Chapter 1

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A big thanks to @BlackAngel489 who requset for this in my previous fan fic. :)

p.s i don't own maid sama this is just a fanfic.


"Welcome home, master." Misaki bowed to the customer who has just entered miad latte.She looked up to see Usui standing there, grinning at her, "Usui, dont you have something better to do?"

"Nope." he repiled smugly and went over to his regular seat in the corner. Misaki reluctantly gave him a menu and went to attend the trio that just bust in.

"Misaki-chan." they sang and floated into their table. Usui from the other side of the room called her to oder.

"Sorry for the wait. What would you like to have?" she asked polietly through her clenched teeth.

"One moe moe omelet please." he said smirking at her.

"Right away master." she went to the back to deliver the order. She leaned agaisnt the wall as she wait for the food.

"Thank you for waiting. What would you like me to write?" she asked the blond guy was she set the plate down in front of him. Usui thought for a second.

"Write Misaki loves Usui." he seemed rather please wih what he said. misaki trying her best not to blow her top, bit her tounge.

"Sure thing, master." she turned the bottle and strated to write. "Here you go." she said once she was done. she hated herself for going through that but she did her best not to show it. "Enjoy." she bowed and stalked away to the next table. Oh no its the moron trio.

"What can I get for you three?" she asked the three inecent boys sitting there.

"We would also like the omelet." she gave a tight smile and went to get the food. She came back and repeat the process she just went through not too long ago.

"Write what you are feeling misaki-chan." they asked happily. She couldnt help it and wrote what she really felt. Annoyed.

She went to the back and changed as her shift ended. She heaved a sigh of relief as she closed her locker door. She grabbed her bag and bid her farewell to her friends, who were at the back.

"Thanks for the hardwork misaki." the chief said as she opend the back door. She stopped in her tracks when she saw him leaning agaisnt the wall oposite of her. He did very often, ever since he found out she worked here. He came in everyday and sometimes even worked as a part time cheif for the cafe. Misaki always screamed at him for bugging her but deep down inside she was gald she had someone to talk to.

"What are youo still doing here?"

"Waiting to bring you home." she sighed there was no way of chasing him away. So they walked together and talked to the train staton. She got of at her stop and thanked him before heading towards her house.

"Welcome home." Suzuna greeted as she made her way into the rooom. There were boxes all round her. She must have won another contest again. Her family was poor and could not afford much, so they did evrything they could in order to help their mother financially. Misaki worked at the cafe after school and her sister enetered every contest she laid her eyes on.

Misaki took a shower and went to her room to do a little study.She also organised what she needed for the council meeting tommorow. Misaki was the president of the student council and she was doing her best to get more girls to enroll in the school.

"What do you want?" she said as she picked up the phone.

"Just saying good night to you." Usui voice sang in her ear.

"Good night." she said and hunged up. She didnt understand why he was so intersted in her life. He never took interst in her before so why now? Confused, she decided to go to turn in.

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