Chapter 8

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Misaki pov

"What do you even see in this boy of mine?" The blond hair woman I  front of me sneered. I could see Usui clenching his hands so hard together that his knuckles turned white but i could tell from his face that it's not only anger that he was feeling, I didn't know what it was but it bothered me. I sat there thinking about his mother could have said something so insulting about her own son, making a emotion apperar even I never seen him have before. I was getting angry, I gripped my knees to stop myself from punching this woman.

"How could you say that about your own child?" I slammed the the table and jumped out from my seat. Usui looked up, shocked. Then I saw clearly, the mysterious emotion that was on his face.


Now I was really angry, no one hurts Usui but me.

It happened before I could even think about it.

My hand was shaking.

I did it.

I slapped his mother. She looked at me with a mix of disbelief and anger. She opened her mouth about to say something but I was faster. I claimed her mouth shut with my hand, pushing her back so that I was above to her and all I could I see was her eyes.

"Let me tell you something, lady. Usui is not some furniture that you can use and throw away once you are done with it." She started to struggle underneath me. I pushed her back down deep into the sofa.

"Usui is the best thing that ever happen to me. He maybe some pervert that annoys me but he makes my heart ponds so hard I can't hear my own thoughts. You wouldn't know that now would you? You know why?" She shook her  head vigorously, trying to pry my hand off but I would let her budge.

"Cause you never loved him. I will be surprised if you have a heart." I said as I jabbed her chest.

"Now if you have a brain, please leave." She dashed out of the door the moment I release my grip.

I angled my head so that i could only peek out through my hair. My face flushed the moment I saw Usui still sitting there except now he was snickering. Probably about me. I stay where i was kneeling on his sofa, not sure what would happen next.

A/N sorry for the long wait but I'm finally done with the chapter hopefully is a lot better than the last one. Anyway I will upload a pic like in a few days. Sorry I can't update that quick as I'm am now preparing for my exams thanks for understanding.^^

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