Chapter 3

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Misaki pov

He stood up shakily from the bowl and went over to the sink, where he stood for a few seconds, before collapsing backwards. I caught him, nearly falling in process. Erika passed by and gave me a hand. We both took one side sliding his arm across our shoulders, carefully leading him back to the bed.

"You really like him don't you?" She asked as we stepped out of the room.

"Nnn.........o! I don't like that stupid perverted alien! "

"There is no need to hid it, you know." then she walked off, back to serving for the cafe. Do I really like Usui? How do I know if I like him or not? If I do how came I'm the last to figure it out? I shook the thoughts out of my head and went back to work.

I just finished changing as Usui came stumbling to me.

"Are you feeling better?" he shook his head weakly in reply. His face was pale and his lips were white. He leaned against the locker next to him and looked at me through his feverish eyes. "Come on, I'll take you home." he smiled a little when I said this. That smile of his is so cute. Why am I thinking like this? Stop. We walked out of the back door, Usui arm draped across my shoulders and he leaned his weight agaisnt me.

I asked Usui to guide me to his room. He didn't even have the energy to make a corny joke. Poor Usui . He looks so sick. I laid him down on his bed-which was twice the size of mine- I couldn't help looking around his room. It was surprisingly neat and empty. I placed my hand on his forehead, feeling his temperature. He was running a high fever. I got him a damp cloth and placed it on his forehead.

"Do you need anything else?"

"I am a little hungry." his voice so soft that it was barley a whisper, his eyes were sealed shut. I went to the kitchen and made the only thing I knew how to. Rice porridge.

I help him sat up agaisnt bed board and started to feed him the first bite.

"This is terrible." he commented, grinning a bit as if not to hurt my feelings. He ate the whole bowl anyway. I got him to go back to sleep. I went out of the room so that he wouldn't hwar me and called my house.

"Hello, who is this?"

"Suzuna, let mom know that I won't be home for a few days alright?"

"Where will you be?"

"At a friends house. Just don't worry about me okay?"


I went to his room and got out some clothes that I could wear and went to take a shower. I returned to his room, drying my hair with the towel.

"Are you hot?" he nodded. "You should take a shower."

"I don't think I can undo the buttons by myself." So I sat him at the edge of the bed and started on his buttons. He has a really nice body. Frim and strong. I resisted the urge to run my hands down his body. I got him to the bathroom, the water started as soon as I shut the door.

I was flipping through the channels on his television, he sat down next to me. I looked at him out of the corner of my eyes. His damp hair was sticking at all angles and his spectacles on his pale face, he looked adorable. We sat there just watching the programme, not uttering a single word.

He fell asleep on my shoulder midway, I was starting to yawn too. I carried him to his room and got under the covers, falling asleep the second my head touches the pillow.


I opend my eyes to see Usui still lying asleep in front of me. I realised that our arms were around each other and quickly pulled out of it, jumping out of his bed. This must have shocked him cause a second later he blinked his eyes, wincing as his head throb with every move.

"You should lie down and get more sleep." I stammered, my face heated up rapidly.

"I don't want to sleep anymore."

"What do you want to do then?" my face cooling down, back to its normal temperature. He looked at me seductively, grinning just a little making me scream inside and raised his eyebrows in suggestion. I shook my head when he grabbed my chin so edruptly it made me feel a little dizzy.

"Don't shake your head." I thought he was about to say some dirty joke but instead he added "It makes my head hurt more." I looked into his clear green eyes, he leaned closer inch by inch, I thought of just letting go of myself and kiss his moist, plump lips but shook of the urge, pulling myself free from his grip. We stayed there like time suddenly froze, my face only centimetres away from his, I was so close to him I could feel his breath on my fave. Should I allow myself to kiss him? To let me be his and for him to be mine? The door bell rang freeing me from the thoughts that appeared in my head.

"I'll get it." I said already dashing to the front door. "Suzuna? What are you doing here?" she held up the bag she was holding in front of my face.

"I brought you breakfast."

"How did you know where I am?" she gave me a smile, turned and went off. Usui was standing behind me when I turned.

"Why do you always appear out of nowhere like that?" I asked him as I regain control after the shock he just gave me.

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