kabir frowned, "You know, right, that it's impossible for me to stay without you?" He looked at his daughter who was taking her own sweet time to select her dress. "Advika is going to take a day to choose her dress." He commented.

"Oh Kabir! Just pick up a dress and tell her she looks very cute in that one. She will wear that right away."

"Really?" Kabir asked doubtfully. He was a lousy parent compared to his better half. He was at the restaurant most of the time. His both restaurants were steadily gaining popularity. The footfall was good even on weekdays. Hence, very obviously, Kabir was yet to catch up on all the parenting tricks his wife was adept at.

"Princess, have I told you that you look very pretty in that blue frock?" He tried his luck while he could hear his wife giggling on the other side. He smiled, Varsha was generally a very reserved person. But it made him proud that he was someone who could bring the quiet lady to laugh heartily.

"No," Advika uttered looking at the frock. "I can wear this now?"

"Good idea!" Kabir exclaimed feigning excitement. "Okay, Varsh, father is on duty mode now. See you later."

"I want to say bye to Mumma." Advika excitedly spoke up looking at him.

Kabir quickly enabled the speaker mode.

"Mumma, I am wearing blue frock and the new sandals." She spoke into the phone and her face lit up when she heard her mother's sweet voice.

"Oh wow, Advi. Come on quickly get ready now. I can't wait to see my big girl."

"Okay, Mumma. Bye." 

"Bye Advi, love you my shona!"

"Love you too!" Advika giggled and ran to the washroom to pee.

Kabir chuckled. "You are a wonderful mother." 

"I know. And you're...going to be late. So, don't keep me waiting. Come soon."

"Yes, Madam. Bye. Muummah!" He smacked his lips making a loud sound.

"Bye!" He was sure his wife just grinned on the other side.

* * *

"Kabir!" Hearing Heer's voice Kabir looked up, being purged out of his nostalgia. Relief spread out on his face. He just looked at her. All the tension on his mind slowly rippled away. He sprang up and rushed to hug her. "Where were you? I was worried sick. I have been trying to call you.." he mumbled giving her a bone crushing hug.

"Arey! My phone ran out of charge and I went to drop mom." Heer spoke softly, loving the feel of his arms. Suddenly, he pulled back and looked at her and then without a word turned around and headed up the stairs. Heer looked on puzzled and met the eyes of her mother-in-law who had walked out of the kitchen and was looking at her with a struggling smile. 

"He was very worried... you should go and talk to him." She advised Heer.

"Okay," Heer spoke looking at the time on the wall clock. It was close to seven. Confused, she decided it was best to talk to him than speculate. "Where's Advi, Maa?" She asked her mother-in-law helping herself to a glass of water. 

"She was watching TV in your room upstairs." Came her answer.

"I will be back in few minutes," Heer said before following Kabir's trail. She opened the door to her room upstairs, to find Advika engrossed in the movie The Lion King. Heer smiled and stealthily pulled the door back in it's previous position and decided to check where Kabir was. 

At last, Heer found Kabir on the terrace. He stood against the parapet wall looking away at nothing in particular. "What's up Kabir?" She asked approaching him.

She got no response whatsoever. "Kabir?" She asked placing her palm on his arm. He turned slightly and that was when she noticed his fallen face. "Kabir, what happened?" She asked worry lining her voice.

Kabir silently stood at the spot. Heer had become his weakness. He hated how his world had come to a horrible pause with the small event. He didn't like the fear. The fear of losing her. There was a lot in Heer's control than she knew. He was angry on himself for becoming so helpless.

"Kabir?" Heer's hold became stronger on his arm as she urged him to look at her.

"Go away Heer... I want to be alone."

"Are you angry at me?" She asked softly.

"Yes, I am freaking angry." He yelled bothered.

Heer looked at him, her eyes widening a wee bit and patience slipping. She had had a long day, there was a lot her mind was thinking and Kabir'ssl sudden mood swing wasn't helping. "My phone discharged, Kabir. I.."

"I tried to call your mom too." He muttered annoyed.

"She had forgotten her phone at home." Heer replied. "It's just seven Kabir and it's not a big deal..."

Exasperated, he burst out. "It is. It is Heer. You have no clue what I went through in the past hour. You..." he paused midway realizing he was just snapping. He looked away.

Heer's gaze stuck to him. Initially, she was growing irritated at his irrational behavior but now, she saw where he was coming from. She was not used to someone waiting up for her, someone being concerned about her whereabouts, someone caring for her. "I am sorry... I should have tried informing you."

"Yes." He muttered looking aside.

"So, you are not going to talk to me?" She asked tenderly, trying to get him to turn to look at her, shifting closer to him.

"No," he answered stubbornly. His voice was sounding heavier than normal.

"Kabir, I am here." Her hand reached out to his cheek and gently she made him look at her. Tears shone brilliantly in his eyes. Heer smiled looking at him. She craned her neck and placed a soft kiss on his forehead letting her fingers slip between the fingers of his hand. 

Kabir looked at her helplessly, "I don't want you to ever leave."

"I won't." Heer said affirmatively.

He immediately left her hand and wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her inside his embrace. " I don't ever want to feel helpless like that. Please don't leave me ... like Varsha."

A profound understanding seeped into Heer. It suddenly made sense. She lovingly glided her hand over his shoulders and all the way to his back. "I am here Kabir. Right here." She said softly, pressing her lips against the fabric of his tshirt sleeve. They ultimately settled on the terrace floor against the parapet wall.

"Tell me," she prompted. Kabir held her hand and rested his head sideways over her shoulder, narrating to her one of the worst day of his life. Heer was moved to tears listening to what Kabir had to say. He was so vividly descriptive and earnest that Heer felt ever emotion he voiced out. A little part of her was jealous of the Varsha he described. Another little, was in doubt wondering if he loved her more or less. While a tiny another was angry at life for being so unfair to her. And the rest was just sad, empathizing with him. He and Advika didn't deserve that rude uprooting from life. 

In that few minutes, Heer felt pained. She wondered what it must have felt to live through that. The day you decide to celebrate the fact that your life is heading for better days life gives you sorrow on a platter and snatches away the reason for your happiness. Heer had learned the hard way that loss hurt. But a loss like the one that Advika and Kabir went through, she couldn't even imagine how badly that would hurt.

A hollow silence fell. Heer gently rubbed away te tears from his cheeks while blinking away hers. She kissed his cheeks. "I am here for you and Advi." She mumbled kissing his hand. 

He pulled her closer hugging her tightly. "Thank you,"

Heer smiled, her chin on his shoulder. "Did I hear I love you?"  

"I love you too!" He murmured and Heer giggled.

He pulled away and aligned his face with hers. Without a cue, he grabbed her face and pressed his lips on hers. Heer smiled at the sudden act of affection and parted her lips.

They kissed slowly. It wasn't raw, wild and needy. It was simply fulfilling and promising to be there for each other. A vow to always love each other, no matter what curveball life decides to throw their way. Gently Heer pulled away. "Do you feel better?"

Kabir's lips curved up, "not yet, maybe a little more of that..." saying that he leaned closer again seizing her mouth into yet another smooch.

Heer giggled agaisnt his lips. Due to her movements his tongue missed what it intended to and flicked against her chin. Heer laughed locking her eyes with his. 

"Killjoy!" He muttered with a smile. Heer could still feel the heaviness of his heart. 

"I need to pee.."

Kabir rolled his eyes. "Go."

"You won't come down?" She asked, her gaze fixated on his face.

"I will join you after some time." He spoke.

Heer hesitantly got up and began walking towards the metallic gate. Unable to resist, she turned around and glanced at him. Almost immediately her lips curved up, he was looking squarely at her. Heer smiled turning ahead and made her way downstairs. She was irrevocably in love with that man. 

* * * 

Kabir sighed looking at the night sky. One star seemed to be brightly shining in his line of sight. His lips curved upward looking at that star. He didn't know if it was his Varsha looking at him but it felt that way. He kept gazing at the star. He had nothing to say. He'd never forget Varsha or stop loving her. She was a part of him that he couldn't separate from himself. He looked at the ring Heer had slipped on to his ring finger and then at the other hand wear he still wore the ring Varsha had made him wear on their engagement party. "I still love you." He whispered with a sorrowful yet understanding smile and then kissed the ring which had the 'V'engraved on it. Pausing for a bit he looked at the other engagement ring, "and I love her too." He kissed the other ring. 

* * *

Heer couldn't fight back that smile that was plastered to her face as she entered the room. Advika immediately turned around hearing the door creak. She immediately sprang into action running towards her.

"Slow down Sweeie!" Heer spoke encircling her arms around her daughter. 

"I missed you so much...." Advika exclaimed spreading out her arms. 

"And I missed you soooooo soooooo so much." Heer answered mimicking the girl's action. 

Advika giggled. "We had noodles for lunch." Advika spoke following her mother.

Heer sat on the bed, pulling Advika up onto her lap with much effort. "Oh, without me." She pouted.

"I told you, you should come with us." Advika explained. "We saw baboons, peacocks, monkeys, parrots...and we took so many pictures. If was so much fun. And one monkey snatched Daadu's ice cream." Heer smiled listening to her as she went on to cover all the interesting facts of the day. 

"Come on let's go help Daadi, and you can tell me more. First mom needs to pee and wash up."

"Okey dokey! Can we go out for ice cream after dinner?"

"Advi, you just had ice cream in the afternoon." Heer stated looking at her pointedly.


Heer quickly freshened up and stepped put to find Advika waiting for her. "Let's go .."

"Give me a fuzzy bear hug!" Advika said looking at her making her sweet demand.

"Hmm, fuzzy wuzzy bear is looking for someone pretty." Heer took calculated steps and then grabbed Advika into her arms. Advika giggled as Heer tickled her. 

"Mom, no tickling!" She shouted in glee, bursting into giggles.

Heer kissed her cheeks. "Momma bear loves Advika!"

"Advika loves you too!" Came her answer with generous kisses. However, Advika took her opportunity and started tickling Heer. 

"Advi! No tickling!" Heer exclaimed. 

Advika giggled and they both went into game mode trying to tickle each other.

Kabir happened to enter the room a few minutes later and stopped at the entrance looking at the two. His heart filled with delight and gratitude. He quietly withdrew and left the mother daughter to cherish their time together. Maybe he could catch some time with his mother too.

* * *

"Tell me how can I help," Kabir spoke entering the kitchen after he has washed up and made himself presentable. He had no clue he looked like he had just woke up from sleep. 

"Kabir, you go out. You will start with your throw this away, don't use that, this is not healthy...rants again." His mother spoke as she stirred the soup.

"I am not saying a word, at least I will try not to. What are you making of these onions?" He asked, noticing the peeled onions on the side.

"Pakodas," his mother answered .

"Maa," he paused as soon as hi mother looked at him pointedly. "That's amazing..." he changed his words and smiled.

His mother beamed. "Heer likes onion pakodas so I thought I will make them."

Kabir was pleasantly surprised at his mother's statement. "So much love for Heer?"

"Why not? You guys should stay longer."

"Maa, Advika has school, I have to get back to work too. You people should come there."

"So you're finally inviting us to visit?" His mother smiled with subtle mockery.

Kabir forced a smile.

"I appreciate it Kabir. Thank you for... trying to set things right between you and him." She referred to his father.

Kabir nodded. Kajol knew best to drop the topic and not push. "So, do you talk to Maanav?"

"Yes, that reminds me..  he had asked to do a video call today. I had missed his call yesterday. Let me cal him."

"No, we will talk later. Let's get some work done here first..  "

"Of course pakodas for Heer." Kabir muttered starting to cut the onions.

"I made Kheer for you." His mother spoke.

Kabir smiled, if there was anything Kabir lacked at making it was Kheer. He couldn't make it as good as his mother made it. And she would never tell him the secret to the tasty Kheer. "Well, you always loved me more."

"Shut up, Kabir!" His mother grinned. 

"You remember the time when Maanav literally didn't talk to you because I ate all the Kheer and told him that it was made just for me."

His mother let out a chuckle, "poor boy. You simply kept pulling his leg."

"Like he never did. The onions are done."

"That was fast, now make the chutney." His mother directed. 

"Yesterday, Misha was saying..."

Labir cut her off saying, "That her dear husband gifted her a diamond bracelet. I know." 

"When did you talk to her?"

"Rohan took my advise." Kabir smiled widely. "Well, technically, diamonds was Maanav suggestion. I just said bracelet."

"Oh, God! Why would you te be so stupid? Should have said a saree or something."

"Misha would keep repeating that fact to him on every instance if he did that. It's time you accept that daughter is high maintenance. And besides, Rohan was more than happy to buy diamonds for her."

"I don't understand your generation. Anyways, why don't you talk to Maanav about having a child? He keeps pushing away the topic saying they have their careers. It's high time. It will be difficult for Esha to carry as her age goes up."

Kabir silently heard that out remembering the last heart to heart conversation he had had with Maanav. The two of them were desperate to have kids. But the pregnancy failed them. "Mom, it's their wish. Maybe they ...are happy with just the two of them."


"Maa, let's drop it for now. And please, don't bring this up in the call."

His mother frowned and nodded. Kabir sighed and continued working. It was not his place to tell his mother anything on the topic. 

"Are you planning to have another child?" His mother asked after a long pause.

Kabir blinked. He slowly looked at his mother who looked at him expectantly. "We haven't thought of it." He answered honestly.

"Okay. But you should think. It will be nice for Advika to have a sibling."

Kabir simply focused on the job that had been assigned to him. The thought loomed in his head. He definitely hadn't thought that far. Heer and him were still finding that common ground and figuring out what and how they wanted in their life. 

"The earlier the better." His mother added softly. Kabir was lost in his thoughts.

* * *

"God, I am so full!" Heer exclaimed climbing up the bed after changing into her night pyjamas and tshirt. She noticed him smile but it wasn't a reaction to what she said. It was whatever he was reading or typing away on the smalls screen. She wondered who had her husband's attention so easily, apart from her of course. She scored over and peeped over his shoulder onto his screen. 

"Heer?" He questioned her snoopy behavior with a bewildered expression.

"Who are you texting?" Heer asked curiously trying to get a glimpse on his phone's screen but he turned the screen away.

"My girlfriend," Kabir said to tease her, with a smile crawling up his face.

Heer grinned, "Since when did Maanav get that promotion?" 

Kabir's excitement faded, "how did you know?"

Heer batted her eyelashes, "I read!" She rested her cheek against his arm, making herself comfortable agaisnt him.

Kabir smiled and put his left arm around her shoulder and turned his attention back to the phone screen. "What was the I will tell you later thing about?" Heer asked referring to the shirt exchange of secretive dialogues between the brothers when they were on the video call after dinner.

"Nothing, really!" Kabir muttered casually. "Currently, we were discussing our wife woes."

"Really? What would yours be?"

"That you sleep in late."

"Hey, that's unfair. Wait a minute," Heer sat up straight turning her body to face him. " You mentioned that to Maanav?"

"Yeah," kabir answered wondering what was wrong with it.

"You have to stop making such a bad image of me on people." She muttered, irritated.

"Heer, relax. It's just my brother. And... he loves sleeping in late too. So he is sort of on your side."

"Gee, that's a relief." Came her sarcastic reply. "Put that away now." She mumbled throwing her arm around his waist.

Kabir quickly typed something and then kept his phone aside. "What?"

"I passed by ... my once upon a time home today."

Kabir sobered up. He had totally forgotten to ask about her day. 

"I didn't feel anything. It was just a building that I recognized." Heer said softly looking away at the door of the room. Slowly she turned to look at him. "I had complaints but I had no heart to scream them out. I just dropped mom and the auto moved ahead. No regrets, No hard feelings...just emptiness."

Kabir pulled her closer and held her in a hug. Silent minutes passed and Kabir gently kissed her hair. "It's okay."

"I hope so!" Heer murmured settling in his warmth. 

"Heer," he said after a thoughtful silence. 


"Do you really... never feel like talking to your brother or fat.."

"No, I don't!" Her answer came before his question completed.

"Then, you'll be fine."

"I am going to miss my mom."

Kabir smiled, "and I am going to miss mine."

"You know there are certain people who are like your home. When you get back to them, everything seems to be okay. There is this satisfaction."

Kabir nodded in agreement.

"Mom is that for me. And so are you and Advi." 

Kabir's gaze fell on her and their eyes locked, he smiled hugging her. The silence of the night filled the room and they drifted away into slumber in each others arms.

* * *

"Did you pack everything?" Kabir heard his mother say as they prepared to leave for the airport early next evening. 

"Yeah, mom! The cab will be here in five." Kabir spoke looking up from his phone's screen. He looked at their luggage which now had a big extra bag in addition to what they had brought with them.

"What have you filled in this?" He asked exasperated.

"Just a few things for each of you. Don't worry it's well packed, you can send it in as check in baggage. Where is Heer now?"

"Washroom," He answered. "Where is Advika?"

"Your father took her to buy her chocolates from the nearby shop. They will be back before the taxi." 

Kabir simpered, "okay."

"I checked the room, we left nothing behind. I have all our identity documents in my purse."

"Heer, you have kept the gold in your purse right?" Her mother-in-law inquired warily.

"Yes, Maa. All here. Don't worry I will be careful."


"Okay the cab is here..." Kabir announce dragging the bags outside. 

"It seems like you all came only yesterday," the older lady spoke as they walked out.

"Maa, I had a wonderful time. Now you and Papa should visit us soon." Hee spoke hugging her and Kabir looked on with a smile. Je walked over and joined the hug. 

"Yes, Maa!" He added and his mother was moved to tears.

"Why are you crying Daadi?" Advika asked as she came along.

"Because I am going to miss you Shona." Her Daadi replied kneeling down and hugging her. 

"Offo Daadi, I will call you and then we can talk and see each other. So you won't miss me that much."

The others broke into chuckles. Kabir looked at his father and walked over to him. He bent down to take his blessings. His father quickly held his hands and pulled him for a hug. "Forgive me if you can!" He whispered feebly. Kabir felt his heart melt at that. 

"Visit us soon!" He spoke pulling away with a smile. 

"Soon.." Krishna Jaisinghani replied looking at his son and then at his wife who watched them on with tears glowing in her eyes.

"Okay, now get going."

"Yes!" Advika gleefully exclaimed quickly hugging her grandfather and running to climb on to the car. Heer quickly took her father in law's blessings and followed the suit. Soon the car moved away. 

One and  a half an hour later, the tro were seated on the plane. Advika had taken the window seat, while Kabir preferred the seat towards the aisle leaving Heer to take the one between theirs. Soon the take off sign went on. Heer realized she had forgotten chewing gum again. She turned to Kabir and before she could ask, he handed her a chewable candy and another to Advika. Heer smiled as deja vu hit her hard.

The last time she was on the plane to Mumabi as a newly wedded woman traveling to her new home with a grumpy man by her who took no interest in her whatsoever. However, this time around she was with her husband who loved her and cared for her. 

"Why are you so smiley?" Kabir asked bewildered at the wide smile that was stretched out on his wife's face without proper context. 

"You know the last time we flew from Kanpur to Mumbai, you were a grumpy man who had no interest in me whatsoever. And, now," she stretched her words wrapping her arm around his, "you're a loving husband." She punctuated her statement with a kiss on his cheek.

Kabir's lips curled up, "we've come a long way!"

"Very very long!" Heer corrected.

Kabir smiled kissing her fingers. 

"That's romantic," she whispered in his ears.


Heer smiled turning to her daughter while her hand continued to remain in her husband's hand.

* * *

"Oh, I am hungry!" Kabir announced as they entered their home.

"Me too!" Advika added.

"Me three!" Heer replied.

"The food should be here shortly, let's freshen up first. Princess, go wash up and change."

"Okay!" Advika answered making her way to the room. Kabir followed her, dragging the small suitcase that had most of her clothes inside.

When he returned to the room, he found Heer trying to unzip her dress before the dressing table. She wasn't used to salwar suits like those, only in the morning he had helped her to zip up. He walked over and stood behind her. Taking his own sweet time he unzipped her dress while meeting her gaze through the mirror. She smiled walking away to the washroom soon after and he waited patiently for his turn.

Almost an hour later Kabir was carrying dirty dishes to the kitchen assisted by Heer while Advika had retired to bed, exhausted.

Soft sounds of the cutlery filled the kitchen as Heer washed the utensils while Kabir stood by, listing the vegetables he had to buy the following day. 

Once Heer was done she wiped her hands and walked up to Kabir. His list was pretty long and he was still working on it. She pressed herself against his back, hugging him. She waited but he went on adding items to the list. She finally snatched the pen and rolled it away on the counter. "Heer!" He muttered, turning around.

"Later, I want to be with you now!" She spoke before claiming his lips for a soft lazy kiss. He responded slowly, his hands caressing her neck moved up to her cheeks. He pulled away looking at her. 

"It's good to be home," He said with a smile.

Heer beamed, hughing him, "yeah, it's good to be home, finally!"

I hope you enjoyed this book. This was the offical last chapter (and longest chapter)!

This was my plan A of ending this book. I had another idea about the end and I did discuss or give hints about that to a few readers who had privately messaged me. However, I shifted back to Plan A because I thought this was more fitting. I will try to push a few bonus chapters your way. :)

Gratitude to all the readers who were always there, expressing their love through votes and comments. ♡ 

Also, I haven't been much active from past few months owing to personal reasons, so excuse me for that. Looking forward to hear from you after his chapter and your overall review! 😃

Finally, do shower your votes on all chapters of you enjoyed this book. 

Thank you for spending your time on this book!

-Anami! ♡

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